A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3287 Big accident

Twenty-four billion!

Two and a half billion!

After the bidding price exceeded 2.5 billion, the first first-tier media company finally appeared.

The price quoted by NetWorld is 2.6 billion Shenzhou coins, company registration number. .??.

Breaking through 2.5 billion, the melon-eating netizens and the guys from the archaeological team were even more excited, but the media colleagues participating in the competition were shocked, especially the first-tier media companies in China. Regardless of their beliefs, they only offered the highest bid in the world. 2.6 billion Shenzhou coins.

Strictly speaking, Networld is a very special existence among the first-class media companies.

Several other first-tier media companies all have long histories and profound foundations. They have reached their current heights through years of accumulation.

Kewangluotianxia is different. This is a new media company between media and online platforms. Their company’s main business comes from online platforms and self-media. Due to proper management, they have a large number of users and members. On this basis, their company has It suddenly entered the print media industry two years ago. Due to its huge user base, it quickly became one of the first-tier media companies in less than two years.

Not only that, Wanluo Tianxia has unique advantages compared to those traditional media companies. Relying on the company's online platform and popularity, the sales volume of the print media division is very large. The most important thing is that they are richer than those traditional media companies.

You compete with others for your background, and others compete with you for their strength.

You compete with others for history, and others compete with you for strength.

You compete with others for connections, and others compete with you for strength.

You have the foundation and I have the money. Faced with the same opportunity, others are willing to spend money, which has an advantage over anything else.

If you have no foundation, people will throw money at you.

There are no connections, so people use money to connect them.

As for history, it is nothing more than self-absorption and useless at critical moments. After all, this is a society that values ​​money and face.

Net Lu Tian Xia suddenly emerged and instantly became a troublemaker, directly breaking the overall pattern of China's media industry.

Almost every other first-tier traditional media company has suffered the consequences of Netnet. Everyone hates them so much, but they can’t do anything about them. Who makes them rich?

If you have money, you have strength, and if you have strength, you have status. This is an eternal truth.

Therefore, in this competition for Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights, almost all the media companies participating in the competition regard Nets World as their biggest competitors.

Lu Fei proposed a guaranteed minimum price of only 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins, but why did Mr. Zhao of "West China News Agency" and others set the budget to 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins after research? In fact, they were worried about netting the world at all costs and disrupting the situation. If they netted the world,

If you seriously compete with other companies, you may not be able to win 3.5 billion, but Lu Fei only gives you a chance. In order to increase the success rate, they set the budget so high.

But now, when they saw it, Mr. Zhao from "West China News" and the bosses of the sponsoring companies were immediately stunned. Everyone opened their eyes and opened their mouths, feeling as if they were beeping.

"I'm sorry!"

"Old Zhao, am I reading that right? 2.6 billion is really the price you pay to woo the world?"

"What the hell, what are you doing to the world? Why are you doing this?"

"What do they mean? Don't they want to get the interview rights?"

"Play hard to get, it's impossible. Lu Fei only gave him one chance. This is their company's final quotation. What is going on? Is there a mistake in the quotation?"

In the luxurious conference room of "West China News Agency", everyone was stunned and couldn't understand what kind of trick this was to capture the world.

After a few seconds, Mr. Meng took a deep breath and turned to look at Mr. Zhao, his eyes full of surprise.

"Old Zhao, don't worry about whether they made a mistake or not. Anyway, we have no chance to capture the world. Our biggest competitor made a mistake. This is a huge good thing for us!

Hey, please lower our offer quickly, just to 3 billion. I feel that we can definitely win 3 billion Shenzhou coins. "

Five hundred million Shenzhou coins were saved at once, and all the sponsors' eyes lit up. Five hundred million, that's money!

What boss wouldn’t be happy if he suddenly saved 500 million in expenses?

Unfortunately, within two seconds of their excitement, the vice president in charge of quotation gave them a bolt from the blue.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, our quotation has been uploaded. It's too late to withdraw it now unless we withdraw." The vice president said awkwardly.


"Damn, how could this happen?

So, there is nothing you can do about it. Five hundred million won’t do it, but lowering it to two hundred million will do! "

"Sorry, it's too late!"


Mr. Meng and all the sponsors were furious and frustrated.

Just now I thought I could save a lot of money, but suddenly someone poured cold water on me. This feeling is really terrible.

If this accident had not happened, with the previous budget of 3.5 billion, everyone would not be so regretful. But the problem is that now it is obvious that they have been taken advantage of. Such a huge contrast is indeed unacceptable, but even if you are angry There is no point in dying, they can only curse in their hearts that "Network World", which does not follow common sense, will go bankrupt soon. Twenty-four billion!

Two and a half billion!

After the bidding price exceeded 2.5 billion, the first first-tier media company finally appeared.

The company's registration number is quoted at 2.6 billion Shenzhou coins.

Breaking through 2.5 billion, the melon-eating netizens and the guys from the archaeological team were even more excited, but the media colleagues participating in the competition were shocked, especially the first-tier media companies in China. Regardless of their beliefs, they only offered the highest bid in the world. 2.6 billion Shenzhou coins.

Strictly speaking, Networld is a very special existence among the first-class media companies.

Several other first-tier media companies all have long histories and profound foundations. They have reached their current heights through years of accumulation.

Kewangluotianxia is different. This is a new media company between media and online platforms. Their company’s main business comes from online platforms and self-media. Due to proper management, they have a large number of users and members. On this basis, their company has It suddenly entered the print media industry two years ago. Due to its huge user base, it quickly became one of the first-tier media companies in less than two years.

Not only that, Wanluo Tianxia also has unique advantages compared to those traditional media companies. Relying on the company's online platform and popularity, the sales volume of the print media division is very large. The most important thing is that they are richer than those traditional media companies.

You compete with others for your background, and others compete with you for their strength. ??

You compete with others for history, and others compete with you for strength.

You compete with others for connections, and others compete with you for strength.

You have the foundation and I have the money. Faced with the same opportunity, others are willing to spend money, which has an advantage over anything else.

If you have no foundation, people will throw money at you.

There are no connections, so people use money to connect them.

As for history, it is nothing more than self-absorption and useless at critical moments. After all, this is a society that values ​​money and reputation.

Net Lu Tian Xia suddenly emerged and instantly became a troublemaker, directly breaking the overall pattern of China's media industry.

Almost every other first-tier traditional media company has suffered the consequences of Netnet. Everyone hates them so much, but they can’t do anything about them. Who makes them rich?

If you have money, you have strength, and if you have strength, you have status. This is an eternal truth.

Therefore, in this competition for Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights, almost all the media companies participating in the competition regard Nets World as their biggest competitors.

Lu Fei proposed a guaranteed minimum price of only 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins, but why did Mr. Zhao of "West China News Agency" and others set the budget to 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins after research? In fact, they were worried about netting the world at all costs and disrupting the situation. If they netted the world,

If you seriously compete with other companies, you may not be able to win 3.5 billion, but Lu Fei only gives you a chance. In order to increase the success rate, they set the budget so high.

But now, when they saw it, Mr. Zhao of "West China News" and the bosses of the sponsoring companies were immediately stunned. Everyone opened their eyes and opened their mouths, feeling as if they were beeping.

"I'm sorry!"

"Old Zhao, am I reading that right? 2.6 billion is really the price you pay to woo the world?"

"What the hell, what are you doing to the world? Why are you doing this?"

"What do they mean? Don't they want to get the interview rights?"

"Play hard to get, it's impossible. Lu Fei only gave one chance. This is their company's final quotation. What is going on? Is there a mistake in the quotation?"

In the luxurious conference room of "West China News Agency", everyone was stunned and couldn't understand what kind of trick this was to capture the world.

After a few seconds, Mr. Meng took a deep breath and turned to look at Mr. Zhao, his eyes full of surprise.

"Old Zhao, don't worry about whether they made a mistake or not. Anyway, we have no chance to capture the world. Our biggest competitor made a mistake. This is a huge good thing for us!

Hey, please lower our offer quickly, just to 3 billion. I feel that we can definitely win 3 billion Shenzhou coins. "

Five hundred million Shenzhou coins were saved at once, and all the sponsors' eyes lit up. Five hundred million, that's money!

What boss wouldn’t be happy if he suddenly saved 500 million in expenses?

Unfortunately, within two seconds of their excitement, the vice president in charge of quotation gave them a bolt from the blue.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, our quotation has been uploaded. It's too late to withdraw it now unless we withdraw." The vice president said awkwardly.


"Damn, how could this happen?

So, there is nothing you can do about it. Five hundred million won’t do it, but lowering it to two hundred million will do! "

"Sorry, it's too late!"


Mr. Meng and all the sponsors were furious and frustrated.

Just now I thought I could save a lot of money, but suddenly someone poured cold water on me. This feeling is really terrible.

If this accident had not happened, with the previous budget of 3.5 billion, everyone would not be so regretful. But the problem is that now it is obvious that they have been taken advantage of. Such a huge contrast is indeed unacceptable, but even if you are angry There is no point in dying, they can only curse in their hearts that "Network World", which does not follow common sense, will go bankrupt soon.

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