A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3246 Threat

The local Hong Kong entertainment paparazzi didn't know at first why mainland reporters swarmed in to block Lu Fei's door.

But as they listened, they understood the general idea. Then, they took out their mobile phones to search for the latest news hot spots in the mainland. The next second, these paparazzi had an orgasm at the same time.

Good guy, I really didn’t expect that there would be such a big commotion in the mainland today. I almost missed a big show!

It was fine if they didn't know before, but now they know clearly, how could they be willing to miss it?

Although they are entertainment media, their purpose is the same as that of news media. They use hot topics to catch readers’ attention and gain profits. The reason why they focus on exposing dirty stories about celebrity artists is because they have a huge fan base. It's just more attractive to readers. If there are more exciting hot spots, of course they won't mind joining the show temporarily.

Lu Fei is not an entertainment star, but why do they squat at the door of Lu Fei's house for a long time? .??.??

That's not because Lu Fei is so popular that just making a little noise can bring them huge benefits. Unfortunately, there has been a pause recently. Apart from the report that Lu Fei is very happy, he didn't catch much. Hot spot, but today the opportunity came.

Lu Fei is going to the mainland to compete with Academician Zhao Jinzhou of the Academy of Sciences. To put it bluntly, Lu Fei is going back to make trouble. This is definitely a big breakout point. It is a sensational effect that no star artist can achieve. Such a good opportunity, How could they be willing to miss it?

Therefore, they also took the initiative to join the mainland media camp, called their bosses, and prepared "exclusive interview copyright fees" to fight for exclusive access to this hot spot. In this, they are full of confidence because, relatively speaking, Hong Kong Island The income of entertainment media is much higher than that of traditional media, official media, and local news media in the mainland. Private media in the mainland have only been around for more than ten years, while private media companies in Hong Kong started much earlier than those in the mainland. Each of them has They have their own unique business philosophy, and there are even several media companies that are listed companies. Their wealth is much higher than that of mainland media. Compared with their financial resources, they are confident that they can kill any mainland media in an instant.

Problems that can be solved with money have never been a problem. They believe that as long as their boss is not confused, this exclusive right to interview and report will definitely be in the hands of the Hong Kong media. But just when they confidently reported to their boss At that time, Lu Fei directly poured cold water on them and told them clearly that he was not going to play with them. Now, these Hong Kong entertainment media couldn't accept it.

"Boss Lu, you can't be like this anymore. We compete based on our strength. Why shouldn't we be allowed to participate? This doesn't make sense!"

"That's right,

They are all in the media. Mainland media can compete, why can’t we? It has been so many years since Hong Kong Island returned to China. We are all Chinese, so you can’t exclude us! "

"That's right, Mr. Lu, you can't do this. Otherwise, you will be discriminating against the people of Hong Kong Island. We..."

These big tongues were noisy and noisy, which made Lu Fei upset. He glared and shouted: "Shut up!

What's going on? I've been giving you too much face lately, haven't I?

If I say it can’t be done, it can’t be done. If anyone says another nonsense, I guarantee he will be fired today. Do you believe it or not? "


Several entertainment paparazzi, who were filled with indignation and ready to resist, looked at Lu Fei's fierce eyes and shrank at the same time.

They have been guarding Lu Fei for a long time, and they know Lu Fei very well. If others threaten them, they will definitely regard it as bragging and will never care. But when Lu Fei said this, no one of them dared to say it again. It's nonsense, because they all know that for Lu Fei, these words are not too much at all. If people say that they can make a career, they can do it 100%. No one in Hong Kong dares to go against Lu Fei. Although the boss has some connections, compared with Lu Fei, he is far behind.

They believe that as long as Lu Fei calls their boss, no, I should say, as long as Lu Fei finds someone to send a message to their boss, their boss will fire them without thinking. Even if the boss is a little against his will, he will never dare to offend him. Lu Fei, otherwise, it is not certain whether the legal person of the company that their boss relies on will change the next day.

As soon as Lu Fei glared, the paparazzi in Hong Kong suddenly became more honest. No one said any more nonsense, but no one left. They all hid aside and stared at this side with resentful and aggrieved eyes.

It's impossible to get exclusive interview rights. If you can't eat meat, just listen to some gossip and drink some soup. It's not a waste of time!

Hong Kong paparazzi "withdrew" from the competition, but the competition among mainland media is still fierce, and has even reached a fever pitch.

Several reporters got the boss's attitude and immediately reported to Lu Fei. One of them, a reporter from a media, confidently came to the gate and told Lu Fei that their boss was willing to offer 20 million Chinese dollars.

How much does one year's broadcast rights for the five major leagues cost?

The reporter thought that 20 million was a lot to win an exclusive interview right. But what made him dumbfounded was that Lu Fei didn't even raise his head after hearing this. Obviously, the number was still far from what Lu Fei had hoped for. Far away, several other media outlets couldn't help but gasp. The local Hong Kong entertainment paparazzi didn't know at first why mainland reporters swarmed in to block Lu Fei's door.

But as they listened, they understood the general idea. Then, they took out their mobile phones to search for the latest news hot spots in the mainland. The next second, these paparazzi had an orgasm at the same time.

Good guy, I really didn’t expect that there would be such a big commotion in the mainland today. I almost missed a big show!

It was fine if they didn't know before, but now they know clearly, how could they be willing to miss it?

Although they are entertainment media, their purpose is the same as that of news media. They use hot topics to catch readers’ attention and gain profits. The reason why they focus on exposing dirty stories about celebrity artists is because they have a huge fan base. It's just more attractive to readers. If there are more exciting hot spots, of course they won't mind joining the show temporarily.

Lu Fei is not an entertainment star, but why do they squat at the door of Lu Fei's house for a long time?

That's not because Lu Fei is so popular that just making a little noise can bring them huge benefits. Unfortunately, there has been a pause recently. Apart from the report that Lu Fei is very happy, he didn't catch much. Hot spot, but today the opportunity came.

Lu Fei is going to the mainland to compete with Academician Zhao Jinzhou of the Academy of Sciences. To put it bluntly, Lu Fei is going back to make trouble. This is definitely a big breakout point. It is a sensational effect that no star artist can achieve. Such a good opportunity, How could they be willing to miss it?

Therefore, they also took the initiative to join the mainland media camp, called their bosses, and prepared "exclusive interview copyright fees" to fight for exclusive access to this hot spot. In this, they are full of confidence because, relatively speaking, Hong Kong Island The income of entertainment media is much higher than that of traditional media, official media, and local news media in the mainland. Private media in the mainland have only been around for more than ten years, while private media companies in Hong Kong started much earlier than those in the mainland. Each of them has They have their own unique business philosophy, and there are even several media companies that are listed companies. Their wealth is much higher than that of mainland media. Compared with their financial resources, they are confident that they can kill any mainland media in an instant.

Problems that can be solved with money have never been a problem. They believe that as long as their boss is not confused, this exclusive right to interview and report will definitely be in the hands of the Hong Kong media. But just when they confidently reported to their boss At that time, Lu Fei directly poured cold water on them and told them clearly that he was not going to play with them. Now, these Hong Kong entertainment media couldn't accept it.

"Boss Lu, you can't be like this anymore. We compete based on our strength. Why shouldn't we be allowed to participate? This doesn't make sense!"

"That's right,

They are all in the media. Mainland media can compete, why can’t we? It has been so many years since Hong Kong Island returned to China. We are all Chinese, so you can’t exclude us! "

"That's right, Mr. Lu, you can't do this. Otherwise, you will be discriminating against the people of Hong Kong Island. We..."

These big tongues were noisy and noisy, which made Lu Fei upset. He glared and shouted: "Shut up!

What's going on? I've been giving you too much face lately, haven't I?

If I say it can’t be done, it can’t be done. If anyone says another nonsense, I guarantee he will be fired today. Do you believe it or not? "


Several entertainment paparazzi, who were filled with indignation and ready to resist, looked at Lu Fei's fierce eyes and shrank at the same time.

They have been guarding Lu Fei for a long time, and they know Lu Fei very well. If others threaten them, they will definitely regard it as bragging and will never care. But when Lu Fei said this, no one of them dared to say it again. It's nonsense, because they all know that for Lu Fei, these words are not too much at all. If people say that they can make a career, they can do it 100%. No one in Hong Kong dares to go against Lu Fei. Although the boss has some connections, compared with Lu Fei, he is far behind.

They believe that as long as Lu Fei calls their boss, no, I should say, as long as Lu Fei finds someone to send a message to their boss, their boss will fire them without thinking. Even if the boss is a little against his will, he will never dare to offend him. Lu Fei, otherwise, it is not certain whether the legal person of the company that their boss relies on will change the next day.

As soon as Lu Fei glared, the paparazzi in Hong Kong suddenly became more honest. No one said any more nonsense, but no one left. They all hid aside and stared at this side with resentful and aggrieved eyes.

It's impossible to get exclusive interview rights. If you can't eat meat, just listen to some gossip and drink some soup. It's not a waste of time!

Hong Kong paparazzi "withdrew" from the competition, but the competition among mainland media is still fierce, and has even reached a fever pitch.

Several reporters got the boss's attitude and immediately reported to Lu Fei. One of them, a reporter from a media, confidently came to the gate and told Lu Fei that their boss was willing to offer 20 million Chinese dollars.

How much does one year's broadcast rights for the five major leagues cost?

The reporter thought that 20 million yuan was a lot to win an exclusive interview right. But what made him dumbfounded was that Lu Fei didn't even raise his head after hearing this. Obviously, the number was still far from what Lu Fei had hoped for. Far away, several other media outlets couldn't help but gasp.

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