A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3186 This is a miracle

After chatting with the old man for a while, Lu Fei checked his body in person as promised. The result surprised Lu Fei and Xue Taihe.

Chen Yunfei had been in high spirits for several days in a row. This state took a huge toll on his already overwhelmed body. But surprisingly, after examination, the old man's body was fine and even better than before the last time he got sick. Much.

Seeing such a result, Lu Fei was still uneasy and used Western medicine to check again. The result was still the same. The blood pressure was slightly low. This was quite normal for an old man of Chen Yunfei's age, but the abnormalities were obviously higher than the normal ones. Much.

After examination, it was found that Chen Yunfei's heart rate was quite regular and his heartbeat was quite strong. Even the prostate that had troubled Chen Yunfei for many years had a second spring. This is not a normal or abnormal problem, it is simply unbelievable.

Seeing the test results again, Xue Taihe's eyes widened: "Master, is Mr. Chen a monster?"

Lao Xue respected Chen Yunfei very much. Normally Lao Xue wouldn't even think about such offensive words, let alone say them out loud, but this time, Xue Taihe really couldn't control himself. ??

Lu Fei looked at the test results and couldn't help but marveled.

"It is true that there is some evil nature, but in medicine, such special cases are not unheard of.

A person's breath of life is determined by his vitality and willpower. Some people encounter some difficult and complicated diseases and are so frightened that their willpower disappears and their vitality and spirit dissipate. Often the disease does not kill them. But he died because of his fearful mentality.

There is another kind of person. This kind of person has extremely strong willpower. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he is fearless. This kind of person encounters difficult and complicated diseases, even terminal diseases. Not only will he not be afraid, but he will remain steadfast. They fight the disease to the end, and such people often live many years longer than doctors expect.

In addition, there is a very special kind of people whose willpower is far beyond that of ordinary people. They are not afraid of life and death, are optimistic, and are tenacious beyond imagination. This kind of person not only dares to fight against the disease, Miracles may even happen to them, and they may overcome illnesses, overcome terminal illnesses, and make complete recoveries. Such examples are not uncommon.

The old man is exactly this kind of person, and he is also the leader among this kind of people. He has gone through hundreds of battles and experienced countless life and death separations. In this world, there are few people who can surpass him in willpower. Otherwise, he would not be able to survive. A hundred years old.

Nowadays, there are many happy events around the old man, and he feels more comfortable than ever before. It is not unusual for such a miracle to happen under such circumstances. Lu Fei said firmly.

Xue Taihe, listen, can’t stop


"Master, what you said makes sense, but after all, Mr. Chen is so old, and all his body functions have been seriously aged and exhausted. For such a thing to happen to such a body, I think it cannot be described as a miracle.

Now there is not only no problem in Mr. Chen's situation, but many functions are regaining their vitality. This is simply unbelievable. If the development continues like this, Mr. Chen will not be able to live for another fifty years without encountering special circumstances! "

"Ha ha!!"

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this.

"You're overthinking, it's impossible. If that's the case, you'll really become an old goblin.

In my opinion, this special situation occurred because the old man was in a good mood recently, and some of his functions were stimulated. Once his mood calmed down, these indicators would immediately return to their original state, and there would even be some small fluctuations. , Therefore, in the recent period, we must pay special attention to the old man's emotional and physical changes and be on guard against any eventuality. "

Xue Taihe completely accepted Lu Fei's explanation and nodded immediately: "Master, don't worry, I will always pay attention."

Chen Yunfei's health doesn't have much problem, so Lu Fei doesn't need to stay with him all the time. With his old apprentice under his supervision, Lu Fei can rest assured. When Chen Yunfei rests, Lu Fei returns to Chen Xiang's room to chat with her. Later, Lu Fei teased his little daughter again until she made Xiao Kexin cry, and then Lu Fei escaped from Chen Xiang's room in embarrassment.

When he returned to Wang Xinyi's room and opened the door, Lu Fei felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

The bedroom was unusually quiet, so quiet that there was no sound at all.


Except for the bedside lamp, all other lights were turned off. Even the bedside lamp was adjusted to the weakest setting. The light of the fireflies seemed insignificant in the huge room. However, this insignificant light , but it was enough for Lu Fei to see clearly everything on the big round bed.

The sheets were changed to pink, and there was no trace of his son Tianyu on the big bed, but at the other end of the big bed, there was a completely different scenery than before.

The beauty lies on her side, showing off her exquisite curves. She bends her right arm and supports her cheek with her right hand. A charming smile appears on her flawless pretty face.

The beauty is only covered with a thin layer of white gauze, just like the emperor's new clothes. It is easy to see her whole face. Through the white gauze, the snow-white skin exudes a holy glow under the weak light, and the slender legs are straight. Stretching, the arched jade feet were slightly raised to meet Lu Fei's eyes and his eyes were slowly hooked, giving Lu Fei an unprecedented, soul-crushing and bone-gnawing temptation.

So titillating! ! After chatting with the old man for a while, Lu Fei checked his body in person as promised. The result surprised Lu Fei and Xue Taihe.

Chen Yunfei had been in high spirits for several days in a row. This state took a huge toll on his already overwhelmed body. But surprisingly, after examination, the old man's body was fine and even better than before the last time he got sick. Much.

Seeing such a result, Lu Fei was still uneasy and used Western medicine to check again. The result was still the same. The blood pressure was slightly low. This was quite normal for an old man of Chen Yunfei's age, but the abnormalities were obviously higher than the normal ones. Much.

After examination, it was found that Chen Yunfei's heart rate was quite regular and his heartbeat was quite strong. Even the prostate that had troubled Chen Yunfei for many years had a second spring. This is not a normal or abnormal problem, it is simply unbelievable.

Seeing the test results again, Xue Taihe's eyes widened: "Master, is Mr. Chen a monster?" .??.

Lao Xue respected Chen Yunfei very much. Normally Lao Xue wouldn't even think about such offensive words, let alone say them out loud, but this time, Xue Taihe really couldn't control himself.

Lu Fei looked at the test results and couldn't help but marveled.

"It is true that there is some evil nature, but in medicine, such special cases are not unheard of.

A person's breath of life is determined by his vitality and willpower. Some people encounter some difficult and complicated diseases and are so frightened that their willpower disappears and their vitality and spirit dissipate. Often the disease does not kill them. But he died because of his fearful mentality.

There is another kind of person. This kind of person has extremely strong willpower. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he is fearless. This kind of person encounters difficult and complicated diseases, even terminal diseases. Not only will he not be afraid, but he will remain steadfast. They fight the disease to the end, and such people often live many years longer than doctors expect.

In addition, there is a very special kind of people whose willpower is far beyond that of ordinary people. They are not afraid of life and death, are optimistic, and are tenacious beyond imagination. This kind of person not only dares to fight against the disease, Miracles may even happen to them, and they may overcome illnesses, overcome terminal illnesses, and make complete recoveries. Such examples are not uncommon.

The old man is exactly this kind of person, and he is also the leader among this kind of people. He has gone through hundreds of battles and experienced countless life and death separations. In this world, there are few people who can surpass him in willpower. Otherwise, he would not be able to survive. A hundred years old.

Nowadays, there are many happy events around the old man, and he feels more comfortable than ever before. It is not unusual for such a miracle to happen under such circumstances. Lu Fei said firmly.

Xue Taihe, listen, can’t stop


"Master, what you said makes sense, but after all, Mr. Chen is so old, and all his body functions have been seriously aged and exhausted. For such a thing to happen to such a body, I think it cannot be described as a miracle.

Now there is not only no problem in Mr. Chen's situation, but many functions are regaining their vitality. This is simply unbelievable. If the development continues like this, Mr. Chen will not be able to live for another fifty years without encountering special circumstances! "

"Ha ha!!"

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this.

"You're overthinking, it's impossible. If that's the case, you'll really become an old goblin.

In my opinion, this special situation occurred because the old man was in a good mood recently, and some of his functions were stimulated. Once his mood calmed down, these indicators would immediately return to their original state, and there would even be some small fluctuations. , Therefore, in the recent period, we must pay special attention to the old man's emotional and physical changes and be on guard against any eventuality. "

Xue Taihe completely accepted Lu Fei's explanation and nodded immediately: "Master, don't worry, I will always pay attention."

Chen Yunfei's health doesn't have much problem, so Lu Fei doesn't need to stay with him all the time. With his old apprentice under his supervision, Lu Fei can rest assured. When Chen Yunfei rests, Lu Fei returns to Chen Xiang's room to chat with her. Later, Lu Fei teased his little daughter again until she made Xiao Kexin cry, and then Lu Fei escaped from Chen Xiang's room in embarrassment.

When he returned to Wang Xinyi's room and opened the door, Lu Fei felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

The bedroom was unusually quiet, so quiet that there was no sound at all.


Except for the bedside lamp, all other lights were turned off. Even the bedside lamp was adjusted to the weakest setting. The light of the fireflies seemed insignificant in the huge room. However, this insignificant light , but it was enough for Lu Fei to see clearly everything on the big round bed.

The sheets were changed to pink, and there was no sign of his son Tianyu on the big bed, but at the other end of the big bed, there was a completely different scenery than before.

The beauty lies on her side, showing off her exquisite curves. She bends her right arm and supports her cheek with her right hand. A charming smile appears on her flawless pretty face.

The beauty is only covered with a thin layer of white gauze, just like the emperor's new clothes. It is easy to see her whole face. Through the white gauze, the snow-white skin exudes a holy glow under the weak light, and the slender legs are straight. Stretching, the arched jade feet were slightly raised to meet Lu Fei's eyes and his eyes were slowly hooked, giving Lu Fei an unprecedented, soul-crushing and bone-gnawing temptation.

So titillating! !

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