A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3149 Questioning

Seeing Lu Fei's plan, Zhao Yuting was shocked to the core. As for his junior brother Ma Qingfeng, his mouth was wide open in shock.

Shocked, but Zhao Yuting has not forgotten his mission. From the current point of view, Lu Fei's layout is quite perfect. However, this only refers to the general layout. For such a large scene, Zhao Yuting does not believe that there are no mistakes. exist.

After calming down, Zhao Yuting searched carefully and found more than a dozen loopholes. However, what disappointed him was that these loopholes were not mistakes. In fact, Lu Fei had already made preparations in these places, but Due to time reasons, it has not been implemented yet, causing the illusion of a loophole.

Fortunately, Lu Fei spoke highly of Zhao Yuting's seriousness, otherwise, Mr. Zhao would really be ashamed of himself. .??.

Zhao Yuting was very excited to receive Lu Fei's praise. This at least showed that he was not here for free. This gave Zhao Zhenren a lot of confidence, his sense of presence also increased, and his observations became more serious.

The three of them stared at the big screen to discuss and investigate bit by bit, and more than three hours passed before they knew it. Although lunch time had already passed, the three of them seemed to be in high spirits and still had plenty of energy.

Finally, all the surrounding areas were investigated, and corresponding to the overall layout, the three of them finally reached a consensus. What was left was the most critical Feng Shui pattern near the old site of Liangjiazhai.

The ultimate purpose of the overall layout with a radius of nearly ten kilometers is to serve the former Liangjiazhai site, which is less than fifty acres of land. Therefore, this is the real core and the most important place.

According to Lu Fei's idea, he wanted to replicate the old appearance of Liangjiazhai as much as possible based on his own impressions. However, after thinking about it carefully, Lu Fei gave up this idea.

No matter what, Liangjiazhai is a bandit den after all, and its reputation is really not good. When the Liang brothers and sisters took over the mountain and became kings, they were completely forced to do so. As long as there is a way to survive, who would be willing to bear the reputation of a bandit?

In the last life, there was no way. In this life, Lu Fei had to pay back Yue Yue's innocence no matter what.

In addition, if it were to restore the old appearance, it would be difficult for Lu Fei to explain it to the outside world.

Some have renovated the Martyrs' Shrine, and some have copied the former residences of famous people. What kind of thing is it for me to spend so much money to copy a notorious bandit's den?

Furthermore, the local elders don’t know what Liangjiazhai looked like back then. How should they explain if they copied it and were asked about it?

Lu Fei is not afraid of trouble, but he is afraid of trouble. Besides, he just wants to build a clean place for September at such a high price. If there is really trouble, it will go against Lu Fei's original intention, so he gave up.

The plan is to replicate the old appearance of Liangjiazhai.

He didn't intend to replicate the old appearance of Liangjiazhai, but Lu Fei didn't want to build it into a high-end cemetery. Although it was a ghost house, the atmosphere of building the cemetery was somewhat depressing.

It is described in the Tibetan Sutra that when people pass away, the souls of the dead are especially present.

The yin house is a place built for the souls of the deceased, so that the souls can clean up and enter reincarnation as early as possible.

But Lu Fei thought about it, no matter whether it is a yin house or a yang house, the first thing to consider is the environment. The so-called Feng Shui, its fundamental purpose, is not to transform the surrounding environment and bring a comfortable atmosphere to the magnetic field around the house. Everything it does, The ultimate goal is to make the living or the dead feel comfortable. In this case, everything must be considered carefully.

The living people felt that the atmosphere was oppressive, and the dead souls would not be too comfortable. Therefore, Lu Fei did not plan to build a cemetery here from the beginning, but wanted to build an ancestral hall for September to enjoy incense and offerings.

Since it is building an ancestral hall, there are too many things to pay attention to, such as the overall orientation, specific orientation, and even the specifications and where to open the doors. However, these details are not a problem in Lu Fei's eyes.

Lu Fei typed on the keyboard, and after a while, the three-dimensional diagram of the ancestral hall designed by Lu Fei appeared on the big screen, combined with the real-life terrain, and was introduced to Zhao Yuting and Zhao Yuting one by one.

Lu Fei's design was perfect. Ma Qingfeng watched it carefully and couldn't help but nod in praise. However, Lu Fei noticed that Zhao Yuting frowned.

"Zhenzhen Zhao, did you see something?

It doesn't matter. If you have any questions, just tell us and we'll discuss them together. "Lu Fei said seriously.

Only then did Ma Qingfeng notice his senior brother's expression and couldn't help but be startled.

Is there something wrong?

Why didn't Pindao see it? I think the design is very good, but why does the senior brother have this expression?

Ma Qingfeng was puzzled, while Zhao Yuting's expression remained serious. He squinted his eyes and made some calculations in his mind. Then he walked to the big screen, stretched out his finger and pointed at the seven o'clock position in the lower left corner of the three-dimensional diagram of the ancestral hall and asked: "Master Lu, according to Pindao According to deduction, this should be where Kun's position is located. But based on your design, the ancestral hall is at least fifteen meters away from Kun's position.

Based on Layman Lu's knowledge, such a mistake should not occur. Therefore, Pindao guessed that Layman Lu must have your own plan.

The ancestral hall is deviated from the Kun position, and the northeast corner is pressed against the Kan position. In this way, the main hall of the ancestral hall cannot be in the Qian position.

"Qian" means "Heaven", which is the direction where the incense ascends to heaven. Whenever it is enshrined in the palace, it must be in the Qian position. However, the poor man really can't understand Lu Jushi's design. "Seeing Lu Fei's layout, Zhao Yuting was shocked to the core. As for his junior brother Ma Qingfeng, his mouth was wide open in shock.

Shocked, but Zhao Yuting has not forgotten his mission. From the current point of view, Lu Fei's layout is quite perfect. However, this only refers to the general layout. For such a large scene, Zhao Yuting does not believe that there are no mistakes. exist.

After calming down, Zhao Yuting searched carefully and found more than a dozen loopholes. However, what disappointed him was that these loopholes were not mistakes. In fact, Lu Fei had already made preparations in these places, but Due to time reasons, it has not been implemented yet, causing the illusion of a loophole.

Fortunately, Lu Fei spoke highly of Zhao Yuting's seriousness, otherwise, Mr. Zhao would really be ashamed of himself.

Zhao Yuting was very excited to receive Lu Fei's praise. This at least showed that he was not here for free. This gave Zhao Zhenren a lot of confidence, his sense of presence also increased, and his observations became more serious.

The three of them stared at the big screen to discuss and investigate bit by bit, and more than three hours passed before they knew it. Although lunch time had already passed, the three of them seemed to be in high spirits and still had plenty of energy.

Finally, all the surrounding areas were investigated, and corresponding to the overall layout, the three of them finally reached a consensus. What was left was the most critical Feng Shui pattern near the old site of Liangjiazhai.

The ultimate purpose of the overall layout with a radius of nearly ten kilometers is to serve the former Liangjiazhai site, which is less than fifty acres of land. Therefore, this is the real core and the most important place.

According to Lu Fei's idea, he wanted to copy the old appearance of Liangjiazhai as much as possible based on his own impressions. However, after thinking about it carefully, Lu Fei gave up this idea.

No matter what, Liangjiazhai is a bandit den after all, and its reputation is really not good. When the Liang brothers and sisters took over the mountain and became kings, they were completely forced to do so. As long as there is a way to survive, who would be willing to bear the reputation of a bandit?

In the last life, there was no way. In this life, Lu Fei had to pay back Yue Yue's innocence no matter what.

In addition, if it were to restore the old appearance, it would be difficult for Lu Fei to explain it to the outside world.

Some have renovated the Martyrs' Shrine, and some have copied the former residences of famous people. What kind of thing is it for me to spend so much money to copy a notorious bandit's den?

Furthermore, the local elders don’t know what Liangjiazhai looked like back then. How should they explain if they copied it and were asked about it?

Lu Fei is not afraid of trouble, but he is afraid of trouble. Besides, he just wants to build a clean place for September at such a high price. If there is really trouble, it will go against Lu Fei's original intention, so he gave up.

The plan is to replicate the old appearance of Liangjiazhai.

He didn't intend to replicate the old appearance of Liangjiazhai, but Lu Fei didn't want to build it into a high-end cemetery. Although it was a ghost house, the atmosphere of building the cemetery was somewhat depressing.

It is described in the Tibetan Sutra that when people pass away, the souls of the dead are especially present.

The yin house is a place built for the souls of the deceased, so that the souls can clean up and enter reincarnation as soon as possible.

But Lu Fei thought about it, no matter whether it is a yin house or a yang house, the first thing to consider is the environment. The so-called Feng Shui, its fundamental purpose, is not to transform the surrounding environment and bring a comfortable atmosphere to the magnetic field around the house. Everything it does, The ultimate goal is to make the living or the dead feel comfortable. In this case, everything must be considered carefully.

The living people felt that the atmosphere was oppressive, and the dead souls would not be too comfortable. Therefore, Lu Fei did not plan to build a cemetery here from the beginning, but wanted to build an ancestral hall for September to enjoy incense and offerings.

Since it is building an ancestral hall, there are too many things to pay attention to, such as the overall orientation, specific orientation, and even the specifications and where to open the doors. However, these details are not a problem in Lu Fei's eyes.

Lu Fei typed on the keyboard, and after a while, the three-dimensional diagram of the ancestral hall designed by Lu Fei appeared on the big screen, combined with the real-life terrain, and was introduced to Zhao Yuting and Zhao Yuting one by one.

Lu Fei's design was perfect. Ma Qingfeng watched it carefully and couldn't help but nod in praise. However, Lu Fei noticed that Zhao Yuting frowned.

"Zhenzhen Zhao, did you see something?

It doesn't matter. If you have any questions, just tell us and we'll discuss them together. "Lu Fei said seriously.

Only then did Ma Qingfeng notice his senior brother's expression and couldn't help but be startled.

Is there something wrong?

Why didn't Pindao see it? I think the design is very good, but why does the senior brother have this expression?

Ma Qingfeng was puzzled, while Zhao Yuting's expression remained serious. He squinted his eyes and made some calculations in his mind. Then he walked to the big screen, stretched out his finger and pointed at the seven o'clock position in the lower left corner of the three-dimensional diagram of the ancestral hall and asked: "Master Lu, according to Pindao According to deduction, this should be where Kun's position is located. But based on your design, the ancestral hall is at least fifteen meters away from Kun's position.

Based on Layman Lu's knowledge, such a mistake should not occur. Therefore, Pindao guessed that Layman Lu must have your own plan.

The ancestral hall is deviated from the Kun position, and the northeast corner is pressed against the Kan position. In this way, the main hall of the ancestral hall cannot be in the Qian position.

"Qian" means "Heaven", which is the direction where the incense ascends to heaven. Whenever it is enshrined in the palace, it must be in the Qian position. However, the poor man really can't understand Lu Jushi's design. "

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