A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3236 Blocking the door

Zhao Jinzhou pretended to be open-minded and open to questions from reporters.


"No, no, no, I said, we are just comparing notes and humbly asking Mr. Lu Fei for advice. There is no gambling of any kind."

"The specific time?"

"Sorry, I just received a call from Mr. Pan and I learned that Mr. Lu Fei is going to come for guidance. I haven't communicated with Mr. Lu Fei yet. The specific time and place should be decided by Mr. Lu Fei."


You said that Mr. Lu Fei told me through Mr. Pan that he was discriminating and disrespecting me? "

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. Everyone has heard it. This is what he said. I didn't say that. It's a big deal for us that someone is willing to give you some advice on Mr. Lu Fei's identity. Lucky for you."

He rarely appears in front of the media on weekdays. The reporters all thought that Zhao Jinzhou was eccentric and uncommunicative like other researchers. But after today's contact, everyone knew that they were completely wrong.

Zhao Jinzhou is not only eloquent and eloquent, but also very thoughtful. He has skillfully let go of all the pitfalls dug by reporters. Not only that, this guy also has some acting skills. He is simply a master. No wonder he can study so well. What a cool thing.

However, this old guy's acting skills still seemed a bit clumsy in the eyes of these reporters who had read countless people. The reporters all saw that Zhao Jinzhou's words were superficially complimentary to Lu Fei, but in fact they were nothing but flattery. In addition, his body language is quite unruly. How can he have the attitude of being open-minded and accepting teachings?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy is trying to disgust Lu Fei through this incident. As for where he got the courage, it must be because he is extremely confident in his research results!

However, I have to admit that the thing Zhao Jinzhou researched does have a certain level. At least, so far, he has accepted hundreds of challenges and has never tasted defeat. Even Mr. Guan has fallen into the hands of the machine. , which is enough to show the level of that machine.

However, Guan Haishan is not Lu Fei after all. Anyone in China who has paid attention to the collection community and archaeological teams knows that Guan Haishan and Lu Fei are not at the same level in terms of their knowledge, professional knowledge, or methods. Let alone Guan Haishan, even When his teacher Kong Fanlong was still alive, he expressed that he was ashamed of being a Buddha. Moreover, since Lu Fei debuted, he has not beaten anyone.

There are countless tough battles, and the technical content alone is much higher than those of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument competition.

Lu Fei's status today is not something he brags about. It is achieved step by step and accumulated one victory after another. More importantly, just like the instrument, so far, countless people have paid tribute to Lu Fei. Fei had launched a challenge, and Lu Fei had never failed, as if he had become a lonely existence seeking defeat.

Having experienced Lu Fei turning the tide too many times, turning corruption into magic again and again, the reporters present believed in Lu Fei's ability from the bottom of their hearts. Therefore, many people were not optimistic that the machine could defeat Lu Fei. Unfortunately, there was no one present. A reporter reminded Zhao Jinzhou not to be too confident out of good intentions. All they care about is traffic and hot spots. Zhao Jinzhou's life and death, and whether Lu Fei is ruined are none of their business. They just want the matter to become a big deal, and it would be best if it cannot end.

At the end of the press conference, the reporters dispersed like swarms and sent the news back to the headquarters as quickly as possible to compete for the first hot spot. After some experienced reporters sent the information back, they rushed to the airport non-stop and rushed to the airport as quickly as possible. Run to Hong Kong Island, hoping to see Lu Fei respond to Zhao Jinzhou's words.

They all know that Lu Fei is very shrewd. It is impossible for him not to see that Zhao Jinzhou is arrogant. With Uncle Lu's fiery temper, there might be even greater excitement.

Just two hours later, reporters from all over the world gathered outside the gate of Lu Fei's mansion and Phoenix Villa in Hong Kong Island. With Lu Fei's popularity and reputation, there was never a shortage of reporters and paparazzi outside their house. There were many locals from Hong Kong Island. The entertainment paparazzi squatted outside the gate of Lu Fei's house all year round. However, they did not dare to get too close and could only watch from a distance.

Today, more than a dozen mainland reporters came. With the increase in the number of people, everyone became more courageous. With their courage, they went straight to the gate and blocked it.

Zhang Jianguo frowned, but still reported the situation outside to Lu Fei through the internal phone.

Normally, Lu Fei would not pay attention to those reporters and paparazzi who had no bottom line. He would have no problem staying away. But if he dared to get close, Lu Fei would not take it easy and would just open the door and let the dogs out, which would not scare them to death.

But what surprised Zhang Jianguo today was that instead of ordering the dogs to be released, Lu Fei prepared to come over in person. Now, even Zhang Jianguo, the chief internal officer, was deceived.

After a while, Lu Fei drove the battery car to the gate. When the reporters outside saw that Lu Fei had really come out, they had a collective climax. Zhao Jinzhou pretended to be open-minded and open to questions from reporters.


"No, no, no, I said, we are just comparing notes and humbly asking Mr. Lu Fei for advice. There is no gambling of any kind."

"The specific time?"

"Sorry, I just received a call from Mr. Pan and learned that Mr. Lu Fei is coming to provide guidance. I haven't communicated with Mr. Lu Fei yet. The specific time and place should be decided by Mr. Lu Fei." ??


You said that Mr. Lu Fei told me through Mr. Pan that he was discriminating and disrespecting me? "

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. Everyone has heard it. This is what he said. I didn't say that. It's a big deal for us that someone is willing to give you some advice on Mr. Lu Fei's identity. Lucky for you."

He rarely appears in front of the media on weekdays. The reporters all thought that Zhao Jinzhou was eccentric and uncommunicative like other researchers. But after today's contact, everyone knew that they were completely wrong.

Zhao Jinzhou is not only eloquent and eloquent, but also very thoughtful. He skillfully avoids all the pitfalls dug by reporters. Not only that, this guy also has some acting skills. He is simply a master. No wonder he can study so well. What a cool thing.

However, this old guy's acting skills still seemed a bit clumsy in the eyes of these reporters who had read countless people. The reporters all saw that Zhao Jinzhou's words were superficially complimentary to Lu Fei, but in fact they were nothing but flattery. In addition, his body language is quite unruly. How can he have the attitude of being open-minded and accepting teachings?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy is trying to disgust Lu Fei through this incident. As for where he got the courage, it must be because he is extremely confident in his research results!

However, I have to admit that the thing Zhao Jinzhou researched does have a certain level. At least, so far, he has accepted hundreds of challenges and has never tasted defeat. Even Mr. Guan has fallen into the hands of the machine. , which is enough to show the level of that machine.

However, Guan Haishan is not Lu Fei after all. Anyone in China who has paid attention to the collection community and archaeological teams knows that Guan Haishan and Lu Fei are not at the same level in terms of their knowledge, professional knowledge, or methods. Not to mention Guan Haishan, even When his teacher Kong Fanlong was still alive, he expressed that he was ashamed of being a Buddha. Moreover, since Lu Fei debuted, he has not beaten anyone.

There are countless tough battles, and the technical content alone is much higher than those of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument competition.

Lu Fei's status today is not something he brags about. It is achieved step by step and accumulated one victory after another. More importantly, just like the instrument, so far, countless people have paid tribute to Lu Fei. Fei had launched a challenge, and Lu Fei had never failed, as if he had become a lonely existence seeking defeat.

Having experienced Lu Fei turning the tide too many times, turning corruption into magic again and again, the reporters present believed in Lu Fei's ability from the bottom of their hearts. Therefore, many people were not optimistic that the machine could defeat Lu Fei. Unfortunately, there was no one present. A reporter reminded Zhao Jinzhou not to be too confident out of good intentions. All they cared about was traffic and hot spots. Zhao Jinzhou's life and death, and whether Lu Fei was ruined or not were none of their business. They wanted the matter to become a big deal, and it would be best if it couldn't end.

At the end of the press conference, the reporters dispersed like swarms and sent the news back to the headquarters as quickly as possible to compete for the first hot spot. After some experienced reporters sent the information back, they rushed to the airport non-stop and rushed to the airport as quickly as possible. Run to Hong Kong Island, hoping to see Lu Fei respond to Zhao Jinzhou's words.

They all know that Lu Fei is very shrewd. It is impossible for him not to see that Zhao Jinzhou is arrogant. With Uncle Lu's fiery temper, there might be even greater excitement.

Just two hours later, reporters from all over the world gathered outside the gate of Lu Fei's mansion and Phoenix Villa in Hong Kong Island. With Lu Fei's popularity and reputation, there was never a shortage of reporters and paparazzi outside their house. There were many locals from Hong Kong Island. The entertainment paparazzi squatted outside the gate of Lu Fei's house all year round. However, they did not dare to get too close and could only watch from a distance.

Today, more than a dozen mainland reporters came. With the increase in the number of people, everyone became more courageous. With their courage, they went straight to the gate and blocked it.

Zhang Jianguo frowned, but still reported the situation outside to Lu Fei through the internal phone.

Normally, Lu Fei would not pay attention to those reporters and paparazzi who had no bottom line. He would have no problem staying away. But if he dared to get close, Lu Fei would not take it easy and would just open the door and let the dogs out, which would not scare them to death.

But what surprised Zhang Jianguo today was that instead of ordering the dogs to be released, Lu Fei prepared to come over in person. Now, even Zhang Jianguo, the chief internal officer, was deceived.

After a while, Lu Fei drove the battery car to the gate. When the reporters outside saw that Lu Fei had really come out, they had a collective climax.

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