A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3262 Focus on the key points

After hearing what Secretary Li said, everyone realized that it seemed that it was not that the leaders had not made a decision for a long time, but that Lu Fei suddenly intervened. The leaders chose to wait and see for the time being. In other words, the crisis of the archaeological team, Temporarily lifted.

Although it was temporarily lifted, everyone still breathed a sigh of relief and could relax a little bit. However, what happens next is not something they can control. It depends on what Lu Fei will do when he comes forward. Such an ending.

Lu Fei won, and they escaped. If Lu Fei lost, the consequences would be more serious than before. At the moment, they could do nothing but pray silently, that Bao Shao Fei could turn the tide and help the building. I am about to fall in love and become a cheerleader for Yi Ming Lu Fei.

In this case, there was no need to continue the meeting. Guan Haishan waved his hand and ordered the meeting to be adjourned. The old guys left in a hurry and couldn't wait to go back to inquire about the latest news.

Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe came to the parking lot and saw no one around them, so they couldn't wait to call Lu Fei.

In the past, due to Guan Haishan's face, no one could call Lu Fei, but now there is no scruple.


Lu Fei wanted to complain a few words, but finally gave up, but his tone was obviously impatient, but Fatty Wang, who was so excited, didn't hear it at all, and asked excitedly: "What's going on?

Broken Fei, what on earth did you tell Mr. Pan?

What are you going to do? "

Lu Fei snorted coldly: "Does it have anything to do with you?"


"Your uncle, why doesn't it matter?

Stop the ink and tell me quickly? "

Lu Fei pouted: "I'm very busy, I don't have time to write with you. Let's read the newspaper tomorrow morning!"

"Depend on!"

Fatty Wang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "You're sick again, aren't you? You're talking like a human!"



Rags flying?

Depend on."

Fatty Wang swore harshly, spread his hands to Zhang Yanhe next to him, and said depressedly: "That turtle is dead."

Seeing Fatty Wang's angry look, Zhang Yanhe burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Fatty Wang, Fatty Wang, why the hell are you here too?

Didn't you say you have the best relationship with that guy? Why did he hang up the phone? "Zhang Yanhe said gloatingly.


That bitch, Baoshao Fei, is a lunatic. Who knows what kind of madness he is doing? "

As he spoke, Fatty Wang sighed and said, "What should we do now?

We don’t know anything, how can we help him? "

Zhang Yanhe laughed: "Fat man, you are treating yourself too much like a green onion. Do you need your help? \u003c


You are just being sentimental, do you know that? "


Fatty Wang became so angry that his face turned red.

"Then what should we do?

Just hide at home and listen to the news? "

Zhang Yanhe thought for a while, and his eyes lit up: "Fat man, you still don't accept when I call you a tiger. Be obedient and listen to me. You have to learn to focus on the key points, you know?"

"The point?

What's the point? "Fat Wang was confused.

"What did Baoshaifei ask you to do?"

"Reading tomorrow morning's newspaper, what's going on?"

Zhang Yanhe smiled: "By the way, that's the point. Bao Bao Fei asked you to read the newspaper. What does this sentence mean?"

Before Fatty Wang could react, Zhang Yanhe continued: "This means that Bao Lanfei has already been interviewed. The specific arrangements will be reported to the newspaper tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"

Fatty Wang nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood, but he still seemed to have missed the point.

"Then let's go back now and wait to read the newspaper tomorrow morning?"

Zhang Yanhe pointed at Fatty Wang and laughed loudly: "Of course not. I asked you to go home and wait for a day. With your temper, you will have to get sick."

Fatty Wang opened his mouth and laughed: "You still understand me, otherwise, you are the roundworm in my belly?"

"Fuck you uncle, you are so disgusting." Zhang Yanhe pushed the old man hard and said angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, tell us what should we do now?

If I really go home and wait for news, I will really get sick. "

Zhang Yanhe thought for a moment and smiled mysteriously: "Fat man, the video of the press conference we watched just now was exposed by Zhao Jinzhou, right?"

Fatty Wang nodded: "Then what?"

"Look at Zhao Jinzhou's tone. On the surface, he is frightened and respectful to Bao Bao Fei, but everyone can tell that the grandson is just trying to kill him. He is digging a hole for Bao Bao Fei.

That guy, Bao Bao Fei, is the ancestor of the trap. Zhao Jinzhou is blind and dares to dig a hole for Bao Bao Fei. This guy must be punished.

Not long after Zhao Jinzhou's press conference ended, Baolan Fei was also interviewed. Those unscrupulous media were causing trouble on both sides, how could this matter be stopped?

I can guarantee that there will be reporters looking for Zhao Jinzhou in a while. Although I don’t know what Baolan Fei said to those reporters, but based on my understanding of Lu Fei, there is absolutely nothing good to say. Instead of going home and waiting for news, we might as well go Zhao Jinzhou might be able to watch the fun while squatting there! "

After Zhang Yanhe finished speaking, he winked and smiled mischievously. Fatty Wang suddenly understood and started laughing too.

"Old Zhang, what you said makes sense. Let's go there quickly. I can't wait to see Zhao Jinzhou's grandson get into trouble!" After hearing Secretary Li's words, everyone finally realized. It seems that the leader has not made a decision for a long time. , but Lu Fei suddenly intervened, and the leaders chose to wait and see for the time being. In other words, the crisis of the archaeological team was temporarily relieved.

Although it was temporarily lifted, everyone still breathed a sigh of relief and could relax a little bit. However, what happens next is not something they can control. It depends on what Lu Fei will do when he comes forward. Such an ending.

Lu Fei won, and they escaped. If Lu Fei lost, the consequences would be more serious than before. At the moment, they could do nothing but pray silently, that Bao Shao Fei could turn the tide and help the building. I am about to fall in love and become a cheerleader for Yi Ming Lu Fei.

In this case, there was no need to continue the meeting. Guan Haishan waved his hand and ordered the meeting to be adjourned. The old guys left in a hurry and couldn't wait to go back to inquire about the latest news.

Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe came to the parking lot and saw no one around them, so they couldn't wait to call Lu Fei.

In the past, due to Guan Haishan's face, no one could call Lu Fei, but now there is no scruple.


Lu Fei wanted to complain a few words, but finally gave up, but his tone was obviously impatient, but Fatty Wang, who was so excited, didn't hear it at all, and asked excitedly: "What's going on?

Broken Fei, what on earth did you tell Mr. Pan?

What are you going to do? "

Lu Fei snorted coldly: "Does it have anything to do with you?"


"Your uncle, why doesn't it matter?

Stop the ink and tell me quickly? "

Lu Fei pouted: "I'm very busy, I don't have time to write with you. Let's read the newspaper tomorrow morning!"

"Depend on!"

Fatty Wang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "You're sick again, aren't you? You're talking like a human!"



Rags flying?

Depend on."

Fatty Wang swore harshly, spread his hands to Zhang Yanhe next to him, and said depressedly: "That turtle is dead."

Seeing Fatty Wang's angry look, Zhang Yanhe burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Fatty Wang, Fatty Wang, why the hell are you here too?

Didn't you say you have the best relationship with that guy? Why did he hang up the phone? "Zhang Yanhe said gloatingly.


That bitch, Baoshao Fei, is a lunatic. Who knows what kind of madness he is doing? "

As he spoke, Fatty Wang sighed and said, "What should we do now?

We don’t know anything, how can we help him? "

Zhang Yanhe laughed: "Fat man, you think of yourself too much, rags fly out, do you need your help? \u003c


You are just being sentimental, do you know that? "


Fatty Wang became so angry that his face turned red.

"Then what should we do?

Just hide at home and listen to the news? "

Zhang Yanhe thought for a while, and his eyes lit up: "Fat man, you still don't accept when I call you a tiger. Be obedient and listen to me. You have to learn to focus on the key points, you know?"

"The point?

What's the point? "Fat Wang was confused.

"What did Baoshaifei ask you to do?"

"Reading tomorrow morning's newspaper, what's going on?"

Zhang Yanhe smiled: "By the way, that's the point. Bao Bao Fei asked you to read the newspaper. What does this sentence mean?"

Before Fatty Wang could react, Zhang Yanhe continued: "This means that Bao Lanfei has already been interviewed. The specific arrangements will be reported to the newspaper tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"

Fatty Wang nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood, but he still seemed to have missed the point.

"Then let's go back now and wait to read the newspaper tomorrow morning?"

Zhang Yanhe pointed at Fatty Wang and laughed loudly: "Of course not. I asked you to go home and wait for a day. With your temper, you will have to get sick."

Fatty Wang opened his mouth and laughed: "You still understand me, otherwise, you are the roundworm in my belly?"

"Fuck you uncle, you are so disgusting." Zhang Yanhe pushed the old man hard and said angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, tell us what should we do now?

If I really go home and wait for news, I will really get sick. "

Zhang Yanhe thought for a moment and smiled mysteriously: "Fat man, the video of the press conference we watched just now was exposed by Zhao Jinzhou, right?"

Fatty Wang nodded: "Then what?"

"Look at Zhao Jinzhou's tone. On the surface, he is frightened and respectful to Bao Bao Fei, but everyone can tell that the grandson is just trying to kill him. He is digging a hole for Bao Bao Fei.

That guy, Bao Bao Fei, is the ancestor of the trap. Zhao Jinzhou is blind and dares to dig a hole for Bao Bao Fei. This guy must be punished.

Not long after Zhao Jinzhou's press conference ended, Baolan Fei was also interviewed. Those unscrupulous media were causing trouble on both sides, how could this matter be stopped?

I can guarantee that there will be reporters looking for Zhao Jinzhou in a while. Although I don’t know what Baolan Fei said to those reporters, but based on my understanding of Lu Fei, there is absolutely nothing good to say. Instead of going home and waiting for news, we might as well go Zhao Jinzhou might be able to watch the fun while squatting there! "

After Zhang Yanhe finished speaking, he winked and smiled mischievously. Fatty Wang suddenly understood and started laughing too.

"Old Zhang, what you said makes sense. Let's go there quickly. I can't wait to see Zhao Jinzhou's grandson get into trouble!"

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