A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3099: Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure

Zhao Yuting's analysis was very correct. Lu Fei took the initiative to find him, of course he recognized their abilities.

Although this project is ambitious, Lu Fei has already made all the preparations in the early stage, and the big framework has been formed. To find them, he just needs their help to find and fill in the gaps, and then carry out the follow-up implementation of a series of details. Lu Fei can master the big picture by himself. Direction, the rest are minor issues, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng are definitely up to the task.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei called Jiang Hefeng again.

When they met for the first time, Lu Fei felt that Fourth Master Jiang was sleek and worldly, a shrewd old fox, and good at maneuvering. To be honest, Lu Fei didn't have much prejudice against such a person, but he couldn't say he liked him.

It is understandable that you will use any means to achieve your own goals. However, being friends with such people will make people feel like they have a lump in their throats and there will always be some knots in their hearts.

However, through subsequent contacts, Lu Fei discovered that his previous judgment of Jiang Hefeng was very wrong. Although Jiang Hefeng was smooth, he was very principled. What was even more valuable was that this man was extremely loyal and gave Lu Fei a sense of loyalty. They have a similar feeling. Moreover, Jiang Hefeng has rich experience and is meticulous in doing things. He is much better than Ji Yong, Little Milk Dog and others, and even better than the second brother Xu. .??.

Currently, the second brother Xu is in London, and Gao Yuan is a firefighter. Now Lu Fei is in urgent need of a stable and experienced veteran to make the Poseidon Needle, and Jiang Hefeng is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

"Fourth brother, I have contacted Zhenren Zhao. They will come to Hong Kong Island in about three days. Fourth brother has to work hard on Mawei Mountain. Please prepare as detailed information as possible. Look, if we need manpower, I will immediately Send someone there.”

Employers are not suspicious. Since he has identified Jiang Hefeng and needs others to do things for him, Lu Fei must not hide it.

After the demolition, Lu Fei told Jiang Hefeng his purpose of acquiring Mawei Mountain and the surrounding three kilometers of land. Of course, Lu Fei would not mention Liang Jiuyue.

Lu Fei confided in him, and Jiang Hefeng trusted him so much. Naturally, he wanted it. He worked hard next, and felt that he had endless energy. Therefore, he speeded up the process and completed the demolition plan half a month in advance according to Lu Fei's requirements. field and a series of projects.

Jiang Hefeng's character is similar to what Lu Fei judged later. To be able to occupy a place in Tiandu City, a world full of big guys, tact and sophistication are necessary factors. However, as a veteran of Tiandu, Jiang Si can win the support of so many locals. My greatest confidence is that I am loyal enough. \u003c


Bai Zirui got on Lu Fei's train. At first, Jiang Hefeng just wanted to find a strong supporter for himself. But after getting in touch with him, Lu Fei not only didn't give him a look, but also respected him and gave him enough What made him even more unexpected was that he could gain Lu Fei's trust in such a short period of time and entrust him with such an important task.

Jiang Hefeng's purpose as a man is to respect others with equal respect. Lu Fei trusts him so much that he must do his best to help Lu Fei. Therefore, he feels that there is no need to be too shy in front of Lu Fei.

"Xiao Fei, I'm collecting information while I'm working here. Now all the information is here with me. It's detailed enough. If you need it, I can pass it on to you right away, or send it to you personally.

However, I feel that these information are just words on paper. No matter how detailed they are, errors cannot be avoided. We should use more reliable methods. "


When Lu Fei heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said this sentence, which showed that Fourth Master Jiang was experienced enough.

If it were brothers like Ji Yong, they would definitely follow the steps, collect information immediately according to their own requirements, and unswervingly carry out their orders. There is nothing wrong with these, but they would never draw inferences from one instance to another. It's not that he doesn't want to, but They don't have enough experience to think of this.

In their eyes, he is their backbone, and as long as he unswervingly executes his orders, it is enough. But Jiang Hefeng is different. He has enough experience. If he thinks this method is inappropriate, he will put it forward without hesitation. , this kind of person is more helpful to him than the loyal Ji Yong and others.

"Fourth brother, do you have a better way?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for the past two days. Although I know a little about Feng Shui, I know that Feng Shui is a delicate work. Often, even the slightest difference can lead to huge deviations, which may lead to backlash.

Our Mawei Mountain area is so large that it is difficult to avoid errors just by relying on some paper information. I thought about it, do you think we can do this, use a helicopter or drone to take aerial photos in the sky, and then follow you there? Live broadcast.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can have a panoramic view of everything. Seeing with your own eyes is much more reliable than any information. During the live broadcast, the position needs to be carefully observed, and the lens can be adjusted at any time. Moreover, we can record the entire process and watch it repeatedly. I feel that this is more reliable than any other information. Information on paper is much more reliable, don’t you think? "Zhao Yuting's analysis was very correct. Lu Fei took the initiative to find him, of course he recognized their abilities.

Although this project is ambitious, Lu Fei has already made all the preparations in the early stage, and the big framework has been formed. To find them, he just needs their help to find and fill in the gaps, and then carry out the follow-up implementation of a series of details. Lu Fei can master the big picture by himself. Direction, the rest are minor issues, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng are definitely up to the task.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei called Jiang Hefeng again.

When they met for the first time, Lu Fei felt that Fourth Master Jiang was sleek and worldly, a shrewd old fox, and good at maneuvering. To be honest, Lu Fei didn't have much prejudice against such a person, but he couldn't say he liked him.

It is understandable that you will use any means to achieve your own goals. However, being friends with such people will make people feel like they have a lump in their throats and there will always be some knots in their hearts.

However, through subsequent contacts, Lu Fei discovered that his previous judgment of Jiang Hefeng was very wrong. Although Jiang Hefeng was smooth, he was very principled. What was even more valuable was that this man was extremely loyal and gave Lu Fei a sense of loyalty. They have a similar feeling. Moreover, Jiang Hefeng has rich experience and is meticulous in doing things. He is much better than Ji Yong, Little Milk Dog and others, and even better than the second brother Xu.

Currently, the second brother Xu is in London, and Gao Yuan is a firefighter. Now Lu Fei is in urgent need of a stable and experienced veteran to make the Poseidon Needle, and Jiang Hefeng is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. .??.

"Fourth brother, I have contacted Zhenren Zhao. They will come to Hong Kong Island in about three days. Fourth brother has to work hard on Mawei Mountain. Please prepare as detailed information as possible. Look, if we need manpower, I will immediately Send someone there.”

Employers are not suspicious. Since he has identified Jiang Hefeng and needs others to do things for him, Lu Fei must not hide it.

After the demolition, Lu Fei told Jiang Hefeng his purpose of acquiring Mawei Mountain and the surrounding three kilometers of land. Of course, Lu Fei would not mention Liang Jiuyue.

Lu Fei told him sincerely, and Jiang Hefeng trusted him so much. Naturally, he wanted it. He worked hard next, and felt that he had endless energy. Therefore, he speeded up the process and completed the demolition plan half a month in advance according to Lu Fei's requirements. field and a series of projects.

Jiang Hefeng's character is similar to what Lu Fei judged later. To be able to occupy a place in Tiandu City, a world full of big guys, tact and sophistication are necessary factors. However, as a veteran of Tiandu, Jiang Si can win the support of so many locals. My greatest confidence is that I am loyal enough. \u003c


Bai Zirui got on Lu Fei's train. At first, Jiang Hefeng just wanted to find a strong supporter for himself. But after getting in touch with him, Lu Fei not only didn't give him a look, but also respected him and gave him enough What made him even more unexpected was that he could gain Lu Fei's trust in such a short period of time and entrust him with such an important task.

Jiang Hefeng's purpose in life is to respect others with equal respect. Lu Fei trusts him so much that he must do his best to help Lu Fei. Therefore, he feels that there is no need to be too shy in front of Lu Fei.

"Xiao Fei, I'm collecting information while I'm working here. Now all the information is here with me. It's detailed enough. If you need it, I can pass it on to you right away, or send it to you personally.

However, I feel that these information are just words on paper. No matter how detailed they are, errors cannot be avoided. We should use more reliable methods. "


When Lu Fei heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said this sentence, which showed that Fourth Master Jiang was experienced enough.

If it were brothers like Ji Yong, they would definitely follow the steps, collect information immediately according to their own requirements, and unswervingly carry out their orders. There is nothing wrong with this, but they would never draw inferences from one instance to another. It's not that he doesn't want to, but They don't have enough experience to think of this.

In their eyes, he is their backbone, and as long as he unswervingly executes his orders, it is enough. But Jiang Hefeng is different. He has enough experience. If he thinks this method is inappropriate, he will put it forward without hesitation. , this kind of person is more helpful to him than the loyal Ji Yong and others.

"Fourth brother, do you have a better way?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for the past two days. Although I know a little about Feng Shui, I know that Feng Shui is a delicate work. Often, even the slightest difference can lead to huge deviations, which may lead to backlash.

Our Mawei Mountain area is so large that it is difficult to avoid errors just by relying on some paper information. I thought about it, do you think we can do this, use a helicopter or drone to take aerial photos in the sky, and then follow you there? Live broadcast.

From a high altitude, you can have a panoramic view of everything. Seeing with your own eyes is much more reliable than any information. During the live broadcast, the location needs to be carefully observed, and the lens can be adjusted at any time. Moreover, we can record the entire process and watch it repeatedly. I feel that this is better than Information on paper is much more reliable, don’t you think? "

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