A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3145 Sudden Inspiration

Lu Fei was very satisfied with Zhao Yuting's attitude. Just as Zhao Yuting expected, how could Lu Fei ignore such a big loophole in Suzaku's position?

Speaking of which, this Suzaku position really made Lu Fei very worried.

The terrain of Zhuque in Mawei Mountain is quite bad. A little to the left is a steamed bun-shaped hill. Next to this hill is a 30-meter-high cliff. The entire Zhuque area has nothing to do with "fire". Speaking of related elements, it is possible to artificially create a landmark related to the "fire" element, but the key is that this landmark must complement the other three directions, which is too difficult.

Regarding the design of the Suzaku seat, Lu Fei had been stuck for a long time and had no idea. However, thankfully, Lu Fei, Xiao Nai Dog and others got some inspiration when they inspected the Phoenix Villa playground half a month ago.

The playground has been under construction for half a year, and all locations have been determined. During the inspection that day, Zhang Jianguo asked Lu Fei how to design the greening around the playground. After Lu Fei paid attention, he could explain it and proceed simultaneously.

At this time, Lu Fei was also asked. He only wanted to build a large playground for his son and daughter, and did not consider the issue of greening at all. In fact, this is not to blame Lu Fei. This is his own playground, in his own manor. It's inside, and it's not open to the public. It's ok if you can play games. There seems to be no use in greening it, right?

However, after listening to Zhang Jianguo's words, Lu Fei suddenly realized that this seemed to be a problem. A bare playground always seemed to be defective. Proper greening could not only improve the surrounding environment, but also be pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that , Lu Fei is not short of money at all. In that case, why not try to make it as perfect as possible?

Lu Fei thought for a while and agreed to carry out the greening project. However, Lu Fei had no idea yet where to find a design team and what standards to use, so he left it all to Zhang Jianguo.

Zhang Jianguo recommended several of the world's top greening teams to Lu Fei on the spot, hoping that Lu Fei would give his opinion. At this time, the little puppy Di Ruilong spoke.

The guy chuckled and said, "You two, I can guarantee that you rarely came here before, right?"

Zhang Jianguo was slightly startled: "Master Di, do you have any opinions?"

"I don't take my opinion seriously, but if you had come here often before, you wouldn't have worried about the greening issue at all."

"What do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

The little nanny pointed to the hillside around the playground and said, "You probably haven't noticed what kind of trees there are on the surrounding hillsides!

If you had noticed, you wouldn’t ask this question. There are Canadian maples all around here. After June and July, the leaves change colors and it’s so beautiful. I came here several times last year. The scenery is so beautiful. so

With the beautiful scenery, what kind of greening is needed? "

Lu Fei and Zhang Jianguo were stunned at the words of the little naughty dog. Zhang Jianguo was responsible for the security of the manor, focusing on the mountain gate and residential area. Lu Fei was busy with business, and they really rarely came here, let alone the surrounding mountains. There is such a beautiful scenery.

If it's really what the little milk dog said, there's really no need to add superfluous things. Wouldn't the original taste be better?


While talking about greening, Lu Fei suddenly thought of something in his mind.

"Xiaolong, what kind of trees did you say are on the mountain?" Lu Fei asked.

“Ugh Canadian maple trees!

It is a top-level maple tree grafted by research in Canada in the 1990s. This maple tree does not matter the environment. Even in the tropics, the leaves will turn red starting in June and July. However, around January, the leaves will fall off. , it will turn completely yellow and begin to rot. "

“Maple Leaf!


fire? "


Upon hearing these keywords, a bright light suddenly lit up in Lu Fei's head.

Got it!

Red is "fire". If a large area of ​​maple trees is planted in the Suzaku position of Mawei Mountain, wouldn't the Suzaku position be formed?

Moreover, this is an all-natural Suzaku landmark, which couldn’t be better.


"Xiaolong, are there any trees in the world with red leaves all year round?" Lu Fei asked.

This is particularly important. Only when the leaves turn red can the Suzaku position be formed. If the leaves are green, the Suzaku position will not exist.

If it is red half the year and green half the year, this will definitely not work. Once the Feng Shui bureau is formed, the four phases lack one direction, which will not only fail to achieve the purpose, but will even disrupt the overall layout, which may lead to serious problems.

Zhang Jianguo shook his head slightly when he heard this: "It doesn't seem possible. There are maple trees all over the mountains and plains over Xiangshan Mountain in Tiandu City. They are red only for a few months every year and are green the rest of the time. Moreover, I haven't heard of any trees whose leaves are always green. Red!

Not even cockscombs! "

The little nanny smiled and shook his head: "Old Zhang, you must be ignorant now!

As long as you have money these days, you can get anything.

As far as I know, there is indeed research in this area in Canada, and the research was successful. Two years ago, they studied maple trees with red leaves all year round, and they have already conducted experiments in Yellowstone Park. The effect is absolutely fine, but the price is just the price. It's ridiculously high, and the market prospects are just not high. "Lu Fei is very satisfied with Zhao Yuting's attitude. Just as Zhao Yuting expected, how could Lu Fei ignore such a big loophole in Suzaku's position?

Speaking of which, this Suzaku position really made Lu Fei very worried.

The terrain of Zhuque in Mawei Mountain is quite bad. A little to the left is a steamed bun-shaped hill. Next to this hill is a 30-meter-high cliff. The entire Zhuque area has nothing to do with "fire". Speaking of related elements, it is possible to artificially create a landmark related to the "fire" element, but the key is that this landmark must complement the other three directions, which is too difficult.

Regarding the design of the Suzaku seat, Lu Fei had been stuck for a long time and had no idea. However, thankfully, Lu Fei, Xiao Nai Dog and others got some inspiration when they inspected the Phoenix Villa playground half a month ago.

The playground has been under construction for half a year, and all locations have been determined. During the inspection that day, Zhang Jianguo asked Lu Fei how to design the greening around the playground. After Lu Fei paid attention, he could explain it and proceed simultaneously.

At this time, Lu Fei was also asked. He only wanted to build a large playground for his son and daughter, and did not consider the issue of greening at all. In fact, this is not to blame Lu Fei. This is his own playground, in his own manor. It's inside, and it's not open to the public. It's ok if you can play games. There seems to be no use in greening it, right?

However, after listening to Zhang Jianguo's words, Lu Fei suddenly realized that this seemed to be a problem. A bare playground always seemed to be defective. Proper greening could not only improve the surrounding environment, but also be pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that , Lu Fei is not short of money at all. In that case, why not try to make it as perfect as possible?

Lu Fei thought for a while and agreed to carry out the greening project. However, Lu Fei had no idea yet where to find a design team and what standards to use, so he left it all to Zhang Jianguo.

Zhang Jianguo recommended several of the world's top greening teams to Lu Fei on the spot, hoping that Lu Fei would give his opinion. At this time, the little puppy Di Ruilong spoke.

The guy chuckled and said, "You two, I can guarantee that you rarely came here before, right?"

Zhang Jianguo was slightly startled: "Master Di, do you have any opinions?"

"I don't take my opinion seriously, but if you had come here often before, you wouldn't have worried about the greening issue at all."

"What do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

The little nanny pointed to the hillside around the playground and said, "You probably haven't noticed what kind of trees there are on the surrounding hillsides!

If you had noticed, you wouldn’t ask this question. There are Canadian maples all around here. After June and July, the leaves change colors and it’s so beautiful. I came here several times last year. The scenery is so beautiful. so

With the beautiful scenery, what kind of greening is needed? "

Lu Fei and Zhang Jianguo were stunned at the words of the little naughty dog. Zhang Jianguo was responsible for the security of the manor, focusing on the mountain gate and residential area. Lu Fei was busy with business, and they really rarely came here, let alone the surrounding mountains. There is such a beautiful scenery.

If it's really what the little milk dog said, there's really no need to add superfluous things. Wouldn't the original taste be better?


While talking about greening, Lu Fei suddenly thought of something in his mind.

"Xiaolong, what kind of trees did you say are on the mountain?" Lu Fei asked.

“Ugh Canadian maple trees!

It is a top-level maple tree grafted by research in Canada in the 1990s. This maple tree does not matter the environment. Even in the tropics, the leaves will turn red starting in June and July. However, around January, the leaves will fall off. , it will turn completely yellow and begin to rot. "

“Maple Leaf!


fire? "


Upon hearing these keywords, a bright light suddenly lit up in Lu Fei's head.

Got it!

Red is "fire". If a large area of ​​maple trees is planted in the Suzaku position of Mawei Mountain, wouldn't the Suzaku position be formed?

Moreover, this is an all-natural Suzaku landmark, which couldn’t be better.


"Xiaolong, are there any trees in the world with red leaves all year round?" Lu Fei asked.

This is particularly important. Only when the leaves turn red can the Suzaku position be formed. If the leaves are green, the Suzaku position will not exist.

If it is red half the year and green half the year, this will definitely not work. Once the Feng Shui bureau is formed, the four phases lack one direction, which will not only fail to achieve the purpose, but will even disrupt the overall layout, which may lead to serious problems.

Zhang Jianguo shook his head slightly when he heard this: "It doesn't seem possible. There are maple trees all over the mountains and plains over Xiangshan Mountain in Tiandu City. They are red only for a few months every year and are green the rest of the time. Moreover, I haven't heard of any trees whose leaves are always green. Red!

Not even cockscombs! "

The little nanny smiled and shook his head: "Old Zhang, you must be ignorant now!

As long as you have money these days, you can get anything.

As far as I know, there is indeed research in this area in Canada, and the research was successful. Two years ago, they studied maple trees with red leaves all year round, and they have already conducted experiments in Yellowstone Park. The effect is absolutely fine, but the price is just the price. It's ridiculously high, and the market prospects are just not high. "

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