A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3189 Grabbing jobs

After being exaggerated by the media, this matter intensified and became a hot topic on the headlines. For several days, even ordinary people were discussing this topic. Unfortunately, Lu Fei has not paid attention to mainland news recently and knows nothing about it. Know.

In line with the principle of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, the common people and melon-eaters followed Zhao Jinzhou on the Internet and clamored. After all, Zhao Jinzhou is a local scientist in China, and his family must support his family, right?

If the results of this research are really tenable, we ordinary people will also have face. Therefore, more and more netizens are participating, and the Internet is becoming more and more lively. Many netizens even go over the wall to challenge foreign websites. Now, I started to question Those people in Zhao Jinzhou couldn't stand it anymore.

In the following period, many foreign archaeological experts came to China to compete with the Academy of Sciences. When these people came, they were aggressive and tougher than the last. But when they left China, without exception, they all looked disgraced, like lost dogs.

Half a month has passed, and the Academy of Sciences has accepted dozens of challenges and maintained complete victory. As a result, the voices of doubt from overseas can no longer be seen. The Academy of Sciences has won a great victory, and netizens are even more excited than the scientists of the Academy of Sciences. During this period, major networks were even more lively than during the Chinese New Year, with words of praise for the Academy of Sciences overwhelming.

But at this time, a piece of information on the Internet attracted the attention of netizens.

This is a message uploaded by a student from Chang'an Institute of Archeology. This classmate is proud of the research results of the Academy of Sciences, but at the same time, he is worried about the Chinese archaeological team.

This classmate analyzed the Shenzhou Archaeological Team from a professional perspective. According to his understanding, there are currently archaeologists, cultural conservation personnel, museums and logistics support personnel at the headquarters of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team and all provinces and cities under its jurisdiction. All personnel combined , the number exceeds three hundred thousand.

Among this huge group, nearly half are those who conduct research on cultural relics and antiques and statistical parameters. Their daily task is to study the authenticity of cultural relics, age background and other data. If the instrument studied by the Academy of Sciences has significant effects , do these employees of the archaeological team still have any meaning in existence? If instruments can replace manual work or even do better than manual work, will the Chinese archaeological team face large-scale layoffs?

You must know that the Shenzhou Archaeological Team consumes billions of funds every year, of which employee salaries and bonuses account for more than half of the total. This is not a small amount of money.

The employees of the archaeological team who study cultural relics are all highly paid.

If instruments can replace them, in order to save money, there may be a real possibility of large-scale layoffs!

If that day comes, the archaeological team will fully enter the technological era, and professionals with more than ten or even decades of archaeological experience will lose their living space. There will be no need for professional college students like them who love archaeology to exist.

In this way, a lot of expenses are indeed saved, but it goes against the ancient culture and civilization of China. For decades, the Shenzhou Kao has been the Taishan Beidou of the world's archaeological undertakings. It is a dominant-level existence. The reason why it has such a brilliant The achievement is because China has a huge historical heritage and valuable experience that other countries have not had. However, if the research results of the Academy of Sciences become popular, the huge advantage that the China archaeological team has maintained for decades will disappear.

On that day, the valuable experience that the Chinese archaeological team is proud of will be worth mentioning. No matter which country, as long as it has such an instrument, it is enough. In this way, any small mung bean country can be on an equal footing with the Chinese archaeological team. At that time, it will be the greatest tragedy for the Chinese archaeological team and the Chinese civilization.

This post was reposted several times and immediately caused a huge sensation, with several different voices heard on the Internet.

Netizens who support the Academy of Sciences laughed at this student and said that the grapes are sour because he cannot eat them. Technology is the primary productive force. This is the general trend.

Those who support the archaeological cause agree with this classmate’s concerns. The Chinese archaeological team has the status of a world hegemon and has absolute say in the world’s archaeological undertakings. This is the pride of China and cannot be destroyed by a cold instrument. The status and authority of the archaeological team.

The views of those people who are just watching the fun are even more confusing.

Some people say that the Shenzhou Archaeological Team should have laid off employees long ago. They spend their days digging graves and dumping bottles and cans, and are engaged in the business of antique dealers and tomb robbers. However, their wages are several grades higher than those of ordinary people who are motivated and motivated. , which is quite unfair.

Others say that the archaeological team needs to consume so much money every year. Since scientific instruments can replace labor, why not do it? A few instruments can replace hundreds of thousands of labor. In this way, it can save money every year. That’s quite a lot of money, which is a great thing!

Comments like this are overwhelming on the Internet, and even more bizarre concepts are emerging in endlessly. However, these comments have no meaning to ordinary people. They are just watching the fun and killing time. But when these comments reach Guan Haishan's ears, The meaning is different. After being exaggerated by the media, this matter became more and more serious, and it directly made the headlines. For several days, even ordinary people were discussing this topic. Unfortunately, Lu Fei has not paid attention to mainland news recently and knows nothing about it. Know.

In line with the principle of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, the common people and melon-eaters followed Zhao Jinzhou on the Internet and clamored. After all, Zhao Jinzhou is a local scientist in China, and his family must support his family, right?

If the results of this research are really tenable, we ordinary people will also have face. Therefore, more and more netizens are participating, and the Internet is becoming more and more lively. Many netizens even go over the wall to challenge foreign websites. Now, I started to question Those people in Zhao Jinzhou couldn't stand it anymore.

In the following period, many foreign archaeological experts came to China to compete with the Academy of Sciences. When these people came, they were aggressive and tougher than the last. But when they left China, without exception, they all looked disgraced, like lost dogs.

Half a month has passed, and the Academy of Sciences has accepted dozens of challenges and maintained complete victory. As a result, the voices of doubt from overseas can no longer be seen. The Academy of Sciences has won a great victory, and netizens are even more excited than the scientists of the Academy of Sciences. During this period, major networks were even more lively than during the Chinese New Year, with words of praise for the Academy of Sciences overwhelming.

But at this time, a piece of information on the Internet attracted the attention of netizens. .??.??

This is a message uploaded by a student from Chang'an Institute of Archeology. This classmate is proud of the research results of the Academy of Sciences, but at the same time, he is worried about the Chinese archaeological team.

This classmate analyzed the Shenzhou Archaeological Team from a professional perspective. According to his understanding, there are currently archaeologists, cultural conservation personnel, museums and logistics support personnel at the headquarters of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team and all provinces and cities under its jurisdiction. All personnel combined , the number exceeds three hundred thousand.

Among this huge group, nearly half are those who conduct research on cultural relics and antiques and statistical parameters. Their daily task is to study the authenticity of cultural relics, age background and other data. If the instrument studied by the Academy of Sciences has significant effects , do these employees of the archaeological team still have any meaning in existence? If instruments can replace manual work or even do better than manual work, will the Chinese archaeological team face large-scale layoffs?

You must know that the Shenzhou Archaeological Team consumes billions of funds every year, of which employee salaries and bonuses account for more than half of the total. This is not a small amount of money.

The employees of the archaeological team who study cultural relics are all highly paid.

If instruments can replace them, in order to save money, there may be a real possibility of large-scale layoffs!

If that day comes, the archaeological team will fully enter the technological era, and professionals with more than ten or even decades of archaeological experience will lose their living space. There will be no need for professional college students like them who love archaeology to exist.

In this way, a lot of expenses are indeed saved, but it goes against the ancient culture and civilization of China. For decades, the Shenzhou Kao has been the Taishan Beidou of the world's archaeological undertakings. It is a dominant-level existence. The reason why it has such a brilliant The achievement is because China has a huge historical heritage and valuable experience that other countries have not had. However, if the research results of the Academy of Sciences become popular, the huge advantage that the China archaeological team has maintained for decades will disappear.

On that day, the valuable experience that the Chinese archaeological team is proud of will be worth mentioning. No matter which country, as long as it has such an instrument, it is enough. In this way, any small mung bean country can be on an equal footing with the Chinese archaeological team. At that time, it will be the greatest tragedy for the Chinese archaeological team and the Chinese civilization.

This post was reposted several times and immediately caused a huge sensation, with several different voices heard on the Internet.

Netizens who support the Academy of Sciences laughed at this student and said that the grapes are sour because he cannot eat them. Technology is the primary productive force. This is the general trend.

Those who support the archaeological cause agree with this classmate’s concerns. The Chinese archaeological team has the status of a world hegemon and has absolute say in the world’s archaeological undertakings. This is the pride of China and cannot be destroyed by a cold instrument. The status and authority of the archaeological team.

The views of those people who are just watching the fun are even more confusing.

Some people say that the Shenzhou Archaeological Team should have laid off employees long ago. They spend their days digging graves and dumping bottles and cans, working as antique dealers and tomb robbers, but their wages are several grades higher than those of ordinary people who are motivated and motivated. , which is quite unfair.

Some people say that the archaeological team needs to consume so much money every year. Since scientific instruments can replace labor, why not do it? A few instruments can replace hundreds of thousands of labor. In this way, it can save money every year. That’s quite a lot of money, which is a great thing!

Comments like this are overwhelming on the Internet, and even more bizarre concepts are emerging in endlessly. However, these comments have no meaning to ordinary people. They are just watching the fun and killing time. But when these comments reach Guan Haishan's ears, The meaning is different.

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