A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3172 Levels

Speaking of Huixian's rapid arrival, the one who was most unhappy was of course Zhao Yuting. This was his direct competitor. The two had been fighting in Bianliang City for decades. Whenever they met, sparks almost always hit the earth.

This time is different from before. This time Huixian came, obviously to steal his business. He deliberately planned to befriend Lu Fei, wasn't it just to strengthen and develop Yanqing Temple, and to avoid the threat of the old guy Huixian? He thought that he He had a huge advantage, but now that Huixian was openly involved, the advantage he was most proud of before was suddenly gone. At this moment, he wanted to kill Huixian with his own hands.

Feeling the threat posed by Huixian, Zhao Yuting was in confusion and wanted to explain to Lu Fei again, but he found that in front of Huixian, an old rival, he could not speak. He did not want Huixian to see him in embarrassment. On the one hand, he did not want to be looked down upon by Huixian. In the final analysis, Zhao Yuting found that he could never be as shameless as Huixian.

Although he was embarrassed to speak, Zhao Yuting still held a sense of luck. Although Huixian came, he knew that Lu Fei's relationship with this old monk was not that close. Even because of the treasure fight in Jinling, Lu Fei still Get angry at him.

Huixian could apologize to Lu Fei without caring about his face, but given Lu Fei's character, would Lu Fei let Huixian off easily if he had such a good opportunity to slap her in the face?

If Lu Fei makes a sarcastic comment on Hui Xian, no matter how thick-skinned Hui Xian is in front of him, he probably won't be able to stand up. It's best if he can't bear Lu Fei's cynicism and walks away. That's what Zhao Yuting wants to see the most.

However, what happened next disappointed him. Instead of saying harsh words, Lu Fei politely returned Huixian's greeting.

"Thanks to Master, everything is fine with me."


At this moment, Zhao Yuting felt that there were suddenly a few flies in his mind, buzzing and flying around, making him restless and upset.

How can this be?

How could Lu Fei be so polite to Huixian?

Could it be that Pindao heard it wrong? Yes, Pindao must have heard it wrong. With Lu Fei's vengeful character, Huixian didn't give him face in front of tens of thousands of spectators. How could Lu Fei let him go?

Pindao and Lu Fei have been cooperating happily. In order to help him solve the problem, he even went hungry. Even so, Lu Fei almost fell out with him just now. This is enough to show that Lu Fei's character is still weird and his temper is still hot.

But with such a fiery temper, he didn't get angry at Huixian who didn't give him face, which was simply incredible.

Lu Fei's behavior deeply stimulated Zhao Yuting. He couldn't figure out why it was like this. As for why he couldn't figure it out, it was actually because he didn't know Lu Fei well enough.

What he said was right. Lu Fei did have a hot temper, and his character of seeking revenge was also recognized. If it were Lu Fei more than a year ago, he would definitely not let Huixian go so easily.

However, in more than a year, Lu Fei has experienced too many things. Today, no matter his financial strength or talent, he is no longer the same as before.

If a powerful high-level boss goes against him, Lu Fei will definitely challenge him. If Wade and his family provoke Lu Fei, Lu Fei will definitely retaliate, because a person of this level is worthy of Lu Fei's action. Lu Fei can feel excitement and a sense of accomplishment when fighting against people of this level, but Huixian is different. At best, he has some influence in Buddhism, but Lu Fei will not notice this influence at all.

It's like a world boxing champion being provoked by a two-year-old child on the street. What would the world boxing champion do?

The most he could do was laugh and walk away. Would he be so furious that he would KO a two-year-old child?

Not to mention that the child was just provocative by smoking, even if he pointed at his nose and scolded his eight generations of ancestors, he would not hit him, because the two parties are not at the same level at all. Let alone fight, if he retaliates, then They all lose their own value.

The same is true for Lu Fei and Hui Xian. The two of them are not on the same level at all. If Lu Fei takes revenge on Hui Xian, he can only be embarrassed. Moreover, even if he makes Hui Xian miserable, it will not make Lu Fei excited. , not to mention the slightest sense of achievement. Moreover, Lu Fei's resentment towards Huixian is not as deep as the rumors outside.

Lu Fei knew that everyone was their own master. There was actually nothing wrong with Hui Xian's performance at that time. If it were Lu Fei, he would have done the same thing. If he really changed sides on the spot, Lu Fei would only look down on him.

Afterwards, Lu Fei didn't go to Xiangguo Temple again. In fact, he didn't want to have too much to do with Buddhism, that's all. As for the worries of Huixian and the outside world, they were just asking for trouble. Lu Fei had no such idea at all.

As for Lu Fei's attitude towards Zhao Yuting just now, they are two completely different things. Lu Fei thinks that Zhao Yuting is taking advantage of the situation. Even if he does not have this idea, Lu Fei is not happy in his heart. I did not invite you here in vain. , I gave you money, and it was a sky-high price. I didn’t take advantage of you at all.

If you think my request is too much, you can refuse it directly, but if you hesitate and moan, I won't be able to accept it. It's as simple as that. Speaking of Huixian's rapid arrival, the one who was most unhappy was of course Zhao Yuting. This was his direct competitor. The two had been fighting in Bianliang City for decades. Whenever they met, sparks almost always hit the earth.

This time is different from before. This time Huixian came, obviously to steal his business. He deliberately planned to make friends with Lu Fei, wasn't it just to strengthen and develop Yanqing Temple, and to avoid the threat of the old guy Huixian? He thought that he He had a huge advantage, but now that Huixian was openly involved, the advantage he was most proud of before was suddenly gone. At this moment, he wanted to kill Huixian with his own hands.

Feeling the threat posed by Huixian, Zhao Yuting was in confusion and wanted to explain to Lu Fei again, but he found that in front of Huixian, an old rival, he could not speak. He did not want Huixian to see him in embarrassment. On the one hand, he did not want to be looked down upon by Huixian. In the final analysis, Zhao Yuting found that he could never be as shameless as Huixian.

Although he was embarrassed to speak, Zhao Yuting still held a sense of luck. Although Huixian came, he knew that Lu Fei's relationship with this old monk was not that close. Even because of the treasure fight in Jinling, Lu Fei still Get angry at him.

Huixian could apologize to Lu Fei without caring about his face, but given Lu Fei's character, would Lu Fei let Huixian off easily if he had such a good opportunity to slap her in the face?

If Lu Fei makes a sarcastic comment on Hui Xian, no matter how thick-skinned Hui Xian is in front of him, he probably won't be able to stand up. It's best if he can't bear Lu Fei's cynicism and walks away. That's what Zhao Yuting wants to see the most.

However, what happened next disappointed him. Instead of saying harsh words, Lu Fei politely returned Huixian's greeting.

"Thanks to Master, everything is fine with me."


At this moment, Zhao Yuting felt that there were suddenly a few flies in his mind, buzzing and flying around, making him restless and upset.

How can this be?

How could Lu Fei be so polite to Huixian?

Could it be that Pindao heard it wrong? Yes, Pindao must have heard it wrong. With Lu Fei's character of retribution, Huixian didn't give him face in front of tens of thousands of spectators. How could Lu Fei let him go?

Pindao and Lu Fei have been cooperating very happily. In order to help him solve the problem, he even went hungry. Even so, Lu Fei almost fell out with him just now. This is enough to show that Lu Fei's character is still weird and his temper is still hot.

But with such a fiery temper, he didn't get angry at Huixian who didn't give him face, which was simply incredible.

Lu Fei's behavior deeply stimulated Zhao Yuting. He couldn't figure out why it was like this. As for why he couldn't figure it out, it was actually because he didn't know Lu Fei well enough.

What he said was right. Lu Fei did have a hot temper, and his character of seeking revenge was also recognized. If it were Lu Fei more than a year ago, he would definitely not let Huixian go so easily.

However, in more than a year, Lu Fei has experienced too many things. Today, no matter his financial strength or talent, he is no longer the same as before.

If a powerful high-level boss goes against him, Lu Fei will definitely challenge him. If Wade and his family provoke Lu Fei, Lu Fei will definitely retaliate, because a person of this level is worthy of Lu Fei's action. Lu Fei can feel excitement and a sense of accomplishment when fighting against people of this level, but Huixian is different. At best, he has some influence in Buddhism, but Lu Fei will not notice this influence at all.

It's like a world boxing champion being provoked by a two-year-old child on the street. What would the world boxing champion do?

The most he could do was laugh and walk away. Would he be so furious that he would KO a two-year-old child?

Not to mention that the child was just provocative by smoking, even if he pointed at his nose and scolded his eight generations of ancestors, he would not hit him, because the two parties are not at the same level at all. Let alone fight, if he retaliates, then They all lose their own value.

The same is true for Lu Fei and Hui Xian. The two of them are not on the same level at all. If Lu Fei takes revenge on Hui Xian, he can only be embarrassed. Moreover, even if he makes Hui Xian miserable, it will not make Lu Fei excited. , not to mention the slightest sense of achievement. Moreover, Lu Fei's resentment towards Huixian is not as deep as the rumors outside.

Lu Fei knew that everyone was their own master. There was actually nothing wrong with Hui Xian's performance at that time. If it were Lu Fei, he would have done the same thing. If he really changed sides on the spot, Lu Fei would only look down on him.

Afterwards, Lu Fei didn't go to Xiangguo Temple again. In fact, he didn't want to have too much to do with Buddhism, that's all. As for the worries of Huixian and the outside world, they were just asking for trouble. Lu Fei had no such idea at all.

As for Lu Fei's attitude towards Zhao Yuting just now, they are two completely different things. Lu Fei thinks that Zhao Yuting is taking advantage of the situation. Even if he does not have this idea, Lu Fei is not happy in his heart. I did not invite you here in vain. , I gave you money, and it was a sky-high price. I didn’t take advantage of you at all.

If you think my request is too much, you can refuse it directly, but if you hesitate and moan, I won't be able to accept it. It's as simple as that.

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