A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3235: Praise and Killing

Zhao Jinzhou felt that he still underestimated Lu Fei's influence. When he spoke out his inner thoughts willfully, all the media reporters present rushed over like rabies and rushed over like crazy. They surrounded him and took charge of the scene. The people who were in order had long been squeezed out of the circle by the reporters. Seeing that the situation was out of control, they could only look at it with their hands in their hands and sigh.

Reporter: "Academician Zhao, you said that Lu Fei challenged you through Mr. Pan. Did Mr. Lu Fei communicate with you privately before this?"

Zhao Jinzhou: “No, not at all, not before and not now.

However, I would like to remind you to pay attention to slips of the tongue. This is not a challenge. We are just discussing. My team and I very much welcome Mr. Lu Fei to come and give us guidance and point out our shortcomings. "

Zhao Jinzhou's words seemed to respect and value Lu Fei, but in fact, this old guy secretly did something bad.

His humble and sincere attitude here subtly brought out Lu Fei's arrogance and arrogance. In addition, he expressed the hope that Lu Fei could point out their shortcomings. This sentence was completely flattering. If Lu Fei won, of course he could point out the shortcomings, but If Lu Fei loses, this sentence will become a sharp weapon to slap him in the face. With the media's usual slap in the face, this sentence will definitely be firmly grasped by them. When Lu Fei fails, they will be infinitely obsessed with it. Zoom in, by then, it will definitely be enough for Lu Fei to drink a pot.

Of course, the reporters had no time to dwell on this sentence at this moment. Their arms that wanted to ask questions later were numb and they could not wait any longer.

Reporter: "Academician Zhao, do you know Mr. Lu Fei?"

Zhao Jinzhou: "Of course, Mr. Lu Fei is recognized as the most discerning eye in the collection industry. In this industry, he is definitely the first and only one."

Reporter: "How confident are you that the competition between Mr. Lu Fei and you is, well, a discussion?"

Zhao Jinzhou smiled slightly: "Mr. Lu Fei is an authority in the industry. This has been jointly certified by everyone in the industry. I am just a researcher. In the past, I was a complete layman in archaeological collections, including everyone in my team. , have no experience in this area at all. We only decided to establish the research because of Mr. Kong’s proposal back then.

Fortunately, after eight years of repeated research, our research results have come out. However, in the final analysis, we do not have much experience. Even if we consider many details during research, there will inevitably be some mistakes.

The shortcoming is that at this point, there is no comparison between us and Mr. Lu Fei.

Our previous victory over overseas experts and Mr. Guan was due to a lot of luck. We know that we still have many shortcomings. Therefore, this time when we face the industry authority Mr. Lu Fei, we are completely open-minded and learn from Lu Fei seriously. Mr. Fei is asking for advice. This is the truest idea of ​​our team. As I said just now, I hope Mr. Lu Fei will spare no effort to teach us and point out our shortcomings. In this way, we can further improve our instruments and achieve higher standards. standards, and enter the next work in better condition. "

Zhao Jinzhou is still flattering him. Everyone who has jumped off a building knows that the higher the floor, the higher the success rate of suicide. In the same way, the higher the flattery is now, the more miserable Lu Fei's death will be after winning, and the happier he will be. .

Zhao Jinzhou's words shocked the reporters present. They felt that this old guy seemed a bit too humble today. When he faced Guan Haishan yesterday, this old guy didn't have this face. Zhao Jinzhou yesterday was as arrogant as he could be. Arrogant, even when he had a clear advantage, he did not hesitate to step on Guan Haishan a few more times. He kept making sarcastic comments and his body language was even richer. If Mr. Pan had not stepped forward to control the situation, Zhao Jinzhou, who was so proud and domineering last night, would have defeated Guan Haishan. Trampled to death, it would be a miracle that Mr. Guan could walk out of Zhao Jinzhou's studio alive.

But at this moment, the old guy's face completely changed. His current attitude cannot be described as modest, it is simply humble. He said these words as if he was a primary school student who didn't understand anything and was serious about waiting. Teacher Lu Fei’s criticism and guidance are the same, but the question is, does he really care about Lu Fei that much?

If he was really afraid of Lu Fei, why did he take the initiative to hold a press conference today to reveal this breaking news? Isn't he afraid that it would make Lu Fei lose face?

After analysis, it was found that the old guy Zhao Jinzhou was definitely not that modest. All of this was just acting. However, Zhao Jinzhou was not a professional actor after all, and his acting was a bit too much, so that any reporter with any sense could see that it was simply bad. Evaluation, failed.

However, reporters didn’t have time to evaluate his acting skills. They wished that Zhao Jinzhou’s acting was more exaggerated, because the more exaggerated his acting, the more colorful their explosive points would be. Anyway, these words were spoken by Zhao Jinzhou himself. , and they don’t need to be responsible, so why not?

Therefore, the reporters were even more excited when they saw Zhao Jinzhou's cooperation. Zhao Jinzhou felt that he still underestimated Lu Fei's influence. When he spoke out his inner thoughts willfully, all the media reporters present rushed over like rabies and rushed over like crazy. They surrounded him and took charge of the scene. The people who were in order had long been squeezed out of the circle by the reporters. Seeing that the situation was out of control, they could only look at it with their hands in their hands and sigh.

Reporter: "Academician Zhao, you said that Lu Fei challenged you through Mr. Pan. Did Mr. Lu Fei communicate with you privately before this?"

Zhao Jinzhou: “No, not at all, not before and not now.

However, I would like to remind you to pay attention to slips of the tongue. This is not a challenge. We are just discussing. My team and I very much welcome Mr. Lu Fei to come and give us guidance and point out our shortcomings. "

Zhao Jinzhou's words seemed to respect and value Lu Fei, but in fact, this old guy secretly did something bad.

His humble and sincere attitude here subtly brought out Lu Fei's arrogance and arrogance. In addition, he expressed the hope that Lu Fei could point out their shortcomings. This sentence was completely flattering. If Lu Fei won, of course he could point out the shortcomings, but If Lu Fei loses, this sentence will become a sharp weapon to slap him in the face. With the media's usual slap in the face, this sentence will definitely be firmly grasped by them. When Lu Fei fails, they will be infinitely obsessed with it. Zoom in, by then, it will definitely be enough for Lu Fei to drink a pot.

Of course, the reporters had no time to dwell on this sentence at this moment. Their arms that wanted to ask questions later were numb and they could not wait any longer.

Reporter: "Academician Zhao, do you know Mr. Lu Fei?"

Zhao Jinzhou: "Of course, Mr. Lu Fei is recognized as the most discerning eye in the collection industry. In this industry, he is definitely the first and only one."

Reporter: "How confident are you that the competition between Mr. Lu Fei and you is, well, a discussion?"

Zhao Jinzhou smiled slightly: "Mr. Lu Fei is an authority in the industry. This has been jointly certified by everyone in the industry. I am just a researcher. In the past, I was a complete layman in archaeological collections, including everyone in my team. , have no experience in this area at all. We only decided to establish the research because of Mr. Kong’s proposal back then.

Fortunately, after eight years of repeated research, our research results have come out. However, in the final analysis, we do not have much experience. Even if we consider many details during research, there will inevitably be some mistakes.

The shortcoming is that at this point, there is no comparison between us and Mr. Lu Fei.

Our previous victory over overseas experts and Mr. Guan was due to a lot of luck. We know that we still have many shortcomings. Therefore, this time when we face the industry authority Mr. Lu Fei, we are completely open-minded and learn from Lu Fei seriously. Mr. Fei is asking for advice. This is the truest idea of ​​our team. As I said just now, I hope Mr. Lu Fei will spare no effort to teach us and point out our shortcomings. In this way, we can further improve our instruments and achieve higher standards. standards, and enter the next work in better condition. "

Zhao Jinzhou is still flattering him. Everyone who has jumped off a building knows that the higher the floor, the higher the success rate of suicide. In the same way, the higher the flattery is now, the more miserable Lu Fei's death will be after winning, and the happier he will be. .

Zhao Jinzhou's words shocked the reporters present. They felt that this old guy seemed a bit too humble today. When he faced Guan Haishan yesterday, this old guy didn't have this face. Zhao Jinzhou yesterday was as arrogant as he could be. Arrogant, even when he had a clear advantage, he did not hesitate to step on Guan Haishan a few more times. He kept making sarcastic comments and his body language was even richer. If Mr. Pan had not stepped forward to control the situation, Zhao Jinzhou, who was so proud and domineering last night, would have defeated Guan Haishan. Trampled to death, it would be a miracle that Mr. Guan could walk out of Zhao Jinzhou's studio alive.

But at this moment, the old guy's face completely changed. His current attitude cannot be described as modest, it is simply humble. He said these words as if he was a primary school student who didn't understand anything and was serious about waiting. Teacher Lu Fei’s criticism and guidance are the same, but the question is, does he really care about Lu Fei that much?

If he was really afraid of Lu Fei, why did he take the initiative to hold a press conference today to reveal this breaking news? Isn't he afraid that it would make Lu Fei lose face?

After analysis, it was found that the old guy Zhao Jinzhou was definitely not that modest. All of this was just acting. However, Zhao Jinzhou was not a professional actor after all, and his acting was a bit too much, so that any reporter with any sense could see that it was simply bad. Evaluation, failed.

However, reporters didn’t have time to evaluate his acting skills. They wished that Zhao Jinzhou’s acting was more exaggerated, because the more exaggerated his acting, the more colorful their explosive points would be. Anyway, these words were spoken by Zhao Jinzhou himself. , and they don’t need to be responsible, so why not?

Therefore, the reporters were even more excited when they saw Zhao Jinzhou's cooperation.

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