A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3146 Sky-high price products

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

The little milk dog's casual words gave Lu Fei a strong inspiration, and he couldn't wait to get Di Ruilong in touch.

This guy usually makes crazy noises, but when it comes to doing business, he never loses control. He immediately asks a friend to contact him, and the result is quickly obtained.

Little Milk Dog is right. This latest product was developed by Canadian agricultural experts two years ago and was successfully tested in Yellowstone Park. The effect is very good, but unfortunately, due to the high cost, it cannot be promoted on a large scale. , so not many people know about it.

It should be said that there are many rich people in this world, and there are even more rich people who like maple leaves. The higher price should not be a problem, but the key to the problem is that the price of this product is not generally high, but high. Outrageous.

If it were just the price of the maple tree itself, the average wealthy person would be able to accept it. However, the problem is that cultivating this kind of maple tree is particularly troublesome. It not only requires professionals to cultivate it, but also, due to extremely strict requirements on details, in order to ensure the survival rate, it must be mature. During these three months, experts are required to supervise and care at any time and at any time. With such a hassle, the cost will rise. According to the budget, even if a large area is planted, the cost per square meter will exceed US$8,000.

Maple trees are not bonsais, just plant one or two for decoration. Which maple tree is not planted in a large area?

If the planting is too small, it will not be large-scale, and the effect will not be achieved at all!

But the planting area is large, and the price of eight thousand US dollars per square meter seems too outrageous.

For example, the green area of ​​the villas of wealthy people in Western countries is at least two to three thousand square meters, and the green area of ​​slightly larger ones is tens of thousands of square meters. ??

American basketball player Michael Jordan's mansion in Chicago has a green area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters. Such a large area is considered a mansion among athletes, but compared with the mansions of the real rich on Wall Street, it is far behind. .

Not to mention those business giants, if Jordan's mansion with 7,000 square meters of green area were planted with maple trees, the cost would be more than $50 million. This price is twice as expensive as that mansion. As long as you are not crazy, you will not be willing to spend 50 million just for eye candy. With 50 million dollars, what can't you do?

What's more, not everyone likes the color of maple leaves. Therefore, this kind of sky-high-priced maple tree died in the cradle before it was popularized. Therefore, there are really not many people who know about it. It is just a coincidence that the little milk dog , I heard about it from a friend, so I brought it up by chance. As a result, I never expected that I accidentally typed it.

The accidental collision helped Lu Fei a lot.

On the same day, Lu Fei sent the puppy to Canada to find the research center to discuss business.

When the little puppy came to this research center in Canada called PS·HSU, he suspected that he had come to the wrong place. The brand was right and the research base was quite large. However, after arriving for more than half an hour, he didn't see anything at all. A living person, the little naughty dog ​​contacted his friend again, and after waiting for more than three hours, two sloppy and listless bearded men came over. When they met, the little naughty dog ​​knew that these two were from the base. Chief Hajim and Chief Expert Prince.

Mao was listless. It turned out that because their latest research product was not recognized by the market, the base could not make ends meet and was ready to go bankrupt. The new product they had spent seven or eight years researching was not recognized, and the base was going to go bankrupt. If they had The spirit is strange.

However, when they asked the little milk dog why he was here, Hajim and Prince's originally dull eyes suddenly shined with the brightest brilliance.


You said you want to introduce our products on a large scale?"

"Sir, are you sure you are not joking?"

The two bearded men had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and the little naughty dog ​​rolled his eyes angrily.

"As long as your product satisfies me, I'm not joking." The little dog said with disgust.

Hajim was slightly startled: "Sir, do you know the price of our products?

Our products are very expensive. One square meter costs 8,000 U.S. dollars. Are you sure you are not kidding? "

Young Master Di hates people questioning him most about money. Niang Xipi, I am poor and I can save money. This is my greatest advantage. I doubt my ability in money matters more than I doubt my young master. Are men more exaggerated?

The little naughty dog ​​glared at Hajim and said, "Is eight thousand dollars expensive, country bumpkin?"


Being called a country bumpkin by a young man, if it had been in the past, Hajim would have had to fight with the little milk dog. But with the current situation in the base, he no longer had the urge to fight. On the contrary, he hoped that the other party was a real rich man. As long as we can successfully resolve the current crisis in the base through cooperation, let alone scolding him, even if he wants to sleep with his wife, it is not beyond negotiation!

Therefore, Hajim humbly apologized to the little milk dog, and implicitly inquired about Young Master Di's background. When it was confirmed that the young man standing in front of him was the young owner of Baihua Bank, Hajim was so excited that he almost burst into tears. If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

The little milk dog's casual words gave Lu Fei a strong inspiration, and he couldn't wait to get Di Ruilong in touch.

This guy usually makes crazy noises, but when it comes to doing business, he never loses control. He immediately asks a friend to contact him, and the result is quickly obtained.

Little Milk Dog is right. This latest product was developed by Canadian agricultural experts two years ago and was successfully tested in Yellowstone Park. The effect is very good, but unfortunately, due to the high cost, it cannot be promoted on a large scale. , so not many people know about it.

It should be said that there are many rich people in this world, and there are even more rich people who like maple leaves. The higher price should not be a problem, but the key to the problem is that the price of this product is not generally high, but high. Outrageous.

If it were just the price of the maple tree itself, the average wealthy person would be able to accept it. However, the problem is that cultivating this kind of maple tree is particularly troublesome. It not only requires professionals to cultivate it, but also, due to extremely strict requirements on details, in order to ensure the survival rate, it must be mature. During these three months, experts are required to supervise and care at any time and at any time. With such a hassle, the cost will rise. According to the budget, even if a large area is planted, the cost per square meter will exceed US$8,000.

Maple trees are not bonsais, just plant one or two for decoration. Which maple tree is not planted in a large area?

If the planting is too small, it will not be large-scale, and the effect will not be achieved at all!

But the planting area is large, and the price of eight thousand US dollars per square meter seems too outrageous. ??

For example, the green area of ​​the villas of wealthy people in Western countries is at least two to three thousand square meters, and the green area of ​​slightly larger ones is tens of thousands of square meters.

American basketball player Michael Jordan's mansion in Chicago has a green area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters. Such a large area is considered a mansion among athletes, but compared with the mansions of the real rich on Wall Street, it is far behind. .

Not to mention those business giants, if Jordan's mansion with 7,000 square meters of green area were planted with maple trees, the cost would be more than $50 million. This price is twice as expensive as that mansion. As long as you are not crazy, you will not be willing to spend 50 million just for eye candy. With 50 million dollars, what can't you do?

What's more, not everyone likes the color of maple leaves. Therefore, this kind of sky-high-priced maple tree died in the cradle before it was popularized. Therefore, there are really not many people who know about it. It is just a coincidence that the little milk dog , I heard about it from a friend, so I brought it up by chance. As a result, I never expected that I accidentally typed it.

The accidental collision helped Lu Fei a lot.

On the same day, Lu Fei sent the puppy to Canada to find the research center to discuss business.

When the little puppy came to this research center in Canada called PS·HSU, he suspected that he had come to the wrong place. The brand was right and the research base was quite large. However, after arriving for more than half an hour, he didn't see anything at all. A living person, the little naughty dog ​​contacted his friend again, and after waiting for more than three hours, two sloppy and listless bearded men came over. When they met, the little naughty dog ​​knew that these two were from the base. Chief Hajim and Chief Expert Prince.

Mao was listless. It turned out that because their latest research product was not recognized by the market, the base could not make ends meet and was ready to go bankrupt. The new product they had spent seven or eight years researching was not recognized, and the base was going to go bankrupt. If they had The spirit is strange.

However, when they asked the little milk dog why he was here, Hajim and Prince's originally dull eyes suddenly shined with the brightest brilliance.


You said you want to introduce our products on a large scale?"

"Sir, are you sure you are not joking?"

The two bearded men had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and the little naughty dog ​​rolled his eyes angrily.

"As long as your product satisfies me, I'm not joking." The little dog said with disgust.

Hajim was slightly startled: "Sir, do you know the price of our products?

Our products are very expensive. One square meter costs 8,000 U.S. dollars. Are you sure you are not kidding? "

Young Master Di hates people questioning him most about money. Niang Xipi, I am poor and I can save money. This is my greatest advantage. I doubt my ability in money matters more than I doubt my young master. Are men more exaggerated?

The little naughty dog ​​glared at Hajim and said, "Is eight thousand dollars expensive, country bumpkin?"


A young man called him a country bumpkin. In the past, Hajim would have had to fight with the little milk dog. But with the current situation in the base, he no longer had the urge to fight. On the contrary, he hoped that the other party was a real rich man. As long as we can successfully resolve the current crisis in the base through cooperation, let alone scolding him, even if he wants to sleep with his wife, it is not beyond negotiation!

Therefore, Hajim humbly apologized to the little milk dog, and implicitly inquired about Young Master Di's background. When it was confirmed that the young man standing in front of him was the young owner of Baihua Bank, Hajim was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

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