A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3249 Different routines

Lu Fei took the initiative to be interviewed. The reporters were flattered, but when Lu Fei glared, everyone present was silent.

Just now, the reporters who had withdrawn were still lamenting that the quote of 100 million was shocking. It can be seen that after seeing Lu Fei's reaction, they all felt lucky.

Fortunately, the person who made the bid was not me. Otherwise, the person who faced Lu Fei's anger would be me.

It stands to reason that Lu Fei is not a devil. With Lu Fei's wealth and status, at best he can say some exaggerated words, and he will definitely not bother to be serious with their reporters.

As reporters, they travel all over the country and come into contact with all kinds of people. They have never heard any unpleasant words. People in their profession have long been immune to these things, but even so, when they face Lu Fei, they still feel shuddering. They I don’t know where this feeling comes from, but it is real. This may be the pressure from the big shots!

All the reporters watching the excitement felt this way, not to mention the person involved, Wang Hao. Feeling the anger on Lu Fei, Wang Hao trembled all over. Especially Lu Fei's sharp eyes, he simply did not dare to look directly.

Seeing these uncrowned kings who usually control the wind and rain, have a lotus tongue, and control the public opinion and life, shriveled in front of him, Lu Fei's mouth curved without hesitation.

Looking at the representatives of the last three remaining competitors, Lu Fei waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I don't have time to talk to you, so I will make it clear to you. If you want to get exclusive interview rights, you have to spend 1.5 billion." The Chinese currency is used as appearance fee for me. No matter which mainland media company it is, as long as it can spend 1.5 billion, I will give him the right to interview. If he can’t afford it, there will be no need to talk. Afterwards, if I see you carrying Let me secretly report and earn traffic at your own risk."

boom! !

After Lu Fei finished speaking, outside the gate, it was as quiet as a morgue for more than ten seconds, and you could hear a needle drop. Then, when everyone reacted, they suddenly became excited.

"Oh my God, am I dreaming? What did I hear just now? Mr. Lu seemed to say he wanted 1.5 billion, right?"

"That's right, you're not dreaming. That's what Mr. Lu said."

"Oh my God, 1.5 billion, my God, Mr. Lu, isn't he joking?"

"Oh my god, I scared the baby to death. Hong Kong Island is too dangerous. I want to go home. 1.5 billion. Could it be Mr. Lu?"

"Hey, what do you want to say? Please speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"Bah, go to hell!!"

The melon-eating reporters who had long since withdrawn from the competition were shocked and talked a lot. The expressions of Wang Hao's three competitors were as if they had seen a ghost. Each of them had a long mouth and could stuff a steamed bun. Even Eyeballs

The child is about to stare out.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "What's your reaction? What's going on? With my strong character, Lu Fei, don't I deserve an appearance fee of 1.5 billion?"

Wang Hao and the other three were still immersed in shock and could not extricate themselves. No one responded to Lu Fei's question.

Lu Fei didn't care about their exaggerated expressions, and said with a bit of disdain: "Look at how you look like you have never seen the world, what's wrong?

Forget it, I know you can't make the decision. You can take my exact words back and let the people who can make the decision make the decision.

Now, I will tell you my next itinerary. If you think it is valuable, you can participate in the competition. 1.5 billion is just a guaranteed price. In the end, the one with the highest price will win.

I'll leave for the mainland tomorrow morning. What will you name that guy when you get back? "

"Mr. Lu, are you talking about Academician Zhao Jinzhou?" someone prompted.

Lu Fei gave him a thumbs up: "Yes, that's him. Give him a message when you go back. This period is free, and anyone of you can go!"

You guys tell him that I, Lu Fei, don't approve of his pile of junk. If you want to brag outside, you must first pass my test. "

"Mr. Lu, do you plan to use your collection of treasures to use Academician Zhao's instruments to compete with him?" a mainland reporter asked curiously.

Lu Fei sneered and said: "Haha, you are overthinking. My precious treasure is precious, and his pile of scrap metal is not worthy of getting his hands on it."

"Then what are you going to do?" the reporter asked.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "His pile of junk stuff is just to bluff people. If I slap him in the face with old stuff, I'm bullying him.

You go back and tell him that I will leave for the mainland tomorrow, and ask him to send people to follow me and let them see with their own eyes. I will make a small object with my own hands, and then let his proud junk be appraised. As long as he has that If your judgment is correct, I will lose.

If he can beat me, from now on, I, Lu Fei, will recognize the stuff he is researching. Not only that, I, Lu Fei, will be willing to invest in him and give him strong financial support. "

Speaking of this, except for the three who were still a little confused, the eyes of the other reporters lit up at the same time.

They originally thought that Lu Fei, like Guan Haishan, would use some special antiques to compete with Zhao Jinzhou. Although Guan Haishan lost to Zhao Jinzhou in this way, it did not affect everyone's optimism about Lu Fei, because everyone knew that Lu Fei had There are so many good treasures to choose from, and there are so many distinctive objects to choose from that Guan Haishan is far from comparable. Among those treasures, if you don’t keep them all, the instrument will be useless. But in the end, everyone guessed wrong. Lu Fei’s The routine is completely different from Guan Haishan. Lu Fei took the initiative to be interviewed. The reporters were flattered, but when Lu Fei glared, everyone present was silent.

Just now, the reporters who had withdrawn were still lamenting that the quote of 100 million was shocking. It can be seen that after seeing Lu Fei's reaction, they all felt lucky.

Fortunately, the person who made the bid was not me. Otherwise, the person who faced Lu Fei's anger would be me.

It stands to reason that Lu Fei is not a devil. With Lu Fei's wealth and status, at best he can say some exaggerated words, and he will definitely not bother to be serious with their reporters.

As reporters, they travel all over the country and come into contact with all kinds of people. They have never heard any unpleasant words. People in their profession have long been immune to these things, but even so, when they face Lu Fei, they still feel shuddering. They I don’t know where this feeling comes from, but it is real. This may be the pressure from the big shots!

All the reporters watching the excitement felt this way, not to mention the person involved, Wang Hao. Feeling the anger on Lu Fei, Wang Hao trembled all over. Especially Lu Fei's sharp eyes, he simply did not dare to look directly.

Seeing these uncrowned kings who usually control the wind and rain, have a lotus tongue, and control the public opinion and life, shriveled in front of him, Lu Fei's mouth curved without hesitation.

Looking at the representatives of the last three remaining competitors, Lu Fei waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I don't have time to talk to you, so I will make it clear to you. If you want to get exclusive interview rights, you have to spend 1.5 billion." The Chinese currency is used as appearance fee for me. No matter which mainland media company it is, as long as it can spend 1.5 billion, I will give him the right to interview. If he can’t afford it, there will be no need to talk. Afterwards, if I see you carrying Let me secretly report and earn traffic at your own risk."

boom! !

After Lu Fei finished speaking, outside the gate, it was as quiet as a morgue for more than ten seconds, and you could hear a needle drop. Then, when everyone reacted, they suddenly became excited.

"Oh my god, am I dreaming? What did I hear just now? Mr. Lu seemed to say he wanted 1.5 billion, right?"

"That's right, you're not dreaming. That's what Mr. Lu said."

"Oh my God, 1.5 billion, my God, Mr. Lu, isn't he joking?"

"Oh my god, I scared the baby to death. Hong Kong Island is too dangerous. I want to go home. 1.5 billion. Could it be Mr. Lu?"

"Hey, what do you want to say? Please speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"Bah, go to hell!!"

The melon-eating reporters who had long since withdrawn from the competition were shocked and talked a lot. The expressions of Wang Hao's three competitors were as if they had seen a ghost. Each of them had a long mouth and could stuff a steamed bun. Even Eyeballs

The child is about to stare out.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "What's your reaction? What's going on? With my strong character, Lu Fei, don't I deserve an appearance fee of 1.5 billion?"

Wang Hao and the other three were still immersed in shock and could not extricate themselves. No one responded to Lu Fei's question.

Lu Fei didn't care about their exaggerated expressions, and said with a bit of disdain: "Look at how you look like you have never seen the world, what's wrong?

Forget it, I know you can't make the decision, you can take my exact words back and let the people who can make the decision make the decision.

Now, I will tell you my next itinerary. If you think it is valuable, you can participate in the competition. 1.5 billion is just a guaranteed price. In the end, the one with the highest price will win.

I'll leave for the mainland tomorrow morning. What will you name that guy when you get back? "

"Mr. Lu, are you talking about Academician Zhao Jinzhou?" someone prompted.

Lu Fei gave him a thumbs up: "Yes, that's him. Give him a message when you go back. This period is free, and anyone of you can go!"

You guys tell him that I, Lu Fei, don't approve of his pile of junk. If you want to brag outside, you must first pass my test. "

"Mr. Lu, do you plan to use your collection of treasures to use Academician Zhao's instruments to compete with him?" a mainland reporter asked curiously.

Lu Fei sneered and said: "Haha, you are overthinking. My precious treasure is precious, and his pile of scrap metal is not worthy of getting his hands on it."

"Then what are you going to do?" the reporter asked.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "His pile of junk stuff is just to bluff people. If I slap him in the face with old stuff, I'm bullying him.

You go back and tell him that I will leave for the mainland tomorrow, and ask him to send people to follow me and let them see with their own eyes. I will make a small object with my own hands, and then let his proud junk be appraised. As long as he has that If your judgment is correct, I will lose.

If he can beat me, from now on, I, Lu Fei, will recognize the stuff he is researching. Not only that, I, Lu Fei, will be willing to invest in him and give him strong financial support. "

Speaking of this, except for the three who were still a little confused, the eyes of the other reporters lit up at the same time.

They originally thought that Lu Fei, like Guan Haishan, would use some special antiques to compete with Zhao Jinzhou. Although Guan Haishan lost to Zhao Jinzhou in this way, it did not affect everyone's optimism about Lu Fei, because everyone knew that Lu Fei had There are so many good treasures to choose from, and there are so many distinctive objects to choose from that Guan Haishan is far from comparable. Among those treasures, if you don’t keep them all, the instrument will be useless. But in the end, everyone guessed wrong. Lu Fei’s The routine is completely different from Guan Haishan.

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