A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3103 I have everything

It felt like Guan Haishan suddenly woke up. In Lu Fei's heart, it was much more satisfying than getting a treasure.

No matter what you do overseas, you don’t need to think too much. You have the strength and confidence to do whatever comes to mind. However, in this relatively special transition in China, there are constraints from all aspects. But there are too many. If you want to do something, you must consider everything comprehensively. Otherwise, any small mistake may lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, in order to help Mr. Kong fulfill his last wish, in order to help Mr. Guan gain a firm foothold. , Lu Fei could be said to have racked his brains, but even so, he did not see any obvious results.

The fundamental reason is that Guan Laosan's mentality has changed, he is not effective at doing things, and he cannot listen to the advice of others, which gives Lu Fei a headache.

As his influence in China grew and grew, and he received more and more attention from all sides, it became more inconvenient for Lu Fei to do things. Therefore, after meeting at Xiaoyanglou a few days ago, Lu Fei decided to talk to Guan Lao San honestly and honestly. After talking about it, overall, the effect was pretty good. It wasn't until he heard Guan Laosan's tone just now that Lu Fei was completely relieved. Therefore, Lu Fei no longer had any other worries when talking to him.

"Baolan Fei, I analyzed it carefully after I came back. Your plan is very targeted. If implemented according to your plan, it will indeed be of great help to the overall quality of the archaeological team. But the problem is that the price to be paid is too high. Big.

There is a big discrepancy between the data and the facts I told you before. I checked carefully and found that if your plan is based on the facts, the funds needed this year will be at least 8 billion!

Damn it, this number is too scary. It seems that we can only change the plan. "Guan Haishan said helplessly.

"Why change the plan?" Lu Fei smiled.

"Eight billion is too much. Not to mention that this amount of money will have a huge impact on your foundation. If this number is exposed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

The annual allocations from above are not as high as this figure. Private donations suddenly exceed official allocations, and are more than double. What will the leaders think? If not, disaster will arise again. This will be huge for you and our archaeological team. The pressure! "Guan Haishan said seriously.


Lighting a cigarette and taking a deep breath, Lu Fei smiled: "Suddenly you have thought so carefully. At this juncture, to be honest, are you going to Baiyun Temple to have your head consecrated?"

"Pfft. Your uncle, rags fly, I'm telling you

As for the serious ones, please stop joking, okay? "Guan Haishan said angrily.

Lu Fei laughed loudly: "Okay, no kidding, don't think too much, whether it's eight billion or ten billion, the foundation can still afford it.

Eight billion may seem terrifying, but in fact it is not.

The fundamental reason why so much money is needed this year is that the basic conditions at the grassroots level are too bad. I can guess without looking at it that most of this money is used to improve basic conditions, right? "

"That's right." Guan Haishan replied.

Lu Fei nodded: "That's right. Severe cases require strong medicine. The basic conditions at the grassroots level have long needed to be upgraded in all aspects. The Corps is determined to make great efforts to support the grassroots level. It not only changes the basic conditions, but also improves the spirit of the grassroots team. From the looks of it, the grassroots teams feel the attention from above and can only work more actively. This is a great thing.

The amount of funds needed this year is indeed very large. However, when the infrastructure is upgraded, the costs required next year will be greatly reduced. This year it will cost 8 billion, and next year it may only cost 2 billion. If the grassroots teams actively spend some With excellent performance and performance, this number will be significantly reduced.

Three to five years later, the appearance of the grassroots level has completely changed, the overall quality has been comprehensively improved, and the efficiency has been greatly improved. By then, not only will there be no need for support from above, but it will also gradually become profitable. When that day comes, the overall level of our Shenzhou archaeological team will inevitably improve. Several levels are complementary to each other. As long as it is operated properly, this effect can be achieved. Therefore, the average investment in the next few years is definitely not as exaggerated as you think. Therefore, you do not need to be stressed at all. Continue with this plan. "

Guan Haishan frowned slightly and said in deep thought: "But the leaders above."

"Laoguan, you just need to do your job well, I will go say hello from above.

In addition, let me reveal some more information to you. Just a few days ago, I had a contact with the leader above. I proposed to the leader to help you shoulder the burden and let you take into account all aspects of history and culture. The leader has accepted my opinion. , I estimate that after the conference, the leader will talk to you soon. "


Lu Fei's information really shocked Guan Haishan. Since taking office, Guan Haishan has been very unbalanced. His superiors only let him be in charge of archaeological work, which is far different from the power he had during his master's reign. What does this mean? The leader is not confident about his ability, so how can he not be depressed at this juncture? It felt like Guan Haishan suddenly woke up. In Lu Fei's heart, it was much more satisfying than getting a treasure.

No matter what you do overseas, you don’t need to think too much. You have the strength and confidence to do whatever comes to your mind. However, in this relatively special transition in China, there are constraints from all aspects. But there are too many. If you want to do something, you must consider everything comprehensively. Otherwise, any small mistake may lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, in order to help Mr. Kong fulfill his last wish, in order to help Mr. Guan gain a firm foothold. , Lu Fei could be said to have racked his brains, but even so, he did not see any obvious results.

The fundamental reason is that Guan Laosan's mentality has changed, he is not effective at doing things, and he cannot listen to the advice of others, which gives Lu Fei a headache.

As his influence in China grew and grew, and he received more and more attention from all sides, it became more inconvenient for Lu Fei to do things. Therefore, after meeting at Xiaoyanglou a few days ago, Lu Fei decided to talk to Guan Lao San honestly and honestly. After talking about it, overall, the effect was pretty good. It wasn't until he heard Guan Laosan's tone just now that Lu Fei was completely relieved. Therefore, Lu Fei no longer had any other worries when talking to him.

"Baolan Fei, I analyzed it carefully after I came back. Your plan is very targeted. If implemented according to your plan, it will indeed be of great help to the overall quality of the archaeological team. But the problem is that the price to be paid is too high. Big.

There is a big discrepancy between the data and the facts I told you before. I checked carefully and found that if your plan is based on the facts, the funds needed this year will be at least 8 billion!

Damn it, this number is too scary. It seems that we can only change the plan. "Guan Haishan said helplessly.

"Why change the plan?" Lu Fei smiled.

"Eight billion is too much. Not to mention that this amount of money will have a huge impact on your foundation. If this number is exposed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

The annual allocations from above are not as high as this figure. Private donations suddenly exceed official allocations, and are more than double. What will the leaders think? If not, disaster will arise again. This will be huge for you and our archaeological team. The pressure! "Guan Haishan said seriously.


Lighting a cigarette and taking a deep breath, Lu Fei smiled: "Suddenly you have thought so carefully. At this juncture, to be honest, are you going to Baiyun Temple to have your head consecrated?"

"Pfft. Your uncle, rags fly, I'm telling you

As for the serious ones, please stop joking, okay? "Guan Haishan said angrily.

Lu Fei laughed loudly: "Okay, no kidding, don't think too much, whether it's eight billion or ten billion, the foundation can still afford it.

Eight billion may seem terrifying, but in fact it is not.

The fundamental reason why so much money is needed this year is that the basic conditions at the grassroots level are too bad. I can guess without looking at it that most of this money is used to improve basic conditions, right? "

"That's right." Guan Haishan replied.

Lu Fei nodded: "That's right. Severe cases require strong medicine. The basic conditions at the grassroots level have long needed to be upgraded in all aspects. The Corps is determined to make great efforts to support the grassroots level. It not only changes the basic conditions, but also improves the spirit of the grassroots team. From the looks of it, the grassroots teams feel the attention from above and can only work more actively. This is a great thing.

The amount of funds needed this year is indeed very large. However, when the infrastructure is upgraded, the costs required next year will be greatly reduced. This year it will cost 8 billion, and next year it may only cost 2 billion. If the grassroots teams actively spend some With excellent performance and performance, this number will be significantly reduced.

Three to five years later, the appearance of the grassroots level has completely changed, the overall quality has been comprehensively improved, and the efficiency has been greatly improved. By then, not only will there be no need for support from above, but it will also gradually become profitable. When that day comes, the overall level of our Shenzhou archaeological team will inevitably improve. Several levels are complementary to each other. As long as it is operated properly, this effect can be achieved. Therefore, the average investment in the next few years is definitely not as exaggerated as you think. Therefore, you do not need to be stressed at all. Continue with this plan. "

Guan Haishan frowned slightly and said in deep thought: "But the leaders above."

"Laoguan, you just need to do your job well, I will go say hello from above.

In addition, let me reveal some more information to you. Just a few days ago, I had a contact with the leader above. I proposed to the leader to help you shoulder the burden and let you take into account all aspects of history and culture. The leader has accepted my opinion. , I estimate that after the conference, the leader will talk to you soon. "


Lu Fei's information really shocked Guan Haishan. Since taking office, Guan Haishan has been very unbalanced. His superiors only let him be in charge of archaeological work, which is far different from the power he had during his master's reign. What does this mean? The leader is not confident about his ability, so how can he not be depressed at this juncture?

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