A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3080 Admire from the bottom of my heart

With a few simple words, Fang Wenyuan was dismissed on the grounds that the old man was ill and unfit to receive guests. This reason was weighty enough. The old man was a national treasure. The dean of China Medical College personally protected his health. No. He didn't dare to disturb his old man without permission. Fang Wenyuan would only be humiliating himself if he persisted.

However, Lu Fei didn't say anything for sure, he just said that the old man was undergoing treatment, and in a few more courses of treatment, around May Day, Fang Wenyuan would definitely arrange to meet the old man.

With this sentence, no one could find fault with Lu Fei, but in Fang Wenyuan's view, this sentence made him even more angry than not saying it.

Give yourself a chance to meet before and after May Day?

Let’s not talk about whether the old man’s body can last until May Day. Even if he can survive until then, the conference has already ended and the overall situation has been decided. I still see that he is useless?

This guy Lu Fei is obviously playing tricks!

Fang Wenyuan, who had always been smooth sailing, was not polite to anyone who saw him, but now Lu Fei was treating him like a bastard. Fang Wenyuan was so angry that after hanging up the phone, he smashed everything he could see on his desk. Smashed.

"You bastard, you bastard who doesn't know how to appreciate praise!"

It was the first time in Fang Wenyuan's life that he had lost his composure. The secretary outside was frightened to death, but he did not dare to go in and try to persuade him. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

After more than half an hour, Fang Wenyuan gradually calmed down. He realized that for the first time, things were out of his control. This opportunity was destined to pass him by.

Fang Wenyuan had been preparing for this meeting for several years, but in the end it was all in vain. Fang Wenyuan was extremely unwilling.

He knew that with this failure, he lost more than just the chance to win the championship. After his competitors came to power, they would unceremoniously suppress him and his faction. No leader is willing to put his opponent's people before his own. The people around you are like bombs, and they are time bombs. They may explode at some moment.

Therefore, as an emperor and courtiers, eliminating dissidents and promoting confidants are the most indispensable means for successful leadership.

Therefore, after Fang Wenyuan failed this time, he may never have another chance to compete in this life.

The winner is king, and as a loser, he is destined to be overshadowed by the winner's aura and gradually move towards the edge.

Thinking about the response from the superiors before, and then thinking about the situation that I will face in the future, the huge contrast between before and after is unbearable even for someone as strong as Fang Wenyuan.

The culprit responsible for his failure is the damn Chen family, no, to be precise, it should be the bastard Lu Fei.

If the Chen family hadn't disrupted the situation, he would have at least a 50% chance of winning. Even if the Chen family caused trouble, he was confident that he could convince Chen Yunfei to change his mind. The most abominable thing was Lu Fei's obstruction.

Jia, not giving him a chance to meet Chen Yunfei was the last straw that broke the camel's back, so Lu Fei was the culprit.

At this moment, Fang Wenyuan hated Lu Fei so much that he wanted to skin him and light a sky lantern. Even if he crushed his bones and raised ashes, it would be difficult to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Thinking of this, Fang Wenyuan gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand with bulging veins, picked up the phone and dialed Dong Jianye's number.

Half an hour later, Dong Jianye came to Fang Wenyuan's office. Seeing Fang Wenyuan's ferocious expression, Dong Jianye's heart tightened and he frowned.

"Mr. Fang, are you looking for me?"

"Well, Xiaodong is here, sit down!" Fang Wenyuan said calmly with a calm face.

"Mr. Fang, please find me."

Fang Wenyuan waved his hand to stop Dong Jianye and said, "Xiao Dong, how much do you know about Comrade Lu Fei?"

Fang Wenyuan directly mentioned Lu Fei, and Dong Jianye was stunned.

In recent times, the boss in front of him has been working hard on Lu Fei. For this reason, he even overstepped his authority and criticized his own work. Therefore, the two of them had some minor conflicts.

Yan Tao and the two were tricked by Lu Fei, and Fang Wenyuan didn't react much. Dong Jianye thought that the boss found out that Lu Fei was not a soft persimmon and was ready to give up, but unexpectedly, Fang Wenyuan was still resentful.

Fang Wenyuan smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Dong, I know you have some personal contacts with Lu Fei. It doesn't matter. Just tell the truth."

Dong Jianye nodded and said: "As you said, privately, Lu Fei and I have a good relationship, but I can guarantee that our relationship is limited to personal friends and does not involve work."

Fang Wenyuan nodded and motioned for Dong Jianye to continue.

"I have a bad temper. Due to my special job, I don't have many friends. The reason why I am able to associate with Lu Fei is not only because we have the same temperament, but also because I sincerely admire Lu Fei's character.

I won’t go into detail about Lu Fei’s abilities. That is a well-known fact. What is rare is that while Lu Fei is emerging in the business world, he has not forgotten to give back to the society. Lu Fei and his company have invested in charity and The support of the archaeological team has reached an unprecedented level. This is what I admire most about him.

In addition, this man has a strong sense of patriotism. He is not a member of the archaeological team, but when the archaeological team encounters difficulties and needs his help, he will spare no effort to provide support and donate the Yuanmingyuan animal heads and other cultural relics to the country. The total value is an astronomical figure. "

When Dong Jianye said this, Fang Wenyuan's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot, but Dong Jianye seemed not to notice and continued: "The Yimei Investment Company established by Lu Fei and his wife in the island country moved dozens of island countries companies to China, giving them China not only provides tax revenue, but also creates hundreds of thousands of jobs. These are all great contributions, so I admire him from the bottom of my heart." In a few simple words, the old man was ill and unfit to receive guests. This reason is enough to send Fang Wenyuan away. The old man is a national treasure. The dean of China Medical College personally protects his old man's health. Even No. 1 dare not disturb his old man without permission. Fang Wenyuan insists on it again. You can only humiliate yourself.

However, Lu Fei didn't say anything for sure, he just said that the old man was undergoing treatment, and in a few more courses of treatment, around May Day, Fang Wenyuan would definitely arrange to meet the old man.

With this sentence, no one could find fault with Lu Fei, but in Fang Wenyuan's view, this sentence made him even more angry than not saying it.

Give yourself a chance to meet before and after May Day?

Let’s not talk about whether the old man’s body can last until May Day. Even if he can survive until then, the conference has already ended and the overall situation has been decided. I still see that he is useless?

This guy Lu Fei is obviously playing tricks!

Fang Wenyuan, who had always been smooth sailing, was not polite to anyone who saw him, but now Lu Fei was treating him like a bastard. Fang Wenyuan was so angry that after hanging up the phone, he smashed everything he could see on his desk. Smashed.

"You bastard, you bastard who doesn't know how to appreciate praise!"

It was the first time in Fang Wenyuan's life that he had lost his composure. The secretary outside was frightened to death, but he did not dare to go in and try to persuade him. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

After more than half an hour, Fang Wenyuan gradually calmed down. He realized that for the first time, things were out of his control. This opportunity was destined to pass him by.

Fang Wenyuan had been preparing for this meeting for several years, but in the end it was all in vain. Fang Wenyuan was extremely unwilling.

He knew that with this failure, he lost more than just the chance to win the championship. After his competitors came to power, they would unceremoniously suppress him and his faction. No leader is willing to put his opponent's people before his own. The people around you are like bombs, and they are time bombs. They may explode at some moment.

Therefore, as an emperor and courtiers, eliminating dissidents and promoting confidants are the most indispensable means for successful leadership.

Therefore, after Fang Wenyuan failed this time, he may never have another chance to compete in this life.

The winner is king, and as a loser, he is destined to be overshadowed by the winner's aura and gradually move towards the edge.

Thinking about the response from the superiors before, and then thinking about the situation that I will face in the future, the huge contrast between before and after is unbearable even for someone as strong as Fang Wenyuan.

The culprit responsible for his failure is the damn Chen family, no, to be precise, it should be the bastard Lu Fei.

If the Chen family hadn't disrupted the situation, he would have at least a 50% chance of winning. Even if the Chen family caused trouble, he was confident that he could convince Chen Yunfei to change his mind. The most abominable thing was Lu Fei's obstruction.

Jia, not giving him a chance to meet Chen Yunfei was the last straw that broke the camel's back, so Lu Fei was the culprit.

At this moment, Fang Wenyuan hated Lu Fei so much that he wanted to skin him and light a sky lantern. Even if he crushed his bones and raised ashes, it would be difficult to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Thinking of this, Fang Wenyuan gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand with bulging veins, picked up the phone and dialed Dong Jianye's number.

Half an hour later, Dong Jianye came to Fang Wenyuan's office. Seeing Fang Wenyuan's ferocious expression, Dong Jianye's heart tightened and he frowned.

"Mr. Fang, are you looking for me?"

"Well, Xiaodong is here, sit down!" Fang Wenyuan said calmly with a calm face.

"Mr. Fang, please find me."

Fang Wenyuan waved his hand to stop Dong Jianye and said, "Xiao Dong, how much do you know about Comrade Lu Fei?"

Fang Wenyuan directly mentioned Lu Fei, and Dong Jianye was stunned.

In recent times, the boss in front of him has been working hard on Lu Fei. For this reason, he even overstepped his authority and criticized his own work. Therefore, the two of them had some minor conflicts.

Yan Tao and the two were tricked by Lu Fei, and Fang Wenyuan didn't react much. Dong Jianye thought that the boss found out that Lu Fei was not a soft persimmon and was ready to give up, but unexpectedly, Fang Wenyuan was still resentful.

Fang Wenyuan smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Dong, I know you have some personal contacts with Lu Fei. It doesn't matter. Just tell the truth."

Dong Jianye nodded and said: "As you said, privately, Lu Fei and I have a good relationship, but I can guarantee that our relationship is limited to personal friends and does not involve work."

Fang Wenyuan nodded and motioned for Dong Jianye to continue.

"I have a bad temper. Due to my special job, I don't have many friends. The reason why I am able to associate with Lu Fei is not only because we have the same temperament, but also because I sincerely admire Lu Fei's character.

I won’t go into detail about Lu Fei’s abilities. That is a well-known fact. What is rare is that while Lu Fei is emerging in the business world, he has not forgotten to give back to the society. Lu Fei and his company have invested in charity and The support of the archaeological team has reached an unprecedented level. This is what I admire most about him.

In addition, this man has a strong sense of patriotism. He is not a member of the archaeological team, but when the archaeological team encounters difficulties and needs his help, he will spare no effort to provide support and donate the Yuanmingyuan animal heads and other cultural relics to the country. The total value is an astronomical figure. "

When Dong Jianye said this, Fang Wenyuan's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot, but Dong Jianye didn't seem to notice and continued: "The Yimei Investment Company established by Lu Fei and his wife in the island country moved dozens of island countries companies to China, giving them China not only provides tax revenue, but also creates hundreds of thousands of jobs. These are all great contributions, so I admire him from the bottom of my heart."

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