A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3066 Just say it casually

Ninety percent of women, especially middle-aged and elderly women, are masters of gossip. Spreading gossip is their biggest hobby. What's more, Mrs. Chen's "casual remarks" may be related to their husbands' future direction in the officialdom. Position, such a serious matter, how can these ladies still have the heart to play mahjong?

Normally, Madam’s mahjong game would be practiced until about one o’clock in the morning. Today, everyone was obviously absent-minded. Before nine o’clock, some people lost their temper and found a bad street corner to end the “battle” in a hurry.

After several ladies came home and told the explosive news they had heard, their husbands were all shocked. After confirming it again and again, they immediately picked up the phone and contacted everyone.

Soon, the news that Chen Honggang was forced by the old man to transfer to another place spread at lightning speed. Half an hour later, all the big guys in Tiandu received the news. In another half hour, the news spread to the entire China. officialdom.

This night was destined to be sleepless. Countless big guys contacted each other for this news and speculated on various possibilities.

Among them, the most sensitive ones are of course No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan, who are competing fiercely.

The first reaction of the two of them when they received the news was that they didn't believe it. They all knew Mr. Chen's temper. The old man really wanted Chen Honggang to return to his place, but the second son of the Chen family was also a wimp. After decades of coercion and inducement by the old man, Chen Honggang still refused. Impressed, it is said that the old man gave up long ago. Why did such a big change suddenly happen at this time?

The two bosses immediately learned about the details through various channels, and soon received accurate information. The words came from Mrs. Chen Honggang's mouth, and the occasion was a mahjong table.

It stands to reason that in such an irregular situation, the credibility is not high, and it is most likely that Mrs. Chen complained casually.

But when he heard that Mr. Chen almost fell ill because of this incident, and that Chen Hong had just "comforted", his credibility instantly increased.

As we all know, Chen Honggang is a well-known filial son. If he disagreed before, it was not unfilial, but he grasped the limits and argued with reason. The old man wanted him to return to his place, which was only his own wish. It was more of a suggestion, not forced. Chen Honggang followed his wishes.

But this time the situation is different. The old man is obviously impatient. He made this decision probably because of his plans for the future of the Chen family and for his consideration in a hundred years. This decision is related to the future destiny of the Chen family. The old man cannot give in even if he doesn't want to. , so he was so talented that he almost fell ill. Under this situation, it would be really unfilial for Chen Honggang to refuse to agree. Therefore, the credibility of this news is very high.

Now Fang Wenyuan and San

The competition for Number 3 has become fierce. According to the current trend, Number 3 has a slight advantage, but it is still very anxious.

Under this situation, if any special factor occurs, it is very likely to break the situation and seal the coffin.

Now, the news that Chen Honggang is returning to his hometown is undoubtedly due to this extremely special X factor.

Chen Honggang's level is not too high. Even if he returns to the local area, he will not be able to influence the overall situation with his personal strength. But is this really the case?

of course not!

Chen Honggang's return to the place definitely does not represent him personally, but represents the attitude of Chen Yunfei and the entire Chen family.

Chen Yunfei's influence in China, even after retiring for many years, is still among the top five, and no one dares to ignore it.

The old man has been in power for many years, and his disciples and old friends are all over the world. His power is so huge that it is unimaginable. The reason why it is not visible on the surface is because no one from the Chen family stands up to raise the flag, so it forms a scattered situation.

Now that Chen Honggang is back, if he stands up and shouts, the old members of the Chen family will definitely flock to him. With Pan Xingzhou, Su Baozhen and others assisting him, this force will be absolutely powerful and terrifying.

Whether Fang Wenyuan or No. 3, if he can get the support of this force, he will definitely win. Therefore, Chen Honggang will definitely be the target of both of them at any cost.

At this time, the mentality of Fang Wenyuan and No. 3 were completely different.

Fang Wenyuan was a strong man and rarely visited the Chen family on weekdays. He even suppressed the old members of the Chen family more than once. However, No. 3 had a close relationship with the Chen family and would visit them in person during the holidays. Furthermore, he had a close friendship with Chen Honggang. It's also very good. If nothing else happens, Chen Honggang will definitely be on his side.

But no matter what, it is necessary for the two of them to communicate "intimately" with Chen Honggang as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, when Fang Wenyuan called Chen Honggang, the other party's mobile phone was turned off, and no one answered the phone at home.

When he tried to find Mrs. Chen's phone number and called her, it was already a step too late. As early as half an hour ago, No. 3 had ended the call with Chen Honggang.

At this time, the mentality of No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan were completely different. Fang Wenyuan was in a state of despair, while No. 3 felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

Chen Honggang expressed in a very subtle way that he is willing to support himself, which is already rare, but this is just the beginning. If you want him to spare no effort to support him, you can't just say it with words, you must also show it with actual actions. Ninety percent of women, especially middle-aged and elderly women, are masters of gossip. Spreading gossip is their biggest hobby. What's more, Mrs. Chen's "casual remarks" may be related to their husbands' future direction in the officialdom. Position, such a serious matter, how can these ladies still have the heart to play mahjong?

Normally, Madam’s mahjong game would be practiced until about one o’clock in the morning. Today, everyone was obviously absent-minded. Before nine o’clock, some people lost their temper and found a bad street corner to end the “battle” in a hurry.

After several ladies came home and told the explosive news they had heard, their husbands were all shocked. After confirming it again and again, they immediately picked up the phone and contacted everyone.

Soon, the news that Chen Honggang was forced by the old man to transfer to another place spread at lightning speed. Half an hour later, all the big guys in Tiandu received the news. In another half hour, the news spread throughout China. officialdom.

This night was destined to be sleepless. Countless big guys contacted each other for this news and speculated on various possibilities.

Among them, the most sensitive ones are of course No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan, who are competing fiercely.

The first reaction of the two of them when they received the news was that they didn't believe it. They all knew Mr. Chen's temper. The old man really wanted Chen Honggang to return to his place, but the second son of the Chen family was also a wimp. After decades of coercion and inducement by the old man, Chen Honggang still refused. Impressed, it is said that the old man gave up long ago. Why did such a big change suddenly happen at this time?

The two bosses immediately learned about the details through various channels, and soon received accurate information. The words came from Mrs. Chen Honggang's mouth, and the occasion was a mahjong table.

It stands to reason that in such an irregular situation, the credibility is not high, and it is most likely that Mrs. Chen complained casually.

But when he heard that Mr. Chen almost fell ill because of this incident, and that Chen Hong had just "comforted", his credibility instantly increased.

As we all know, Chen Honggang is a well-known filial son. If he disagreed before, it was not unfilial, but he grasped the limits and argued with reason. The old man wanted him to return to his place, which was only his own wish. It was more of a suggestion, not forced. Chen Honggang followed his wishes.

But this time the situation is different. The old man is obviously impatient. He made this decision probably because of his plans for the future of the Chen family and for his consideration in a hundred years. This decision is related to the future destiny of the Chen family. The old man cannot give in even if he doesn't want to. , so he was so talented that he almost fell ill. Under such circumstances, it would be really unfilial for Chen Honggang to refuse to agree. Therefore, the credibility of this news is very high.

Now Fang Wenyuan and San

The competition for Number 3 has become fierce. According to the current trend, Number 3 has a slight advantage, but it is still very anxious.

Under this situation, if any special factor occurs, it is very likely to break the situation and seal the coffin.

Now, the news that Chen Honggang is returning to his hometown is undoubtedly due to this extremely special X factor.

Chen Honggang's level is not too high. Even if he returns to the local area, he will not be able to influence the overall situation with his personal strength. But is this really the case?

of course not!

Chen Honggang's return to the place definitely does not represent him personally, but represents the attitude of Chen Yunfei and the entire Chen family.

Chen Yunfei's influence in China, even after retiring for many years, is still among the top five, and no one dares to ignore it.

The old man has been in power for many years, and his disciples and old friends are all over the world. His power is so huge that it is unimaginable. The reason why it is not visible on the surface is because no one from the Chen family stands up to raise the flag, so it forms a scattered situation.

Now that Chen Honggang is back, if he stands up and shouts, the old members of the Chen family will definitely flock to him. With Pan Xingzhou, Su Baozhen and others assisting him, this force will be absolutely powerful and terrifying.

Whether Fang Wenyuan or No. 3, if he can get the support of this force, he will definitely win. Therefore, Chen Honggang will definitely be the target of both of them at any cost.

At this time, the mentality of Fang Wenyuan and No. 3 were completely different.

Fang Wenyuan was a strong man and rarely visited the Chen family on weekdays. He even suppressed old members of the Chen family more than once. However, No. 3 had a close relationship with the Chen family and would visit them in person during the holidays. Furthermore, he had a close friendship with Chen Honggang. It's also very good. If nothing else happens, Chen Honggang will definitely be on his side.

But no matter what, it is necessary for the two of them to communicate "intimately" with Chen Honggang as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, when Fang Wenyuan called Chen Honggang, the other party's mobile phone was turned off, and no one answered the phone at home.

When he tried to find Mrs. Chen's phone number and called her, it was already a step too late. As early as half an hour ago, No. 3 had ended the call with Chen Honggang.

At this time, the mentality of No. 3 and Fang Wenyuan were completely different. Fang Wenyuan was in a state of despair, while No. 3 felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

Chen Honggang expressed in a very subtle way that he is willing to support himself, which is already rare, but this is just the beginning. If you want him to spare no effort to support him, you can't just say it with words, you must also show it with actual actions.

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