A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3248 Do you look down on me?

The representative of "Network the World" bid 100 million, and Lu Fei finally stood up. This scene was seen by the reporters outside the door, and they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Damn it, Lu Fei finally reacted.

One hundred million, what a lion!

The reporters had mixed feelings and deep feelings. In order to get Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights, his colleagues were willing to pay a sky-high price of 100 million. Looking at it, Lu Fei was the only one in China who could do this. What it is, this is the card, this is the influence, and they are also human beings. Lu Fei has achieved this in his twenties, which is really admirable!

What is a winner in life?

Lu Fei is the real winner in life. Whether you like Lu Fei or not, you have to admit it, he is awesome.

While colleagues in the industry were still sighing, the reporter from "Network World" took a deep breath, wiped off a cold sweat, and finally relaxed.

One hundred million is indeed shocking, but with Lu Fei's gimmick and the absolute value of one hundred million, his boss and the board of directors have made the wisest decision, and his status and influence in the industry will also rise with this incident. , thinking of these, he smiled excitedly, but what he didn't expect was that before he could get excited for too long, Lu Fei poured cold water on him.

Lu Fei stood up, but his face was gloomy and scary. He came to the door and glanced at the group of reporters outside. Lu Fei snorted coldly and said: "I always thought that you people in the media are all He is very powerful and discerning, but now it seems that I was wrong.”

Lu Fei said, his eyes fixed on the reporter from "Network": "What's your name?"

"Wang Hao!"

It felt like Lu Fei's tone was unkind, and Wang Hao was obviously a little nervous.

Lu Fei nodded: "As reporters, you should be well-informed, right?"

Wang Hao and other reporters nodded without answering directly.


Lu Fei sneered: "I watched a heavyweight boxing championship match the night before yesterday. There was a boxing champion in Ukraine whose name I couldn't remember clearly, but I remember that the appearance fee for that guy was four thousand three hundred. Wandao, have you heard about this?"

Although none of the people present were sports reporters, the boxing match the day before yesterday had been promoted globally as early as half a year ago. Of course they had heard of it, and they all nodded in response.

Lu Fei smiled: "When I was in school, I spent all my energy on archeology and antique appraisal. I wasn't very good at mathematics. Can anyone help me with the math?

Forty-three million dollars, how much does it convert into Chinese currency? "

Lu Fei suddenly switched to the boxing match and said that he was not good at math. Not only did no reporters from mainland China laugh at Lu Fei, but they became even more nervous.

Based on their understanding of Lu Fei, it was not that Lu Fei was not good at mathematics, but that he was obviously in a bad mood. At this time, no one took the initiative to touch Lu Fei's brow. Not only did no one answer, but they all took a step back.

The reporters in China all know Lu Fei well, but here are not only reporters from mainland China, but also a group of local paparazzi from Hong Kong Island!

Among these paparazzi, one of them was a buddy who had just joined the industry and was more practical. This guy was more enthusiastic. When no one answered, he immediately calculated in his mind and shouted loudly: "Mr. Lu, I did the math. According to the current exchange rate, 43 million knives is equivalent to about 250 million Chinese dollars."

Seeing this idiot responding to Lu Fei's initiative, the other reporters rolled their eyes in unison and greeted this guy's relatives several times in their hearts. Lu Fei actually laughed and gave this guy a thumbs up. Thanks.

"It seems that there are really some top academics here!

I don’t know if this friend’s calculation just now is accurate. Let’s remove the fraction and treat it as 200 million Shenzhou coins!

For a boxer, the appearance fee alone is 200 million Shenzhou coins, which does not include tickets and broadcasting shares. And I, Lu Fei, usually keep a low profile. I finally want to be high-profile for a while on a whim. Is it easy for me?

But you guys, after making a fuss for a long time, offered me 100 million, what do you mean?

What you mean is that I, Lu Fei, am not as good as a boxer. Do you look down on me, Lu Fei? "

Lu Fei's voice suddenly rose, and his face instantly became gloomy. His falcon-like eyes shot out two rays of cold light, scanning everyone outside the door. Those reporters felt Lu Fei's gaze, and shivered, and goosebumps instantly appeared on their skin. out.

Especially Wang Hao, who bid 100 million, was even worse. He took several steps back and found it difficult to breathe. Big beads of sweat seeped out instantly, and his face turned pale to the naked eye.

No one dared to answer Lu Fei's question. However, Lu Fei had no intention of letting them go. He pointed at Wang Hao and shouted loudly: "Wang Hao, right? Answer me, do you look down on me, Lu Fei?"

Wang Hao was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost fell down. He wiped the cold sweat from his head and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, Mr. Lu, you are too worried. How can I dare to look down on you? The 100 million was paid by my boss." , I'm just a messenger, please don't make it difficult for me, okay?" The representative of "Network World" bid 100 million, Lu Fei finally stood up, this scene was seen by the reporters outside the door, and he couldn't help but grow a smile. tone.

Damn it, Lu Fei finally reacted.

One hundred million, what a lion!

The reporters had mixed feelings and deep feelings. In order to get Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights, his colleagues were willing to pay a sky-high price of 100 million. Looking at it, Lu Fei was the only one in China who could do this. What it is, this is the card, this is the influence, and they are also human beings. Lu Fei has achieved this in his twenties, which is really admirable!

What is a winner in life?

Lu Fei is the real winner in life. Whether you like Lu Fei or not, you have to admit it, he is awesome.

While colleagues in the industry were still sighing, the reporter from "Network World" took a deep breath, wiped off a cold sweat, and finally relaxed.

One hundred million is indeed shocking, but with Lu Fei's gimmick and the absolute value of one hundred million, his boss and the board of directors have made the wisest decision, and his status and influence in the industry will also rise with this incident. , thinking of these, he smiled excitedly, but what he didn't expect was that before he could get excited for too long, Lu Fei poured cold water on him.

Lu Fei stood up, but his face was gloomy and scary. He came to the door and glanced at the group of reporters outside. Lu Fei snorted coldly and said: "I always thought that you people in the media are all He is very powerful and discerning, but now it seems that I was wrong.”

Lu Fei said, his eyes fixed on the reporter from "Network": "What's your name?"

"Wang Hao!"

It felt like Lu Fei's tone was unkind, and Wang Hao was obviously a little nervous.

Lu Fei nodded: "As reporters, you should be well-informed, right?"

Wang Hao and other reporters nodded without answering directly.


Lu Fei sneered: "I watched a heavyweight boxing championship match the night before yesterday. There was a boxing champion in Ukraine whose name I couldn't remember clearly, but I remember that the appearance fee for that guy was four thousand three hundred. Wandao, have you heard about this?"

Although none of the people present were sports reporters, the boxing match the day before yesterday had been promoted globally as early as half a year ago. Of course they had heard of it, and they all nodded in response.

Lu Fei smiled: "When I was in school, I spent all my energy on archeology and antique appraisal. I wasn't very good at mathematics. Can anyone help me with the math?

Forty-three million dollars, how much does it convert into Chinese currency? "

Lu Fei suddenly switched to the boxing match and said that he was not good at math. Not only did no reporters from mainland China laugh at Lu Fei, but they became even more nervous.

Based on their understanding of Lu Fei, it was not that Lu Fei was not good at mathematics, but that he was obviously in a bad mood. At this time, no one took the initiative to touch Lu Fei's brow. Not only did no one answer, but they all took a step back.

The reporters in China know Lu Fei well, but here are not only reporters from mainland China, but also a group of local paparazzi from Hong Kong Island!

Among these paparazzi, one of them was a buddy who had just joined the industry and was more practical. This guy was more enthusiastic. When no one answered, he immediately calculated in his mind and shouted loudly: "Mr. Lu, I did the math. According to the current exchange rate, 43 million knives is equivalent to about 250 million Chinese dollars."

Seeing this idiot responding to Lu Fei's initiative, the other reporters rolled their eyes in unison and greeted this guy's relatives several times in their hearts. Lu Fei actually laughed and gave this guy a thumbs up. Thanks.

"It seems that there are really some top academics here!

I don’t know if this friend’s calculation just now is accurate. Let’s remove the fraction and treat it as 200 million Shenzhou coins!

For a boxer, the appearance fee alone is 200 million Shenzhou coins, which does not include tickets and broadcasting shares. And I, Lu Fei, usually keep a low profile. I finally want to be high-profile for a while on a whim. Is it easy for me?

But you guys, after making a fuss for a long time, offered me 100 million, what do you mean?

What you mean is that I, Lu Fei, am not as good as a boxer. Do you look down on me, Lu Fei? "

Lu Fei's voice suddenly rose, and his face instantly became gloomy. His falcon-like eyes shot out two rays of cold light, scanning everyone outside the door. Those reporters felt Lu Fei's gaze, and shivered, and goosebumps instantly appeared on their skin. out.

Especially Wang Hao, who bid 100 million, was even worse. He took several steps back and found it difficult to breathe. Big beads of sweat seeped out instantly, and his face turned pale to the naked eye.

No one dared to answer Lu Fei's question. However, Lu Fei had no intention of letting them go. He pointed at Wang Hao and shouted loudly: "Wang Hao, right? Answer me, do you look down on me, Lu Fei?"

Wang Hao was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost fell down. He wiped the cold sweat from his head and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, Mr. Lu, you are too worried. How can I dare to look down on you? The 100 million was paid by my boss." , I'm just a messenger, please, please don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

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