A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3150 Lu Fei’s reasons

The northwest corresponds to the "Qian" position, and the "Qian" position is the sky. The main hall of any ancestral hall must be in the Qian position.

The West is regarded as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and is the direction to take over the incense. This is the rule.

The ancestral hall designed by Lu Fei has no problems with its specifications, size and various details. The only problem is that the location is wrong.

According to the position marked by Lu Fei, the east side hall is on the ghost gate line, while the west side hall occupies one side of the Gan position. The middle main hall is just between the Gan position and the ghost gate line, each occupying half. It is really neither fish nor fowl. Zhao Zhenren has some do not understand.

At the same time, Zhao Yuting was also a little proud. It was not easy. He finally found out what was wrong with Jushi Lu. This also proved that Pindao was still capable. Not to mention whether he could afford the 20 million labor fee, at least he was not freeloading.

But thinking about it again, I felt that something was wrong. The flaw in the ancestral hall was too obvious. Not to mention that Lu Fei did have real talent and knowledge. Even a new Feng Shui master should not make such a mistake!

Could it be that Master Lu designed this on purpose?

Zhao Yuting was confused, and Ma Qingfeng also saw something wrong at this time.

He didn't see it before because he didn't think about it at all. After seeing Lu Fei's series of exquisite layouts, Ma Qingfeng admired Lu Fei very much. In his eyes, Master Lu was better than his senior brother and even Quanzhen Zhang. Bai Leshan was much better at teaching him. With this impression, he never thought that Lu Fei would make mistakes.

But after hearing what the senior brother said, Taoist Master Ma took another look and suddenly gasped. ??

Fortunately, my senior brother saw it. If I didn't have my senior brother and I was careless, I would be really embarrassed.

Being embarrassed is a trivial matter. If you fail to live up to Master Lu's expectations, you will be in trouble. Therefore, Taoist Master Ma felt somewhat guilty and glanced at Lu Fei with the corner of his eye, wanting to see what Lu Fei's expression was. At this time, Lu Fei , still very calm, Taoist Master Ma secretly took a deep breath, and then his worried heart was relieved.

Lu Fei smiled slightly, lit a cigarette, and gave Zhao Yuting a thumbs up.

"Master Tao is as careful as a hair and has a keen eye like a torch. With Master Tao's help, Mr. Lu can rest assured."

These two words of praise made Zhao Yuting so beautiful that he almost flew into the sky, and felt so comfortable in his heart. However, Zhao Yuting was not dazzled by Lu Fei's praise. At least on the surface, he still looked like a fairy with profound moral integrity. Measured.

"Blessed by the Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, it is a great honor for layman Lu to find Pindao.

It is important to be loyal to people. Since Layman Lu thinks highly of Pindao, Pindao will certainly do everything Pindao can to help Layman Lu. Therefore, there is no need for you to be so polite. "

After saying a few polite words, Zhao Yuting's expression changed and he said: "I see that Lay Master Lu seems to have a plan in mind. I think that Lay Master Lu has already considered it. This should be your deliberate design, right?"

Lu Fei nodded slightly: "Yes, I did design it this way on purpose."

Zhao Yuting frowned and said: "With all due respect to Pindao, the location of the ancestral hall has strict requirements. Pindao has been in the industry for decades, and this is the first time I have seen such a design. Pindao is very talented and has little knowledge. I really don't understand why layman Lu wants to In doing so, if possible, please ask Layman Lu to clarify your doubts.”


Master Dao, what you said is too serious. We are friends. Lu Fei knows what Master Dao is capable of, so don't belittle yourself.

You didn't understand. In fact, it's not your fault. It was my negligence and I didn't explain it clearly to you two. "

Zhao Yuting and the two were full of expectations. Lu Fei thought for a moment and said, "I told you two before that this Feng Shui bureau is for the ancestors of the family to arrange the shady house. However, I forgot to mention some details. This is Liang Jiuyue's former residence." , but Liang Jiuyue died in a foreign land and was in mourning. What my ancestors wanted to do was to let Liang Jiuyue's soul return to his hometown. Unfortunately, Liang Jiuyue's body was never found. Therefore, my ancestors came up with a stupid method. , asked an expert to marry him and Liang Jiuyue in a yin and yang secret marriage.

The husband and wife were buried together, and the husband sang and the wife accompanied him, guiding the soul of Liang Jiuyue.

However, Liang Jiuyue's former residence was not found at that time. Therefore, after my ancestors passed away, they could only be buried in their ancestral graves.

It was by chance that I found Liang Jiuyue's former residence. However, due to the special feng shui of my family's ancestral tombs, I did not dare to move the graves easily. Therefore, the ghost house laid out here was just the tomb of my ancestors and Liang Jiuyue's couple.

The reason for choosing this location for this ancestral hall is first of all because Liang Jiuyu was in mourning, leaving a way to lead him to the ghost gate. In addition, because Liang Jiuyue had a special status during his lifetime, he killed a lot of people and had a strong desire to kill. I deliberately This is the reason why you deviate from the dry position. "

Lu Fei's words were rather vague, but both Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng understood them clearly.

The industry is not very glorious. It kills too many lives and has too many thoughts of killing. According to the rules, such a person cannot go to the Western Paradise. The eighteenth level of hell is her final destination. However, Lu Fei is unwilling to say it clearly. The northwest corresponds to the "Qian" position, and the "Qian" position is the sky. The main hall of any ancestral hall must be in the Qian position.

The West is regarded as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and is the direction to take over the incense. This is the rule.

The ancestral hall designed by Lu Fei has no problems with its specifications, size and various details. The only problem is that the location is wrong.

According to the position marked by Lu Fei, the east side hall is on the ghost gate line, while the west side hall occupies one side of the Gan position. The middle main hall is just between the Gan position and the ghost gate line, each occupying half. It is really neither fish nor fowl. Zhao Zhenren has some do not understand.

At the same time, Zhao Yuting was also a little proud. It was not easy. He finally found out what was wrong with Jushi Lu. This also proved that Pindao was still capable. Not to mention whether he could afford the 20 million labor fee, at least he was not freeloading.

But thinking about it again, I felt that something was wrong. The flaw in the ancestral hall was too obvious. Not to mention that Lu Fei did have real talent and knowledge. Even a new Feng Shui master should not make such a mistake!

Could it be that Master Lu designed this on purpose?

Zhao Yuting was confused, and Ma Qingfeng also saw something wrong at this time.

He didn't see it before because he didn't think about it at all. After seeing Lu Fei's series of exquisite layouts, Ma Qingfeng admired Lu Fei very much. In his eyes, Master Lu was better than his senior brother and even Quanzhen Zhang. Bai Leshan was much better at teaching him. With this impression, he never thought that Lu Fei would make mistakes. .??.??

But after hearing what the senior brother said, Taoist Master Ma took another look and suddenly gasped.

Fortunately, my senior brother saw it. If I didn't have my senior brother and I was careless, I would be really embarrassed.

Being embarrassed is a trivial matter. If you fail to live up to Master Lu's expectations, you will be in trouble. Therefore, Taoist Master Ma felt somewhat guilty and glanced at Lu Fei with the corner of his eye, wanting to see what Lu Fei's expression was. At this time, Lu Fei , still very calm, Taoist Master Ma secretly took a deep breath, and then his worried heart was relieved.

Lu Fei smiled slightly, lit a cigarette, and gave Zhao Yuting a thumbs up.

"Master Tao is as careful as a hair and has a keen eye like a torch. With Master Tao's help, Mr. Lu can rest assured."

These two words of praise made Zhao Yuting so beautiful that he almost flew into the sky, and felt so comfortable in his heart. However, Zhao Yuting was not dazzled by Lu Fei's praise. At least on the surface, he still looked like a fairy with profound moral integrity. Measured.

"Blessed by the Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, it is a great honor for layman Lu to find Pindao.

It is important to be loyal to people. Since Layman Lu thinks highly of Pindao, Pindao will certainly do everything Pindao can to help Layman Lu. Therefore, there is no need for you to be so polite. "

After saying a few polite words, Zhao Yuting's expression changed and he said: "I see that Lay Master Lu seems to have a plan in mind. I think that Lay Master Lu has already considered it. This should be your deliberate design, right?"

Lu Fei nodded slightly: "Yes, I did design it this way on purpose."

Zhao Yuting frowned and said: "With all due respect to Pindao, the location of the ancestral hall has strict requirements. Pindao has been in the industry for decades, and this is the first time I have seen such a design. Pindao is very talented and has little knowledge. I really don't understand why layman Lu wants to In doing so, if possible, please ask Layman Lu to clarify your doubts.”


Master Dao, what you said is too serious. We are friends. Lu Fei knows what Master Dao is capable of, so don't belittle yourself.

You didn't understand. In fact, it's not your fault. It was my negligence and I didn't explain it clearly to you two. "

Zhao Yuting and the two were full of expectations. Lu Fei thought for a moment and said, "I told you two before that this Feng Shui bureau is for the ancestors of the family to arrange the shady house. However, I forgot to mention some details. This is Liang Jiuyue's former residence." , but Liang Jiuyue died in a foreign land and was in mourning. What my ancestors wanted to do was to let Liang Jiuyue's soul return to his hometown. Unfortunately, Liang Jiuyue's body was never found. Therefore, my ancestors came up with a stupid method. , asked an expert to marry him and Liang Jiuyue in a yin and yang secret marriage.

The husband and wife were buried together, and the husband sang and the wife accompanied him, guiding the soul of Liang Jiuyue.

However, Liang Jiuyue's former residence was not found at that time. Therefore, after my ancestors passed away, they could only be buried in their ancestral graves.

It was by chance that I found Liang Jiuyue's former residence. However, due to the special feng shui of my family's ancestral tombs, I did not dare to move the graves easily. Therefore, the ghost house laid out here was just the tomb of my ancestors and Liang Jiuyue's couple.

The reason for choosing this location for this ancestral hall is first of all because Liang Jiuyu was in mourning, leaving a way to lead him to the ghost gate. In addition, because Liang Jiuyue had a special status during his lifetime, he killed a lot of people and had a strong desire to kill. I deliberately This is the reason why you deviate from the dry position. "

Lu Fei's words were rather vague, but both Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng understood them clearly.

The industry is not very glorious. It kills too many lives and has too many thoughts of killing. According to the rules, such a person cannot go to the Western Paradise. The eighteenth level of hell is her final destination. However, Lu Fei is unwilling to say it clearly.

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