A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3065 Tigress

"Lu Fei, you are a cannon who can kill a thousand swords, do you think you have eaten enough?

It’s your business to take care of my mother’s affairs. Can you handle it?

When you are free, go back and carry the urinal for your two wives. Don't worry too much about it. I warn you, if you meddle in your own business again, I will cut you off and make your two wives widows! ! "

At 2:30 in the morning, Li Shengnan called without any warning. Lu Fei was still wondering if something unexpected had happened, but he was slapped in the face by this lunatic Dou Shengnan. A vicious and angry Lu Fei was furious and was about to curse back, but the aunt was so happy after venting her anger that she hung up the phone directly.

"Crazy, crazy woman, unreasonable!!"

Lu Fei threw the phone on the sofa angrily, and the sleepiness he had just brewed was instantly wiped away, and he felt depressed.

Lighting a cigarette and taking a puff, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, why did I forget about this? It seems that Chen Hong has just accepted his opinion and has already talked to Li Shengnan.

But this is obviously a good thing, but how crazy is this bitch? "

Lu Fei's guess was good. Chen Honggang did accept Lu Fei's opinion and talked to Li Shengnan, preparing to let Li Shengnan take over the Xuanlong Brigade as the captain.

It stands to reason that Li Shengnan's level is slightly inferior, but if Chen Honggang is sincere in making an exception, this will not be a problem.

Chen Honggang thought about it over and over again, and Li Shengnan was indeed the most suitable candidate, especially with the special relationship between the Li family and the Chen family, it would be no problem.

Taking this opportunity to push Li Shengnan forward will definitely be a great help to the Chen family in the future.

Chen Honggang and Lu Fei both had good intentions, but Li Shengnan himself didn't think so.

This woman's biggest interest is to lead the team on missions. The more dangerous and difficult the mission, the more exciting it is for her. It is simply more uncomfortable for her to coordinate the overall situation and be the leader than to kill him.

However, the military orders were overwhelming, and she did not dare to argue with Chen Honggang, so she had no choice but to agree.

For this reason, Li Shengnan, who was very depressed, went to her grandfather to complain after finishing the phone call with Chen Honggang. As a result, her grandfather, who had always been amiable and obedient to her, firmly stood by Chen Honggang this time, and even took her After a good scolding, Li Shengnan was told that he did not have a view of the overall situation. Now, Li Shengnan felt even more aggrieved.

Chen Honggang couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't even dare to speak out against his grandfather, so where could he vent his grievances?

The results are self-evident. Lu Fei, the initiator, is the best

A punching bag, that’s why I came out like this.

Don't tell me, this venting really worked. After scolding Lu Fei, Li Shengnan felt much better. He shouted at the top of his voice and called Lao Tan back to the guest room when he saw the situation was bad. He vented for another half an hour with gritted teeth and turned over. After a while, he fell asleep.

Lao Tan secretly wiped away his tears, quietly got off the bed and stomped back to the guest room, hid in the bathroom and dialed Lu Fei's number.

"Hey, why did you provoke my tigress? Are you sick?

Lu Fei, I'm warning you, next time you want to provoke him, you'd better choose a time when she's not at home, so as not to implicate good people. Damn it, I've been hurt by you! "

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei laughed to himself. These couple are really interesting!

Lu Fei thought he would stay in Jincheng for one more week, but unexpectedly, at nine o'clock the next morning, he received an encrypted call from Chen Yaobin, asking him to rush to the base immediately.

Chen Hong was about to jump out. It was easy to talk about it, but it would take Lu Fei at least a week to implement it. This was because of the special situation, otherwise it would be even more troublesome.

But the smoothness of things far exceeded his expectation. What was even more surprising was that the reason why things went so quickly turned out to be that the folk remedy he gave Chen Honggang played a crucial role.

Yesterday, Chen Hong just left Jincheng and did not return to Wulong Base. He went directly back to Tianducheng and told his wife Lu Fei's proposal, and received strong support from his wife.

Coincidentally, there was a mahjong game for ladies last night. During the game, Mrs. Chen complained implicitly, saying that her husband was very dissatisfied with Chen Honggang and was very determined to force Chen Honggang to return to work.

In the past, Chen Honggang firmly disagreed, but this time the old man was really impatient. Not only did he slap the table, but he almost fell ill. Under the coercion of the old man, Chen Honggang had no choice but to "make concessions" and agreed. However, this place is a carrot. How can you get back from a trap if you want to?

For this reason, Chen Honggang was so worried that he actually got drunk tonight.

Mrs. Chen said this "casually", but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested. The other three ladies were shocked and inexplicable.

This is super big news. The Chen family's status in China is extraordinary. Mr. Chen has ordered the second son of the Chen family to return to work locally. If this news is true, it will definitely trigger a tsunami-like shock wave in China's officialdom.

I don’t know how many people will be affected by Mr. Chen’s decision. It is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep. "Lu Fei, you are a cannon who can kill a thousand swords, do you think you have eaten enough?

It’s your business to take care of my mother’s affairs. Can you handle it?

When you are free, go back and carry the urinal for your two wives. Don't worry too much about it. I warn you, if you meddle in your own business again, I will cut you off and make your two wives widows! ! "

At 2:30 in the morning, Li Shengnan's phone call came without any warning. Lu Fei was still wondering if something unexpected had happened, but he was slapped in the face by this lunatic Douzhan Buddha. A vicious and angry Lu Fei was furious and was about to curse back, but the aunt was so happy after venting her anger that she hung up the phone directly.

"Crazy, crazy woman, unreasonable!!"

Lu Fei threw the phone on the sofa angrily, and the sleepiness he had just brewed was instantly wiped away, and he felt depressed.

Lighting a cigarette and taking a puff, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, why did I forget about this? It seems that Chen Hong has just accepted his opinion and has already talked to Li Shengnan.

But this is obviously a good thing, but how crazy is this bitch? "

Lu Fei's guess was good. Chen Honggang did accept Lu Fei's opinion and talked to Li Shengnan, preparing to let Li Shengnan take over the Xuanlong Brigade as the captain.

It stands to reason that Li Shengnan's level is slightly inferior, but if Chen Honggang is sincere in making an exception, this will not be a problem.

Chen Honggang thought about it over and over again, and Li Shengnan was indeed the most suitable candidate, especially with the special relationship between the Li family and the Chen family, it would be no problem.

Taking this opportunity to push Li Shengnan forward will definitely be a great help to the Chen family in the future.

Chen Honggang and Lu Fei both had good intentions, but Li Shengnan himself didn't think so.

This woman's biggest interest is to lead the team on missions. The more dangerous and difficult the mission, the more exciting it is for her. It is simply more uncomfortable for her to coordinate the overall situation and be the leader than to kill him.

However, the military orders were overwhelming, and she did not dare to argue with Chen Honggang, so she had no choice but to agree.

For this reason, Li Shengnan, who was very depressed, went to her grandfather to complain after finishing the phone call with Chen Honggang. As a result, her grandfather, who had always been amiable and obedient to her, firmly stood by Chen Honggang this time, and even took her After a good scolding, Li Shengnan was told that he did not have a view of the overall situation. Now, Li Shengnan felt even more aggrieved.

Chen Honggang couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't even dare to speak out against his grandfather, so where could he vent his grievances?

The results are self-evident. Lu Fei, the initiator, is the best

A punching bag, that’s why I came out like this.

Don't tell me, this venting really worked. After scolding Lu Fei, Li Shengnan felt much better. He shouted at the top of his voice and called Lao Tan back to the guest room when he saw the situation was bad. He vented for another half an hour with gritted teeth and turned over. After a while, he fell asleep.

Lao Tan secretly wiped away his tears, quietly got off the bed and stomped back to the guest room, hid in the bathroom and dialed Lu Fei's number.

"Hey, why did you provoke my tigress? Are you sick?

Lu Fei, I'm warning you, next time you want to provoke him, you'd better choose a time when she's not at home, so as not to implicate good people. Damn it, I've been hurt by you! "

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei laughed to himself. These couple are really interesting!

Lu Fei thought he would stay in Jincheng for one more week, but unexpectedly, at nine o'clock the next morning, he received an encrypted call from Chen Yaobin, asking him to rush to the base immediately.

Chen Hong was about to jump out. It was easy to talk about it, but it would take Lu Fei at least a week to implement it. This was because of the special situation, otherwise it would be even more troublesome.

But the smoothness of things far exceeded his expectation. What was even more surprising was that the reason why things went so quickly turned out to be that the folk remedy he gave Chen Honggang played a crucial role.

Yesterday, Chen Hong just left Jincheng and did not return to Wulong Base. He went directly back to Tianducheng and told his wife Lu Fei's proposal, and received strong support from his wife.

Coincidentally, there was a mahjong game for ladies last night. During the game, Mrs. Chen complained implicitly, saying that her husband was very dissatisfied with Chen Honggang and was very determined to force Chen Honggang to return to work.

In the past, Chen Honggang firmly disagreed, but this time the old man was really impatient. Not only did he slap the table, but he almost fell ill. Under the coercion of the old man, Chen Honggang had no choice but to "make concessions" and agreed. However, this place is a carrot. How can you get back from a trap if you want to?

For this reason, Chen Honggang was so worried that he actually got drunk tonight.

Mrs. Chen said this "casually", but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested. The other three ladies were shocked and inexplicable.

This is super big news. The Chen family's status in China is extraordinary. Mr. Chen has ordered the second son of the Chen family to return to work locally. If this news is true, it will definitely trigger a tsunami-like shock wave in China's officialdom.

I don’t know how many people will be affected by Mr. Chen’s decision. It is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep.

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