A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3279 The real Lu Fei

After hearing what the fat man said, the others also laughed.

Guan Haishan lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds, then nodded: "Then let's go together, as if we can support Bao Bao Fei."

Although going to the scene was likely to be ridiculed by the unscrupulous media, Guan Haishan still decided to go to the scene to cheer Lu Fei.

In the past, he was a very face-conscious person. If he could avoid such situations, he would try not to get involved.

But since he has experienced so many things, Guan Haishan's state of mind has also been sublimated. Bao Baofei helped him. He had no reason to shrink into a turtle shell. Men should have the responsibility of a man and not lose two pounds of flesh when being laughed at. He doesn't care.

Guan Haishan made the final decision and immediately asked Fatty and Zhang Yanhe to inquire about Lu Fei's itinerary. When Lu Fei arrived in the mainland, they would immediately go to meet Lu Fei. Regardless of winning or losing, they must stand unswervingly by Lu Fei's side.

At the same time, Gao Hainian, Fu Yuliang and other old guys who have a close personal relationship with Lu Fei are also looking for information. Even the Feng brothers from Yangcheng are preparing to leave for Tiandu to cheer for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei came forward to represent China's collecting industry. As the leading figures in the collecting industry and Lu Fei's friends, they must go to the scene to share the burden with Lu Fei.

In addition to them, there are many people in the collecting world who are moving closer to Tiandu City, hoping to witness Lu Fei turn the tide for the collecting world.

As another client, Lu Fei, was currently in Chen Xiang's room watching his daughter giggle. From that look, there was no trace of pressure at all.

In fact, Lu Fei did not feel any pressure.

On the Internet, the media hyped this matter up so much that it even escalated to the point of life and death for the archaeological team and the collecting community. In fact, although it was exaggerated, it was indeed the case, but for other people in the collecting community, , is a big deal, but in Lu Fei's eyes, it's just that.

Putting aside Lu Fei's confidence, even if he wasn't, this little thing is nothing compared to Lu Fei's experience overseas in the past year or so.

Even facing the powerful Thomas family, Lu Fei was not too nervous. How could Zhao Jinzhou cause Lu Fei psychological pressure?

Normally, with Lu Fei's current strong character, he would not bother to talk to Zhao Jinzhou, but this guy hurt his own interests, so Lu Fei felt that it was necessary to give him a warning.

Throughout the day, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi stayed in Chen Xiang's room. After dinner, Lu Fei watched the evening news with Mr. Chen and chatted for a while. At around nine o'clock, they returned to Wang Xinyi's room.

After taking a bath, making a cup of light tea, and lighting a cigarette, I sat lazily on the sofa and opened the laptop on the coffee table.

Wang Xinyi took off her makeup, put on her pajamas, and poured a glass of wine that Lu Fei brought from the Ge family.

The fruit wine came back and sat down opposite Lu Fei. While tasting the wine, she stared at Lu Fei. As she watched, Wang Xinyi burst into laughter.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Xinyi will always be the image of an iceberg beauty. She has a sacred and majestic temperament, giving people the illusion that strangers are not allowed to enter. But who would have thought that the iceberg beauty can also smile, and she smiles like that Charming, like a blooming peony, delicate and indescribable.

However, Wang Xinyi's beauty is just Lu Fei's personal welfare. Outsiders have no chance to see it. Even the little dog and others rarely see her smile.

However, there was a hint of cunning in Wang Xinyi's smile today, which made Lu Fei feel very uncomfortable.

"why are you laughing?"


Wang Xinyi put down her wine glass with a sweet smile and said, "This afternoon, I saw a few comments about you on the Internet. I found them very interesting."


What comment? Lu Fei asked curiously.

Wang Xinyi picked up her phone, rummaged through it, and snuggled up to Lu Fei.

"Now, look.

Breaking news: Lu Fei is suspected of going bankrupt and asked reporters for exorbitant appearance fees. "

Under this comment, there are already tens of thousands of replies.

"The people in the building are a bit alarmist, right? Lu Fei is as rich as anyone in the country, how can he go bankrupt?"

"It's just that, bankruptcy is impossible. Lu Fei's family fortune will never be defeated in a few lifetimes no matter how hard it is. The reason why he wants a sky-high appearance fee is just a gimmick. After all, he has not appeared in the public eye for more than half a year. Our Internet celebrities in Mainland China also need a sense of presence.”

"It makes sense. Using gimmicks to attract attention, our mainland internet celebrities are quite clear-headed!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be crooked. What we are discussing now is why Lu Fei wants to ask for appearance fees from the media. Although more than one billion sounds scary, to Lu Fei, this number is just a drop in the bucket. He should not I would care about this bit of broken silver, but now my request for an appearance fee has aroused a lot of doubts and suspicions among netizens. I always feel like it’s not worth it to have so many negative impacts on that little bit of broken silver. Even I can see this. , how could Lu Fei not see it, but he still wanted it, what is the reason for this?"

"Scattered silver coins?

One billion is also called scattered silver?

You upstairs have such a loud tone.

Don't glorify Lu Fei without any bottom line. Hasn't Lu Fei done enough to add insult to injury and take advantage of others?

Now there is an opportunity to blackmail the media. With Lu Fei's character, of course he will not let it go. Do you understand that this is the real Lu Fei? "Hearing what the fat man said, the others also laughed.

Guan Haishan lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds, then nodded: "Then let's go together, as if we can support Bao Bao Fei."

Although going to the scene was likely to be ridiculed by the unscrupulous media, Guan Haishan still decided to go to the scene to cheer Lu Fei.

In the past, he was a very face-conscious person. If he could avoid such situations, he would try not to get involved.

But since he has experienced so many things, Guan Haishan's state of mind has also been sublimated. Bao Baofei helped him. He had no reason to shrink into a turtle shell. Men should have the responsibility of a man and not lose two pounds of flesh when being laughed at. He doesn't care.

Guan Haishan made the final decision and immediately asked Fatty and Zhang Yanhe to inquire about Lu Fei's itinerary. When Lu Fei arrived in the mainland, they would immediately go to meet Lu Fei. Regardless of winning or losing, they must stand unswervingly by Lu Fei's side.

At the same time, Gao Hainian, Fu Yuliang and other old guys who have a close personal relationship with Lu Fei are also looking for information. Even the Feng brothers from Yangcheng are preparing to leave for Tiandu to cheer for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei came forward to represent China's collecting industry. As the leading figures in the collecting industry and Lu Fei's friends, they must go to the scene to share the burden with Lu Fei.

In addition to them, there are many people in the collecting world who are moving closer to Tiandu City, hoping to witness Lu Fei turn the tide for the collecting world.

As another client, Lu Fei, was currently in Chen Xiang's room watching his daughter giggle. From that look, there was no trace of pressure at all.

In fact, Lu Fei did not feel any pressure.

On the Internet, the media hyped this matter up so much that it even escalated to the point of life and death for the archaeological team and the collecting community. In fact, although it was exaggerated, it was indeed the case, but for other people in the collecting community, , is a big deal, but in Lu Fei's eyes, it's just that.

Putting aside Lu Fei's confidence, even if he wasn't, this little thing is nothing compared to Lu Fei's experience overseas in the past year or so.

Even facing the powerful Thomas family, Lu Fei was not too nervous. How could Zhao Jinzhou cause Lu Fei psychological pressure?

Normally, with Lu Fei's current strong character, he would not bother to talk to Zhao Jinzhou, but this guy hurt his own interests, so Lu Fei felt that it was necessary to give him a warning.

Throughout the day, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi stayed in Chen Xiang's room. After dinner, Lu Fei watched the evening news with Mr. Chen and chatted for a while. At around nine o'clock, they returned to Wang Xinyi's room.

After taking a bath, making a cup of light tea, and lighting a cigarette, I sat lazily on the sofa and opened the laptop on the coffee table.

Wang Xinyi took off her makeup, put on her pajamas, and poured a glass of wine that Lu Fei brought from the Ge family.

The fruit wine came back and sat down opposite Lu Fei. While tasting the wine, she stared at Lu Fei. As she watched, Wang Xinyi burst into laughter.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Xinyi will always be the image of an iceberg beauty. She has a sacred and majestic temperament, giving people the illusion that strangers are not allowed to enter. But who would have thought that the iceberg beauty can also smile, and she smiles like that Charming, like a blooming peony, delicate and indescribable.

However, Wang Xinyi's beauty is just Lu Fei's personal welfare. Outsiders have no chance to see it. Even the little dog and others rarely see her smile.

However, there was a hint of cunning in Wang Xinyi's smile today, which made Lu Fei feel very uncomfortable.

"why are you laughing?"


Wang Xinyi put down her wine glass with a sweet smile and said, "This afternoon, I saw a few comments about you on the Internet. I found them very interesting."


What comment? Lu Fei asked curiously.

Wang Xinyi picked up her phone, rummaged through it, and snuggled up to Lu Fei.

"Now, look.

Breaking news: Lu Fei is suspected of going bankrupt and asked reporters for exorbitant appearance fees. "

Under this comment, there are already tens of thousands of replies.

"The people in the building are a bit alarmist, right? Lu Fei is as rich as anyone in the country, how can he go bankrupt?"

"It's just that, bankruptcy is impossible. Lu Fei's family fortune will never be defeated in a few lifetimes no matter how hard it is. The reason why he wants a sky-high appearance fee is just a gimmick. After all, he has not appeared in the public eye for more than half a year. Our Internet celebrities in Mainland China also need a sense of presence.”

"It makes sense, using gimmicks to attract attention, our mainland internet celebrities are quite clear-headed!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be crooked. What we are discussing now is why Lu Fei wants to ask for appearance fees from the media. Although more than one billion sounds scary, to Lu Fei, this number is just a drop in the bucket. He should not I would care about this bit of broken silver, but now my request for an appearance fee has aroused a lot of doubts and suspicions among netizens. I always feel like it’s not worth it to have so many negative impacts on that little bit of broken silver. Even I can see this. , how could Lu Fei not see it, but he still wanted it, what is the reason for this?"

"Scattered silver coins?

One billion is also called scattered silver?

You upstairs have such a loud tone.

Don't glorify Lu Fei without any bottom line. Hasn't Lu Fei done enough to add insult to injury and take advantage of others?

Now there is an opportunity to blackmail the media. With Lu Fei's character, of course he will not let it go. Do you understand that this is the real Lu Fei? "

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