A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3142 Careful Design

The first set of videos was successfully shot, the drone returned, and a professional team urgently collected data. Ten minutes later, the drone took off for the second time.

The focus of this shooting is a cone-shaped hillside due south and the former site of Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain.

Half an hour later, the drone took off for the third time. This time, the drone came to an altitude of 500 meters to collect the implementation status within a ten-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, all the shooting work was successfully completed and processed by a professional team, and all the required data was transmitted to Lu Fei.

During the more than two hours of continuous filming, Lu Fei was extremely serious and looked at the remote control command throughout the whole process, while Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng, who were watching on the sidelines, were shocked by the live video.

Before, Lu Fei just told them about the general scope of the layout. The huge numbers formed in their minds had already surprised them. But when they saw the live video, the strong visual impact was far from... The amount of digital information is comparable.

A whole big mountain, including the surrounding land with a radius of three kilometers, together, the area is much larger than the average county town. To do an overall Feng Shui plan within such a vast range, let alone seen it, I have never heard of it. , so scary.

What shocked them even more was that Lu Fei had spent so much effort and money just to fulfill his ancestor's last wish and build a ghost house. If someone else said this, Zhao Yuting would have to think of him as a lunatic, but this person happened to be Lu Fei , Zhenren Zhao could only sigh at the extraordinary courage of Mr. Lu, the God of Wealth.

In short, the brain circuits of rich people cannot be kept up with by ordinary people. People are so willful, and all you can do is envy, jealousy and hatred.

At this time, Lu Fei asked Fourth Master Jiang and the filming team to rest where they were, and the big screen paused, and then turned around to greet Zhao Yuting.

"Thanks to the two Taoist masters, everything went well today. I'm deeply sorry for delaying your lunch time. Lu Fei is deeply sorry. You two can take a rest and I'll arrange it right away."

Zhao Yuting waved his hands after hearing this: "Blessings are immeasurable, Master Lu, please don't do it. Pindao and I are here to help, not to enjoy. Today is going so well because the time, place and people are favorable. According to Pindao's opinion, we Why don't we start right away, and when all the work is successfully completed, wouldn't it be better for us to take credit for the wine?"

Ma Qingfeng nodded and agreed. Lu Fei smiled and said, "That's not good. How can I let the two Taoists starve?"

"No, Master Lu, please don't say that. I understand what you mean, but work is more important."

, even if a banquet is held at this time, the poor Taoist has no intention of enjoying it! " Zhao Yuting said seriously.

Zhao Yuting's attitude was sincere, and Lu Fei couldn't be pretentious anymore.

"In this case, Lu Fei would rather be respectful than obey his orders. Then let's get started?"


Lu Fei knew the situation around Mawei Mountain very well. The shooting and data collection there were carried out completely in accordance with Lu Fei's instructions. After the data collection was completed, the video was reversed, and Lu Fei could directly operate the rest.

Lu Fei didn't do any ink and immediately exported the first set of videos. The entire Mawei Mountain and the surrounding three kilometers clearly appeared on the big screen.

A few months ago, the area around Mawei Mountain was still a storage center with large warehouses and a constant flow of vehicles.

After Lu Fei acquired these lands, Fourth Master Jiang immediately carried out construction according to the requirements. Now, the modern facilities around Mawei Mountain have long disappeared. All concrete and asphalt roads were cleared, and backfilled with sand and gravel according to the requirements. Now it looks like , has been seamlessly connected with Mawei Mountain, returning to nature, infinitely close to nature, at least, from a high altitude, no trace of the past can be seen at all.

However, the demolition of factory buildings and backfilling projects are not done haphazardly. Lu Fei has carefully designed almost every location and position. Judging from the video taken at an altitude of 200 meters, today, with Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain, The old site radiates from the center to the surroundings, and the overall shape resembles a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram.

When Lu Fei pointed out the location of the old site of Liangjiazhai, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng were surprised to find that with this point as the center and radiating outward, the entire Tai Chi diagram was almost perfect.

Due east is the Qinglong position. On the Qinglong position, a steel structure skeleton about 30 meters high has been built. It is surrounded by a protective cover. It is not clear what is inside. However, this height is enough to serve as the landmark of the Qinglong position. used.

Directly west of Baihu, a large stone forest array covering an area of ​​about five acres was built with various strange stones.

In the formation, eighty-one stone forests rise from the ground. They seem to be of different sizes and heights, which is somewhat nondescript. However, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng can see that this stone forest formation is quite exquisite.

Buddhism teaches that ninety-nine is one, and eighty-one is exactly the number of ninety-nine. The heights are different, which correspond to all living beings. Equality of all living beings is just a wish, but in fact, there will always be three, six, and nine. However, the design of the pagoda forest, Although the heights are different, the difference is not very obvious. The tallest one is only seven or eight meters, and the shortest one is no less than six meters. This height corresponds to the height of the Qinglong position, which couldn't be more perfect. The first set of videos was successfully shot, the drone returned, and a professional team urgently collected data. Ten minutes later, the drone took off for the second time.

The focus of this shooting is a cone-shaped hillside due south and the former site of Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain.

Half an hour later, the drone took off for the third time. This time, the drone came to an altitude of 500 meters to collect the implementation status within a ten-kilometer radius of Mawei Mountain.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, all the shooting work was successfully completed and processed by a professional team, and all the required data was transmitted to Lu Fei.

During the more than two hours of continuous filming, Lu Fei was extremely serious and looked at the remote control command throughout the whole process, while Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng, who were watching on the sidelines, were shocked by the live video.

Before, Lu Fei just told them about the general scope of the layout. The huge numbers formed in their minds had already surprised them. But when they saw the live video, the strong visual impact was far from... The amount of digital information is comparable.

A whole big mountain, including the surrounding land with a radius of three kilometers, together, the area is much larger than the average county town. To do an overall Feng Shui plan within such a vast range, let alone seen it, I have never heard of it. , so scary.

What shocked them even more was that Lu Fei had spent so much effort and money just to fulfill his ancestor's last wish and build a ghost house. If someone else said this, Zhao Yuting would have to think of him as a lunatic, but this person happened to be Lu Fei , Zhenren Zhao could only sigh at the extraordinary courage of Mr. Lu, the God of Wealth.

In short, the brain circuits of rich people cannot be kept up with by ordinary people. People are so willful, and all you can do is envy, jealousy and hatred.

At this time, Lu Fei asked Fourth Master Jiang and the filming team to rest where they were, and the big screen paused, and then turned around to greet Zhao Yuting.

"Thanks to the two Taoist masters, everything went well today. Lu Fei is deeply sorry for delaying your lunch time. You two can take a rest and I will arrange it right away."

Zhao Yuting waved his hands after hearing this: "Blessings are immeasurable, Master Lu, please don't do it. Pindao and I are here to help, not to enjoy. Today is going so well because the time, place and people are favorable. According to Pindao's opinion, we Why don't we start right away, and when all the work is successfully completed, wouldn't it be better for us to take credit for the wine?"

Ma Qingfeng nodded and agreed. Lu Fei smiled and said, "That's not good. How can I let the two Taoists starve?"

"No, Master Lu, please don't say that. I understand what you mean, but work is more important."

, even if a banquet is held at this time, the poor Taoist has no intention of enjoying it! " Zhao Yuting said seriously.

Zhao Yuting's attitude was sincere, and Lu Fei couldn't be pretentious anymore.

"In this case, Lu Fei would rather be respectful than obey his orders. Then let's get started?"


Lu Fei knew the situation around Mawei Mountain very well. The shooting and data collection there were carried out completely in accordance with Lu Fei's instructions. After the data collection was completed, the video was reversed, and Lu Fei could directly operate the rest.

Lu Fei didn't do any ink and immediately exported the first set of videos. The entire Mawei Mountain and the surrounding three kilometers clearly appeared on the big screen.

A few months ago, the area around Mawei Mountain was still a storage center with large warehouses and a constant flow of vehicles.

After Lu Fei acquired these lands, Fourth Master Jiang immediately carried out construction according to the requirements. Now, the modern facilities around Mawei Mountain have long disappeared. All concrete and asphalt roads were cleared, and backfilled with sand and gravel according to the requirements. Now it looks like , has been seamlessly connected with Mawei Mountain, returning to nature, infinitely close to nature, at least, from a high altitude, no trace of the past can be seen at all.

However, the demolition of factory buildings and backfilling projects are not done haphazardly. Lu Fei has carefully designed almost every location and position. Judging from the video taken at an altitude of 200 meters, today, with Liangjiazhai in Mawei Mountain, The old site radiates from the center to the surroundings, and the overall shape resembles a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram.

When Lu Fei pointed out the location of the old site of Liangjiazhai, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng were surprised to find that with this point as the center and radiating outward, the entire Tai Chi diagram was almost perfect.

Due east is the Qinglong position. On the Qinglong position, a steel structure skeleton about 30 meters high has been built. It is surrounded by a protective cover. It is not clear what is inside. However, this height is enough to serve as the landmark of the Qinglong position. used.

Directly west of Baihu, a large stone forest array covering an area of ​​about five acres was built with various strange stones.

In the formation, eighty-one stone forests rise from the ground. They seem to be of different sizes and heights, which is somewhat nondescript. However, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng can see that this stone forest formation is quite exquisite.

Buddhism teaches that ninety-nine is one, and eighty-one is exactly the number of ninety-nine. The heights are different, which correspond to all living beings. Equality of all living beings is just a wish, but in fact, there will always be three, six, and nine. However, the design of the pagoda forest, Although the heights are different, the difference is not very obvious. The tallest one is only seven or eight meters, and the shortest one is no less than six meters. This height corresponds to the height of the Qinglong position, which couldn't be more perfect.

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