A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3098 Master, you are obsessed

"Hello, Mr. Lu, my name is Zhao Yuting.

Well, no problem, Pindao and Ben Guan are willing to serve Lu Jushi.

Well, it's inconvenient for you. Do you want me to go to Hong Kong Island?

No problem, Pindao can be here at any time. Pindao takes the liberty to ask, where do you want us to go?


It's so grand. Master Lu, you are really courageous!

question? No, no, there is absolutely no problem with Pindao. Please believe in the professionalism of Yanqing Temple.

Well, okay, thank you, layman Lu. Pindao will settle down at home and leave within three days. It will definitely not delay your important events. Okay, please don't worry.

Do you want my junior brother to go with you?

No problem, absolutely no problem, okay, that's it, see you on Hong Kong Island! "


After hanging up the phone, Master Yanqing Guanyuting's face turned red, his breathing quickened rapidly, and his blood surged with excitement.

As Lu Caishen said, this will be the largest business he has ever been exposed to in his life, and the scale astounds him.

If this business is done perfectly, Yanqing Guan and his own reputation will surely reach a higher level. In addition, with the generosity of Lu Da’s God of Wealth, if this project is completed, the reward from Lu Da’s boss will definitely be a huge sum. Astronomical figures. Thinking of these, Zhao Yuting's heartbeat accelerated again and was completely out of control.

In addition to excitement, Zhao Yuting also felt heavy pressure.

If he succeeds, there will be many benefits, but if something unexpected happens to such a grand project, the backlash will be enough to make him doomed. There is no doubt that this project is a double-edged sword, and the risks are not generally high!

But Zhao Yuting agreed without hesitation. The risk was indeed not small, but for him and Yanqing Guan, all the effects and the temptation of income after success forced him to take risks. Fight back. Others have no chance to fight back. Now that the opportunity is right in front of you, how can you give up so easily?

If he didn't have this courage and responsibility, he would definitely attract ridicule from Taoists all over the world. When faced with the obstacles of Sanqing Dao, I'm afraid his Taoist heart would collapse. He couldn't bear the consequences!

"Ji Shan, please notify Qingfeng immediately to come see me. I have important things to discuss with him.

Blessings are immeasurable, gods are born, people die for wealth, birds die for food, poor people work hard. "

The young apprentice Jishan was shaken, blinked his eyes and said in fear: "Master, you said that monks should not be greedy for money, but you are obsessed with it."


Zhao Yuting glared at this honest disciple and snorted coldly: "As a teacher, do I need you to educate me?

My teacher said that monks should not be greedy for money, but my teacher also said that the inevitable elements of spiritual practice are money, partners, Dharma, and land.

Monks cannot be greedy for money, but they cannot be greedy for money. Taoism is different from Buddhism. Wealth is more important to Taoism. Although we are monks, as long as we have good thoughts and a sincere heart to practice, we will be worthy of the people of the world. , have a clear conscience, get money in a wise way, and why not use it for the right purpose?

Jishan, you have disappointed me so much. You are full of distracting thoughts and your Taoist mind is unstable. This is very dangerous. You go and inform Master Qingfeng to come see me, and then you immediately go to the woodshed to face the wall and think about it for a year. When will you figure it out? Now, when the Taoist mind is stable, when can we come out of seclusion? Let’s go down! "


Jishan was so aggrieved that he almost cried. What did he say? Why did he make Master so angry?

Since he became a monk, he has never left Bianliang City. Hearing that his master said he was going to Hong Kong Island to handle business, Jishan was extremely excited. He thought he could go out with his master to see the world, but his dream was shattered because of one sentence, which is even more nonsense. What's strange is that until now, I don't know which words touched Master's G-spot. It's so unfair.


It’s not easy to be a monk!

When Ma Qingfeng saw his senior brother and listened to his description of Lu Fei's request, Ma Qingfeng was trembling with excitement. However, Ma Qingfeng was still calm and took into account almost all possible factors in a short period of time.

"Senior brother, the fact that layman Lu can find us shows that layman Lu has great trust in our Yanqing Temple. This is our honor.

But have you ever thought about it, this project is so big, if it is messed up, the consequences will be disastrous! ! "

Zhao Yuting nodded, very satisfied with his junior brother's calm mind and stable character: "Junior brother, I have also thought about what you are worried about. As you said, the risks of this business are indeed not small.

But I also thought about it. Although we have never been exposed to such a big business before, Pindao has enough confidence in your and my strength.

In addition, don’t forget that Master Lu is a master among masters. His ability is only above you and me, and will never be inferior to us. Having Master Lu present is our greatest help.

Furthermore, Jushi Lu acts steadily and never fights an uncertain battle. Since he can find us, it means that he believes that we can do it. This is his own project, and he does not want to fail. Therefore, Pindao believes that, There shouldn't be much of a problem. "Hello, Mr. Lu, my name is Zhao Yuting."

Well, no problem, Pindao and Ben Guan are willing to serve Lu Jushi.

Well, it's inconvenient for you. Do you want me to go to Hong Kong Island?

No problem, Pindao can be here at any time. Pindao takes the liberty to ask, where do you want us to go?

Hiss. .??.??

It's so grand. Master Lu, you are really courageous!

question? No, no, there is absolutely no problem with Pindao. Please believe in the professionalism of Yanqing Temple.

Well, okay, thank you, layman Lu. Pindao will settle down at home and leave within three days. It will definitely not delay your important events. Okay, please don't worry.

Do you want my junior brother to go with you?

No problem, absolutely no problem, okay, that's it, see you on Hong Kong Island! "


After hanging up the phone, Master Yanqing Guanyuting's face turned red, his breathing quickened rapidly, and his blood surged with excitement.

As Lu Caishen said, this will be the largest business he has ever been exposed to in his life, and the scale astounds him.

If this business is done perfectly, Yanqing Guan and his own reputation will surely reach a higher level. In addition, with the generosity of Lu Da’s God of Wealth, if this project is completed, the reward from Lu Da’s boss will definitely be a huge sum. Astronomical figures. Thinking of these, Zhao Yuting's heartbeat accelerated again and was completely out of control.

In addition to excitement, Zhao Yuting also felt heavy pressure.

If he succeeds, there will be many benefits, but if something unexpected happens to such a grand project, the backlash will be enough to make him doomed. There is no doubt that this project is a double-edged sword, and the risks are not generally high!

But Zhao Yuting agreed without hesitation. The risk was indeed not small, but for him and Yanqing Guan, all the effects and the temptation of income after success forced him to take risks. Fight back. Others have no chance to fight back. Now that the opportunity is right in front of you, how can you give up so easily?

If he didn't have this courage and responsibility, he would definitely attract ridicule from Taoists all over the world. When faced with the obstacles of Sanqing Dao, I'm afraid his Taoist heart would collapse. He couldn't bear the consequences!

"Ji Shan, please notify Qingfeng immediately to come see me. I have important things to discuss with him.

Blessings are immeasurable, gods are born, people die for wealth, birds die for food, poor people work hard. "

The young apprentice Jishan was shaken, blinked his eyes and said in fear: "Master, you said that monks should not be greedy for money, but you are obsessed with it."


Zhao Yuting glared at this honest disciple and snorted coldly: "As a teacher, do I need you to educate me?

My teacher said that monks should not be greedy for money, but my teacher also said that the inevitable elements of spiritual practice are money, partners, Dharma, and land.

Monks cannot be greedy for money, but they cannot be greedy for money. Taoism is different from Buddhism. Wealth is more important to Taoism. Although we are monks, as long as we have good thoughts and a sincere heart to practice, we will be worthy of the people of the world. , have a clear conscience, get money in a wise way, and why not use it for the right purpose?

Jishan, you have disappointed me so much. You are full of distracting thoughts and your Taoist mind is unstable. This is very dangerous. You go and inform Master Qingfeng to come see me, and then you immediately go to the woodshed to face the wall and think about it for a year. When will you figure it out? Now, when the Taoist mind is stable, when can we come out of seclusion? Let’s go down! "


Jishan was so aggrieved that he almost cried. What did he say? Why did he make Master so angry?

Since he became a monk, he has never left Bianliang City. Hearing that his master said he was going to Hong Kong Island to handle business, Jishan was extremely excited. He thought he could go out with his master to see the world, but his dream was shattered because of one sentence, which is even more nonsense. What's strange is that until now, I don't know which words touched Master's G-spot. It's so unfair.


It’s not easy to be a monk!

When Ma Qingfeng saw his senior brother and listened to his description of Lu Fei's request, Ma Qingfeng was trembling with excitement. However, Ma Qingfeng was still calm and took into account almost all possible factors in a short period of time.

"Senior brother, the fact that layman Lu can find us shows that layman Lu has great trust in our Yanqing Temple. This is our honor.

But have you ever thought about it, this project is so big, if it is messed up, the consequences will be disastrous! ! "

Zhao Yuting nodded, very satisfied with his junior brother's calm mind and stable character: "Junior brother, I have also thought about what you are worried about. As you said, the risks of this business are indeed not small.

But I also thought about it. Although we have never been exposed to such a big business before, Pindao has enough confidence in your and my strength.

In addition, don’t forget that Master Lu is a master among masters. His ability is only above you and me, and will never be inferior to us. Having Master Lu present is our greatest help.

Furthermore, Jushi Lu acts steadily and never fights an uncertain battle. Since he can find us, it means that he believes that we can do it. This is his own project, and he does not want to fail. Therefore, Pindao believes that, There shouldn't be much of a problem. "

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