A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3063 Confidentiality

The anger in his heart only lasted for a moment, and Lu Fei immediately made up his mind. The more difficult and the greater the resistance, the more he must persist in doing it. The foundation is not only his own hard work, but also carries Kong Fanlong's name.

Lu Fei couldn't do anything that ended in an anticlimax, and it was even more impossible for Mr. Kong's reputation to have any accidents in front of his eyes. Absolutely not.

"Lao Guan, I understand everything. To sum up, the grassroots are suffering and the demand for funds is huge, right?" Lu Fei asked lightly.

"Well, that's what I mean, so I hope you think twice before doing this. I don't think it's necessary to do such a laborious and unnecessary thing."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "What you are saying is wrong. I, Lu Fei, never expect others to praise me for my work. This is not why I invest in the foundation.

On a larger scale, I hope that with my help, China's archaeological cause can reach unprecedented heights. On a smaller scale, I do this just to fulfill the last wish that Kong Lao failed to fulfill. .??.

Mr. Kong was very kind to me. I would do something for him, no matter how much I paid, I would have no regrets.

Lao Guan, Lao Kong is your mentor. I think our goals should be the same in this regard. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan's nose felt sore and his eyes filled with mist.

He was one of the first people to come into contact with Lu Fei, much earlier than his teacher Kong Fanlong. Moreover, except for a little misunderstanding last year, the relationship between the two had always been quite good.

In his opinion, Lu Fei has ability, vision, and a sense of the overall situation, which are his advantages.

But Lu Fei's shortcomings are also obvious. He has a weird temper, an unforgiving mouth, and an extremely arrogant personality. It is difficult for people who are not particularly temperamental to adapt.

But these are all superficial phenomena. Anyone who is familiar with Lu Fei knows that his weird temper varies from person to person. Moreover, this person always does things rightly, not the right person. If you do the right thing, it doesn't matter even if you offend him. No, even if you lie down on the ground and acknowledge your master, Lu Fei won't look at you twice.

A bad mouth is also a characteristic of Lu Fei, but in the minds of people who know him well, this is not his shortcoming. Lu Fei likes to quarrel, but not everyone is qualified for him to quarrel with you. Lu Fei can quarrel with you, which shows that He can accept you as a person. Otherwise, it would be difficult for you to get Lu Fei to say another word.

As for his arrogant personality, that is because he has the capital to show off. Guan Haishan knows that so far, countless people have questioned Lu Fei's character flaws in this aspect, but those who can challenge Lu Fei and win,

It has never appeared.

These were Guan Haishan, an old friend, who knew and understood Lu Fei in the past, but today he discovered that Lu Fei had another side that he had never discovered before.

Tonight, Lu Fei was more sincere than ever before. The words he just said to him would never have been said by Lu Fei in the past. Guan Haishan can be sure that these words are all from the heart, without any scheming in them. , this moved Guan Haishan to the extreme, but at the same time, Lao Guan was extremely nervous. He knew that Lu Fei's ability to talk to him without any defense was probably a sign of something big happening, which made him a little uneasy.

"Baolan Fei, I want to thank you on behalf of my teacher. Since you have said this, I won't say much else. Whatever you need me to do, you can clear the way and I will do my best."

Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction. Guan Haishan has a somewhat weak personality, is hesitant and indecisive, and lacks courage. This is his biggest shortcoming. It is precisely because of this shortcoming that Lu Fei thinks he is not suitable to be the general counsel, but After his own help, Guan Haishan has changed a lot in this regard, and now he can barely be said to be a qualified leader.

His advantage is that he is upright and loyal. Especially when he treats his teacher Kong Fanlong, he respects him from the bottom of his heart. This is very precious. It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei tells him so much.

"Laoguan, since you said that, I won't be polite to you. The funding plan I told you just now must still be implemented in this way.

My preliminary plan is to allocate 20 million to each of the following grassroots units and special projects with difficulties every year. If there are special circumstances, we will treat them specially.

I don’t care about money. My request is to use the shortest possible time to significantly improve the overall quality of the archaeological team, and strive to make a qualitative leap within three years, thereby consolidating the position of our Chinese archaeological team as the world’s leader. "Lu Fei's eyes were firm and his expression was unprecedentedly serious.


"Bashao Fei, this is too exaggerated!

20 million for a family, at least 150, or even more than 200 funding units each year. Coupled with the investment from the School of Archeology and the original reward plan, your foundation will donate at least 50 billion every year!

I heard from my junior sister that the total external funds received by your foundation every year are only about 200 million. Even if your foundation is large, according to this plan, it can only support it for fifteen to twenty years at most. Moreover, other variables have not been calculated. Have you considered these risks? "The anger in his heart only lasted for a moment. Lu Fei immediately made up his mind. The more difficult and the greater the resistance, the more he must persist in doing it. The foundation is not only his own hard work, but also carries Kong Fanlong's name.

Lu Fei couldn't do anything that ended in an anticlimax, and it was even more impossible for Mr. Kong's reputation to have any accidents in front of his eyes. Absolutely not.

"Lao Guan, I understand everything. To sum up, the grassroots are suffering and the demand for funds is huge, right?" Lu Fei asked lightly.

"Well, that's what I mean, so I hope you think twice before doing this. I don't think it's necessary to do such a laborious and unnecessary thing."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "What you are saying is wrong. I, Lu Fei, never expect others to praise me for my work. This is not why I invest in the foundation.

On a larger scale, I hope that with my help, China's archaeological cause can reach unprecedented heights. On a smaller scale, I do this just to fulfill the last wish that Kong Lao failed to fulfill.

Mr. Kong was very kind to me. I would do something for him, no matter how much I paid, I would have no regrets.

Lao Guan, Lao Kong is your mentor. I think our goals should be the same in this regard. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan's nose felt sore and his eyes filled with mist.

He was one of the first people to come into contact with Lu Fei, much earlier than his teacher Kong Fanlong. Moreover, except for a little misunderstanding last year, the relationship between the two had always been quite good.

In his opinion, Lu Fei has ability, vision, and a sense of the overall situation, which are his advantages.

But Lu Fei's shortcomings are also obvious. He has a weird temper, an unforgiving mouth, and an extremely arrogant personality. It is difficult for people who are not particularly temperamental to adapt.

But these are all superficial phenomena. Anyone who is familiar with Lu Fei knows that his weird temper varies from person to person. Moreover, this person always does things rightly, not the right person. If you do the right thing, it doesn't matter even if you offend him. No, even if you lie down on the ground and acknowledge your master, Lu Fei won't look at you twice.

A bad mouth is also a characteristic of Lu Fei, but in the minds of people who know him well, this is not his shortcoming. Lu Fei likes to quarrel, but not everyone is qualified for him to quarrel with you. Lu Fei can quarrel with you, which shows that He can accept you as a person. Otherwise, it would be difficult for you to get Lu Fei to say another word.

As for his arrogant personality, that is because he has the capital to show off. Guan Haishan knows that so far, countless people have questioned Lu Fei's character flaws in this aspect, but those who can challenge Lu Fei and win,

It has never appeared.

These were Guan Haishan, an old friend, who knew and understood Lu Fei in the past, but today he discovered that Lu Fei had another side that he had never discovered before.

Tonight, Lu Fei was more sincere than ever before. The words he just said to him would never have been said by Lu Fei in the past. Guan Haishan can be sure that these words are all from the bottom of his heart and are not mixed with any scheming. , this moved Guan Haishan to the extreme, but at the same time, Lao Guan was extremely nervous. He knew that Lu Fei's ability to talk to him without any defense was probably a sign of something big happening, which made him a little uneasy.

"Baolan Fei, I want to thank you on behalf of my teacher. Since you have said this, I won't say much else. Whatever you need me to do, you can clear the way and I will do my best."

Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction. Guan Haishan has a somewhat weak personality, is hesitant and indecisive, and lacks courage. This is his biggest shortcoming. It is precisely because of this shortcoming that Lu Fei thinks he is not suitable to be the general counsel, but After his own help, Guan Haishan has changed a lot in this regard, and now he can barely be said to be a qualified leader.

His advantage is that he is upright and loyal. Especially when he treats his teacher Kong Fanlong, he respects him from the bottom of his heart. This is very precious. It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei tells him so much.

"Laoguan, since you said that, I won't be polite to you. The funding plan I told you just now must still be implemented in this way.

My preliminary plan is to allocate 20 million to each of the following grassroots units and special projects with difficulties every year. If there are special circumstances, we will treat them specially.

I don’t care about money. My request is to use the shortest possible time to significantly improve the overall quality of the archaeological team, and strive to make a qualitative leap within three years, thereby consolidating the position of our Chinese archaeological team as the world’s leader. "Lu Fei's eyes were firm and his expression was unprecedentedly serious.


"Bashao Fei, this is too exaggerated!

20 million for a family, at least 150, or even more than 200 funding units each year. Coupled with the investment from the School of Archeology and the original reward plan, your foundation will donate at least 50 billion every year!

I heard from my junior sister that the total external funds received by your foundation every year are only about 200 million. Even if your foundation is large, according to this plan, it can only support it for fifteen to twenty years at most. Moreover, other variables have not been calculated. Have you considered these risks? "

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