A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3218 Found one

This pair of Pisces-lined purple clay teapots is the only pair of unique and "non-mainstream" works by Master Xie Lianlian in his life. Although the quality is average, it has an unusual significance to the Xie family. Therefore, this pair of purple clay teapots It was collected by the Xie family. Later, the story about Master Xie also became a legend in the industry.

Time flies. More than two hundred years have passed, and society has undergone earth-shaking changes.

More than ten years ago, Guan Haishan went to Guangning for a business trip. After finishing his work, he habitually visited the Guangning ghost market in the evening. At a remote street stall, Guan Haishan accidentally discovered a vintage style, simple and smooth workmanship, with Pisces printed on it. The pattern, the purple clay pot with thick patina, immediately intrigued me.

Squatting down and getting hold of this pot, he was overjoyed, because he recognized it at a glance as the work of Master Xie Lianlian. The various features of this pot were completely in line with Master Xie's style. It was an unexpected surprise!

With excitement, I opened the lid of the pot and saw the broken inner pot inside. Guan Haishan was like five thunders hitting the top. This, this turned out to be Master Xie's inner pot Pisces pot. Oh my god, this is a super treasure!

Although this pot has an ordinary style, workmanship and design, who made this scoring item? If it were a pot made by an ordinary purple clay craftsman, this thing would be worthless. You would be embarrassed to use it when you take it back. It would just be used as a decoration. I can't afford to lose that person, let alone collect it.

But if this thing was made by a great master of purple clay, that would be a different story. There are not many surviving works of Master Xie Lianlian. Every piece found on the market will attract rushes, and the price is several times the price of other masters' works. Times, even ten times, dozens of times higher.

What's more, this Pisces pot is the only one that Master Xie has successfully produced in his life. It is completely different from his style. Adhering to the principle of rare things, this pot is a priceless treasure!

Guan Haishan was inexplicably excited, but after the excitement, Guan Haishan felt terribly distressed because the inner pot of this pot was broken and damaged.

In addition, this is a pair of Pisces pots, and there is only one here. This loses a lot of points and makes it look much inferior. But even so, this is a rare treasure with extremely high collection value.

Guan Haishan calmed down after being excited, but felt something was wrong again. This pot was an heirloom of the Xie family. How come it was broken and ended up in Guangning?

If something big happened to the Xie family, or there was a disaster, it was possible that the treasures would be lost. However, according to Guan Haishan’s understanding, the Xie family not only did not invite disaster, but instead flourished. They were based in their ancestral home, Dingshan, and were still engaged in the purple sand business. The Xie family was so stable.

, how could a family heirloom be left outside? This is too abnormal.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan took out a magnifying glass, turned on the flashlight, and looked at it frame by frame carefully. After watching it for more than ten minutes, Guan Haishan finally determined that this was one of Master Xie's pair of Pisces pots. It's absolutely true. As for why the Xie family's heirloom was lost, he couldn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it too much. The most important thing right now was to keep this treasure in his pocket.

But Guan Haishan made a big taboo this time. He was too serious about this pot. The people who practice the stall are all shrewd owners. He originally planned to buy this thing for 100, and he could sell it at a bargain price of 50, but Guan Haishan was so serious. Check, the expressions are so colorful, which gives the stall owner a reason to open his mouth.

The Pisces Pot was originally planned to be priced at 100 yuan, but the stall owner gritted his teeth and directly quoted 10,000 yuan. Moreover, looking at his attitude, he planned to compete with Guan Haishan and not even think about cutting off a penny.

To be honest, 10,000 yuan for this pot is already considered a bargain. Let alone 10,000 yuan. If you meet Guan Haishan in other places and ask for 1 million, Guan Haishan will definitely accept it, even if he goes home to sell the house immediately. , no matter what, but when someone asked for 10,000 yuan at a street stall in the ghost market, Guan Haishan felt that he had been cheated, and he felt quite unhappy.

But no matter what, this stall owner was stubborn. He identified Guan Haishan and fell in love with this pot. He just refused to let go. He wanted to buy it for 10,000 yuan. If he didn't buy it, he would get out.

Mojiu scolded him for a long time, and Guan Haishan was very angry at this guy.

"I said, man, you are too shady. To be honest with you, I really like this pot, but the price you ask for it makes no sense at all.

This pot was originally supposed to be a pair, but you only have one here, and it's still damaged, so I can only give you one thousand. If you have another one, let alone ten thousand, even if it's ten Ten thousand yuan, I have no objection. "

Guan Haishan originally planned to make a last-ditch effort to lower the price. In the end, even if this guy didn't let go, he would definitely buy it for 10,000 yuan. He would never let this treasure slip away from him, but he never expected that he would A few random words written in ink unexpectedly brought unexpected joy.

The stall owner with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks opposite him lit up after hearing what Guan Haishan said.

"What did you just say?

You said that if I had another pot, you could give me 100,000 yuan. Are you telling the truth? Don’t lie to me? "

Listen carefully, Guan Haishan's goosebumps popped out when he heard what this guy said, and his old heart almost burst out. He stared and asked, "Could it be that you really have another pot?" This pair of Pisces inner pots The purple clay teapots are the only pair of unique and "non-mainstream" works by Master Xie Lianlian in his life. Although the quality is average, they have unusual significance to the Xie family. Therefore, the pair of purple clay teapots were collected by the Xie family. Later, the story about Master Xie also became a legend in the industry.

Time flies. More than two hundred years have passed, and society has undergone earth-shaking changes.

More than ten years ago, Guan Haishan went to Guangning for a business trip. After finishing his work, he habitually visited the Guangning ghost market in the evening. At a remote street stall, Guan Haishan accidentally discovered a vintage style, simple and smooth workmanship, with Pisces printed on it. The pattern, the purple clay pot with thick patina, immediately intrigued me.

Squatting down and getting hold of this pot, he was overjoyed, because he recognized it at a glance as the work of Master Xie Lianlian. The various features of this pot were completely in line with Master Xie's style. It was an unexpected surprise!

With excitement, I opened the lid of the pot and saw the broken inner pot inside. Guan Haishan was like five thunders hitting the top. This, this turned out to be Master Xie's inner pot Pisces pot. Oh my god, this is a super treasure!

Although this pot has an ordinary style, workmanship and design, who made this scoring item? If it were a pot made by an ordinary purple clay craftsman, this thing would be worthless. You would be embarrassed to use it when you take it back. It would just be used as a decoration. I can't afford to lose that person, let alone collect it.

But if this thing was made by a great master of purple clay, that would be a different story. There are not many surviving works of Master Xie Lianlian. Every piece found on the market will attract rushes, and the price is several times the price of other masters' works. Times, even ten times, dozens of times higher.

What's more, this Pisces pot is the only one that Master Xie has successfully produced in his life. It is completely different from his style. Adhering to the principle of rare things, this pot is a priceless treasure!

Guan Haishan was inexplicably excited, but after the excitement, Guan Haishan felt terribly distressed because the inner pot of this pot was broken and damaged.

In addition, this is a pair of Pisces pots, and there is only one here. This loses a lot of points and makes it look much inferior. But even so, this is a rare treasure with extremely high collection value.

Guan Haishan calmed down after being excited, but felt something was wrong again. This pot was an heirloom of the Xie family. How come it was broken and ended up in Guangning?

If something big happened to the Xie family, or there was a disaster, it was possible that the treasures would be lost. However, according to Guan Haishan’s understanding, the Xie family not only did not invite disaster, but instead flourished. They were based in their ancestral home, Dingshan, and were still engaged in the purple sand business. The Xie family was so stable.

, how could a family heirloom be left outside? This is too abnormal.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan took out a magnifying glass, turned on the flashlight, and looked at it frame by frame carefully. After watching it for more than ten minutes, Guan Haishan finally determined that this was one of Master Xie's pair of Pisces pots. It's absolutely true. As for why the Xie family's heirloom was lost, he couldn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it too much. The most important thing right now was to keep this treasure in his pocket.

But Guan Haishan made a big taboo this time. He was too serious about this pot. The people who practice the stall are all shrewd owners. He originally planned to buy this thing for 100, and he could sell it at a bargain price of 50, but Guan Haishan was so serious. Check, the expressions are so colorful, which gives the stall owner a reason to open his mouth.

The Pisces Pot was originally planned to be priced at 100 yuan, but the stall owner gritted his teeth and directly quoted 10,000 yuan. Moreover, looking at his attitude, he planned to compete with Guan Haishan and not even think about cutting off a penny.

To be honest, 10,000 yuan for this pot is already considered a bargain. Let alone 10,000 yuan. If you meet Guan Haishan in other places and ask for 1 million, Guan Haishan will definitely accept it, even if he goes home to sell the house immediately. , no matter what, but when someone asked for 10,000 yuan at a street stall in the ghost market, Guan Haishan felt that he had been cheated, and he felt quite unhappy.

But no matter what, this stall owner was stubborn. He identified Guan Haishan and fell in love with the pot. He just refused to let go. If he wanted to buy it, he would pay 10,000 yuan. If he didn't buy it, he would get out.

Mojiu scolded him for a long time, and Guan Haishan was very angry at this guy.

"I said, man, you are too shady. To be honest with you, I really like this pot, but the price you ask is totally unreasonable.

This pot was originally supposed to be a pair, but you only have one here, and it's still damaged, so I can only give you one thousand. If you have another one, let alone ten thousand, even if it's ten Ten thousand yuan, I have no objection. "

Guan Haishan originally planned to make a last-ditch effort to lower the price. In the end, even if this guy didn't let go, he would definitely buy it for 10,000 yuan. He would never let this treasure slip away from him, but he never expected that he would A few random words written in ink unexpectedly brought unexpected joy.

The stall owner with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks opposite him lit up after hearing what Guan Haishan said.

"What did you just say?

You said that if I had another pot, you could give me 100,000 yuan. Are you telling the truth? Don’t lie to me? "

Obedient and listening to the sound, when Guan Haishan said this, goosebumps appeared on his skin. His old heart almost burst out of his chest. He stared and asked, "Could it be that you really have another pot?"

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