Realizing the danger, Ji Gang planned to use words to trap Lu Fei. Obviously, his little thoughts were not enough. Not only was Lu Fei not fooled, but he seemed even more excited.

Lu Fei waved his hand and interrupted Ji Gang: "Hey, this reporter, you just heard wrong, I want to correct you.

Yes, I said I wanted to cooperate with your "People's Society", but as I said, there is a premise that the price you offer must reflect your sincerity, right? "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, other reporters eagerly echoed his words.

"That's right, that's what Mr. Lu said."

"Yes, I can also testify."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, if their "People's Society" cannot satisfy you, our "West China Society" will definitely not let you down."

"Mr. Lu, our "China Focus" is a very powerful large media. I will contact my boss right away and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

While his peers were scrambling to express their determination, Ji Gang remained silent and stared at Lu Fei for observation. Lu Fei listened "seriously" to everyone's speech with a sideways face, nodding his head frequently, but never made any statement, let alone looked at himself. , this time, Ji Gang was completely panicked.

Even though Ji Gang is not very young, he has traveled around and met countless people. He is still very experienced in observing people. When he saw Lu Fei's attitude, Ji Gang knew that he had been happy too early. Seeing Lu Fei like this Zi, I have no objection at all. No, it should be said that Lu Fei really likes to see everyone competing fiercely, beating his head to pieces, and then he enjoys the benefits.

Thinking of this, a word came to Ji Gang's mind.


It's so insidious. As expected of someone who runs an auction house, his skills are so slippery that I can't help but accept it!

With such a commotion, no matter which company wins the last laugh, the price it will have to pay will definitely be an astronomical figure, otherwise there will be no chance of getting this exclusive interview right.

Now it seems that this is a huge scam, but you know it is a scam, but you still have to bite the bullet and rush forward.

Stop playing and quit?

Are you kidding me?

If Ji Gang dares to go back in such a dejected state, he will get out of the unit before dark.

The gimmick of Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou's PK is too big. In order to get this gimmick, it is worth paying no matter how high the price is. You quit and don't play anymore. Please, there are so many more that you can't wait for. No one is a fool, right?

But if competing with these media, Ji Gang feels that there is no chance of winning. Their "People's Society" is considered a big media in China. It is located in China and has special channels. The sources of information are accurate and fast. The sales volume has always been good.

However, it also has a certain asset foundation.

However, compared with the media present today, they do not have any advantage. In fact, the strength of several private media is far superior to that of their "People's News". If they spend money, their "People's News" You may not have the last laugh.

Ji Gang was so anxious that he could do nothing. In the end, Ji Gang decided to report the truth to his boss immediately.

Chasing to Hong Kong Island, meeting Lu Fei, and getting so many valuable news clues is already a great achievement. As for cooperating with Lu Fei, it now seems that it is beyond the scope of his rights. It can be decided by the boss himself.

In the next ten minutes or so, Lu Fei felt temporarily clean. He found a comb from the guard and squatted on the ground to comb the hair of Xuan Ming and the other two men. One man and two dogs took it easy.

But outside, separated by a door, it seemed like the front line of a battlefield, with more than two dozen reporters chattering in confusion.

"Boss, I have something urgent to report to you. This is the situation."

"Boss, I am right outside Mr. Lu's home. At the same time, there are more than a dozen colleagues from the mainland who are reporting to their boss. Time is tight, so please make a decision immediately."

"Boss, did you hear what I just said clearly?

Yes, yes, this is the situation, it is absolutely true, I am scared to death and I dare not make such a joke with you! "

"Boss, tell me, I'm listening.


three million?

Boss, did I hear you right? Are you kidding me?

Mr. Lu has never seen money. Do you think Mr. Lu will go to war for three million? "

"Boss, I'm here, what, holding a board meeting?

My boss, it’s too late, Mr. Lu is right in front of us, and they are still waiting to hear our reply.”

"Thunder Monkey, floor, I'm Kuizai."

Lu Fei listened to the lively scene outside while "serving" Xuan Ming and his two brothers, but suddenly heard a lame voice. Lu Fei frowned, looked at the waves of local paparazzi outside the door, waved his hands and said: " Hey, you guys wait a minute, I'll let the mainland media compete, and your local entertainment media will fill in whatever nonsense you want, so shut up, you have none of your business here, so get out of here."

The local paparazzi looked aggrieved upon hearing this.


Boss Lu, you can’t pick up Chinese-style chickens. We are also regular journalists. We have the right to interview. You can’t deprive us of our freedom to interview. We want to compete fairly with our mainland counterparts. If you don’t let us participate in the competition, you are doing us a disservice. discriminate! "Ji Gang, who realized the danger, planned to use words to trap Lu Fei. Obviously, his little thoughts were not enough. Not only was Lu Fei not fooled, but he seemed even more excited.

Lu Fei waved his hand and interrupted Ji Gang: "Hey, this reporter, you just heard wrong, I want to correct you.

Yes, I said I wanted to cooperate with your "People's Society", but as I said, there is a premise that the price you offer must reflect your sincerity, right? "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, other reporters eagerly echoed his words.

"That's right, that's what Mr. Lu said."

"Yes, I can also testify."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, if their "People's Society" cannot satisfy you, our "West China Society" will definitely not let you down."

"Mr. Lu, our "China Focus" is a very powerful large media. I will contact my boss right away and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

While his peers were scrambling to express their determination, Ji Gang remained silent and stared at Lu Fei for observation. Lu Fei listened "seriously" to everyone's speech with a sideways face, nodding his head frequently, but never made any statement, let alone looked at himself. , this time, Ji Gang was completely panicked.

Even though Ji Gang is not very young, he has traveled around and met countless people. He is still very experienced in observing people. When he saw Lu Fei's attitude, Ji Gang knew that he had been happy too early. Seeing Lu Fei like this Zi, I have no objection at all. No, it should be said that Lu Fei really likes to see everyone competing fiercely, beating his head to pieces, and then he enjoys the benefits.

Thinking of this, a word came to Ji Gang's mind.


It's so insidious. As expected of someone who runs an auction house, his skills are so slippery that I can't help but accept it!

With such a commotion, no matter which company wins the last laugh, the price it will have to pay will definitely be an astronomical figure, otherwise there will be no chance of getting this exclusive interview right.

Now it seems that this is a huge scam, but you know it is a scam, but you still have to bite the bullet and rush forward.

Stop playing and quit?

Are you kidding me?

If Ji Gang dares to go back in such a dejected state, he will get out of the unit before dark.

The gimmick of Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou's PK is too big. In order to get this gimmick, it is worth paying no matter how high the price is. You quit and don't play anymore. Please, there are so many more that you can't wait for. No one is a fool, right?

But if competing with these media, Ji Gang feels that there is no chance of winning. Their "People's Society" is considered a big media in China. It is located in China and has special channels. The sources of information are accurate and fast. The sales volume has always been good.

However, it also has a certain asset foundation.

However, compared with the media present today, they do not have any advantage. In fact, the strength of several private media is far superior to that of their "People's News". If they spend money, their "People's News" You may not have the last laugh.

Ji Gang was so anxious that he could do nothing. In the end, Ji Gang decided to report the truth to his boss immediately.

Chasing to Hong Kong Island, meeting Lu Fei, and getting so many valuable news clues is already a great achievement. As for cooperating with Lu Fei, it now seems that it is beyond the scope of his rights. It can be decided by the boss himself.

In the next ten minutes or so, Lu Fei felt temporarily clean. He found a comb from the guard and squatted on the ground to comb the hair of Xuan Ming and the other two men. One man and two dogs took it easy.

But outside, separated by a door, it seemed like the front line of a battlefield, with more than two dozen reporters chattering in confusion.

"Boss, I have something urgent to report to you. This is the situation."

"Boss, I am right outside Mr. Lu's home. At the same time, there are more than a dozen colleagues from the mainland who are reporting to their boss. Time is tight, so please make a decision immediately."

"Boss, did you hear what I just said clearly?

Yes, yes, this is the situation, it is absolutely true, I am scared to death and I dare not make such a joke with you! "

"Boss, tell me, I'm listening.


three million?

Boss, did I hear you right? Are you kidding me?

Mr. Lu has never seen money. Do you think Mr. Lu will go to war for three million? "

"Boss, I'm here, what, holding a board meeting?

My boss, it’s too late, Mr. Lu is right in front of us, and they are still waiting to hear our reply.”

"Thunder Monkey, floor, I'm Kuizai."

Lu Fei listened to the lively scene outside while "serving" Xuan Ming and his two brothers, but suddenly heard a lame voice. Lu Fei frowned, looked at the waves of local paparazzi outside the door, waved his hands and said: " Hey, you guys wait a minute, I'll let the mainland media compete, and your local entertainment media will fill in whatever nonsense you want, so shut up, you have nothing to do here, so get out of here."

The local paparazzi looked aggrieved upon hearing this.


Boss Lu, you can’t pick up Chinese-style chickens. We are also regular journalists. We have the right to interview. You can’t deprive us of our freedom to interview. We want to compete fairly with our mainland counterparts. If you don’t let us participate in the competition, you are doing us a disservice. discriminate! "

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