A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3238 The two elders Xuan Ming

The two German shepherds at the base, one is called Xiaolong and the other is Xiaohu, and Lu Fei is very fond of them.

In fact, Lu Fei hated dogs in the past, especially since Chen Xiang adopted Nagzihu. When he saw that guy, Lu Fei wanted to kick him. He hated Wujiwu, so he didn't have a good impression of other dogs.

Since moving into Phoenix Villa, Lu Fei has had more contact with the specially trained world-famous dogs at home. Lu Fei's impression of dogs has greatly changed. When he came to the base and saw the little dragons and tigers, Lu Fei had a different mentality.

These two dogs are different from the others because they were once "soldiers" of the Wulong Brigade, and they were heroes who had won military medals. They were injured on the battlefield and had to retire. Therefore, every soldier in the base, Including Lu Fei, everyone respected these two former comrades.

During their service, Xiaolong and Xiaohu had strict requirements and regulations on how many meals they would eat every day, what they would eat at each meal, and how much they would eat. In order to ensure their combat status, they would not be overly full at each meal. Moreover, the meals given to them were all targeted nutritious meals. Nutritious meals were said to be nutritious, but in fact, the taste was really hard to swallow.

It can be said that the little dragon and tiger have never had enough to eat since they were born, let alone what "dog delicacies" are.

Now that they are retired, they have no training requirements and no need to perform tasks, so they can naturally "break the habit". Therefore, when the little dragons and tigers ate Lu Fei's nutritious medicinal diet, they immediately fell in love with this extremely delicious food and couldn't extricate themselves.

Every time Lu Fei comes, he will bring them a lot of delicious food. Gradually, the little dragons and tigers develop a sense of dependence on Lu Fei. When they see Lu Fei, they are more enthusiastic than meeting their biological father. Except for sleeping, they are almost inseparable.

In this way, Lu Fei became more and more fond of them. In addition to having enough medicinal food, he would also bring them expensive seafood every time he came. Since these two guys ate Eastern star spot, geoduck, and shrimp sashimi, they have become even more fond of them. I couldn't stop eating, my appetite increased day by day, my physical activity decreased sharply, and I gained weight day by day. In half a year, my weight increased by 20 kilograms.

Eight months ago, Lu Fei brought Xiaolong and Xiaohu back to Phoenix Villa. When they arrived here, the two guys felt as if they were in paradise. Their quality of life and food treatment had skyrocketed, and they were so happy.

However, not everyone likes them. First of all, the little puppy Di Ruilong made a strong protest against the names of the two dogs. As the heir to a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, Mr. Di cannot tolerate a lazy dog ​​under any circumstances.

The German shepherd was the same as his own Xiao Ming. After the little puppy cried in tears, his brother finally agreed to his reasonable request. Everyone brainstormed and finally renamed the two German shepherds "Ada and Aer". ", or else it would be terrible to be uneducated, so many people scratched their heads and thought about it for several days, just thinking of such a rubbish name, even the two German shepherds rolled their eyes in protest from time to time.

Later, everyone felt that this name was not very reliable. At this time, the words of the general manager Zhang Jianguo were recognized by everyone.

"Ah Da Ah Er, isn't this the youngest of the two Xuan Ming brothers?"


"Two elders Xuan Ming?"

"Hey, this name seems very cool?"

"Nonsense, even Zhang Wuji got a headache when he saw Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming. Of course they are awesome."

"Not bad, not bad. I feel that the name Xuan Ming Er Lao is not bad. At least, he is much better than a bitch."

Since then, these two Xuanlongs have officially become the two Xuanming elders under Lu Fei's frame. However, when taken out alone, the two dogs are still called Ada and Aer. The two Xuanming elders were not very happy and fought, but... Under the food offensive, I finally chose to endure it silently.

In addition to the little naughty dog, Lu Fei's two wives also criticized the two elders Xuan Ming. The main reason is that these two guys are too clingy. Lu Fei doesn't have much time at home, but every time he comes back, Xuanming and Xuanming will definitely stick to them immediately. They spend much more time with Lu Fei than the two ladies. In addition, Lu Fei loves them very much. The two ladies are somewhat disgusted, but , Generally speaking, the two elders Xuan Ming are still very popular at home, and because of this, the comfortable life they have lived in Phoenix Villa for more than half a year has made them more relaxed and fat.

When they were in the service, Xiaolong and Xiaohu both weighed the standard thirty-five kilograms. But after becoming the "Second Elders of Xuanming", the figures of these two men quickly went out of shape. Now, both guys weigh more than eight. Fifteen kilograms, almost as big as the old sow, so that when it appeared, the reporters didn't even know what it was.

"You are blocking my door because you want to trouble me?"

Lu Fei stood still in front of the door, took off his sunglasses and puffed out smoke, looking cool.

The two elders, Xuanming and Ming, were lying on both sides of Lu Fei, with their four ears closed at the same time, enjoying the sun comfortably.

Lu Fei's words finally brought a group of reporters back to reality from their dazed state, and at the same time, they gave Lu Fei an awkward smile. The two German shepherds at the base, one is called Xiaolong and the other is Xiaohu, and Lu Fei is very fond of them.

In fact, Lu Fei hated dogs in the past, especially since Chen Xiang adopted Nagzihu. When he saw that guy, Lu Fei wanted to kick him. He hated Wujiwu, so he didn't have a good impression of other dogs.

Since moving into Phoenix Villa, Lu Fei has had more contact with the specially trained world-famous dogs at home. Lu Fei's impression of dogs has greatly changed. When he came to the base and saw the little dragons and tigers, Lu Fei had a different mentality.

These two dogs are different from the others because they were once "soldiers" of the Wulong Brigade, and they were heroes who had won military medals. They were injured on the battlefield and had to retire. Therefore, every soldier in the base, Including Lu Fei, everyone respected these two former comrades.

During their service, Xiaolong and Xiaohu had strict requirements and regulations on how many meals they would eat every day, what they would eat at each meal, and how much they would eat. In order to ensure their combat status, they would not be overly full at each meal. Moreover, the meals given to them were all targeted nutritious meals. Nutritious meals were said to be nutritious, but in fact, the taste was really hard to swallow.

It can be said that the little dragon and tiger have never had enough to eat since they were born, let alone what "dog delicacies" are.

Now that they are retired, they have no training requirements and no need to perform tasks, so they can naturally "break the habit". Therefore, when the little dragons and tigers ate Lu Fei's nutritious medicinal diet, they immediately fell in love with this extremely delicious food and couldn't extricate themselves.

Every time Lu Fei comes, he will bring them a lot of delicious food. Gradually, the little dragons and tigers develop a sense of dependence on Lu Fei. When they see Lu Fei, they are more enthusiastic than meeting their biological father. Except for sleeping, they are almost inseparable.

In this way, Lu Fei became more and more fond of them. In addition to having enough medicinal food, he would also bring them expensive seafood every time he came. Since these two guys ate Eastern star spot, geoduck, and shrimp sashimi, they have become even more fond of them. I couldn't stop eating, my appetite increased day by day, my physical activity decreased sharply, and I gained weight day by day. In half a year, my weight increased by 20 kilograms.

Eight months ago, Lu Fei brought Xiaolong and Xiaohu back to Phoenix Villa. When they arrived here, the two guys felt as if they were in paradise. Their quality of life and food treatment had skyrocketed, and they were so happy.

However, not everyone likes them. First of all, the little puppy Di Ruilong made a strong protest against the names of the two dogs. As the heir to a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, Mr. Di cannot tolerate a lazy dog ​​under any circumstances.

The German shepherd was the same as his own Xiao Ming. After the little puppy cried in tears, his brother finally agreed to his reasonable request. Everyone brainstormed and finally renamed the two German shepherds "Ada and Aer". ", or else it would be terrible to be uneducated, so many people scratched their heads and thought about it for several days, just thinking of such a rubbish name, even the two German shepherds rolled their eyes in protest from time to time.

Later, everyone felt that this name was not very reliable. At this time, the words of the general manager Zhang Jianguo were recognized by everyone.

"Ah Da Ah Er, isn't this the youngest of the two Xuan Ming brothers?"


"Two elders Xuan Ming?"

"Hey, this name seems very cool?"

"Nonsense, even Zhang Wuji got a headache when he saw Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming. Of course they are awesome."

"Not bad, not bad. I feel that the name Xuan Ming Er Lao is not bad. At least, he is much better than a bitch."

Since then, these two Xuanlongs have officially become the two Xuanming elders under Lu Fei's frame. However, when taken out alone, the two dogs are still called Ada and Aer. The two Xuanming elders were not very happy and fought, but... Under the food offensive, I finally chose to endure it silently.

In addition to the little naughty dog, Lu Fei's two wives also criticized the two elders Xuan Ming. The main reason is that these two guys are too clingy. Lu Fei doesn't have much time at home, but every time he comes back, Xuanming and Xuanming will definitely stick to them immediately. They spend much more time with Lu Fei than the two ladies. In addition, Lu Fei loves them very much. The two ladies are somewhat disgusted, but , Generally speaking, the two elders Xuan Ming are still very popular at home, and because of this, the comfortable life they have lived in Phoenix Villa for more than half a year has made them more relaxed and fat.

When they were in the service, Xiaolong and Xiaohu both weighed the standard thirty-five kilograms. But after becoming the "Second Elders of Xuanming", the figures of these two men quickly went out of shape. Now, both guys weigh more than eight. Fifteen kilograms, almost as big as the old sow, so that when it appeared, the reporters didn't even know what it was.

"You are blocking my door because you want to trouble me?"

Lu Fei stood still in front of the door, took off his sunglasses and puffed out smoke, looking cool.

The two elders, Xuanming and Ming, were lying on both sides of Lu Fei, with their four ears closed at the same time, enjoying the sun comfortably.

Lu Fei's words finally brought a group of reporters back to reality from their dazed state, and at the same time, they gave Lu Fei an awkward smile.

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