A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3143 Is this also called rough?

To be honest, even though Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng said they were relaxed, they were really panicking when they really thought of taking over this business.

They have rich experience in Feng Shui, but they have never heard of such a grand Feng Shui situation. What's more terrible is that they don't go to the scene, but they have to do it through an unprecedented method of video connection. Speaking of which, this method is somewhat Absurd. If they were not present, the compass, their most important weapon for survival, would have no use at all. If other people made such ridiculous requests, Zhao Yuting would not pay any attention to it.

But this person is Lu Fei, so that's another matter. First of all, Lu Caishen is a person they don't want to offend and they can't afford to offend him. In addition, Lu Caishen is generous and casual, which is something they can't even imagine. The astronomical figures, so for the sake of this business, even if they feel guilty, they still have to take the risk.

Just now, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng were extremely nervous, but seeing the detailed video data collected by the professional team, the two brothers let out a long breath, and their hearts dropped.

The video is clear enough. Lu Fei has already marked the exact location of the "Yin Mansion", and the overall macro layout is almost perfect. This means that Lu Fei has completed more than 90% of the workload, and the rest is much simpler. As for the big picture. The killer compass is no longer useful.

Counting Mawei Mountain and the three kilometers around it, the total diameter exceeds ten kilometers. The two Taoists were inexplicably shocked that Lu Fei could make such a large layout so detailed.

Not only is the overall design perfect, but the details are also in place. The positioning of the blue dragon position and the white tiger position is quite accurate, and the artificial landmarks are also well-organized to the extreme.

The True North Xuanwu Bit was transformed into an artificial lake covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres. Moreover, according to the direction of the mountain, the artificial lake was deliberately designed into an irregular triangle. This shape and area just took up the White Tiger Bit. It is quite accurate no matter from any direction or orientation. Such a perfect design can be called the pinnacle of perfection.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuting, who had seen the world, couldn't help but marvel.

"Jushi Lu, you designed these yourself?" ??

Lu Fei nodded slightly: "The time is tight and the task is heavy, so I made it rough, which made Master Tao laugh."


Zhao Yuting almost choked to death on his own saliva. The old Taoist thought to himself, "How the hell can this be called rough?"

So what would it look like if you were more precise?

Zhao Yuting felt that Lu Fei was showing off, but when he thought about it, he thought it was impossible. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, the other party was not that kind at all.

People, not to mention, there is no need for Lu Fei to show off in front of him. That would make no sense. But if Lu Fei said everything from his heart, Zhao Yuting really couldn't believe it. If what Lu Fei said was true, Yes, if he had enough time to calculate carefully, how high would Lu Fei's professional level in Feng Shui Kanyu reach?

Zhao Yuting sighed in his heart, but his expression couldn't help but dim. He suddenly felt that his mission was not as important as Lu Fei said!

The general direction has been prepared for a long time, and the details have been done quite well. The rest is nothing more than piecemeal details. For this amount of work, he has to pay himself 20 million in labor fees, and Zhao Yuting himself feels that he deserves it.

However, judging from Lu Fei's personal invitation to them and Lu Fei's attitude towards them after they came to Hong Kong Island, they were definitely sincere and had no intention of entertaining them. Therefore, Zhao Yuting felt more and more responsible. In order to find With a sense of existence, Zhao Yuting began to carefully examine the details.

Mr. Lu, the God of Wealth, made it clear that they were invited to find faults, point them out, and then help Lu Fei correct them. Only in this way can he be worthy of the high labor fee.

Zhao Yuting observed carefully and his eyes immediately fixed on the Qinglong position.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, Layman Lu, the height of the Azure Dragon position is fine. However, Pindao discovered that the inside of the protective net is a steel structure, and the steel is "gold". It corresponds to the stone forest of the White Tiger position. Doesn't it seem inappropriate?"

Zhao Yuting asked seriously, and Ma Qingfeng nodded solemnly, saying that his senior brother was still very capable. He admired him for finding a flaw so quickly.

Lu Fei glanced at Zhao Yuting, smiled slightly and gave a thumbs up.

"Zhenzhen Zhao has good eyesight. It seems that Lu has found the right person this time."

Lu Fei said this as an affirmation of them, and Zhao Yuting suddenly felt a little happier.

Lu Fei continued: "What Zhenren Zhao said is very correct. The steel structure is indeed not suitable for Qinglong. In fact, the steel structure inside is just a scaffolding prepared for construction. I plan to build a 33.3-high building in Qinglong." The nine-story exquisite pagoda is about 1,000 feet tall, but due to time constraints, the construction of the underground palace has just begun, and it is estimated that it will take one year to complete."


Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng gasped and were shocked.

Good guy, the nine-story exquisite pagoda is more than 30 meters high, and it also comes with an underground palace. It’s such a big deal. How much does it cost?

What surprised them was not just Lu Fei's generosity, but the conception of the pagoda design. The stone forest and the pagoda were a perfect match! To be honest, even though Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng said they were relaxed, they were really panicking when they really thought of taking over this business.

They have rich experience in Feng Shui, but they have never heard of such a grand Feng Shui situation. What's more terrible is that they don't go to the scene, but they have to do it through an unprecedented method of video connection. Speaking of which, this method is somewhat Absurd. If they were not present, the compass, their most important weapon for survival, would have no use at all. If other people made such ridiculous requests, Zhao Yuting would not pay any attention to it.

But this person is Lu Fei, so that’s another matter. First of all, Lu Caishen is a person they don’t want to offend and they can’t afford to offend him. In addition, Lu Caishen spends money freely and casually, which is something they can’t even imagine. The astronomical figures, so for the sake of this business, even if they feel guilty, they still have to take the risk.

Just now, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng were extremely nervous, but seeing the detailed video data collected by the professional team, the two brothers let out a long breath, and their hearts dropped.

The video is clear enough. Lu Fei has already marked the exact location of the "Yin Mansion", and the overall macro layout is almost perfect. This means that Lu Fei has completed more than 90% of the workload, and the rest is much simpler. As for the big picture. The killer compass is no longer useful.

Counting Mawei Mountain and the three kilometers around it, the total diameter exceeds ten kilometers. The two Taoists were inexplicably shocked that Lu Fei could make such a large layout so detailed.

Not only is the overall design perfect, but the details are also in place. The positioning of the blue dragon position and the white tiger position is quite accurate, and the artificial landmarks are also well-organized to the extreme.

The True North Xuanwu Bit was transformed into an artificial lake covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres. Moreover, according to the direction of the mountain, the artificial lake was deliberately designed into an irregular triangle. This shape and area just took up the White Tiger Bit. It is quite accurate no matter from any direction or orientation. Such a perfect design can be called the pinnacle of perfection.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuting, who had seen the world, couldn't help but marvel.

"Jushi Lu, did you design these yourself?"

Lu Fei nodded slightly: "The time is tight and the task is heavy, so I made it rough, which made Master Dao laugh."


Zhao Yuting almost choked to death on his own saliva. The old Taoist thought to himself, "How the hell can this be called rough?"

So what would it look like if you were more precise?

Zhao Yuting felt that Lu Fei was showing off, but when he thought about it, he thought it was impossible. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, the other party was not that kind at all.

People, not to mention, there is no need for Lu Fei to show off in front of him. That would make no sense. But if Lu Fei said what he said from his heart, Zhao Yuting really couldn't believe it. If what Lu Fei said was true, Yes, if he had enough time to calculate carefully, how high would Lu Fei's professional level in Feng Shui Kanyu reach?

Zhao Yuting sighed in his heart, but his expression couldn't help but dim. He suddenly felt that his mission was not as important as Lu Fei said!

The general direction has been prepared for a long time, and the details have been done quite well. The rest is nothing more than piecemeal details. For this amount of work, he has to pay himself 20 million in labor fees, and Zhao Yuting himself feels that he deserves it.

However, judging from Lu Fei's personal invitation to them and Lu Fei's attitude towards them after they came to Hong Kong Island, they were definitely sincere and had no intention of entertaining them. Therefore, Zhao Yuting felt more and more responsible. In order to find With a sense of existence, Zhao Yuting began to carefully examine the details.

Mr. Lu, the God of Wealth, made it clear that they were invited to find faults, point them out, and then help Lu Fei correct them. Only in this way can he be worthy of the high labor fee.

Zhao Yuting observed carefully and his eyes immediately fixed on the Qinglong position.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, Layman Lu, the height of the Azure Dragon position is fine. However, Pindao discovered that the inside of the protective net is a steel structure, and the steel is "gold". It corresponds to the stone forest of the White Tiger position. Doesn't it seem inappropriate?"

Zhao Yuting asked seriously, and Ma Qingfeng nodded solemnly, saying that his senior brother was still very capable. He admired him for finding a flaw so quickly.

Lu Fei glanced at Zhao Yuting, smiled slightly and gave a thumbs up.

"Zhenzhen Zhao has good eyesight. It seems that Lu has found the right person this time."

Lu Fei said this as an affirmation of them, and Zhao Yuting suddenly felt a little happier.

Lu Fei continued: "What Zhenren Zhao said is very correct. The steel structure is indeed not suitable for Qinglong. In fact, the steel structure inside is just a scaffolding prepared for construction. I plan to build a 33.3-high building in Qinglong." The nine-story exquisite pagoda is about 1,000 feet tall, but due to time constraints, the construction of the underground palace has just begun, and it is estimated that it will take one year to complete."


Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng gasped and were shocked.

Good guy, the nine-story exquisite pagoda is more than 30 meters high, and it also comes with an underground palace. It’s such a big deal. How much does it cost?

What surprised them was not just Lu Fei's generosity, but the conception of the pagoda design. The stone forest and the pagoda were a perfect match!

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