A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3079 A villain enough

I have an idea in mind, but implementing it is not that simple.

Fang Wenyuan knew that his relationship with the Chen family was tense. If he wanted to impress the Chen family and make the Chen family change their decision, he would have to pay a much better weight than No. 3. Therefore, he had to know what kind of promise No. 3 made to the Chen family.

Unfortunately, no other person intervened in the interview with Lu Fei on the 3rd. The content of the conversation between the two was absolutely confidential. Fang Wenyuan made more than a dozen calls in a row, but could not find out the exact content. But time waited for no one, so Fang Wenyuan had to call in person. Test the phone.

Originally, Fang Wenyuan wanted to call Chen Honggang directly, but he did not expect that the person negotiating with No. 3 on behalf of the Chen family was Lu Fei, the Chen family's aunt. Fang Wenyuan was really surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood.

Of the two sons of the Chen family, Chen Hongyi, the eldest, is devoted to business and has never been involved in political affairs. The second son, Chen Honggang, has always been rooted in the army and lacks local experience. Lu Fei is not only comfortable in the business world, but also often followed In contrast, when dealing with high-level officials, Lu Fei is well-rounded and has a broader vision. He is definitely the best candidate to be this spokesperson.

Due to the Chen family, Fang Wenyuan had looked down on Lu Fei a little before, but he had to admit that Lu Fei was indeed a person. He was born in a commoner family and had no background in his family. In just over two years, he had achieved his current status. , let alone other people, Fang Wenyuan thought about it, even he couldn't do it. This is Lu Fei's excellence.

Fang Wenyuan lamented that the Chen family is really lucky to have such an uncle!

"Haha, Mr. Fang, you are too polite. I didn't take that matter to heart at all. Besides, Yan Tao and the two said they were following me to protect my safety and out of good intentions. I was very touched.

However, the two of them should not have sneaked into the Xuanlong base. Whether it was well-intentioned or unintentional, it was a violation of the rules after all, and I am very sorry.

However, please rest assured, Mr. Fang, I have understood it. After Xuanlong's investigation, if it is really a misunderstanding, he will be released immediately. Please don't worry. "Lu Fei smiled. .??.

in a hurry?

When Fang Wenyuan heard this, his nose was almost crooked with anger.

How could he hide what happened outside the Xuanlong Base? Lu Fei was obviously using clever words and tricks to get an advantage but still behaved. Invisibly, this was another slap in the face!

Fang Wenyuan was angry in his heart, and even more angry at Lu Fei's cunning, but now that he had something to ask for, he could only swallow his anger and pretend to be confused.

"Xiao Lu, you don't need to care about me. Since you have violated the rules, you must act in accordance with the law and deal with it how you want. I am here to express my position to you. You say hello to Xuanlong, no matter who is saying hello, Ignore it at all, and if the other person is messing around, ask him to call me directly."


br\u003e The strong man broke his arm!

So ruthless and villainous!

In his heart, Lu Fei felt that Yan Tao was not worth it, but he still had to do enough on the surface.

"Mr. Fang, although I no longer hold the position of Xuanlong, I will help you bring your words. I believe that the Xuanlong team members will thank Mr. Fang for his understanding of justice."

Fang Wenyuan's words just now are suspected of digging a hole for Lu Fei. Lu Fei does not have any position. If Lu Fei comes to negotiate with Xuanlong, this will be a serious disciplinary violation. If someone is taking advantage of him, Lu Fei will definitely be held accountable.

Lu Fei thought to himself that when dealing with such an old fox, one must be extremely vigilant at all times. If he is not careful, he may get burned. He is too cunning.

Lu Fei's guess was good. Fang Wenyuan did have plans in this regard. Lu Fei was so vigilant that Fang Wenyuan was amazed. Lu Fei's achievements today were definitely not accidental!

Of course, this is just a minor incident. Fang Wenyuan doesn't care, and I believe Lu Fei won't care either.

"Mr. Fang, you are very busy with everything. If there is anything you need to do, please just tell me."

Lu Fei didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Fang Wenyuan. Talking too much would lead to mistakes, and talking too much would be useless!

Fang Wenyuan smiled slightly and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I'm just afraid that you will misunderstand, so I will explain it to you personally. In addition, I haven't visited Mr. Chen for a long time. I was not too busy with work last year. I heard that Mr. Chen is in Hong Kong. He is recuperating at your manor on the island. I want to go over and visit his old man. Is it convenient for you?"

Fang Wenyuan knew that Chen Honggang could not make the decision regarding the Chen family's affairs. Although Lu Fei was the representative, the leadership was still in Chen Yunfei's hands.

Lu Fei has an extremely arrogant and cunning personality. When negotiating with him, if Lu Fei doesn't buy it, he can't afford to lose that person. Therefore, the best way is to meet Chen Yunfei and throw out his chips openly and honestly.

The old man was very shrewd, and he knew very well the successes and failures. Fang Wenyuan believed that as long as he could bring enough benefits to the Chen family, in the face of interests, Chen Yunfei would definitely forget about the past.

But Fang Wenyuan didn't expect that the king of hell is easy to meet, but the kid is difficult to deal with.

Of course Lu Fei understood what Fang Wenyuan was planning, but Lu Fei couldn't let him get his wish.

The old man is in poor health. If he doesn't make the old man angry, something big might happen.

In addition, Lu Fei also understood that the promise given by No. 3 was the limit of what the Chen family could get at present, and even exceeded Lu Fei's expectations before the negotiation. Fang Wenyuan could not offer more generous terms, even if he offered a higher The promise was just a white slip and could not be fulfilled. What's more, Lu Fei didn't believe Fang Wenyuan, so Lu Fei had no intention of negotiating with him from the beginning. I have an idea in mind, but implementing it is not that simple.

Fang Wenyuan knew that his relationship with the Chen family was tense. If he wanted to impress the Chen family and make the Chen family change their decision, he would have to pay a much better weight than No. 3. Therefore, he had to know what kind of promise No. 3 made to the Chen family.

Unfortunately, no other person intervened in the interview with Lu Fei on the 3rd. The content of the conversation between the two was absolutely confidential. Fang Wenyuan made more than a dozen calls in a row, but could not find out the exact content. But time waited for no one, so Fang Wenyuan had to call in person. Test the phone.

Originally, Fang Wenyuan wanted to call Chen Honggang directly, but he did not expect that the person negotiating with No. 3 on behalf of the Chen family was Lu Fei, the Chen family's aunt. Fang Wenyuan was really surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood.

Of the two sons of the Chen family, Chen Hongyi, the eldest, is devoted to business and has never been involved in political affairs. The second son, Chen Honggang, has always been rooted in the army and lacks local experience. Lu Fei is not only comfortable in the business world, but also often followed In contrast, when dealing with high-level officials, Lu Fei is well-rounded and has a broader vision. He is definitely the best candidate to be this spokesperson.

Due to the Chen family, Fang Wenyuan had looked down on Lu Fei a little before, but he had to admit that Lu Fei was indeed a person. He was born in a commoner family and had no background in his family. In just over two years, he had achieved his current status. , let alone other people, Fang Wenyuan thought about it, even he couldn't do it. This is Lu Fei's excellence.

Fang Wenyuan lamented that the Chen family is really lucky to have such an uncle!

"Haha, Mr. Fang, you are too polite. I didn't take that matter to heart at all. Besides, Yan Tao and the others said they were following me to protect my safety and out of good intentions. I was very touched. .??.

However, the two of them should not have sneaked into the Xuanlong base. Whether it was well-intentioned or unintentional, it was a violation of the rules after all, and I am very sorry.

However, please rest assured, Mr. Fang, I have understood it. After Xuanlong's investigation, if it is really a misunderstanding, he will be released immediately. Please don't worry. Lu Fei said with a smile.

in a hurry?

When Fang Wenyuan heard this, his nose was almost crooked with anger.

How could he hide what happened outside the Xuanlong Base? Lu Fei was obviously using clever words and tricks to get an advantage but still behaved. Invisibly, this was another slap in the face!

Fang Wenyuan was angry in his heart, and even more angry at Lu Fei's cunning, but now that he had something to ask for, he could only swallow his anger and pretend to be confused.

"Xiao Lu, you don't need to care about me. Since you have violated the rules, you must act in accordance with the law and deal with it how you want. I am here to express my position to you. You say hello to Xuanlong, no matter who is saying hello, Ignore it at all, and if the other person is messing around, ask him to call me directly."


br\u003e The strong man broke his arm!

So ruthless and villainous!

In his heart, Lu Fei felt that Yan Tao was not worth it, but he still had to do enough on the surface.

"Mr. Fang, although I no longer hold the position of Xuanlong, I will help you bring your words. I believe that the Xuanlong team members will thank Mr. Fang for his understanding of justice."

Fang Wenyuan's words just now are suspected of digging a hole for Lu Fei. Lu Fei does not have any position. If Lu Fei comes to negotiate with Xuanlong, this will be a serious disciplinary violation. If someone is taking advantage of him, Lu Fei will definitely be held accountable.

Lu Fei thought to himself that when dealing with such an old fox, one must be extremely vigilant at all times. If he is not careful, he may get burned. He is too cunning.

Lu Fei's guess was good. Fang Wenyuan did have plans in this regard. Lu Fei was so vigilant that Fang Wenyuan was amazed. Lu Fei's achievements today were definitely not accidental!

Of course, this is just a minor incident. Fang Wenyuan doesn't care, and I believe Lu Fei won't care either.

"Mr. Fang, you are very busy with everything. If there is anything you need to do, please just tell me."

Lu Fei didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Fang Wenyuan. Talking too much would lead to mistakes, and talking too much would be useless!

Fang Wenyuan smiled slightly and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I'm just afraid that you will misunderstand, so I will explain it to you personally. In addition, I haven't visited Mr. Chen for a long time. I was not too busy with work last year. I heard that Mr. Chen is in Hong Kong. He is recuperating at your manor on the island. I want to go over and visit his old man. Is it convenient for you?"

Fang Wenyuan knew that Chen Honggang could not make the decision regarding the Chen family's affairs. Although Lu Fei was the representative, the leadership was still in Chen Yunfei's hands.

Lu Fei has an extremely arrogant and cunning personality. When negotiating with him, if Lu Fei doesn't buy it, he can't afford to lose that person. Therefore, the best way is to meet Chen Yunfei and throw out his chips openly and honestly.

The old man was very shrewd, and he knew very well the successes and failures. Fang Wenyuan believed that as long as he could bring enough benefits to the Chen family, in the face of interests, Chen Yunfei would definitely forget about the past.

But Fang Wenyuan didn't expect that the king of hell is easy to meet, but the kid is difficult to deal with.

Of course Lu Fei understood what Fang Wenyuan planned, but Lu Fei couldn't let him get his wish.

The old man is in poor health. If he doesn't make the old man angry, something big might happen.

In addition, Lu Fei also understood that the promise given by No. 3 was the limit of what the Chen family could get at present, and even exceeded Lu Fei's expectations before the negotiation. Fang Wenyuan could not offer more generous terms, even if he offered a higher The promise was just a white slip and could not be fulfilled. What's more, Lu Fei didn't believe Fang Wenyuan, so Lu Fei had no intention of negotiating with him from the beginning.

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