A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3104 Sit back and relax

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan was so excited that he suggested that the leader put more responsibilities on him, and was recognized by the leader.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. For those few rights, he has stayed awake at night countless times. You can imagine his excitement.

However, he acted very calmly at this juncture, and his excitement only lasted for a few seconds, and he calmed down in an instant. The reason why he was so excited was because those divisions of labor represented not only power, but also the superior leaders’ influence on their work. recognition and affirmation.

He was able to calm down in the shortest time because Lu Fei's wake-up call just now completely woke him up. At this moment, Guan Haishan repented. Although power and leadership recognition were important to him, these had nothing to do with the teacher's last wish and the following. Compared with the grand ambitions of the generation of archaeologists led by the teacher, those vanities are nothing to mention.

However, what is certain is that with the affirmation and support of the leader, it will be more convenient for him to carry out his work in the future. With Lu Fei's full help, I believe it will be just around the corner to fulfill the teacher's last wish.

"Balan Fei, thank you." Guan Haishan said movedly.

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "It's not necessary. Mr. Kong is your master, and he is also my benefactor. Fulfilling his last wish is our common mission and goal, so I will still spare no effort to help you.

However, there are some things I want to tell you clearly. The glory of Mr. Kong has become a thing of the past. The times are different, and the working methods must also keep pace with the times. As the leader of the archaeological team, you cannot follow the rules and follow the rules. You should have your own opinions and methods, which requires you to constantly explore and sum up experience at work.

Lao Guan, when we talk, don’t mind what I say. You are a soft-eared person, and you are always embarrassed to say some things. However, you must always remember your identity. You are not The leader of a hall is the head of a team of more than 100,000 people. As the saying goes, kindness does not lead to troops, you must establish your authority.

You can use other people's words as a reference, but the decision-making power must be firmly in your own hands. You can correct your mistakes, but your determination must not be shaken. As the head of the family, if the attitude of the people below you is respect, that is you. If you fail, what you want is not the respect of others, but awe, do you understand? ” .??.

Guan Haishan chewed on Lu Fei's words for five minutes. After five minutes, Guan Haishan's spirit was lifted, and his whole aura changed drastically.

"Baolanfei, I understand." Guan Haishan smiled self-deprecatingly: "I have followed the teacher for decades, but I can't see as much as you, a young boy like you. I'm ashamed!"

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "You don't have to be ashamed. Everyone's talent is different. There is a gap between you and me. This is

It’s a fact that everyone knows! "


"Balan Fei, you are so shameless, you have to be polite anyway, right?" Guan Haishan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Fuck, being too polite is just pretentious. That's not my character."

The two resumed their bickering mode, and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

"Bao Bao Fei, then I will listen to you. I will verify the data and then fax it to you immediately." Guan Haishan said.

"No need. You can verify that everything is correct and submit it directly to Director Kong for review. I will contact her immediately and try to complete the review before the end of the year and allocate funds as soon as the new year starts."

"Is this appropriate?"

"Just do as I say!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone forcefully. Guan Haishan, who was far away in Tiandu City, still pressed the phone tightly to his ear, listening to the blind tone in the phone, his eyes moistened at the old moment.

Baolan Fei did not hesitate to spend eight billion to help him fulfill his teacher's last wish. This generosity is so righteous!

"Teacher, you saw the right person, Bao Bao Fei did not disappoint you!"

Guan Haishan burst into tears of gratitude, but Lu Fei on the other side looked relaxed and contented.


"Finally, I woke up this old guy. It was so hard."

Lu Fei was relaxed and happy from the bottom of his heart. He didn't care about the billions. The foundation had a firm goal since its establishment. All the funds of the foundation would be used for the archaeological cause of China. As long as the foundation could afford it, it would be good for him. In general, there is no difference between eight billion and eighty billion.

Full support for Guan Haishan this time has many benefits for him. With this fund, the grassroots team will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes within a year. He hides behind the scenes. This is all Guan Laosan's political achievements.

With these achievements, the superiors can rest assured that no one will harass him again and ask him to be the general counsel that he has no interest in.

In addition, re-formulating this donation plan is also to prepare for the future. Lu Fei has decided that after Chen Honggang takes office, he will donate the foundation to the Shanghai Municipal Government, which will be the first shot for Chen Honggang to gain a foothold.

After the foundation is donated, Lu Fei will no longer have the right to take the lead. Lu Fei has no right to interfere with how the Magic City will operate in the future.

Although Lu Fei believed in Chen Honggang, such a major matter obviously could not be decided by him alone. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, Lu Fei had to complete the signing and docking of the new plan before donating. With the constraints of the contract, he could sit back and relax. After hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan was so excited that he suggested that the leader put more responsibilities on him, and was recognized by the leader.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. For those few rights, he has stayed awake at night countless times. You can imagine his excitement.

However, he acted very calmly at this juncture, and his excitement only lasted for a few seconds, and he calmed down in an instant. The reason why he was so excited was because those divisions of labor represented not only power, but also the superior leaders’ influence on their work. recognition and affirmation.

He was able to calm down in the shortest time because Lu Fei's wake-up call just now completely woke him up. At this moment, Guan Haishan repented. Although power and leadership recognition were important to him, these had nothing to do with the teacher's last wish and the following. Compared with the grand ambitions of the generation of archaeologists led by the teacher, those vanities are nothing to mention.

However, what is certain is that with the affirmation and support of the leader, it will be more convenient for him to carry out his work in the future. With Lu Fei's full help, I believe it will be just around the corner to fulfill the teacher's last wish.

"Balan Fei, thank you." Guan Haishan said movedly.

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "It's not necessary. Mr. Kong is your master, and he is also my benefactor. Fulfilling his last wish is our common mission and goal, so I will still spare no effort to help you.

However, there are some things I want to tell you clearly. The glory of Mr. Kong has become a thing of the past. The times are different, and the working methods must also keep pace with the times. As the leader of the archaeological team, you cannot follow the rules and follow the rules. You should have your own opinions and methods, which requires you to constantly explore and sum up experience at work.

Lao Guan, when we talk, don’t mind what I say. You are a soft-eared person, and you are always embarrassed to say some things. However, you must always remember your identity. You are not The leader of a hall is the head of a team of more than 100,000 people. As the saying goes, kindness does not lead to troops, you must establish your authority.

You can use other people's words as a reference, but the decision-making power must be firmly in your own hands. You can correct your mistakes, but your determination must not be shaken. As the head of the family, if the attitude of the people below you is respect, that is you. If you fail, what you want is not the respect of others, but awe, do you understand? ” .??.

Guan Haishan chewed on Lu Fei's words for five minutes. After five minutes, Guan Haishan's spirit was lifted, and his whole aura changed drastically.

"Baolanfei, I understand." Guan Haishan smiled self-deprecatingly: "I have followed the teacher for decades, but I can't see as much as you, a young boy like you. I'm ashamed!"

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "You don't have to be ashamed. Everyone's talent is different. There is a gap between you and me. This is

It’s a fact that everyone knows! "


"Balan Fei, you are so shameless, you have to be polite anyway, right?" Guan Haishan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Fuck, being too polite is just pretentious. That's not my character."

The two resumed their bickering mode, and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

"Bao Bao Fei, then I will listen to you. I will verify the data and then fax it to you immediately." Guan Haishan said.

"No need. You can verify that everything is correct and submit it directly to Director Kong for review. I will contact her immediately and try to complete the review before the end of the year and allocate funds as soon as the new year starts."

"Is this appropriate?"

"Just do as I say!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone forcefully. Guan Haishan, who was far away in Tiandu City, still pressed the phone tightly to his ear, listening to the blind tone in the phone, his eyes moistened at the old moment.

Baolan Fei did not hesitate to spend eight billion to help him fulfill his teacher's last wish. This generosity is so righteous!

"Teacher, you saw the right person, Bao Bao Fei did not disappoint you!"

Guan Haishan burst into tears of gratitude, but Lu Fei on the other side looked relaxed and contented.


"Finally, I woke up this old guy. It was so hard."

Lu Fei was relaxed and happy from the bottom of his heart. He didn't care about the billions. The foundation had a firm goal since its establishment. All the funds of the foundation would be used for the archaeological cause of China. As long as the foundation could afford it, it would be good for him. In general, there is no difference between eight billion and eighty billion.

Full support for Guan Haishan this time has many benefits for him. With this fund, the grassroots team will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes within a year. He hides behind the scenes. This is all Guan Laosan's political achievements.

With these achievements, the superiors can rest assured that no one will harass him again and ask him to be the general counsel that he has no interest in.

In addition, re-formulating this donation plan is also to prepare for the future. Lu Fei has decided that after Chen Honggang takes office, he will donate the foundation to the Shanghai Municipal Government, which will be the first shot for Chen Honggang to gain a foothold.

After the foundation is donated, Lu Fei will no longer have the right to take the lead. Lu Fei has no right to interfere with how the Magic City will operate in the future.

Although Lu Fei believed in Chen Honggang, such a major matter obviously could not be decided by him alone. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, Lu Fei had to complete the signing and docking of the new plan before donating. With the constraints of the contract, he could sit back and relax.

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