A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3237 What are these two things?

Lu Fei drove the battery car to the gate, and the media from all walks of life crowded outside were shocked at the same time.

The man in the door has a slim figure, dark skin, a short hair, big sunglasses, and a cigar hanging crookedly from his mouth. He doesn't look like a good person, just like the popular "Young and Dangerous" in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

Look at what this guy is wearing. He wears a black vest with two ribs on his upper body. Well, in the summer in northern China, the old farmers who work in the fields like to wear it most. It is definitely the same style as the guy in front of me.

Well, if you have to say that wearing two ribs on the upper body is a bit awkward, wearing white and red flowered big pants on the lower part is too unconventional. What’s even more ridiculous is that this man is also wearing a pair of flip-flops. This is called What kind of outfit is it? Which designer with forward-thinking ideas designed it?

Could it be said that this outfit will be a trend in a few years, or is our vision too unique?

The reporters looked at each other, and it was clear from each other's eyes that their counterparts could not appreciate it, and were even more confused than himself.

The friends present were all shocked. Boss Lu has great wealth and aloof status. He is definitely very handsome outside. But who would have thought that such a great person would be wearing such fashionable clothes at home! !

Okay, let’s not comment on whether this outfit is reasonable, but is it really suitable for him to wear this outfit in this season? .??.

You know, it’s not February yet, and the Spring Festival hasn’t passed yet. Even if the weather in Hong Kong is pleasant, you will never find another person wearing big pants and flip-flops on the street. Look, this is called individuality. .

People say that the first factor for success is to have personality. I didn’t believe it before, but now, after seeing Lu Fei’s outfit, I realized that the ancients did not deceive me!

After admiring Lu Fei's unique outfit, everyone's attention was attracted by the two strange animals next to Lu Fei.

These two guys seem to be bears. No, their skin color doesn’t look like bears. These two guys have yellow fur, black backs, big ears, and bears. They don’t seem to have such shapes.

Is it a cow?

That's not right, these two guys obviously don't have horns?

The reporters stared at these two animals for a long time, and a word suddenly came to their minds. Could it be that these two things are dogs?

Well, looking at the skin color, nose, mouth and ears, they look like two dogs, but looking at the figure, the reporters really don't feel confident.

The two guys next to Lu Fei were round and fatter than bears. They stood on all fours, with their trembling bellies about to touch the ground.

It's much lower than Bugatti's territory, just check it visually. Either one of these two things weighs at least eighty kilograms.


Isn’t an eighty-pound dog too heavy?

Don't worry, just listen to what I'm saying. The eighty kilograms I'm talking about are really kilograms. Do you understand?

These two are obviously not Tibetan Mastiffs. Their skin color looks more like a German Shepherd. An 80kg Tibetan Mastiff is not new, but have any of you ever seen an 80kg German Shepherd?

Moreover, saying 80 kilograms is still a visual inspection. If you really want to weigh them, it will definitely be more than 80 kilograms. Otherwise, why didn't everyone see that they were two dogs at first sight?

In fact, until now, most people still haven't realized that these are two dogs. However, the two guys around Lu Fei are indeed two dogs, and they are really two German shepherds. As for these It’s so interesting why two German shepherds are shaped like bears.

When Wade presented Phoenix Villa as a gift, he left Lu Fei with dozens of world-famous dogs, but these two German Shepherds were not among them.

These two German shepherds were originally members of the Wulong Brigade and Xuanlong Division. They had made great military exploits for Xuanlong, and each dog had a military medal on its body.

Later, these two dogs were injured and retired, and they "retired" at the base. They roamed every corner of the base every day, and lived a more leisurely and contented life than Chen Honggang. That was very comfortable. However, the achievements of these two dogs The elders are still very arrogant, and most people don't want to talk to them, but no one expected that these two proud guys would actually form an indissoluble bond with Lu Fei.

Is it true that Lu Fei is that close to dogs? In fact, it is not the case. The reason why these two guys are good with Lu Fei is because Lu Fei is too spoiled by them. The chicken, duck and fish that are common in the base have been eaten by these two dogs for a long time. They were tired of eating, and even the game near the base did not interest them much. But after these two German shepherds tasted Lu Fei's specially prepared medicinal diet for the soldiers, they suddenly felt that they had found the love of their lives. It was really Endless aftertaste!

There is a quota for the medicinal food ordered by the Wulong Brigade from Lu Fei. Although there is a share for these two dogs, it is obvious that the amount per capita is not enough to satisfy the appetite, and there is no way to enjoy it. Only when Lu Fei comes to the base, I will get them a few more medicated meals to satisfy their cravings.

Over time, these two German shepherds, whose IQs were comparable to those of thirteen-year-old boys, realized a problem. In the entire base, only Lu Fei could make them happy. After discovering this problem, these two German shepherds blackmailed Lu Fei. , as soon as they see Lu Fei's car driving to the base, these two guys will immediately pounce on Lu Fei with lightning speed, shaking their heads and tails beside Lu Fei, and they can't care about their "soldier" image for the time being. They look simply flattering. Lu Fei drove the battery car to the gate, and the media from all walks of life crowded outside were shocked at the same time.

The man in the door has a slim figure, dark skin, a short hair, big sunglasses, and a cigar hanging crookedly from his mouth. He doesn't look like a good person, just like the popular "Young and Dangerous" in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

Look at what this guy is wearing. He is wearing a black two-string vest. Well, in the summer in northern China, the old farmers who work in the fields like to wear it most. It is definitely the same style as the guy in front of me.

Well, if you have to say that wearing two ribs on the upper body is a bit awkward, wearing white and red flowered big pants on the lower part is too unconventional. What’s even more ridiculous is that this man is also wearing a pair of flip-flops. This is called What kind of outfit is it? Which designer with forward-thinking ideas designed it?

Could it be said that this outfit will be a trend in a few years, or is our vision too unique?

The reporters looked at each other, and it was clear from each other's eyes that their counterparts could not appreciate it, and were even more confused than himself.

The friends present were all shocked. Boss Lu has great wealth and aloof status. He is definitely very handsome outside. But who would have thought that such a great person would be wearing such fashionable clothes at home! !

Okay, let’s not comment on whether this outfit is reasonable, but is it really suitable for him to wear this outfit in this season?

You know, it’s not February yet, and the Spring Festival hasn’t passed yet. Even if the weather in Hong Kong is pleasant, you will never find another person wearing big pants and flip-flops on the street. Look, this is called individuality. .

People say that the first factor for success is to have personality. I didn’t believe it before, but now, after seeing Lu Fei’s outfit, I realized that the ancients did not deceive me!

After admiring Lu Fei's unique outfit, everyone's attention was attracted by the two strange animals next to Lu Fei.

These two guys seem to be bears. No, their skin color doesn’t look like bears. These two guys have yellow fur, black backs, big ears, and bears. They don’t seem to have such shapes.

Is it a cow?

That's not right, these two guys obviously don't have horns?

The reporters stared at these two animals for a long time, and a word suddenly came to their minds. Could it be that these two things are dogs?

Well, looking at the skin color, nose, mouth and ears, they look like two dogs, but looking at the figure, the reporters really don't feel confident.

The two guys next to Lu Fei were round and fatter than bears. They stood on all fours, with their trembling bellies about to touch the ground.

It's much lower than Bugatti's territory, just check it visually. Either one of these two things weighs at least eighty kilograms.


Isn’t an eighty-pound dog too heavy?

Don't worry, just listen to what I'm saying. The eighty kilograms I'm talking about are really kilograms. Do you understand?

These two are obviously not Tibetan Mastiffs. Their skin color looks more like a German Shepherd. An 80kg Tibetan Mastiff is not new, but have any of you ever seen an 80kg German Shepherd?

Moreover, saying 80 kilograms is still a visual inspection. If you really want to weigh them, it will definitely be more than 80 kilograms. Otherwise, why didn't everyone see that they were two dogs at first sight?

In fact, until now, most people still haven't realized that these are two dogs. However, the two guys around Lu Fei are indeed two dogs, and they are really two German shepherds. As for these It’s so interesting why two German shepherds are shaped like bears.

When Wade presented Phoenix Villa as a gift, he left Lu Fei with dozens of world-famous dogs, but these two German Shepherds were not among them.

These two German shepherds were originally members of the Wulong Brigade and Xuanlong Division. They had made great military exploits for Xuanlong, and each dog had a military medal on its body.

Later, these two dogs were injured and retired, and they "retired" at the base. They roamed every corner of the base every day, and lived a more leisurely and contented life than Chen Honggang. That was very comfortable. However, the achievements of these two dogs The elders are still very arrogant, and most people don't want to talk to them, but no one expected that these two proud guys would actually form an indissoluble bond with Lu Fei.

Is it true that Lu Fei is that close to dogs? In fact, it is not the case. The reason why these two guys are good with Lu Fei is because Lu Fei is too spoiled by them. The chicken, duck and fish that are common in the base have been eaten by these two dogs for a long time. They were tired of eating, and even the game near the base did not interest them much. But after these two German shepherds tasted Lu Fei's specially prepared medicinal diet for the soldiers, they suddenly felt that they had found the love of their lives. It was really Endless aftertaste!

There is a quota for the medicinal food ordered by the Wulong Brigade from Lu Fei. Although there is a share for these two dogs, it is obvious that the amount per capita is not enough to satisfy the appetite, and there is no way to enjoy it. Only when Lu Fei comes to the base, I will get them a few more medicated meals to satisfy their cravings.

Over time, these two German shepherds, whose IQs were comparable to those of thirteen-year-old boys, realized a problem. In the entire base, only Lu Fei could make them happy. After discovering this problem, these two German shepherds blackmailed Lu Fei. , as soon as they see Lu Fei's car driving to the base, these two guys will immediately pounce on Lu Fei with lightning speed, shaking their heads and wagging their tails beside Lu Fei, and they can't care about their "soldier" image for the time being. They look simply flattering.

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