A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3286 Let the storm come more violently

"It's two billion, it's broken two billion!"

In the conference room of the archaeological headquarters, Fatty Wang jumped up in surprise.

"Damn it, they all say it's hard to make money, it's hard to make money, but look at Baoshaifei, he just said a casual word, and there are so many people rushing to give him money, two billion, but I, Lao Wang, just won't eat it If you don’t drink and work like a cow or a horse, you won’t be able to make any money for a hundred lifetimes!

It's so special, people are so irritating! ! "

The fat man sighed with pain on his face, and the other old guys all laughed. It is impossible to say that they are not jealous. Of course, it is impossible. They are also so jealous that their teeth are sore. Not to mention how uncomfortable they feel, but after hearing what the fat man said, Complaining actually alleviated their embarrassment.

"Fat man, it's useless for you to be jealous. Bao Bao Fei is a once-in-a-century monster. If you compare with him, you won't be able to survive.

You should think this way, you are not as good as rags, but you still have a huge advantage over others. At the very least, none of us here are as good as you. "Zhang Yanhe said with a smile.

The fat man was slightly startled: "Zhang Yanhe, you rarely get angry with me, why are you not as good as me?"

"Of course we are not as good as you. At least we go to the vegetable market to weigh and sell meat. You are worth more than us."

"Damn, Zhang Yanhe, I'm your uncle!"


The atmosphere in the archaeological team's office was quite relaxed, but the air in Zhao Jinzhou's study was so oppressive that it was suffocating.

Although Zhao Jinzhou was suffocating, he still couldn't control himself and stared at Lu Fei's Weibo.

During the day, I heard the media beeping, saying that Lu Fei's appearance fee would probably reach the astronomical figure of 3 billion, but that was the media's speculation after all. Although it sounded horrifying, the feeling in my heart was completely different.

But now he saw with his own eyes that the bidding price quickly exceeded the two billion mark. The impact on Zhao Jinzhou's psychology was far greater than the three billion speculated by the media, because the bidding price reported on the screen was the real deal. If the bidding ends now, I believe that this huge amount of money will be received immediately, and no one will default on the debt, let alone Lu Fei.

Two billion Shenzhou coins, that’s so much money!

If I hadn't been arrogant during the day, even if I was given a tenth of it, it would still be 200 million!

No, let alone one-tenth, even one percent of twenty million was a wealth that he had never dared to think about in the first half of his life.

At that time, if I had shamelessly asked Lu Fei for a share in order to damage my reputation, I believed that Lu Fei would definitely give him some. Even if it was just a casual sprinkling, it would be a fortune for him.

It was an astronomical figure, but just because he was short-tempered, he had so perfectly passed by this wealth without even smelling it. Zhao Jinzhou felt that his intestines were about to turn green with regret.

Damn you, damn Lu Fei, damn the media, and your own damn dignity, go to hell!

Zhao Jinzhou had veins bulging on his head. He roared loudly through gritted teeth. After venting his anger, he stretched out his trembling hands and took out a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills from the drawer. He poured out a dozen pills and swallowed them in one gulp. After taking a few breaths, Zhao Jinzhou He put his hands on the case and looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.

Not to mention Zhao Jinzhou and the media company bosses and sponsors, the bidding price exceeded the two billion mark, and the melon-eating netizens who were in front of their computers and mobile phones became nervous, feeling excited, and inexplicably shocked.

The only ones who are calm at the moment are probably Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi.

The couple sat casually on the sofa, holding glasses of red wine, communicating easily, glancing at the screen from time to time, obviously not very interested in the eye-popping astronomical figure.

"How high do you think it will be in the end?" Wang Xinyi asked.

Lu Fei pouted and spread his hands: "I don't know, the more the better. The more they give, the more severe the punishment they will get, and the more the archaeological team will get."

With that said, Lu Fei snapped his fingers at the screen and encouraged loudly: "Come on, be more active and let the storm come more violently!"

The media companies participating in the competition seemed to have heard Lu Fei's call, and the competition became more and more intense.

Just now, there was a price increase of 30 to 50 million yuan. After Lu Fei said this, the unit of increase suddenly changed to 100 million yuan.

Two billion.

2.1 billion.

Twenty-two B

Who has ever seen a price increase of 110 million and such an exaggerated pace?

The most popular auction houses in the world are undoubtedly Lu Fei's Tengfei Auction Company, Sotheby's and Christie's. But even in the most glorious auctions of these three top auction companies, the most precious and sought-after items are auctioned, except for Apart from the direct bidding, the most exaggerated quotation unit was only one million yuan. Even in the unit of one million yuan, many people in the industry were stunned at the time.

But this time, under Lu Fei's Weibo, no one organized, voluntarily signed up, and actively competed in an informal bidding event. The units quoted exceeded the most glorious records of the three top auction companies. What is even more frightening is that it not only broke through a little bit. , but directly broke through to the sky, and the unit of one million yuan directly turned into "100 million yuan", which made the melon-eating netizens waiting in front of their computers and mobile phones excited and shocked. "It's two billion, it's broken two billion!"

In the conference room of the archaeological headquarters, Fatty Wang jumped up in surprise.

"Damn it, they all say it's hard to make money, it's hard to make money, but look at Baoshaifei, he just said a casual word, and there are so many people rushing to give him money, two billion, but I, Lao Wang, just won't eat it If you don’t drink and work like a cow or a horse, you won’t be able to make any money for a hundred lifetimes!

It's so special, people are so irritating! ! "

The fat man sighed with pain on his face, and the other old guys all laughed. It is impossible to say that they are not jealous. Of course, it is impossible. They are also so jealous that their teeth are sore. Not to mention how uncomfortable they feel, but after hearing what the fat man said, Complaining actually alleviated their embarrassment.

"Fat man, it's useless for you to be jealous. Bao Bao Fei is a monster that you won't see in a century. If you compare with him, you won't be able to survive.

You should think this way, you are not as good as rags, but you still have a huge advantage over others. At the very least, none of us here are as good as you. "Zhang Yanhe said with a smile.

The fat man was slightly startled: "Zhang Yanhe, you rarely get angry with me, why are you not as good as me?"

"Of course we are not as good as you. At least we go to the vegetable market to weigh and sell meat. You are worth more than us."

"Damn, Zhang Yanhe, I'm your uncle!"


The atmosphere in the archaeological team's office was quite relaxed, but the air in Zhao Jinzhou's study was so oppressive that it was suffocating.

Although Zhao Jinzhou was suffocating, he still couldn't control himself and stared at Lu Fei's Weibo.

During the day, I heard the media beeping, saying that Lu Fei's appearance fee would probably reach the astronomical figure of 3 billion, but that was the media's speculation after all. Although it sounded horrifying, the feeling in my heart was completely different.

But now he saw with his own eyes that the bidding price quickly exceeded the two billion mark. The impact on Zhao Jinzhou's psychology was far greater than the three billion speculated by the media, because the bidding price reported on the screen was the real deal. If the bidding ends now, I believe that this huge amount of money will be received immediately, and no one will default on the debt, let alone Lu Fei.

Two billion Shenzhou coins, that’s so much money!

If I hadn't been arrogant during the day, even if I was given a tenth of it, it would still be 200 million!

No, let alone one-tenth, even one percent of twenty million was a wealth that he had never dared to think about in the first half of his life.

At that time, if I had shamelessly asked Lu Fei for a share in order to damage my reputation, I believed that Lu Fei would definitely give him some. Even if it was just a casual sprinkling, it would be a fortune for him.

It was an astronomical figure, but just because he was short-tempered, he had so perfectly passed by this wealth without even smelling it. Zhao Jinzhou felt that his intestines were about to turn green with regret.

Damn you, damn Lu Fei, damn the media, and your own damn dignity, go to hell!

Zhao Jinzhou had veins bulging on his head. He roared loudly through gritted teeth. After venting his anger, he stretched out his trembling hands and took out a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills from the drawer. He poured out a dozen pills and swallowed them in one gulp. After taking a few breaths, Zhao Jinzhou He put his hands on the case and looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.

Not to mention Zhao Jinzhou and the media company bosses and sponsors, the bidding price exceeded the two billion mark, and the melon-eating netizens who were in front of their computers and mobile phones became nervous, feeling excited, and inexplicably shocked.

The only ones who are calm at the moment are probably Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi.

The couple sat casually on the sofa, holding glasses of red wine, communicating easily, glancing at the screen from time to time, obviously not very interested in the eye-popping astronomical figure.

"How high do you think it will be in the end?" Wang Xinyi asked.

Lu Fei pouted and spread his hands: "I don't know, the more the better. The more they give, the more severe the punishment they will get, and the more the archaeological team will get."

With that said, Lu Fei snapped his fingers at the screen and encouraged loudly: "Come on, be more active and let the storm come more violently!"

The media companies participating in the competition seemed to have heard Lu Fei's call, and the competition became more and more intense.

Just now, there was a price increase of 30 to 50 million yuan. After Lu Fei said this, the unit of increase suddenly changed to 100 million yuan.

Two billion.

2.1 billion.

Twenty-two B

Who has ever seen a price increase of 110 million and such an exaggerated pace?

The most popular auction houses in the world are undoubtedly Lu Fei's Tengfei Auction Company, Sotheby's and Christie's. But even in the most glorious auctions of these three top auction companies, the most precious and sought-after items are auctioned, except for Apart from the direct bidding, the most exaggerated quotation unit was only one million yuan. Even in the unit of one million yuan, many people in the industry were stunned at the time.

But this time, under Lu Fei's Weibo, no one organized, voluntarily signed up, and actively competed in an informal bidding event. The units quoted exceeded the most glorious records of the three top auction companies. What is even more frightening is that it not only broke through a little bit. , but directly broke through to the sky, and the unit of one million yuan directly turned into "100 million yuan", which made the melon-eating netizens waiting in front of their computers and mobile phones excited and shocked.

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