A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3064 The sooner the better

Lu Fei was also very touched that Guan Haishan could put himself in his shoes.

He is the investor, and Guan Haishan is the beneficiary. Under normal circumstances, the beneficiaries are monks who are not greedy for money. The more, the better. When will you consider the feelings of the investor?

But it is really rare for Guan Haishan to think so much for himself.

"Haha, Lao Guan, these things you are worried about are not problems.

What is our ultimate goal?

The foundation is not about fishing for big fish in the long term. The ultimate goal is to support the archaeological industry to move to the highest level. If this goal can be achieved in a short period of time, no matter how much investment is made, it will be worthwhile.

According to your calculations, in the most pessimistic case, the foundation can last for at least fifteen to twenty years, and you, Lao Guan, will retire in seven or eight years at most. In twenty years, I don’t know what I will do. Well, then everything is vain, so let’s take care of the present first! "

Lu Fei's intention was obviously to consider Guan Haishan's feelings and to do his best to help Guan Haishan make a difference in his office. How could Guan Haishan not be moved?

At this point, it would be pretentious to be verbose.

Guan Haishan nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will listen to you. Thank you, Baolanfei. You are so interesting!"


Lu Fei laughed loudly, pointed at Guan Haishan and said, "Look at your aggressive nature. Wasn't it that time last year when you were jealous and targeted me everywhere?"

"Fuck, can you not mention the past?"

Thinking about how he was jealous of Lu Fei before and was always on guard against him, Guan Haishan's face turned red and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Okay, let's not talk about the past, let's get down to business.

Lao Guan, this matter is time intensive and the task is heavy. You must implement it immediately. At the latest, the detailed information must be reported before the year of 2020. Together with the foundation, the review and verification work will be done. When you start work after the year, the funds will be in place as soon as possible. " Lu Fei said.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Guan Haishan frowned.

There are hundreds of units and projects at the grassroots level below, and detailed statistics must be compiled, which is no small undertaking.

It’s now less than two months before the Chinese New Year. The time is too tight. Is it necessary?

Lu Fei nodded solemnly: "It's really urgent. I'm worried that some changes will happen after the new year, so the sooner the better!"

Of course, Guan Haishan had heard about the fight above. The bosses on both sides wanted to win over Lu Fei. This was no secret. Now that Lu Fei was so serious, Guan Haishan guessed that the matter might be more complicated and serious than he knew. However, These are not things he can participate in, let alone ask more questions about.

"Okay, I will make arrangements immediately after I return and have Wang Shun personally lead the team to supervise the process.

It must be calculated as soon as possible. "

"Well, I'm relieved about that."

Lu Fei said as he took the rare opportunity to hold Guan Haishan's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Laoguan, we are friends, I don't have too many scruples when talking to you, and you don't have too many ideas.

You are now the general counsel. In addition, I will find ways to help you fight for the historical general counsel matter as soon as possible. As the head of the family, you must have your own opinion!

How can you do your job without offending others?

As the head of a family, you not only have to offend people, but you may also offend many people. But remember not to be afraid of offending people. If you have offended everyone who deserves to be offended, there will be no room for offending others. Don’t be afraid of wolves in front of you and tigers in the back. As an archaeological team member, you are the authority and you must establish your prestige.

You don’t have to worry about anything. When we encounter problems that cannot be solved, we brothers will find a solution together. Only in this way can you and I help Mr. Kong keep this career. Only in this way can we help him fulfill his last wish as soon as possible. "


Guan Haishan and others left, and Guan Haishan left with tears of emotion.

Guan Haishan felt that Lu Fei himself, and perhaps other things about Lu Fei, would undergo unexpected changes in a short period of time. The blessings and blessings of this change were unpredictable, but Guan Haishan knew that whether it was a blessing or a curse, he could not help him. , the only thing that can help him is to follow Lu Fei's plan and complete it to the letter.

At this moment, Guan Haishan's eyes were clearer than ever before, and at this moment, Guan Haishan's will was stronger than ever.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Fei still didn't receive a call from Xing Shuya. Lu Fei felt very complicated, but very satisfied.

After discussing some details of the improvement of the small western-style building with An Rushan, Chen Xiang went to bed, and Lu Fei talked on the phone with Wang Xinyi for a while, lying in bed thinking about all the things that happened today.

Regarding the details that Chen Hong had just discussed with him, Lu Fei did not tell Chen Xiangming. Telling her would not have any effect. Instead, it would make her worried or excited. The birth was imminent, and Lu Fei could not make her too excited.

Light a cigarette and carefully recall all the details of the discussion with Chen Honggang, making sure nothing was missed, and then he felt relieved.

Before going to bed, Lu Fei called Gao Yuan again. Things went smoothly with Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan's adaptability was the best among all the people. Lu Fei was absolutely relieved to leave such an important matter to him. .

Lang Lijing has also begun to make comprehensive preparations. There are still some minor technical problems, but Lang Lijing said that she is sure to completely solve them in a short period of time, ensuring that her big events will not be delayed.

After making a few phone calls, Lu Fei felt relaxed and was about to turn off the lights and go to bed when an unexpected phone call came. Lu Fei was also very touched that Guan Haishan could put himself in his shoes.

He is the investor, and Guan Haishan is the beneficiary. Under normal circumstances, the beneficiaries are monks who are not greedy for money. The more, the better. When will you consider the feelings of the investor?

But it is really rare for Guan Haishan to think so much about himself.

"Haha, Lao Guan, these things you are worried about are not problems.

What is our ultimate goal?

The foundation is not about fishing for big fish in the long term. The ultimate goal is to support the archaeological industry to move to the highest level. If this goal can be achieved in a short period of time, no matter how much investment is made, it will be worthwhile.

According to your calculations, in the most pessimistic case, the foundation can last at least fifteen to twenty years, and you, Lao Guan, will retire in seven or eight years at most. In twenty years, I don’t know what I will do. Well, then everything is vain, so let’s take care of the present first! "

Lu Fei's intention was obviously to consider Guan Haishan's feelings and to do his best to help Guan Haishan make a difference in his office. How could Guan Haishan not be moved?

At this point, it would be pretentious to be verbose.

Guan Haishan nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will listen to you. Thank you, Baolanfei. You are so interesting!"


Lu Fei laughed loudly, pointed at Guan Haishan and said, "Look at your aggressive nature. Wasn't it that time last year when you were jealous and targeted me everywhere?"

"Fuck, can you not mention the past?"

Thinking about how he was jealous of Lu Fei before and was always on guard against him, Guan Haishan's face turned red and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Okay, let's not talk about the past, let's get down to business.

Lao Guan, this matter is time intensive and the task is heavy. You must implement it immediately. At the latest, the detailed information must be reported before the year of 2020. Together with the foundation, the review and verification work will be done. When you start work after the year, the funds will be in place as soon as possible. " Lu Fei said.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Guan Haishan frowned.

There are hundreds of units and projects at the grassroots level below, and detailed statistics must be compiled, which is no small undertaking.

It’s now less than two months before the Chinese New Year. The time is too tight. Is it necessary?

Lu Fei nodded solemnly: "It's really urgent. I'm worried that some changes will happen after the new year, so the sooner the better!"

Of course, Guan Haishan had heard about the fight above. The bosses on both sides wanted to win over Lu Fei. This was no secret. Now that Lu Fei was so serious, Guan Haishan guessed that the matter might be more complicated and serious than he knew. However, These are not things he can participate in, let alone ask more questions about.

"Okay, I will make arrangements immediately after I return and have Wang Shun personally lead the team to supervise the process.

It must be calculated as soon as possible. "

"Well, I'm relieved about that."

Lu Fei said as he took the rare opportunity to hold Guan Haishan's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Laoguan, we are friends, I don't have too many scruples when talking to you, and you don't have too many ideas.

You are now the general counsel. In addition, I will find ways to help you fight for the historical general counsel matter as soon as possible. As the head of the family, you must have your own opinion!

How can you do your job without offending others?

As the head of a family, you not only have to offend people, but you may also offend many people. But remember not to be afraid of offending people. If you have offended everyone who deserves to be offended, there will be no room for offending others. Don’t be afraid of wolves in front of you and tigers in the back. As an archaeological team member, you are the authority and you must establish your prestige.

You don’t have to worry about anything. When we encounter problems that cannot be solved, we brothers will find a solution together. Only in this way can you and I help Mr. Kong keep this career. Only in this way can we help him fulfill his last wish as soon as possible. "


Guan Haishan and others left, and Guan Haishan left with tears of emotion.

Guan Haishan felt that Lu Fei himself, and perhaps other things about Lu Fei, would undergo unexpected changes in a short period of time. The blessings and blessings of this change were unpredictable, but Guan Haishan knew that whether it was a blessing or a curse, he could not help him. , the only thing that can help him is to follow Lu Fei's plan and complete it to the letter.

At this moment, Guan Haishan's eyes were clearer than ever before, and at this moment, Guan Haishan's will was stronger than ever.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Fei still didn't receive a call from Xing Shuya. Lu Fei felt very complicated, but very satisfied.

After discussing some details of the improvement of the small western-style building with An Rushan, Chen Xiang went to bed, and Lu Fei talked on the phone with Wang Xinyi for a while, lying in bed thinking about all the things that happened today.

Regarding the details that Chen Hong had just discussed with him, Lu Fei did not tell Chen Xiangming. Telling her would not have any effect. Instead, it would make her worried or excited. The birth was imminent, and Lu Fei could not make her too excited.

Light a cigarette and carefully recall all the details of the discussion with Chen Honggang, making sure nothing was missed, and then he felt relieved.

Before going to bed, Lu Fei called Gao Yuan again. Things went smoothly with Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan's adaptability was the best among all the people. Lu Fei was absolutely relieved to leave such an important matter to him. .

Lang Lijing has also begun to make comprehensive preparations. There are still some minor technical problems, but Lang Lijing said that they are sure to completely solve them in a short period of time, ensuring that they will never delay her major events.

After making a few phone calls, Lu Fei felt relaxed and was about to turn off the lights and go to bed when an unexpected phone call came.

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