A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3281 Never doubt

"If I remember correctly, three billion will set a record and become the highest appearance fee in history, right?" Wang Xinyi asked with a smile.

"Hey, are you saying that I don't deserve such a high appearance fee?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Virtue, I didn't say anything about it, but I am curious about what you are going to do with the money after receiving the appearance fee.

I think if you want such a high price, you must be on target, right? Wang Xinyi asked.

"Of course.

The archaeological team has been tortured by these unscrupulous media recently. However, what affects Guan Haishan and the others is only their reputation. The grassroots staff are the direct victims.

At present, there are a total of 173,300 front-line employees in the archaeological team. This money can be considered as compensation for their mental losses by the unscrupulous media. After deducting taxes, this money will be distributed to everyone. They deserve more than 10,000 yuan and let them worry for so long. When the time comes, you can do this on my behalf! "

"Shall I go?" Wang Xinyi pointed to her nose, very surprised.

Lu Fei smiled: "Don't you want a second child? Just think of it as a way to gain merit for our child. It is most appropriate for you, the mother, to do it yourself. When the time comes, we will spend another amount of money to give it to our child." Several poor units donate a few buses, it’s all up to you.”

When she heard the word "second child", Wang Xinyi's beautiful eyes flashed twice. She was the first to propose it. She didn't expect Lu Fei to be so interested in it. Wang Xinyi was so happy that she happily agreed. .??.

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

With that said, Wang Xinyi coquettishly snuggled into Lu Fei's arms: "Husband, when you go back this time, I want to go with you. I haven't been back to the mainland for a long time.

I want to see you clean up those annoying media with my own eyes. After that, I want to go back to Shanghai and stay for a few days, okay? "

"What should I do with my son?"

"Oh, don't worry, my mother will take care of it."

There was nothing wrong with the child, so Lu Fei naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

While the two were talking, the time had already reached 9:55 pm. Lu Fei turned on his computer, logged into his Weibo, and waited for the final result.

Wang Xinyi took a look and felt very surprised.

"Husband, don't you stipulate that the results will be at ten o'clock in the evening? Why is there no movement at all on your Weibo? You won't take off your clothes for fun this time, right?"

Lu Fei curled his lips disdainfully: "Remember, woman.

In this world, you can suspect that there are aliens, you can also suspect that there are immortal cultivators, or even,

You can suspect that Xiaolong has undergone sex reassignment surgery, but you can never doubt your man's strength.

I stipulated that they should have results at ten o'clock. I can guarantee that no one will dare to disturb me before ten o'clock, even if it is nine fifty-nine. Lu Fei said confidently.

"Yes, yes, you are amazing!"

Wang Xinyi was perfunctory, turned away but rolled her eyes, and almost blurted out the word "嘚SE".

However, Wang Xinyi knows that Lu Fei's proud look can only be seen when the door is closed at home. Outside, Lu Fei may be crazy, but he is definitely not arrogant. Even if he is "crazy", it is still a sign of confidence, no matter what Lu Fei will always take anything he encounters seriously. He will never underestimate any opponent. It is because of this that Lu Fei can be where he is today. Moreover, this is what Lu Fei has done since his debut, no matter what he encounters. Son, the real reason why I have never lost.

Occasionally having fun at home is actually quite good. Both Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang like to hear it. Life needs fun, and more importantly, capital needs to be raised. Otherwise, wouldn't it be too boring?

What Lu Fei said to Wang Xinyi did have elements of arrogance in it, but Lu Fei did have the capital to be arrogant. In fact, even though it was approaching the specified time, no one on Weibo really bothered him.

At this moment, the media companies participating in the competition are extremely nervous.

After an afternoon of work, each company’s final bid funds for purchasing “exclusive interview rights” have been determined. Now, the nervous bosses of these media companies are about to jump out. Can they? Success, the answer will be revealed soon.

The sponsors were also extremely nervous.

Because of Lu Fei's influence, they are rushing to board Lu Fei's big ship. They had no chance before, but now the opportunity is right in front of them. If done properly, this sponsorship may become a springboard to board that ship. , which made them excited.

But at the same time, they must also face huge risks.

The media companies are making a lot of noise by jumping up and down, but they are the ones who really pay. Not only do the media companies not have to pay, but they can also make a lot of money. At the same time, their ultimate goal has been achieved, which can be said to be both fame and fortune.

But if the expected results are not achieved, the sponsor's money may be wasted. That is real money, how can they not be nervous?

You know, no matter how big the company is, it has nothing to do with liquidity. In order to come up with cash, the sponsors have also spent a lot of effort. Some people even took greater risks and borrowed loan sharks. , has the potential to sink everything, and after spending so much effort, they don’t want to end up in a situation where they will lose both their people and their money. "If I remember correctly, three billion will set a record and become the highest appearance fee in history, right?" Wang Xinyi asked with a smile.

"Hey, are you saying that I don't deserve such a high appearance fee?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Virtue, I didn't say anything about it, but I am curious about what you are going to do with the money after receiving the appearance fee.

I think if you want such a high price, you must be on target, right? Wang Xinyi asked.

"Of course.

The archaeological team has been tortured by these unscrupulous media recently. However, what affects Guan Haishan and the others is only their reputation. The grassroots staff are the direct victims.

At present, there are a total of 173,300 front-line employees in the archaeological team. This money can be considered as compensation for their mental losses by the unscrupulous media. After deducting taxes, this money will be distributed to everyone. They deserve more than 10,000 yuan and let them worry for so long. When the time comes, you can do this on my behalf! "

"Shall I go?" Wang Xinyi pointed to her nose, very surprised.

Lu Fei smiled: "Don't you want a second child? Just think of it as a way to gain merit for our child. It is most appropriate for you, the mother, to do it yourself. When the time comes, we will spend another amount of money to give it to our child." Several poor units donate a few buses, it’s all up to you.”

When she heard the word "second child", Wang Xinyi's beautiful eyes flashed twice. She was the first to propose it. She didn't expect Lu Fei to be so interested in it. Wang Xinyi was so happy that she happily agreed.

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

With that said, Wang Xinyi coquettishly snuggled into Lu Fei's arms: "Husband, when you go back this time, I want to go with you. I haven't been back to the mainland for a long time.

I want to see you clean up those annoying media with my own eyes. After that, I want to go back to Shanghai and stay for a few days, okay? "

"What should I do with my son?"

"Oh, don't worry, my mother will take care of it."

There was nothing wrong with the child, so Lu Fei naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

While the two were talking, the time had already reached 9:55 pm. Lu Fei turned on his computer, logged into his Weibo, and waited for the final result.

Wang Xinyi took a look and felt very surprised.

"Husband, don't you stipulate that the results will be at ten o'clock in the evening? Why is there no movement at all on your Weibo? You won't take off your clothes for fun this time, right?"

Lu Fei curled his lips disdainfully: "Remember, woman.

In this world, you can suspect that there are aliens, you can also suspect that there are immortal cultivators, or even,

You can suspect that Xiaolong has undergone sex reassignment surgery, but you can never doubt your man's strength.

I stipulated that they should have results at ten o'clock. I can guarantee that no one will dare to disturb me before ten o'clock, even if it is nine fifty-nine. Lu Fei said confidently.

"Yes, yes, you are amazing!"

Wang Xinyi was perfunctory, turned away but rolled her eyes, and almost blurted out the word "嘚SE".

However, Wang Xinyi knows that Lu Fei's proud look can only be seen when the door is closed at home. Outside, Lu Fei may be crazy, but he is definitely not arrogant. Even if he is "crazy", it is still a sign of confidence, no matter what Lu Fei will always take anything he encounters seriously. He will never underestimate any opponent. It is because of this that Lu Fei can be where he is today. Moreover, this is what Lu Fei has done since his debut, no matter what he encounters. Son, the real reason why I have never lost.

Occasionally having fun at home is actually quite good. Both Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang like to hear it. Life needs fun, and more importantly, capital needs to be raised. Otherwise, wouldn't it be too boring?

What Lu Fei said to Wang Xinyi did have elements of arrogance in it, but Lu Fei did have the capital to be arrogant. In fact, even though it was approaching the specified time, no one on Weibo really bothered him.

At this moment, the media companies participating in the competition are extremely nervous.

After an afternoon of work, each company’s final bid funds for purchasing “exclusive interview rights” have been determined. Now, the nervous bosses of these media companies are about to jump out. Can they? Success, the answer will be revealed soon.

The sponsors were also extremely nervous.

Because of Lu Fei's influence, they are rushing to board Lu Fei's big ship. They had no chance before, but now the opportunity is right in front of them. If done properly, this sponsorship may become a springboard to board that ship. , which made them excited.

But at the same time, they must also face huge risks.

The media companies are making a lot of noise by jumping up and down, but they are the ones who really pay. Not only do the media companies not have to pay, but they can also make a lot of money. At the same time, their ultimate goal has been achieved, which can be said to be both fame and fortune.

But if the expected results are not achieved, the sponsor's money may be wasted. That is real money, how can they not be nervous?

You know, no matter how big the company is, it has nothing to do with liquidity. In order to come up with cash, the sponsors have also spent a lot of effort. Some people even took greater risks and borrowed loan sharks. , has the potential to sink everything, and after spending so much effort, they don’t want to end up in a situation where they will lose both their people and their money.

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