A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3173 Looking for you to show off

Lu Fei's attitude not only made Zhao Yuting feel baffled, but even the person involved, Master Huixian, looked confused.

Did Donor Lu return the gift to me?

is that true?

It seems to be true!

Moreover, the attitude is quite mild. What's going on?

Could it be that the poor monk has been suffering from anger and hallucinations these past few days?

Based on my understanding of Lu Fei, this old man's temper is not ordinary. He didn't even give Mr. Kong face at the beginning, and others were not used to it. Moreover, Lu Fei's bad temper was famous far and wide. Everyone on earth knows what happened today, that he suddenly changed his gender?


With Lu Fei's vengeful character, how could he possibly change his gender?

Not to mention Lu Fei's attitude towards Bai Leshan yesterday, Huixian saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears. Lu Fei was not used to it at all. As far as he knew, Lu Fei had never had any relationship with Bai Leshan before. When the two met for the first time, Lu Fei didn't give him face, and he had offended Lu Fei. How could he be so polite to her?

Lu Fei didn't expect that his polite attitude towards Huixian would make the great monk doubt his life.

Fortunately, Huixian was experienced enough. After the shock, he calmed down immediately. Huixian figured it out. Didn't he come to Lu Fei to apologize and beg for forgiveness?

Since he is begging for forgiveness, even if he has to face a stormy sea next, he must be willing to bear it. As long as Lu Fei ignores his past grudges, it doesn't matter if the storm is more violent.

With such determination, he no longer cares whether Lu Fei is acting or not. Even if Lu Fei suddenly changes his face in the next second and becomes sarcastic to him, he can endure it. Huixian is prepared for the worst and relaxes completely. .

"Amitabha can be remembered by Donor Lu, which is a blessing for this poor monk."

As he spoke, Huixian bowed slightly and said, "Master Lu, I think back then at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, the poor monk..."

Huixian was about to apologize frankly, but was directly interrupted by Lu Fei.

"Master, don't mention the past things again. I have forgotten it a long time ago. Besides, we are each our own masters. I can understand that you are a guest. I happen to have something to ask Master. Please sit down and have a drink first." Take a break with the hot tea, and we’ll talk in detail later.”

Don’t mention it. I forgot about it a long time ago. Do you understand?

Hearing these keywords, Huixian suddenly raised his head, his face full of disbelief.

Amitabha, when did Lu Fei become so reasonable? How is this possible? Is this a poor monk?

Are you really hallucinating?


Please give me some guidance. I am really confused!

Huixian felt incredible, and Zhao Yuting was even more shocked. He even felt that he had encountered a ghost in broad daylight, because such an attitude should not have happened to Lu Fei at all. If he saw a ghost, he must have seen a ghost. Even if he didn't see a ghost, in the end This time it was a ghost fighting against the wall. Unfortunately, his Taoism was still in the theoretical stage. Otherwise, he would have to let Lu Fei show his true form.

After taking a look at Huixian's surprised look, Lu Fei also smiled.

"Master, you don't have to be surprised. I, Lu Fei, am not a narrow-minded person. Forget it, I think Master looks good. Let's get straight to the point!"

It's coming, it's finally coming.

Lu Fei wanted to go straight to the topic, but Zhao Yuting was so anxious. Before he could explain, he was about to get serious. Of course he knew what the topic Lu Fei was talking about. Although he had some reasons at the time, Zhao Yuting I swear to God, the word hesitation will never appear in Huixian.

He knew Huixian's shamelessness too well. Not to mention that if Lu Fei offered the same terms as his, even if they were a few levels lower, Huixian would accept it unconditionally without hesitation. Even if Lu Fei said that more resources would be allocated to Xiangguo Temple in the future, It's okay to let Huixian post it, but this damn old bald donkey has no bottom line for his shamelessness.

But what he didn't expect was that the shameless old monk also hesitated.

Lu Fei restarted the big screen and explained the overall layout to Huixian, but he did not mention the old events in Liangjiazhai again.

Listening to Lu Fei's explanation and looking at the grand layout in front of him, Huixian couldn't help but smile from ear to ear in surprise. Such a grand and majestic super Feng Shui overall situation, especially the positioning and design of the four images, gave Huixian a deep impression. Shocked, he kept reciting the Buddha's name and his eyes sparkled.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he lit a cigarette and sat down. He needed to give Huixian time to digest the content. Lu Fei was not in a hurry, but Young Master Di was interested. He had originally thought of opening the Taoist temple and inviting Ma Qingfeng to host it. Zhao Yuting hesitated. He was the one who asked Huixian to come. It can be said that Young Master Di took all the credit. What happened next was also a good opportunity for him to show off. Of course he didn't want to miss it.

Young Master Di cleared his throat seriously, came to the big screen, pointed at the coordinates of the Qinglong position and said: "Master, what is being planned here is a nine-story pagoda, the one with an underground palace.

To be honest, my brother built an underground palace and buried priceless treasures. In order to prevent thieves from coveting them, they must be guarded by knowledgeable people. We are going to invite you to come and see the place. What do you think? "Lu Fei's attitude not only made Zhao Yuting feel baffled, but even the person involved, Master Huixian, looked confused.

Did Donor Lu return the gift to me?

is that true?

It seems to be true!

Moreover, the attitude is quite mild. What's going on?

Could it be that the poor monk has been suffering from anger and hallucinations these past few days?

Based on my understanding of Lu Fei, this old man's temper is not ordinary. He didn't even give Mr. Kong face at the beginning, and others were not used to it. Moreover, Lu Fei's bad temper was famous far and wide. Everyone on earth knows, what happened today, suddenly changed gender?


With Lu Fei's vengeful character, how could he possibly change his gender?

Not to mention Lu Fei's attitude towards Bai Leshan yesterday, Huixian saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears. Lu Fei was not used to it at all. As far as he knew, Lu Fei had never had any relationship with Bai Leshan before. When the two met for the first time, Lu Fei didn't give him face, and he had offended Lu Fei. How could he be so polite to her?

Lu Fei didn't expect that his polite attitude towards Huixian would make the great monk doubt his life.

Fortunately, Huixian was experienced enough. After the shock, he calmed down immediately. Huixian figured it out and came to Lu Fei to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

Since he is begging for forgiveness, even if he has to face a stormy sea next, he must be willing to bear it. As long as Lu Fei ignores his past grudges, it doesn't matter if the storm is more violent.

With such determination, he no longer cares whether Lu Fei is acting. Even if Lu Fei suddenly changes his face in the next second and becomes sarcastic to him, he can endure it. Huixian is prepared for the worst and relaxes completely. .

"Amitabha can be remembered by Donor Lu, which is a blessing for this poor monk."

As he spoke, Huixian bowed slightly and said, "Master Lu, I think back then at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, the poor monk..."

Huixian was about to apologize frankly, but was directly interrupted by Lu Fei.

"Master, don't mention the past things again. I have forgotten it a long time ago. Besides, we are each our own master. I can understand that you are a guest. I happen to have something to ask Master. Please sit down and have a drink first." Take a break with the hot tea, and we’ll talk in detail later.”

Don’t mention it. I forgot about it a long time ago. Do you understand?

Hearing these keywords, Huixian suddenly raised his head, his face full of disbelief.

Amitabha, when did Lu Fei become so reasonable? How is this possible? Is this a poor monk?

Are you really hallucinating?


Please give me some guidance. I am really confused!

Huixian felt incredible, and Zhao Yuting was even more shocked. He even felt that he had encountered a ghost in broad daylight, because such an attitude should not have happened to Lu Fei at all. If he saw a ghost, he must have seen a ghost. Even if he did not see a ghost, in the end This time it was a ghost fighting against the wall. Unfortunately, his Taoism was still in the theoretical stage. Otherwise, he would have to let Lu Fei show his true form.

After taking a look at Huixian's surprised look, Lu Fei also smiled.

"Master, you don't have to be surprised. I, Lu Fei, am not a narrow-minded person. Forget it, I think Master looks good. Let's get straight to the point!"

It's coming, it's finally coming.

Lu Fei wanted to go straight to the topic, but Zhao Yuting was so anxious. Before he could explain, he was about to get serious. Of course he knew what the topic Lu Fei was talking about. Although he had some reasons at the time, Zhao Yuting I swear to God, the word hesitation will never appear in Huixian.

He knew Huixian's shamelessness too well. Not to mention that if Lu Fei offered the same terms as his, even if they were a few levels lower, Huixian would accept them unconditionally without hesitation. Even if Lu Fei indicated that he would allocate more resources to Xiangguo Temple in the future, It's okay to let Huixian post it, but this damn old bald donkey has no bottom line for his shamelessness.

But what he didn't expect was that the shameless old monk also hesitated.

Lu Fei restarted the big screen and explained the overall layout to Huixian, but did not mention the old events in Liangjiazhai again.

Listening to Lu Fei's explanation and looking at the magnificent layout in front of him, Huixian couldn't help but smile from ear to ear in surprise. Such a grand and majestic super Feng Shui overall situation, especially the positioning and design of the four images, gave Huixian a deep impression. Shocked, he kept reciting the Buddha's name and his eyes sparkled.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he lit a cigarette and sat down. He needed to give Huixian time to digest the content. Lu Fei was not in a hurry, but Young Master Di was interested. He had originally thought of opening the Taoist temple and inviting Ma Qingfeng to host it. Zhao Yuting hesitated. He was the one who asked Huixian to come. It can be said that Young Master Di took all the credit. What happened next was also a good opportunity for him to show off. Of course he didn't want to miss it.

Young Master Di cleared his throat solemnly, came to the big screen, pointed at the coordinates of the Qinglong position and said, "Master, what we are planning to build here is a nine-story pagoda, the one with an underground palace.

To be honest, my brother built an underground palace and buried priceless treasures. In order to prevent thieves from coveting them, they must be guarded by knowledgeable people. We are going to invite you to come and see the place. What do you think? "

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