A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3219 Can’t understand

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Guan Haishan originally planned to lower the price with the stall owner, but he didn't expect the stall owner to negotiate with him. Guan Haishan was shocked when he heard this, and then he felt ecstasy.


Listen carefully, if the stall owner can say this, it means that the other Pisces pot is also in his hand. Otherwise, why would he answer the question? It is meaningless, right?

It is extremely lucky to meet a Pisces Pot. Even if it is disabled, Guan Haishan is very excited. If he sees a couple, he will be even more excited than marrying a wife!

At this moment, Guan Haishan no longer cares about the routine of picking up leaks. Otherwise, Guan Haishan would have to give him a hug from across the stall.

Guan Haishan was so excited that it actually confused the stall owner. If Guan Haishan was more reserved and acted like his acting skills were not up to par, the experienced stall owner would definitely be convinced.

But now Guan Haishan's state is obviously over-acting, stall owners have seen too many pretense, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and all kinds of people shoveling land, but this is the first time he has seen Guan Haishan behave like this.

Could it be that this old man, who is full of style and momentum, is a newbie who has just entered the industry?

For a moment, the stall owner was not sure which type Guan Haishan was, and was a little stunned.

Observing words and expressions is very important for businessmen, especially those who run street vendors in ghost markets.

When you meet a customer, the first thing you have to do is not to fool them, but to judge what type of customer they are by observing their words and demeanor. Once you have judged, you can then start to fool people by talking to people and telling lies. This link is very important, because setting up a stall The stall owners are not necessarily experts. If they want to sell their goods at a good price, they must be aware of their words.

When encountering pure tourists who don’t understand anything, they can only cheat and earn some money from it. However, the price difference is limited and generally not too high. This is the worst kind of transaction.

The second is the pretentious customers. This kind of people usually have read basic treasure appraisal books or watched a few issues of treasure appraisal columns, and then they feel that they are very awesome, and they are no better than those experts.

Such self-proclaimed experts are often the most popular among market stall owners.

When you meet this kind of person, you just need to follow his words and flatter him. He doesn't need your guidance. In order to show off, he will raise the price of the object himself. Otherwise, how can they reflect their excellence? What about vision?

Like this

You can earn much more by trading with this type of person than by trading with tourists. If you meet one such person in a month, you can earn more than by trading with ten tourists every day.

There is another kind of special customer, who is also the most high-end customer. This kind of customer is the real expert. They come to the market purely to shovel the land and pick up leaks. This kind of people are best at pretending and have many tricks. The Lord couldn't see it at all.

This kind of person takes a fancy to an object and will never show it on his expression. He will look around, talk here and there, and use various means to get the object he likes at the lowest cost. If the transaction is successful, the stall owner will think he has made a profit. Little did he know that the real treasure had been cheapened by others at a bargain price. When encountering this situation, the stall owner was also the most depressed.

However, everything has two sides. As long as you can see that this is a real person and see what the other person really wants, then you will be prosperous.

You can refuse the transaction, and then take the thing to an antique store and sell it at a high price. Therefore, in this case, the stall owner often faces huge profits.

Of course, this kind of situation cannot happen every day, but even if it can happen once a year, it is much better than setting up a stall with tourists Zhou Xuan every day. This is the so-called three years of non-opening and three years of open business.

Obviously, today's stall owner regards Guan Haishan as this kind of real expert, because Guan Haishan starts from picking up the Pisces pot, and every subsequent action, as well as the order and method of looking at things, are completely different from those pseudo-experts. .

It has to be said that the stall owner's eyesight and experience are indeed extraordinary, and he guessed it right. However, after that, Guan Haishan was too excited and acted too enthusiastically, and he no longer followed the routine when playing cards. , but it made the stall owner a little confused.

In addition to the fact that this pot looks older, there is really no redeeming feature. In the end, Guan Haishan was still classified as a fake expert who pretends to be pretentious. It was precisely because of the stall owner’s error in judgment that he was separated from the real treasure. Passing by.

However, to the stall owner, it no longer mattered what kind of person Guan Haishan was. The price he offered was enough to make the stall owner's heart beat and his blood flow.

The stall owner's hesitation made Guan Haishan even more anxious.

It stands to reason that Guan Haishan has much more experience than ordinary experts, so he should not be anxious. However, when he saw the Pisces Pot just now, he was too excited and showed his timidity, so there is no need to hide it anymore. In this situation, it is nothing more than It didn't matter if he was beaten hard by the chicken thief stall owner, Guan Haishan recognized it, as long as he could get the Pisces Pot, no matter how much money he spent, it would be worth it. If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Guan Haishan originally planned to lower the price with the stall owner, but he didn't expect the stall owner to negotiate with him. Guan Haishan was shocked when he heard this, and then he felt ecstasy.


Listen carefully, if the stall owner can say this, it means that the other Pisces pot is also in his hand. Otherwise, why would he answer the question? It is meaningless, right?

It is extremely lucky to meet a Pisces Pot. Even if it is disabled, Guan Haishan is very excited. If he sees a couple, he will be even more excited than marrying a wife!

At this moment, Guan Haishan no longer cares about the routine of picking up leaks. Otherwise, Guan Haishan would have to give him a hug from across the stall.

Guan Haishan was so excited that it actually confused the stall owner. If Guan Haishan was more reserved and acted like his acting skills were not up to par, the experienced stall owner would definitely be convinced.

But now Guan Haishan's state is obviously over-acting, stall owners have seen too many pretentious people, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and all kinds of people shoveling land, but this is the first time he has seen Guan Haishan behave like this.

Could it be that this old man, who is full of style and momentum, is a newbie who has just entered the industry?

For a moment, the stall owner was not sure which type Guan Haishan was, and was a little stunned.

Observing words and expressions is very important for businessmen, especially those who run street vendors in ghost markets.

When you meet a customer, the first thing you have to do is not to fool them, but to judge what type of customer they are by observing their words and demeanor. Once you have judged, you can then start to fool people by talking to people and telling lies. This link is very important, because setting up a stall The stall owners are not necessarily experts. If they want to sell their goods at a good price, they must be aware of their words.

When encountering pure tourists who don’t understand anything, they can only cheat and earn some money from it. However, the price difference is limited and generally not too high. This is the worst kind of transaction.

The second is the pretentious customers. This kind of people usually have read basic treasure appraisal books or watched a few issues of treasure appraisal columns, and then they feel that they are very awesome, and they are no better than those experts.

Such self-proclaimed experts are often the most popular among market stall owners.

When you meet this kind of person, you just need to follow his words and flatter him. He doesn't need your guidance. In order to show off, he will raise the price of the object himself. Otherwise, how can they reflect their excellence? What about vision?

Like this

You can earn much more by trading with this type of person than by trading with tourists. If you meet one such person in a month, you can earn more than by trading with ten tourists every day.

There is another kind of special customer, who is also the most high-end customer. This kind of customer is the real expert. They come to the market purely to shovel the land and pick up leaks. This kind of people are best at pretending and have many tricks. The Lord couldn't see it at all.

This kind of person takes a fancy to an object and will never show it on his expression. He will look around, talk here and there, and use various means to get the object he likes at the lowest cost. If the transaction is successful, the stall owner will think he has made a profit. Little did he know that the real treasure had been cheapened by others at a bargain price. When encountering this situation, the stall owner was also the most depressed.

However, everything has two sides. As long as you can see that this is a real person and see what the other person really wants, then you will be prosperous.

You can refuse the transaction, and then take the thing to an antique store and sell it at a high price. Therefore, in this case, the stall owner often faces huge profits.

Of course, this kind of situation cannot happen every day, but even if it can happen once a year, it is much better than setting up a stall with tourists Zhou Xuan every day. This is the so-called three years of non-opening and three years of open business.

Obviously, today's stall owner regards Guan Haishan as this kind of real expert, because Guan Haishan starts from picking up the Pisces pot, and every subsequent action, as well as the order and method of looking at things, are completely different from those pseudo-experts. .

It has to be said that the stall owner's eyesight and experience are indeed extraordinary, and he guessed it right. However, after that, Guan Haishan was too excited and acted too enthusiastically, and he no longer followed the routine when playing cards. , but it made the stall owner a little confused.

In addition to the fact that this pot looks older, there is really no redeeming feature. In the end, Guan Haishan was classified as a fake expert who pretended to be pretentious. It was precisely because of the stall owner's error in judgment that he was separated from the real treasure. Passing by.

However, to the stall owner, it doesn't matter what kind of person Guan Haishan is. The price he offers is enough to make the stall owner's heart beat and his blood boil.

The stall owner's hesitation made Guan Haishan even more anxious.

It stands to reason that Guan Haishan has much more experience than ordinary experts, so he should not be anxious. However, when he saw the Pisces Pot just now, he was too excited and showed his timidity, so there is no need to hide it anymore. In this situation, it is nothing more than... It didn't matter if he was beaten hard by the chicken thief stall owner, Guan Haishan recognized it, as long as he could get the Pisces Pot, no matter how much money he spent, it would be worth it.

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