A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3280 They deserve their misfortune

The above comments are considered polite, but the following ones are even more bizarre.

Some said that Lu Fei was a lion with a big mouth, some said that Lu Fei "robbed the rich and gave to the poor", and some netizens said that the reason why Lu Fei handed over all his business was to develop towards an Internet celebrity and ask for appearance fees. , is the best proof.

Seeing these weird remarks, Lu Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes, but Wang Xinyi laughed.

"What's so funny? There are just a bunch of lunatics on the Internet talking nonsense."


Wang Xinyi smiled even more unscrupulously, reached out to pick up the lighter on the coffee table, pretended to bring the microphone to Lu Fei's mouth and said with a smile: "My dear Mr. Lu, let this reporter interview you, what do you think about asking the media for Do you care about the appearance fee?"


Why not? "

Thinking of the surprised look of the reporters at that time, Lu Fei also laughed evilly.

“This group of unscrupulous reporters usually consider themselves the uncrowned kings, swaggering around, deceiving and gossiping, in order to avoid chaos in the world.

In fact, the affairs of the archaeological team this time are not that complicated at all. After Zhao Jinzhou's instrument has been researched, even if Guan Haishan has an idea, the two families can discuss it and let Zhao Jinzhou's instrument block some functions and only retain the identification function. It can completely enter the archaeological field. Team, with the assistance of this instrument, the work efficiency of the archaeological team will be greatly improved. Some detailed work will still be completed by technical staff, and there will be no conflicts between the two sides. This should be the best of both worlds.

But these damn media didn't want this to be the result, so they started to stir up trouble. In front of Zhao Jinzhou, they made a big deal about Teacher Kong's dishonesty, defended Zhao Jinzhou, and tried every means to arouse Zhao Jinzhou's anger and resent the archaeological team.

On the other hand, these media unscrupulously spread rumors and caused trouble, describing the situation of the archaeological team as if it were the end of the world. This made the grassroots employees panic and complained, and they had no intention of working at all. At one point, the archaeological team was almost paralyzed.

It was precisely because of the widespread panic that Guan Haishan did not dare to let Zhao Jinzhou's instruments penetrate, because he was worried that such serious consequences would really occur if the instruments were stationed.

As a result, Guan Haishan tried every means to exclude the instrument and Zhao Jinzhou, while Zhao Jinzhou, because of his deep prejudice against Guan Haishan, was unwilling to communicate with Guan Haishan and the archaeological team, and went directly to Mr. Pan to complain. This made the matter so serious. As for now, it's getting out of hand. This is all the fault of those reporters who are overfed and full of evil. I caught up with them this time. I won't punish them severely. I'm sorry for being criticized by the media in the past

I am doing justice to those who persecuted them. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Wang Xinyi understood what Lu Fei was thinking, and then she stopped smiling and her expression became serious.

"Indeed, those media sometimes go too far, and it would be good to punish them appropriately. However, I heard that you promised those media that you would allow them to solicit sponsorships. The sponsors would spend the money, and the media companies would not have to If you spend the money, maybe you can make a profit, and it can also increase the reputation of the media company. How do you think they have made a profit?"

Lu Fei put his hand around his beloved wife's waist and smiled evilly: "They are still far from taking advantage of me, Lu Fei. Let them play for a while. When the time comes, I will have many ways to deal with them. Guaranteed to make them bleed profusely.”

When he said this, Lu Fei's eyes were stern, and Wang Xinyi couldn't help but mourn for those media companies. Those media companies were still fighting for exclusive interview rights, but they didn't know that this was her husband. A big pit was dug for them. It was estimated that this time it would be enough for them to drink a pot.

"Husband, how much money do you think the media company can pay?" Wang Xinyi asked.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I wouldn't have guessed this. However, with your husband and my strong character, coupled with Zhao Jinzhou's "help" today, it will not be less than three billion in the end!"

"Three billion!"

Wang Xinyi frowned slightly: "Three billion, such a huge loss, they won't go bankrupt, right?"


Lu Fei burst into laughter, "It's none of my business whether I'm bankrupt or not. Don't worry about it. Those media companies compete so fiercely. Don't they want to make huge profits from me? The more they persist to the end, the more they will lose." Greed, greed comes with high income, and high income comes with high risks. Since they are so greedy, they should consider the serious consequences. This is the lesson they deserve."

Lu Fei was telling the truth, this is human nature, but Wang Xinyi felt that he was still a little cruel. However, Wang Xinyi would definitely not plead for those unscrupulous media. Her husband wanted to deal with them, so she was already helping them by not adding insult to injury. , Moreover, Wang Xinyi can't stand the behavior of those media.

In recent years, the media has become more and more arrogant and has no bottom line. For the sake of profit, the media has long thrown professional ethics out of the sky. Countless people have been seriously harmed by their public opinion attacks. Some people even cannot think of a choice. Suicide is all their fault. These scourges should have been dealt with long ago. Because they controlled the direction of public opinion, no one dared to go against them before. This time they provoked their husbands, and they met their nemesis. They deserve their bad luck. The above comments are considered polite, but the following ones are even more bizarre.

Some said that Lu Fei was a lion with a big mouth, some said that Lu Fei "robbed the rich and gave to the poor", and some netizens said that the reason why Lu Fei handed over all his business was to develop towards an Internet celebrity and ask for appearance fees. , is the best proof.

Seeing these weird remarks, Lu Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes, but Wang Xinyi laughed.

"What's so funny? There are just a bunch of lunatics on the Internet talking nonsense."

"Kick!" .??.

Wang Xinyi smiled even more unscrupulously, reached out to pick up the lighter on the coffee table, pretended to bring the microphone to Lu Fei's mouth and said with a smile: "My dear Mr. Lu, let this reporter interview you, what do you think about asking the media for Do you care about the appearance fee?"


Why not? "

Thinking of the surprised look of the reporters at that time, Lu Fei also laughed evilly.

“This group of unscrupulous reporters usually consider themselves the uncrowned kings, swaggering around, deceiving and gossiping, in order to avoid chaos in the world.

In fact, the affairs of the archaeological team this time are not that complicated at all. After Zhao Jinzhou's instrument has been researched, even if Guan Haishan has an idea, the two families can discuss it and let Zhao Jinzhou's instrument block some functions and only retain the identification function. It can completely enter the archaeological field. Team, with the assistance of this instrument, the work efficiency of the archaeological team will be greatly improved. Some detailed work will still be completed by technical staff, and there will be no conflicts between the two sides. This should be the best of both worlds.

But these damn media didn't want this to be the result, so they started to stir up trouble. In front of Zhao Jinzhou, they made a big deal about Teacher Kong's dishonesty, defended Zhao Jinzhou, and tried every means to arouse Zhao Jinzhou's anger and resent the archaeological team.

On the other hand, these media unscrupulously spread rumors and caused trouble, describing the situation of the archaeological team as if it were the end of the world. This made the grassroots employees panic and complained, and they had no intention of working at all. At one point, the archaeological team was almost paralyzed.

It was precisely because of the widespread panic that Guan Haishan did not dare to let Zhao Jinzhou's instruments penetrate, because he was worried that such serious consequences would really occur if the instruments were stationed.

As a result, Guan Haishan tried every means to exclude the instrument and Zhao Jinzhou, while Zhao Jinzhou, because of his deep prejudice against Guan Haishan, was unwilling to communicate with Guan Haishan and the archaeological team, and went directly to Mr. Pan to complain. This made the matter so serious. As for now, it's getting out of hand. This is all the fault of those reporters who are overfed and full of evil. I caught up with them this time. I won't punish them severely. I'm sorry for being criticized by the media in the past

I am doing justice to those who persecuted them. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Wang Xinyi understood what Lu Fei was thinking, and then she stopped smiling and her expression became serious.

"Indeed, those media sometimes go too far, and it would be good to punish them appropriately. However, I heard that you promised those media that you would allow them to solicit sponsorships. The sponsors would spend the money, and the media companies would not have to If you spend the money, maybe you can make a profit, and it can also increase the reputation of the media company. How do you think they have made a profit?"

Lu Fei put his hand around his beloved wife's waist and smiled evilly: "They are still far from taking advantage of me, Lu Fei. Let them play for a while. When the time comes, I will have many ways to deal with them. Guaranteed to make them bleed profusely.”

When he said this, Lu Fei's eyes were stern, and Wang Xinyi couldn't help but mourn for those media companies. Those media companies were still fighting for exclusive interview rights, but they didn't know that this was her husband. A big pit was dug for them. It was estimated that this time it would be enough for them to drink a pot.

"Husband, how much money do you think the media company can pay?" Wang Xinyi asked.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I wouldn't have guessed this. However, with your husband and my strong character, coupled with Zhao Jinzhou's "help" today, it will not be less than three billion in the end!"

"Three billion!"

Wang Xinyi frowned slightly: "Three billion, such a huge loss, they won't go bankrupt, right?"


Lu Fei burst out laughing, "It's none of my business whether I'm bankrupt or not. Don't worry about it. Those media companies compete so fiercely. Don't they want to make huge profits from me? The more they persist to the end, the more they will lose." Greed, greed comes with high income, and high income comes with high risks. Since they are so greedy, they should consider the serious consequences. This is the lesson they deserve."

Lu Fei was telling the truth, this is human nature, but Wang Xinyi felt that he was still a little cruel. However, Wang Xinyi would definitely not plead for those unscrupulous media. Her husband wanted to deal with them, so she was already helping them by not adding insult to injury. , Moreover, Wang Xinyi can't stand the behavior of those media.

In recent years, the media has become more and more arrogant and has no bottom line. For the sake of profit, the media has long thrown professional ethics out of the sky. Countless people have been seriously harmed by their public opinion attacks. Some people even cannot think of a choice. Suicide is all their fault. These scourges should have been dealt with long ago. Because they controlled the direction of public opinion, no one dared to go against them before. This time they provoked their husbands, and they met their nemesis. They deserve their bad luck.

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