A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3263 Solve it yourself

Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe didn't go to work at all. The two brothers drove away the driver and drove to the Academy of Sciences themselves.

Approaching the gate of the Academy of Sciences, Fatty Wang suddenly frowned: "Hey, that's not right. We can't get in even when we get there!"

"I know!"

"Damn, you know why and you're still going?

Aren't you kidding me? Fatty Wang hummed.

Zhang Yanhe curled her lips: "We are going over now to check out the situation, why should we go in?"

"Why don't you go in and see woolen yarn?" The fat man rolled his eyes.

Zhang Yanhe chuckled and said, "That's not necessarily true. If there is breaking news from Lu Fei, those reporters won't let Zhao Jinzhou go. No matter what, let's go over and take a look first." .??.

While talking, the car arrived near the Academy of Sciences. From a distance, the two of them saw a large group of people gathered around the entrance of the Academy of Sciences, with seven or eight people carrying cameras around. The scene was so lively that even the security guards were helpless.

Zhang Yanhe's eyes lit up: "Fat man, am I right? Hahaha, there is indeed a lot of excitement here."

Fatty Wang also became excited: "Hahaha, this scene is enough for that old guy Zhao Jinzhou to drink a pot. Hurry up and drive over."

"Hey, fat man, look over there, doesn't that car belong to Jia Yuan?" Zhang Yanhe said while driving slowly and pointing to an Audi not far away from the crowd.

Fatty Wang took a look and thought, isn't it?

"Damn, it really belongs to Jia Laowu. This grandson is faster than us. Drive over and let's catch up with Lao Jia."

Zhang Yanhe smiled and nodded, drove the car next to Jia Yuan's car, and the two quietly got out and got into Jia Yuan's car.

Although they came to watch the fun, it was not convenient for them to show up on such an occasion. They could only listen to the noise at close range in the car. To be honest, this feeling was not good, but it could only be like this.

When he opened the car door, Fatty Wang was startled. Not only Jia Yuan was in the love car, but Gong Xiuliang and Guan Haishan were also there. Fortunately, there was no driver, otherwise there would be no place for the two of them to sit.

The two people squeezed in from the back row, and Fatty Wang laughed and said, "Why are you here too?"

Jia Yuan said with a bad smile: "Don't pretend, you can come, but we can't come?"

"Hahaha!!" Everyone laughed in unison.

"Old Jia, you came early, what's going on over there?" Zhang Yanhe asked.

Jia Yuan shook his head slightly: "We have just arrived, so we don't know what the situation is yet."

The situation, I have already asked the driver to squeeze in, it will become clear in a moment, but..."

When Ying Chuochuo saw Zhao Jinzhou sweating profusely in the crowd, Jia Yuan smiled and said, "But I feel like that old guy Zhao Jinzhou has been through enough."


Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's look, Fatty Wang and the others felt relieved from the bottom of their hearts. In the past two days, everyone had been tortured so much by Old Bichi, and they wished Zhao Jinzhou would suffer.

In fact, Zhao Jinzhou was really in trouble.

It stands to reason that the interview with Lu Fei on Hong Kong Island has just ended, and the reporters have not returned so soon. But don't forget that this is the information age, and it is no longer an era of relying on personal contacts.

Lu Fei put up such a big satellite, and the reporters were going crazy. As soon as they got in the car after leaving Phoenix Villa, the reporters couldn't wait to report to the company. Every company received the news and became excited. Elites were immediately sent to interview Zhao Jinzhou. They couldn't wait to hear Zhao Jinzhou's response to Lu Fei's words.

Both sides stir up trouble and profit from both sides. This is how news comes.

The company was located in Tiandu and had unique innate advantages. It took the first step to take action. The company was not in Tiandu and immediately dispatched personnel from the Tiandu office to take action quickly. In less than half an hour, there were more than a dozen media outlets. , dozens of reporters, camera and other staff rushed outside the Academy of Sciences, and there were even two broadcast trucks. This was a bit excessive.

The Academy of Sciences is an important place in China, and the guards are not ordinary security guards, but armed police with live ammunition. Under normal circumstances, except for the unit and those who come here to do business, most people dare not approach, so the gate of the Academy of Sciences is usually relatively deserted.

But today's situation is unusual. It's busier than the vegetable market. Dozens of people are asking to see Zhao Jinzhou, and there are also a large group of people carrying long guns and short cannons and cameras. In such a scene, the armed police can't do anything. They can't arrest everyone. ?

The guard had no choice but to comfort the reporters while reporting to the leaders. The leaders were shocked when they heard the news. They gritted their teeth when they saw the scene at the door from the surveillance video.

"What is Zhao Jinzhou doing? Why did he attract so many media? It's like playing the piano randomly."

"Indeed, Zhao Jinzhou has been a bit too high-profile in recent days. This is very bad. Look at what it has done to us here. Isn't this a joke for others?"

"Leader, let's stop talking about useless things. Let's talk about how to deal with those media first?"

The leader sighed and snorted displeasedly: "This is all the trouble caused by Zhao Jinzhou. Let him personally deal with it. Tell him to get rid of the outside media quickly and let him come to see me." Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe didn't go to the unit at all. The two brothers drove away the driver and drove to the Academy of Sciences themselves.

Approaching the gate of the Academy of Sciences, Fatty Wang suddenly frowned: "Hey, that's not right. We can't get in even when we get there!"

"I know!"

"Damn, you know why and you're still going?

Aren't you kidding me? Fatty Wang hummed.

Zhang Yanhe curled her lips: "We are going over now to check out the situation, why should we go in?"

"Why don't you go in and see woolen yarn?" The fat man rolled his eyes.

Zhang Yanhe chuckled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. If there is breaking news from Lu Fei, those reporters won't let Zhao Jinzhou go. No matter what, let's go over and take a look first."

While talking, the car arrived near the Academy of Sciences. From a distance, the two of them saw a large group of people gathered around the entrance of the Academy of Sciences, with seven or eight people carrying cameras around. The scene was so lively that even the security guards were helpless.

Zhang Yanhe's eyes lit up: "Fat man, am I right? Hahaha, there is indeed a lot of excitement here."

Fatty Wang also became excited: "Hahaha, this scene is enough for that old guy Zhao Jinzhou to drink a pot. Hurry up and drive over."

"Hey, fat man, look over there, doesn't that car belong to Jia Yuan?" Zhang Yanhe said while driving slowly and pointing to an Audi not far away from the crowd.

Fatty Wang took a look and thought, isn't it?

"Damn, it really belongs to Jia Laowu. This grandson is faster than us. Drive over and let's catch up with Lao Jia."

Zhang Yanhe smiled and nodded, drove the car next to Jia Yuan's car, and the two quietly got out and got into Jia Yuan's car.

Although they came to watch the fun, it was not convenient for them to show up on such an occasion. They could only listen to the noise at close range in the car. To be honest, this feeling was not good, but it could only be like this.

When he opened the car door, Fatty Wang was startled. Not only Jia Yuan was in the love car, but Gong Xiuliang and Guan Haishan were also there. Fortunately, there was no driver, otherwise there would be no place for the two of them to sit.

The two people squeezed in from the back row, and Fatty Wang laughed and said, "Why are you here too?"

Jia Yuan said with a bad smile: "Don't pretend, you can come, but we can't come?"

"Hahaha!!" Everyone laughed in unison.

"Old Jia, you came early, what's going on over there?" Zhang Yanhe asked.

Jia Yuan shook his head slightly: "We have just arrived, so we don't know what the situation is yet."

The situation, I have already asked the driver to squeeze in, it will become clear in a moment, but..."

When Ying Chuochuo saw Zhao Jinzhou sweating profusely in the crowd, Jia Yuan smiled and said, "But I feel like that old guy Zhao Jinzhou has been through enough."


Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's look, Fatty Wang and the others felt relieved from the bottom of their hearts. In the past two days, everyone had been tortured so much by Old Bichi, and they wished Zhao Jinzhou would suffer.

In fact, Zhao Jinzhou was really in trouble.

It stands to reason that the interview with Lu Fei on Hong Kong Island has just ended, and the reporters have not returned so soon. But don't forget that this is the information age, and it is no longer an era of relying on personal contacts.

Lu Fei put up such a big satellite, and the reporters were going crazy. As soon as they got in the car after leaving Phoenix Villa, the reporters couldn't wait to report to the company. Every company received the news and became excited. Elites were immediately sent to interview Zhao Jinzhou. They couldn't wait to hear Zhao Jinzhou's response to Lu Fei's words.

Both sides stir up trouble and profit from both sides. This is how news comes.

The company was located in Tiandu and had unique innate advantages. It took the first step to take action. The company was not in Tiandu and immediately dispatched personnel from the Tiandu office to take action quickly. In less than half an hour, there were more than a dozen media outlets. , dozens of reporters, camera and other staff rushed outside the Academy of Sciences, and there were even two broadcast trucks. This was a bit excessive.

The Academy of Sciences is an important place in China, and the guards are not ordinary security guards, but armed police with live ammunition. Under normal circumstances, except for the unit and those who come here to do business, most people dare not approach, so the gate of the Academy of Sciences is usually relatively deserted.

But today's situation is unusual. It's busier than the vegetable market. Dozens of people are asking to see Zhao Jinzhou, and there are also a large group of people carrying long guns and short cannons and cameras. In such a scene, the armed police can't do anything. They can't arrest everyone. ?

The guard had no choice but to comfort the reporters while reporting to the leaders. The leaders were shocked when they heard the news. They gritted their teeth when they saw the scene at the door from the surveillance video.

"What is Zhao Jinzhou doing? Why did he attract so many media? It's like playing the piano randomly."

"Indeed, Zhao Jinzhou has been a bit too high-profile in recent days. This is very bad. Look at what it has done to us here. Isn't this a joke for others?"

"Leader, let's stop talking about useless things. Let's talk about how to deal with those media first?"

The leader sighed and snorted displeasedly: "This is all the trouble caused by Zhao Jinzhou. Let him personally resolve it. Tell him to get rid of the outside media quickly and let him come to see me."

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