A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3295 The dust has settled

Compared to the people in Magic City who are very calculating, the big guys in Yangcheng are much more bold and unrestrained.

Soon after "Hot Spots in the Magic City", the quotation from "Yangcheng Evening News" shocked everyone again.

Thirty-two billion!

The Yangcheng boss quoted 3.2 billion, which really shocked countless netizens.

However, before everyone could recover from the shock, the super wealthy Yangcheng friendly forces were not willing to be left alone.

"Special Zone News" quoted 3.25 billion, showing the true nature of a rich man.

Although "SAR News" is an upstart in the media industry, it is rich and no established powerhouse dares to underestimate it.

The participation quotation of "Special Zone News" also surprised many colleagues, because although this media has money, its scale, staffing, and experience in participating in large-scale events are still far behind those of older companies.

It is indeed very tempting to win the exclusive right to interview Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou PK, but if you want to fully utilize the energy of this gimmick and obtain maximum benefits, it cannot be done just by having money. This requires a person. A large, professional and experienced team grasps every detail, conducts interviews flexibly according to local conditions, and also requires a large news production team, an experienced public relations team, an advertising team, etc., in order to maximize the benefits. change.

These problems are handled by first-class established media companies with ease, but it is difficult for the "Special Zone News" company to deal with them. Therefore, some colleagues believe that "Special Zone News" should be self-aware and go beyond what they can handle. They will not forcefully participate in the competition. Otherwise, if they really win, not to mention the waste of resources, their company will not have the strength to do well.

As a result, to everyone's surprise, "Special Zone News" couldn't resist the temptation of this gimmick and quoted a sky-high price to participate in the competition.

Of course, it was just an accident among peers, and no one could stop others from competing. The money belonged to others, and they could squander it however they wanted. Having money means being willful, and no one can control it.


There are more than just these first-tier media companies, but that doesn’t mean that every first-tier company is willing to pay a huge price to compete for this exclusive interview right. The quoted price exceeds 3 billion, which is already beyond what most companies can afford. The scope of capabilities, this number, even if they solicit sponsorship, they may not be able to raise all the funds in a short period of time. Therefore, industry insiders believe that if it has not appeared by this point, it will not appear. This uploaded by "Special Zone News" The exciting and sky-high quotation may very well be the final transaction price.

Thinking of eventually being selected by "Special Zone New..."

News" won, many senior colleagues who knew the company were heartbroken and were disappointed with their abilities and the results of the interviews during the PK.

But at this moment, another row of text and numbers jumped out on the screen, and the numbers were bolded and emphasized, making them particularly eye-catching.

[Tiandu "Huaxi Society", quoted price of 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, company registration number]

Below this row of text, there is also a special effect of scattering flowers, and finally the official large-font text announcement.

Warm congratulations to Tiandu's "West China News" for successfully obtaining exclusive interview rights at a price of 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins.

Weibo official thanked "West China News" for its active participation, thanked Mr. Lu Fei for giving us this opportunity, and also thanked all the media companies that participated in the bidding, thanked all the netizens in front of the screen, and wished Mr. Lu Fei and "West China News" Happy cooperation, thank you all! !

At the same time, the official obtained Wang Xinyi's consent and restored the comment function. In an instant, comments started flying, the floors reached the sky, and netizens became completely excited.

At the same time that the "West China News" quotation appeared, the entire Chinese media world was in a state of excitement.

""West China News" took action. They won Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights. Oh my god, what a surprise."

"Yeah, I thought that either a person from Modu or a person from Yangcheng won the bid, but I didn't expect that the one who had the last laugh turned out to be "West China Society" with 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins. What a big deal!"

"I'm different from you. I guess that "West China News" may participate in the bidding. After all, their company is also one of the media that went to Hong Kong to interview Lu Fei. Moreover, "West China News" has rich experience, of course they can see it. , this opportunity is likely to bring huge benefits. However, the 3.5 billion quotation from "West China News" still shocked me. It is so inhumane to increase the price so much at once. Is it necessary to be so arrogant? ?”

"Nonsense, how unethical this bidding organized by Lu Fei is. You don't know. Each company is only given one chance, and it is announced uniformly on Weibo. It catches everyone off guard. Those who really want to win the interview rights In order to prevent failure, the company can only quote a price at a premium of 10% or 20% based on the budget.

The most ridiculous thing is that you don’t have any reference for your quotation, you can only rely on your feelings. You never know how much your opponent will bid. What if your opponent gets upset? If you want to be determined to win, you have to pay a premium again on the original basis. Do the math. , the final quotation will be horribly high. Facts have proved that the advantage of "West China News"'s quotation is not particularly obvious. Compared with the SAR people, it is only 250 million higher. If the SAR people were more ruthless, " West China News Agency's offer may not necessarily bring the last laugh. "Compared to the people in Modu who are very calculating, the big guys in Yangcheng are much more bold and unrestrained.

Soon after "Hot Spots in the Magic City", the quotation from "Yangcheng Evening News" shocked everyone again.

Thirty-two billion!

The Yangcheng boss quoted 3.2 billion, which really shocked countless netizens.

However, before everyone could recover from the shock, the super wealthy Yangcheng friendly forces were not willing to be left alone. .??.

"Special Zone News" quoted 3.25 billion, showing the true nature of a rich man.

Although "SAR News" is an upstart in the media industry, it is rich and no established powerhouse dares to underestimate it.

The participation quotation of "Special Zone News" also surprised many colleagues, because although this media has money, its scale, staffing, and experience in participating in large-scale events are still far behind those of older companies.

It is indeed very tempting to win the exclusive right to interview Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou PK, but if you want to fully utilize the energy of this gimmick and obtain maximum benefits, it cannot be done just by having money. This requires a person. A large, professional and experienced team grasps every detail, conducts interviews flexibly according to local conditions, and also requires a large news production team, an experienced public relations team, an advertising team, etc., in order to maximize the benefits. change.

These problems are handled by first-class established media companies with ease, but it is difficult for the "Special Zone News" company to deal with them. Therefore, some colleagues believe that "Special Zone News" should be self-aware and go beyond what they can handle. They will not forcefully participate in the competition. Otherwise, if they really win, not to mention the waste of resources, their company will not have the strength to do well.

As a result, to everyone's surprise, "Special Zone News" couldn't resist the temptation of this gimmick and quoted a sky-high price to participate in the competition.

Of course, it was just an accident among peers, and no one could stop others from competing. The money belonged to others, and they could squander it however they wanted. Having money means being willful, and no one can control it.


There are more than just these first-tier media companies, but that doesn’t mean that every first-tier company is willing to pay a huge price to compete for this exclusive interview right. The quoted price exceeds 3 billion, which is already beyond what most companies can afford. The scope of capabilities, this number, even if they solicit sponsorship, they may not be able to raise all the funds in a short period of time. Therefore, industry insiders believe that if it has not appeared by this point, it will not appear. This uploaded by "Special Zone News" The exciting and sky-high quotation may very well be the final transaction price.

Thinking of eventually being selected by "Special Zone New..."

News" won, many senior colleagues who knew the company were heartbroken and were disappointed with their abilities and the results of the interviews during the PK.

But at this moment, another row of text and numbers jumped out on the screen, and the numbers were bolded and emphasized, making them particularly eye-catching.

[Tiandu "Huaxi Society", quoted price of 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, company registration number]

Below this row of text, there is also a special effect of scattering flowers, and finally the official large-font text announcement.

Warm congratulations to Tiandu's "West China News" for successfully obtaining exclusive interview rights at a price of 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins.

Weibo official thanked "West China News" for its active participation, thanked Mr. Lu Fei for giving us this opportunity, and also thanked all the media companies that participated in the bidding, thanked all the netizens in front of the screen, and wished Mr. Lu Fei and "West China News" Happy cooperation, thank you all! !

At the same time, the official obtained Wang Xinyi's consent and restored the comment function. In an instant, comments started flying, the floors reached the sky, and netizens became completely excited.

At the same time that the "West China News" quotation appeared, the entire Chinese media world was in a state of excitement.

""West China News" took action. They won Lu Fei's exclusive interview rights. Oh my god, what a surprise."

"Yeah, I thought that either a person from Modu or a person from Yangcheng won the bid, but I didn't expect that the one who had the last laugh turned out to be "Huaxi She", with 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, what a big deal!"

"I'm different from you. I guess that "West China News" may participate in the bidding. After all, their company is also one of the media that went to Hong Kong to interview Lu Fei. Moreover, "West China News" has rich experience, of course they can see it. , this opportunity is likely to bring huge benefits. However, the 3.5 billion quoted price of "West China News" still shocked me. It is so inhumane to increase the price so much at once. Is it necessary to be so arrogant? ?”

"Nonsense, how unethical this bidding organized by Lu Fei is. You don't know. Each company is only given one chance, and it is announced uniformly on Weibo. It catches everyone off guard. Those who really want to win the interview rights In order to prevent failure, the company can only quote a price at a premium of 10% or 20% based on the budget.

The most ridiculous thing is that you don’t have any reference for your quotation, you can only rely on your feelings. You never know how much your opponent will bid. What if your opponent gets upset? If you want to be determined to win, you have to pay a premium again on the original basis. Do the math. , the final quotation will be horribly high. Facts have proved that the advantage of "West China News"'s quotation is not particularly obvious. Compared with the SAR people, it is only 250 million higher. If the SAR people were more ruthless, " West China News Agency's offer may not necessarily bring the last laugh. "

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