A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3288 What a scam

Not only was "West China News" confused after reading the quotation from all over the world, but all colleagues could not understand it either.

This competition is just a game of fighting for money, but when it comes to fighting for money, Networld has never lost to any of its peers. Compared with other media, Networld is a real tycoon, and it is also inhumane. kind.

In order to win over the world, not only "West China News", but also every media company participating in the competition has raised their budgets a lot, especially the first-tier media companies that are determined to win, and they are risking their lives, but No one expected that the "younger brothers" spent all their belongings and took huge risks. As a result, the "big brother who took the lead" said he didn't want to play anymore, which directly screwed those younger brothers.

Yes, looking at the quotation of Networld, it is obvious that he withdrew on purpose, because everyone knows that it is impossible for 2.6 billion to get exclusive interview rights. You know, the first-tier media companies, except Networld, other It hasn’t emerged yet. ??

Now that the troublemaker of the world has withdrawn, the competitive atmosphere has become much more relaxed. I believe that the final bidding price will be much cheaper than previously expected. But the problem is that in order not to miss the bidding, every media company has already quoted its price. The upload was successful, but it does not appear on the screen now because the official sorted it by price. Those with high bids have not yet appeared. However, it is too late to lower the price at this time. They can only follow their previous budget standards. If you bid, you won't be able to save money.

This damn trap is all over the world, it’s so damn deceptive.

At this moment, Wangluo Tianxia Company was cursed by many of its peers.

This move of snaring the world is indeed a bit deceptive, but in fact, they have no choice.

The Wanluo Tianxia Company is indeed a big tycoon, but this so-called tycoon is only compared with those of its peers. Their company is strong, but their stalls are much larger than other peers. Every branch is busy every moment. Even if they are burning money, they will not have much liquidity on their books.

Although it has more liquidity than its peers, it is simply impossible to successfully bid with that little liquidity.

If they were given some time to prepare, they would really have enough money to search the world, but the preparation time was less than a day. Where could they raise so much cash in such a short period of time?

Pull sponsorship?

Yes, other peers do the same thing, but the operating model of Wangluo Tianxia is completely different from other peers. Their company

The advertising inspiration of the company is very high, even several times or even ten times higher than that of other peers. However, unlike other peers who harvest wool from the same sheep, Net World has always won by quantity.

There are seven divisions under Wuluotianxia. These seven divisions include mainstream news, entertainment, sports, current affairs, film and television, live broadcast and many other types. Each type is divided into many sections, and each section has advertising, so , their advertising revenue is high, right? The revenue from all sectors combined is much more than other companies, but when it comes to distinguishing a single individual, there is no advantage at all.

There is a huge disparity in strength between so many departments and so many advertisers. Moreover, the relationship between their company and these advertisers is just a simple cooperation model, but the actual relationship is far worse than that of their established counterparts who have been in business for decades.

In such a short period of time, CEOs from all over the world don't know who to talk to if they want to get sky-high sponsorship fees. They are like a headless fly with no clue at all.

In addition, the shareholding structure of their company is also very different from that of its peers. The reason why Wangluo Tianxia has risen so quickly is because of several financing changes to the shareholding structure. There are only a dozen or so shareholders in their company. With so many shareholders, their opinions are very different. Difficult to unify.

After Network World's CEO decided to participate in the competition, he applied for a board meeting, asked the board of directors to make a decision, and found ways to raise funds.

As a result, the shareholders were not very active at the meeting. Some shareholders believed that this was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but more shareholders believed that the risk was too great. Those veteran peers made it clear that they would fight tooth and nail to get this opportunity. With the attitude of being determined to win, if the investment in the network is small, it is impossible to obtain the exclusive interview rights. If you want to successfully obtain it, you need to invest an astronomical amount. In that case, the risk is too great.

There are many departments in the network, which are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there are many departments and many businesses, and they complement each other and are relatively stable. If one department is not efficient, there are other departments carrying it. Even if an unexpected situation occurs, it will not be too serious. s consequence.

Relatively speaking, their company's disadvantages are also quite obvious. Other media companies only focus on one type of business, news media, and do not need too much working capital. However, Netnet World is different. They have many departments and businesses, and they need a lot of working capital. Much more than other peers. Without financial support, each department cannot operate at all. If a large amount of working capital is allocated to compete, if it fails, all departments may be paralyzed. In that case, it will be simply devastating for the company. Sexual assault has disastrous consequences. Not only was "West China News" confused after reading the quotation from all over the world, but all colleagues could not understand it either.

This competition is just a game of fighting for money, but when it comes to fighting for money, Networld has never lost to any of its peers. Compared with other media, Networld is a real rich man, and it is also inhumane. kind.

In order to win over the world, not only "West China News", but also every media company participating in the competition has raised their budgets a lot, especially the first-tier media companies that are determined to win, and they are risking their lives, but No one expected that the "younger brothers" spent all their belongings and took huge risks. As a result, the "big brother who took the lead" said he didn't want to play anymore, which directly screwed those younger brothers.

Yes, looking at the quotation of Networld, it is obvious that he withdrew on purpose, because everyone knows that it is impossible for 2.6 billion to get exclusive interview rights. You know, the first-tier media companies, except Networld, other It hasn’t emerged yet.

Now that the troublemaker of the world has withdrawn, the competitive atmosphere has become much more relaxed. I believe that the final bidding price will be much cheaper than previously expected. But the problem is that in order not to miss the bidding, every media company has already quoted its price. The upload was successful, but it does not appear on the screen now because the official sorted it by price. Those with high bids have not yet appeared. However, it is too late to lower the price at this time. They can only follow their previous budget standards. If you bid, you won't be able to save money.

This damn trap is all over the world, it’s so damn deceptive.

At this moment, Wangluo Tianxia Company was cursed by many of its peers.

This move of snaring the world is indeed a bit deceptive, but in fact, they have no choice.

The Wanluo Tianxia Company is indeed a big tycoon, but this so-called tycoon is only compared with those of its peers. Their company is strong, but their stalls are much larger than other peers. Every branch is busy every moment. Even if they are burning money, they will not have much liquidity on their books.

Although it has more liquidity than its peers, it is simply impossible to successfully bid with that little liquidity.

If they were given some time to prepare, they would really have enough money to search the world, but the preparation time was less than a day. Where could they raise so much cash in such a short period of time?

Pull sponsorship?

Yes, other peers do the same thing, but the operating model of Wangluo Tianxia is completely different from other peers. Their company

The advertising inspiration of the company is very high, even several times or even ten times higher than that of other peers. However, unlike other peers who harvest wool from the same sheep, Net World has always won by quantity.

There are seven divisions under Wuluotianxia. These seven divisions include mainstream news, entertainment, sports, current affairs, film and television, live broadcast and many other types. Each type is divided into many sections, and each section has advertising, so , their advertising revenue is high, right? The revenue from all sectors combined is much more than other companies, but when it comes to distinguishing a single individual, there is no advantage at all.

There is a huge disparity in strength between so many departments and so many advertisers. Moreover, the relationship between their company and these advertisers is just a simple cooperation model, but the actual relationship is far worse than that of their established counterparts who have been in business for decades.

In such a short period of time, CEOs from all over the world don't know who to talk to if they want to get sky-high sponsorship fees. They are like a headless fly with no clue at all.

In addition, the shareholding structure of their company is also very different from that of its peers. The reason why Wangluo Tianxia has risen so quickly is because of several financing changes to the shareholding structure. There are only a dozen or so shareholders in their company. With so many shareholders, their opinions are very different. Difficult to unify.

After Network World's CEO decided to participate in the competition, he applied for a board meeting, asked the board of directors to make a decision, and found ways to raise funds.

As a result, the shareholders were not very active at the meeting. Some shareholders believed that this was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but more shareholders believed that the risk was too great. Those veteran peers made it clear that they would fight tooth and nail to get this opportunity. With the attitude of being determined to win, if the investment in the network is small, it is impossible to obtain the exclusive interview rights. If you want to successfully obtain it, you need to invest an astronomical amount. In that case, the risk is too great.

There are many departments in the network, which are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there are many departments and many businesses, and they complement each other and are relatively stable. If one department is not efficient, there are other departments carrying it. Even if an unexpected situation occurs, it will not be too serious. s consequence.

Relatively speaking, their company's disadvantages are also quite obvious. Other media companies only focus on one type of business, news media, and do not need too much working capital. However, Netnet World is different. They have many departments and businesses, and they need a lot of working capital. Much more than other peers. Without financial support, each department cannot operate at all. If a large amount of working capital is allocated to compete, if it fails, all departments may be paralyzed. In that case, it will be simply devastating for the company. Sexual assault has disastrous consequences.

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