A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3220 The other one is also disabled

In a confused state, the stall owner made the simplest decision to trade with Guan Haishan for 100,000 yuan.

Yes, the other Pisces Pot was indeed in his hand, and it was on the stall, but he didn't think it was necessary and didn't put it out.

When the stall owner handed another Pisces pot into Guan Haishan's hands, Guan Haishan's mood was really mixed.

He was excited because he met a pair of Pisces Pots, which was great luck.

What’s depressing is that this Pisces pot is also broken.

And what’s ridiculous is that the only thing left in the first Pisces Pot is the inner pot, while the inner pot of the second Pisces Pot is well preserved, but the pot body has three cracks and was crudely glued on using ordinary 502 glue. It's simply a waste of resources.

Seeing the traces of glue, Guan Haishan's heart bleeds, but the end is done, and there is nothing he can do if he gets angry again. If he wants to be more open-minded, seeing the broken part is much better than not seeing it at all!

At this point, Guan Haishan was not pretentious and immediately transferred 100,000 yuan to the stall owner. Then, Guan Haishan asked the stall owner about the origin of the pair of pots. As he expected, the stall owner also collected them in the countryside. When receiving the goods, Even if it was disabled, he didn't know exactly how it was disabled.

As for where the things were collected from, the stall owner smiled and said that this was his trade secret. No matter how Guan Haishan asked, he would not tell. In the end, Guan Haishan could only hold the Pisces pot carefully and turned around with complicated emotions. Leave.

After returning, Guan Haishanzi carefully looked at the pair of remnants dozens of times, thinking about how to repair them and who to find to repair them.

But as he watched, an interesting idea came to Guan Haishan's mind.

Of the two Pisces pots, one had its inner pot damaged, and the other had its body damaged. If the damaged parts were removed, the two pots would just fit into one complete utensil.

Judging from the degree of damage to these two pots, no matter how they are repaired, it is difficult to achieve perfection. However, if you directly intercept the intact parts and perform secondary splicing, it will be much simpler. After repairing it with an expert, it will almost look like No trace left.

If it were an ordinary purple clay pot, there would definitely be no need to go to such trouble, but with this pair of pots, it was worth the trouble, because this was the only pair in Master Xie Lian's life that went against his philosophy. "Non-mainstream" works are of great significance and have extremely high collection value.

This is just like coins issued with special numbers, special years, rare circulation, and special commemorative significance. Only coins with special commemorative significance have collection value, but in all cases

Among all banknotes, the most valuable and rarest ones are wrong coins.

When the coins were issued, they were misprinted. At that time, they were considered waste products and had no use. But in fact, when genuine coins circulated in the market and could be spent, one dollar was just one dollar, and they could only be exchanged for one dollar worth of coins. thing.

But scrap products that cannot be circulated are often worth hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. If they are out of print, they may be worth millions or tens of millions. Where can you argue with them?

In the same way, despite the ugly style and backward design concept of Master Xie's pair of teapots, they are out of print. According to the law of rare things, their value must be much higher than the purple clay teapots that can be seen everywhere.

What's more, this pair of out-of-print purple clay teapots were made by the great master Xie Lianlian. With the celebrity effect, the value of these things is immeasurable. To put it most directly, anyway, someone else bought it from him for five million. Guan Haishan would never sell this pot, let alone five million, not even ten million.

With the idea in mind, Guan Haishan immediately started making preparations, screening them one by one in his mind, and selecting the most suitable restoration expert to help repair the pair of pots.

After thinking about it, the restoration experts he knew seemed to be inferior, which gave him a headache.

After thinking for more than two hours, Guan Haishan's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, how could I forget about him?"

Repairing a purple clay teapot is not difficult for a craftsman who is good at repairing it. However, repairing this teapot to perfection is not something that can be accomplished with just skills.

Good craftsmanship is a necessary prerequisite, but what is more important than craftsmanship is the repair materials. Materials suitable for repairing this pot are too difficult to find. After thinking about it, looking at the entire China, the Xie family in Dingshan Maybe it can be found.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan couldn't wait a minute and immediately contacted his colleagues from the local archaeological team in Dingshan and asked them to help him find the contact information of the descendants of the Xie family.

The Xie family is a purple sand family and is a well-known family in Dingshan. It was not difficult to find their contact information and it was done in less than half an hour.

Looking at the number sent by his colleague, Guan Haishan was a little hesitant. He asked others to help repair the lost heirloom of his family. No matter how he thought about it, he felt a little awkward. If the Xie family was cautious, they might encounter some trouble.

However, for this treasure, even if he might encounter trouble, he had to bite the bullet, because Guan Haishan really didn't want to deal with it. If he used ordinary materials to repair it, he would really miss the meaning and value of this pot! In a confused state, the stall owner made the simplest decision to trade with Guan Haishan for 100,000 yuan.

Yes, the other Pisces Pot was indeed in his hand, and it was on the stall, but he didn't think it was necessary and didn't put it out.

When the stall owner handed another Pisces pot into Guan Haishan's hands, Guan Haishan's mood was really mixed.

He was excited because he met a pair of Pisces Pots, which was great luck.

What's depressing is that this Pisces pot is also broken.

And what’s ridiculous is that the only thing left in the first Pisces Pot is the inner pot, while the inner pot of the second Pisces Pot is well preserved, but the pot body has three cracks and was crudely glued on using ordinary 502 glue. It's simply a waste of resources.

Seeing the traces of glue, Guan Haishan's heart bleeds, but the end is done, and there is nothing he can do if he gets angry again. If he wants to be more open-minded, seeing the broken part is much better than not seeing it at all!

At this point, Guan Haishan was not pretentious and immediately transferred 100,000 yuan to the stall owner. Then, Guan Haishan asked the stall owner about the origin of the pair of pots. As he expected, the stall owner also collected them in the countryside. When receiving the goods, Even if it was disabled, he didn't know exactly how it was disabled.

As for where the things were collected from, the stall owner smiled and said that this was his trade secret. No matter how Guan Haishan asked, he would not tell. In the end, Guan Haishan could only hold the Pisces pot carefully and turned around with complicated emotions. Leave.

After returning, Guan Haishanzi carefully looked at the pair of remnants dozens of times, thinking about how to repair them and who to find to repair them.

But as he watched, an interesting idea came to Guan Haishan's mind.

Of the two Pisces pots, one had its inner pot damaged, and the other had its body damaged. If the damaged parts were removed, the two pots would just fit into one complete utensil.

Judging from the degree of damage to these two pots, no matter how they are repaired, it is difficult to achieve perfection. However, if you directly intercept the intact parts and perform secondary splicing, it will be much simpler. After repairing it with an expert, it will almost look like No trace left.

If it were an ordinary purple clay pot, there would definitely be no need to go to such trouble, but with this pair of pots, it was worth the trouble, because this was the only pair in Master Xie Lian's life that went against his philosophy. "Non-mainstream" works are of great significance and have extremely high collection value.

This is just like coins issued with special numbers, special years, rare circulation, and special commemorative significance. Only coins with special commemorative significance have collection value, but in all cases

Among all banknotes, the most valuable and rarest ones are wrong coins.

When the coins were issued, they were misprinted. At that time, they were considered waste products and had no use. But in fact, when genuine coins circulated in the market and could be spent, one dollar was just one dollar, and they could only be exchanged for one dollar worth of coins. thing.

But scrap products that cannot be circulated are often worth hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. If they are out of print, they may be worth millions or tens of millions. Where can you argue with them?

In the same way, despite the ugly style and backward design concept of Master Xie's pair of teapots, they are out of print. According to the law of rare things, their value must be much higher than the purple clay teapots that can be seen everywhere.

What's more, this pair of out-of-print purple clay teapots were made by the great master Xie Lianlian. With the celebrity effect, the value of these things is immeasurable. To put it most directly, anyway, someone else bought it from him for five million. Guan Haishan would never sell this pot, let alone five million, not even ten million.

With the idea in mind, Guan Haishan immediately started making preparations, screening them one by one in his mind, and selecting the most suitable restoration expert to help repair the pair of pots.

After thinking about it, the restoration experts he knew seemed to be inferior, which gave him a headache.

After thinking for more than two hours, Guan Haishan's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, how could I forget about him?"

Repairing a purple clay teapot is not difficult for a craftsman who is good at repairing it. However, repairing this teapot to perfection is not something that can be accomplished with just skills.

Good craftsmanship is a necessary prerequisite, but what is more important than craftsmanship is the repair materials. Materials suitable for repairing this pot are too difficult to find. After thinking about it, looking at the entire China, the Xie family in Dingshan Maybe it can be found.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan couldn't wait a minute and immediately contacted his colleagues from the local archaeological team in Dingshan and asked them to help him find the contact information of the descendants of the Xie family.

The Xie family is a purple sand family and is a well-known family in Dingshan. It was not difficult to find their contact information and it was done in less than half an hour.

Looking at the number sent by his colleague, Guan Haishan hesitated a little. He asked others to help repair the lost heirloom of his family. No matter how he thought about it, he felt a little awkward. If the Xie family was so cautious, they might encounter some trouble.

However, for this treasure, even if he might encounter trouble, he had to bite the bullet, because Guan Haishan really didn't want to deal with it. If he used ordinary materials to repair it, he would really miss the meaning and value of this pot!

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