A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3185 Both sons and daughters

There is no way to verify why Chen Xiang gave birth so smoothly, but the birth of Xiao Kexin brought endless joy to Phoenix Villa.

All the female relatives of the villa gathered in Chen Xiang's room all day long, with continuous laughter and laughter. All the men, including all the staff, celebrated collectively for three days. During these three days, Phoenix Villa was decorated with lights and colorful lights.

Di Ruilong, who was far away in the cold wind at Mawei Mountain at Jiumen Gate, watched the various celebration videos sent by his wife Duan Qingyi, gnashed his teeth and cried loudly. He called other brothers who stayed at the villa to change their posts with him. Unfortunately, they were all rejected ruthlessly. The little puppy couldn't help but sigh, how miserable the world is!

When Xiao Kexin was born, her mother Xiao Tingfang did not come to visit, not because the child's surname was not Lu, but because she was too busy to get away. .??.

Although my grandmother did not come in person, the gift was delivered in time.

Grandma Ke Xin's gift was not a physical object, but a red gift list that was 1.8 meters long. According to Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang's calculations, the total value of the gift list was more than 5 billion, in US dollars!

This gift was enough to show her grandmother's sincerity.

In addition to mom's gift note, many friends sent video congratulations. Others congratulated Lu Fei. Lu Fei was not surprised, but when he saw Xing Shuya's congratulation video, Lu Fei always felt a little awkward. Perhaps this was a manifestation of his guilty conscience. Bar!

Lu Fei didn't know whether Xing Shuya was pregnant, and Xing Shuya never told Lu Fei. Lu Fei promised her that he would be responsible for Xing Shuya and determined to communicate with the two ladies in person.

But when he returned to Hong Kong Island, Lu Fei discovered that he had made up his mind, but it was quite difficult to say it out. After hesitating for a long time, Lu Fei still didn't say it out. At least, he didn't think it was a good time to confess frankly.

Friends from all over the world congratulated Lu Fei, but no one, including Lu Fei and Chen Xiang, was as excited as the old man Chen Yunfei.

In the past two days, the old man has been full of energy. He is ten thousand times stronger than when he returned to the light. He sleeps less and talks more. His voice is louder than ever. That old and solemn face is always on his face. Kind smile.

The old man was so excited that everyone was extremely worried. Even Lu Fei was extremely nervous.

The old man's body has long been exhausted, and his survival to this day is all supported by his tenacious vitality and extraordinary willpower. Under such circumstances, every time he loses his temper, every excitement, and every ounce of excitement. It is overdrafting his energy and energy. Once this remaining energy and energy is exhausted, even Daluo Jinxian will be unable to recover.

Therefore, Lu Fei didn't go anywhere in the past two days. He always stayed by Chen Yunfei's side, always alert for accidents.

situation occurs.

After being inseparable for three consecutive days, before Lu Fei felt anything, the old man Chen Yunfei became impatient.

"Are you annoyed that you always follow what I do?

Crawl away! "

"Ahem, old man, don't you fail to recognize good people's hearts!"

"Gui'er, do you dare to call me a dog?" Chen Yunfei stared angrily with wide eyes.

"Pfft, your reaction is really quick!"


Even Neji Okamura can't beat me, so who do you think you are?

Treasure! "


Lu Fei rolled his eyes, this old man really didn't give himself any face today!

"Isn't this all because of you?

Aren't there just a lot of great-granddaughters? You are so beautiful, you are even more excited than me. Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"Nonsense, I've been waiting for this girl for decades, and finally she's here, why don't I get excited?

I'm just happy. Why? Who dares to take care of it? Who can take care of it? "Chen Yunfei looked proud, like a child who had found a treasure. Every body language was showing off. This made both his sons and Xue Taihe laugh.

Lu Fei pouted, it was really hard to reason with this old man.

"It's not that I don't want you to be happy, but you have to have some control!

Don't you know what your old man's health is like?

It's enough to be excited for a day or two, but you are endless. Do you think you are still a strong young man in your twenties or thirties?

Even if it doesn't matter to you, you should consider it for everyone. Everyone is worried about your body and can't do anything around you all day long. Do you think it's appropriate? "

In the entire room, no, in the entire China, Lu Fei was probably the only one who dared to talk to Chen Yunfei like this.

Not only did Lu Fei dare to speak out, but he also dared to embarrass the old man, but the old man just did this. Moreover, bickering with Lu Fei had almost become Chen Yunfei's greatest pleasure in his later years.

The old man looked around. His two sons, Li Ping'an, Xue Taihe, Wang Wujia Ming, and the eyes of the people around him were all full of worry, but Chen Yunfei didn't care at all. He snorted coldly: "Excessive, you are all Enough support.

Of course I know what is going on with my body. These days, I have never felt so comfortable. I seem to be dozens of years younger. If you give me a gun now, I can give you a hundred ten rings. Believe it or not. ? "There is no way to verify why Chen Xiang's birth went so smoothly, but the birth of Xiao Kexin brought endless joy to Phoenix Villa.

All the female relatives of the villa gathered in Chen Xiang's room all day long, with continuous laughter and laughter. All the men, including all the staff, celebrated collectively for three days. During these three days, Phoenix Villa was decorated with lights and colorful lights.

Di Ruilong, who was far away in the cold wind at Mawei Mountain at Jiumen Gate, watched the various celebration videos sent by his wife Duan Qingyi, gnashed his teeth and cried loudly. He called other brothers who stayed at the villa to change their posts with him. Unfortunately, they were all rejected ruthlessly. The little puppy couldn't help but sigh, how miserable the world is!

When Xiao Kexin was born, her mother Xiao Tingfang did not come to visit, not because the child's surname was not Lu, but because she was too busy to get away.

Although my grandmother did not come in person, the gift was delivered in time.

Grandma Ke Xin's gift was not a physical object, but a red gift list that was 1.8 meters long. According to Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang's calculations, the total value of the gift list was more than 5 billion, in US dollars!

This gift was enough to show her grandmother's sincerity.

In addition to mom's gift note, many friends sent video congratulations. Others congratulated Lu Fei. Lu Fei was not surprised, but when he saw Xing Shuya's congratulation video, Lu Fei always felt a little awkward. Perhaps this was a manifestation of his guilty conscience. Bar!

Lu Fei didn't know whether Xing Shuya was pregnant, and Xing Shuya never told Lu Fei. Lu Fei promised her that he would be responsible for Xing Shuya and determined to communicate with the two ladies in person.

But when he returned to Hong Kong Island, Lu Fei discovered that he had made up his mind, but it was quite difficult to say it out. After hesitating for a long time, Lu Fei still didn't say it out. At least, he didn't think it was a good time to confess frankly.

Friends from all over the world congratulated Lu Fei, but no one, including Lu Fei and Chen Xiang, was as excited as the old man Chen Yunfei.

In the past two days, the old man has been full of energy. He is ten thousand times stronger than when he returned to the light. He sleeps less and talks more. His voice is louder than ever. That old and solemn face is always on his face. Kind smile.

The old man was so excited that everyone was extremely worried. Even Lu Fei was extremely nervous.

The old man's body has long been exhausted, and his survival to this day is all supported by his tenacious vitality and extraordinary willpower. Under such circumstances, every time he loses his temper, every excitement, and every ounce of excitement. It is overdrafting his energy and energy. Once this remaining energy and energy is exhausted, even Daluo Jinxian will be unable to recover.

Therefore, Lu Fei didn't go anywhere in the past two days. He always stayed by Chen Yunfei's side, always alert for accidents.

situation occurs.

After being inseparable for three consecutive days, before Lu Fei felt anything, the old man Chen Yunfei became impatient.

"Are you annoyed that you always follow what I do?

Crawl away! "

"Ahem, old man, don't you fail to recognize good people's hearts!"

"Gui'er, do you dare to call me a dog?" Chen Yunfei stared angrily with wide eyes.

"Pfft, your reaction is really quick!"


Even Neji Okamura can't beat me, so who do you think you are?

Treasure! "


Lu Fei rolled his eyes, this old man really didn't give himself any face today!

"Isn't this all because of you?

Aren't there just a lot of great-granddaughters? You are so beautiful, you are even more excited than me. Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"Nonsense, I've been waiting for this girl for decades, and finally she's here, why don't I get excited?

I'm just happy. Why? Who dares to take care of it? Who can take care of it? "Chen Yunfei looked proud, like a child who had found a treasure. Every body language was showing off. This made both his sons and Xue Taihe laugh.

Lu Fei pouted, it was really hard to reason with this old man.

"It's not that I don't want you to be happy, but you have to have some control!

Don't you know what your old man's health is like?

It's enough to be excited for a day or two, but you are endless. Do you think you are still a strong young man in your twenties or thirties?

Even if it doesn't matter to you, you should consider it for everyone. Everyone is worried about your body and can't do anything around you all day long. Do you think it's appropriate? "

In the entire room, no, in the entire China, Lu Fei was probably the only one who dared to talk to Chen Yunfei like this.

Not only did Lu Fei dare to speak out, but he also dared to embarrass the old man, but the old man just did this. Moreover, bickering with Lu Fei had almost become Chen Yunfei's greatest pleasure in his later years.

The old man looked around. His two sons, Li Ping'an, Xue Taihe, Wang Wujia Ming, and the eyes of the people around him were all full of worry, but Chen Yunfei didn't care at all. He snorted coldly: "Excessive, you are all Enough support.

Of course I know what is going on with my body. These days, I have never felt so comfortable. I seem to be dozens of years younger. If you give me a gun now, I can give you a hundred ten rings. Believe it or not. ? "

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