A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3294 Why is it too urgent to fry each other?

Boss Bai was so happy that he nodded his head like a chicken before a straw. He accepted Kong Jiaqi's request, so he received Great Wall Technology's offer of 3 billion.

But after the quotation was sent, Lao Bai calmed down instantly. Thinking of the possible consequences, Bai Zirui took a breath and broke out in cold sweat.

Bai Zirui's first thought was not how to remedy the situation, but to turn off the phone decisively. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, Lu Fei would definitely call and question him in less than a minute, although it would not make his brother fall out because of this nonsense. , but it’s okay to be sprayed by Lu Fei, that’s not cool, right?

What's more, Kong Jiaqi is still here, how can I lose my status in front of my girlfriend and give up my boss Bai's face?

Therefore, it is the wisest decision to turn off the phone decisively at this moment to avoid its sharp edges. As for the future, let’s talk about it later!

The sudden appearance and then rapid disappearance of Great Wall Technology was just a small episode in tonight's bidding. Those media companies were very angry at first, but after Great Wall Technology's bidding was removed from the shelves, everyone was relieved. With the first media Companies are appearing one after another, and tonight's bidding will soon reach its climax. This is the focus of everyone's attention. No one is too full to be angry with someone who is so full of soy sauce.

With the "exit" of Great Wall Technology, their 3 billion bid was naturally invalidated. However, Weibo did not disappoint everyone for too long. After more than ten seconds, the bidding once again exceeded the 3 billion mark.

""Liaoyang News" quoted three billion Shenzhou coins, company registration number"

Once again breaking through the 3 billion mark, the industry was in an uproar again.

"Liaoyang News" was founded in the first year of the Republic of China and has a long history. Before the Internet took off, "Liaoyang News" was the most authoritative media in the three eastern provinces.

Looking at this China, it is definitely in the top five. It is a first-rate media company and deserves its title.

After the Internet took off, the impacted "Liaoyang News" also began to diversify its development. Relying on its absolute position, rich experience, and solid foundation, their company's transformation was quite successful. So far, its market value still exceeds 8 billion Shenzhou coins. What's even more amazing is that because of his rich background and good connections he has accumulated over the years, he can play a decisive role at critical moments.

This incident happened suddenly, but under the call of the "Liaoyang News" company, a large number of powerful sponsor companies immediately responded actively. The offer of three billion was enough to show their strength.

However, at this moment, the people from the "Liaoyang News" company and the sponsors were not happy, because after they quoted the price, they still

Several companies did not show up. By this time, everyone could see that the quotes on the screen were scrolling from low to high, that is to say, the further behind, the higher the quotes.

Their company's quotation of three billion is indeed shocking, but now it seems that their budget is still too cautious. This so-called sky-high price is not enough for them to successfully bid.

Sure enough, before everyone could recover from the shock, a shocking price appeared.

""Live Jiangnan" quoted price of 3.15 billion, company registration number."

A rich man appeared, and he was a very rich man. He suddenly raised the price by 150 million yuan, which was simply inhumane.

Too rich.

Jiangnan is a land of plenty. It has been rich since ancient times and its people have a high quality of life. The sales of media companies are certainly guaranteed.

Today's media companies have been impacted by the Internet. Only those that can survive have gone through several transformations, and they must continue to keep pace with the times in order to adapt to the trend.

The so-called transformation refers to diversified development. In the past, the media almost always reported current affairs and news from various places.

After the transformation, it became even more straightforward. As long as we can guarantee sales and make money, there is almost no bottom line. As long as we are not collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, we can report whatever we want.

The most popular topics nowadays should be sports competitions and entertainment gossip. These two are the guarantee for the profitability of all media companies. In this regard, "Live Gangnam" has done particularly well, and its income is also considerable, ranking among all peers. , "Live Gangnam" is synonymous with the rich. This time, the rich did not disappoint everyone. The family increased the price by 150 million. Everyone who watched it was excited and said the word "exhilarating".

Damn, isn't this more exciting than watching those bloody dramas?

However, the price offered by the rich man is still not the limit tonight.

Immediately afterwards, another rich man appeared.

""Hotspot in Magic City" quoted price of 3.16 billion, company registration number"

A big boss from the Magic City, one of the top three media companies in China, showed up. Although the price was only increased by 10 million, he was actually riding on "Live Jiangnan", covering up the infinite glory of the big tycoon in Jiangnan. It also vividly reflects the careful calculation of people in the magic city.

However, the Jiangnan boss is not happy. Damn it, he didn’t die in the hands of the people from Yangcheng and Tiandu, but he was fucked by the little red guy from the Demon City. It’s so damn frustrating!

At this moment, the Jiangnan boss is quite aggrieved. We are originally from the same roots, so why be too hasty! Boss Bai was so happy that he nodded his head like a chicken before a straw. He accepted Kong Jiaqi's request, so he received Great Wall Technology's offer of 3 billion.

But after the quotation was sent, Lao Bai calmed down instantly. Thinking of the possible consequences, Bai Zirui took a breath and broke out in cold sweat.

Bai Zirui's first thought was not how to remedy the situation, but to turn off the phone decisively. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, Lu Fei would definitely call and question him in less than a minute, although it would not make his brother fall out because of this nonsense. , but it’s okay to be sprayed by Lu Fei, that’s not cool, right?

What's more, Kong Jiaqi is still here, how can I lose my status in front of my girlfriend and give up my boss Bai's face?

Therefore, it is the wisest decision to turn off the phone decisively at this moment to avoid its sharp edges. As for the future, let’s talk about it later!

The sudden appearance and then rapid disappearance of Great Wall Technology was just a small episode in tonight's bidding. Those media companies were very angry at first, but after Great Wall Technology's bidding was removed from the shelves, everyone was relieved. With the first media Companies are appearing one after another, and tonight's bidding will soon reach its climax. This is the focus of everyone's attention. No one is too full to be angry with someone who is so full of soy sauce.

With the "exit" of Great Wall Technology, their 3 billion bid was naturally invalidated. However, Weibo did not disappoint everyone for too long. After more than ten seconds, the bidding once again exceeded the 3 billion mark.

""Liaoyang News" quoted three billion Shenzhou coins, company registration number"

Once again breaking through the 3 billion mark, the industry was in an uproar again.

"Liaoyang News" was founded in the first year of the Republic of China and has a long history. Before the Internet took off, "Liaoyang News" was the most authoritative media in the three eastern provinces.

Looking at this China, it is definitely in the top five. It is a first-rate media company and deserves its title.

After the Internet took off, the impacted "Liaoyang News" also began to diversify its development. Relying on its absolute position, rich experience, and solid foundation, their company's transformation was quite successful. So far, its market value still exceeds 8 billion Shenzhou coins. What's even more amazing is that because of his rich background and good connections he has accumulated over the years, he can play a decisive role at critical moments.

This incident happened suddenly, but under the call of the "Liaoyang News" company, a large number of powerful sponsor companies immediately responded actively. The offer of three billion was enough to show their strength.

However, at this moment, the people from the "Liaoyang News" company and the sponsors were not happy, because after they quoted the price, they still

Several companies did not show up. By this time, everyone could see that the quotes on the screen were scrolling from low to high, that is to say, the further behind, the higher the quotes.

Their company's quotation of three billion is indeed shocking, but now it seems that their budget is still too cautious. This so-called sky-high price is not enough for them to successfully bid.

Sure enough, before everyone could recover from the shock, a shocking price appeared.

""Live Jiangnan" quoted price of 3.15 billion, company registration number."

A rich man appeared, and he was a very rich man. He suddenly raised the price by 150 million yuan, which was simply inhumane.

Too rich.

Jiangnan is a land of plenty. It has been rich since ancient times and its people have a high quality of life. The sales of media companies are certainly guaranteed.

Today's media companies have been impacted by the Internet. Only those that can survive have gone through several transformations, and they must continue to keep pace with the times in order to adapt to the trend.

The so-called transformation refers to diversified development. In the past, the media almost always reported current affairs and news from various places.

After the transformation, it became even more straightforward. As long as we can guarantee sales and make money, there is almost no bottom line. As long as we are not collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, we can report whatever we want.

The most popular topics nowadays should be sports competitions and entertainment gossip. These two are the guarantee for the profitability of all media companies. In this regard, "Live Gangnam" has done particularly well, and its income is also considerable, ranking among all peers. , "Live Gangnam" is synonymous with the rich. This time, the rich did not disappoint everyone. The family increased the price by 150 million. Everyone who watched it was excited and said the word "exhilarating".

Damn, isn't this more exciting than watching those bloody dramas?

However, the price offered by the rich man is still not the limit tonight.

Immediately afterwards, another rich man appeared.

""Hotspot in Magic City" quoted price of 3.16 billion, company registration number"

A big boss from the Magic City, one of the top three media companies in China, showed up. Although the price was only increased by 10 million, he was actually riding on "Live Jiangnan", covering up the infinite glory of the big tycoon in Jiangnan. It also vividly reflects the careful calculation of people in the magic city.

However, the Jiangnan boss is not happy. Damn it, he didn’t die in the hands of the people from Yangcheng and Tiandu, but he was fucked by the little red guy from the Demon City. It’s so damn frustrating!

At this moment, the Jiangnan boss is quite aggrieved. We are originally from the same roots, so why be too hasty!

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