A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3302 Calm down the anger

The three of Lu Fei's family finished breakfast carefully, went back to see their children, and then went back to the study to drink a pot of tea. At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei called Wang Xinyi and boarded the helicopter.

Hundreds of reporters outside the mountain gate were exhausted and their eyes were blue with hunger. But at this moment, the big dogs inside the gate were "dining". The dogs raised by Lu Fei's family were not eating the dog food that ordinary people feed. , each dog has a dedicated food bowl.

Although the food bowls are not antiques, they are made of high-quality enamel. Moreover, it looks like they are specially customized. Each food bowl has five areas. The first area contains corn, Antarctic shrimp meat, meat floss and other ingredients. The rice balls were the size of fists, and each dog had two.

The second area is vegetable salad, all of which are seasonal fresh vegetables, rich in various vitamins and trace elements.

The other two areas are filled with turkey meat and fruits, and the last area is filled with the freshest buffalo milk today. .??.??

This combination is comprehensive in nutrition, full of fragrance, and attractive in color. The reporters outside kept drooling.

"Lu Fei's dog actually eats this?"

"It's so extravagant. It's even better than our boss's food standard!"

"Tsk, tsk, watching them eat makes me more and more hungry. I'm so greedy."

The reporters were extremely envious. If there weren't too many people around them, they would all want to rush in and "seize the food from the dog's mouth."

It was so fucked up to feel so hungry and to watch a group of big dogs gobble them up. The belief that they had the opportunity to interview Lu Fei supported them to continue to persevere. Otherwise, some people would have been unable to bear it.

But at this moment, there was a violent roar in the sky, and everyone raised their heads in unison, and at the same time they saw a sky-blue helicopter roaring past their heads and speeding away into the distance.

"A plane has taken off. Who is on the plane? It can't be Lu Fei, right?"

One reporter started talking, and the other reporters suddenly realized that there was chaos outside the door.

"Nonsense, that's Lu Fei's private jet, and the person sitting on it must be Lu Fei himself."

"Not necessarily. Lu Fei's family has two helicopters. It is said that sometimes, their chef goes out to buy food in the helicopter, and it may not be Lu Fei."

"This dear friend is right. So many of us have been waiting outside the door for several hours. Why does Mr. Lu Fei want to come out to meet us? There is no way he can leave without saying goodbye."

"Fart, you are all blind, I can see clearly, the person piloting the plane in front is Lu Fei himself, he is too

Tai is still sitting next to him, absolutely right. "

"Yes, yes, I saw it too. The one flying the plane is Lu Fei."

"Does that mean we waited outside for several hours and it was all in vain?"

"It's not just a few hours. I didn't go home last night. My mother-in-law celebrated her 70th birthday yesterday. In order to wait for Mr. Lu to get first-hand information, I didn't go back to pay her birthday. But in the end, even Mr. Lu Fei's We haven’t even met each other in person. If my wife finds out, she will have to divorce me.”

"Hey, we seem to have been tricked by Mr. Lu Fei."

"It doesn't seem like that, it's just like this, ah ah, we have been waiting for so long just to see him, how could he do this!!"

Although the reporters were wary of Lu Fei's status and temper, at this moment, many people couldn't hold back their anger. While yelling, they were full of resentment towards Lu Fei, thinking that Lu Fei had gone too far.

At this moment, a battery car drove over quickly and went straight to the gate. The media in front suddenly became quiet when they saw the people sitting on the battery car. Several reporters hid behind their colleagues and took out their The camera secretly took pictures from the gap.

Although the person who came was not Lu Fei, he was still a big shot. Moreover, it was a big shot who had not shown up for a long time. It was Lu Fei's wife Chen Xiang.

"Hello, Mrs. Lu."

"Good morning, Mr. Chen."

"Hello, Mr. Chen"

The media in the front row greeted Chen Xiang one after another. Those complaining colleagues in the back temporarily gave up complaining when they heard Chen Xiang's name and quickly squeezed in.

Chen Xiang smiled and waved to everyone, signaling for everyone to quiet down, and then said: "Good morning, everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

I would like to apologize to everyone here. My husband was originally planning to come out to meet with you, but something suddenly happened and he needed to handle it personally. Time was tight and he really didn’t have time to be interviewed by you. That’s why I came out to meet you. Everyone apologizes for keeping everyone waiting for so long. I'm sorry to everyone. "

Chen Xiang confessed a few words to Zhang Jianguo, promised to distribute red envelopes to the media later, and chatted with everyone for a while, before saying goodbye and leaving on the grounds of taking care of the children.

The reporters, who were originally angry, dissipated their grievances and anger when Chen Xiang came out to apologize and explain in person.

Regardless of whether what Chen Xiang said is true or not, at the very least, his attitude shows that he is not deliberately teasing everyone. There should be a reason for the incident. What's more, he also gave a red envelope, which is interesting enough. The reporters who were full of grievances, Then he felt relieved. The three of Lu Fei's family finished breakfast carefully, went back to see their children, and then went back to the study to drink a pot of tea. At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei called Wang Xinyi and boarded the helicopter.

Hundreds of reporters outside the mountain gate were exhausted and their eyes were blue with hunger. But at this moment, the big dogs inside the gate were "dining". The dogs raised by Lu Fei's family were not eating the dog food that ordinary people feed. , each dog has a dedicated food bowl.

Although the food bowls are not antiques, they are made of high-quality enamel. Moreover, it looks like they are specially customized. Each food bowl has five areas. The first area contains corn, Antarctic shrimp meat, meat floss and other ingredients. The rice balls were the size of fists, and each dog had two.

The second area is vegetable salad, all of which are seasonal fresh vegetables, rich in various vitamins and trace elements. ??

The other two areas are filled with turkey meat and fruits, and the last area is filled with the freshest buffalo milk today.

This combination is comprehensive in nutrition, full of fragrance, and attractive in color. The reporters outside kept drooling.

"Lu Fei's dog actually eats this?"

"It's so extravagant. It's even better than our boss's food standard!"

"Tsk, tsk, watching them eat makes me more and more hungry. I'm so greedy."

The reporters were extremely envious. If there weren't too many people around them, they would all want to rush in and "seize the food from the dog's mouth."

It was so fucked up to feel so hungry and to watch a group of big dogs gobble them up. The belief that they had the opportunity to interview Lu Fei supported them to continue to persevere. Otherwise, some people would have been unable to bear it.

But at this moment, there was a violent roar in the sky, and everyone raised their heads in unison, and at the same time they saw a sky-blue helicopter roaring past their heads and speeding away into the distance.

"A plane has taken off. Who is on the plane? It can't be Lu Fei, right?"

One reporter started talking, and the other reporters suddenly realized that there was chaos outside the door.

"Nonsense, that's Lu Fei's private jet, and the person sitting on it must be Lu Fei himself."

"Not necessarily. Lu Fei's family has two helicopters. It is said that sometimes, their chef goes out to buy food in the helicopter, and it may not be Lu Fei."

"This dear friend is right. So many of us have been waiting outside the door for several hours. Why does Mr. Lu Fei want to come out to meet us? There is no way he can leave without saying goodbye."

"Fart, you are all blind, I can see clearly, the person piloting the plane in front is Lu Fei himself, he is too

Tai is still sitting next to him, absolutely right. "

"Yes, yes, I saw it too. The one flying the plane is Lu Fei."

"Does that mean we waited outside for several hours and it was all in vain?"

"It's not just a few hours. I didn't go home last night. My mother-in-law celebrated her 70th birthday yesterday. In order to wait for Mr. Lu to get first-hand information, I didn't go back to pay her birthday. But in the end, even Mr. Lu Fei's We haven’t even met each other in person. If my wife finds out, she will have to divorce me.”

"Hey, we seem to have been tricked by Mr. Lu Fei."

"It doesn't seem like that, it's just like this, ah ah, we have been waiting for so long just to see him, how could he do this!!"

Although the reporters were wary of Lu Fei's status and temper, at this moment, many people couldn't hold back their anger. While yelling, they were full of resentment towards Lu Fei, thinking that Lu Fei had gone too far.

At this moment, a battery car drove over quickly and went straight to the gate. The media in front suddenly became quiet when they saw the people sitting on the battery car. Several reporters hid behind their colleagues and took out their The camera secretly took pictures from the gap.

Although the person who came was not Lu Fei, he was still a big shot. Moreover, it was a big shot who had not shown up for a long time. It was Lu Fei's wife Chen Xiang.

"Hello, Mrs. Lu."

"Good morning, Mr. Chen."

"Hello, Mr. Chen"

The media in the front row greeted Chen Xiang one after another. Those complaining colleagues in the back temporarily gave up complaining when they heard Chen Xiang's name and quickly squeezed in.

Chen Xiang smiled and waved to everyone, signaling for everyone to quiet down, and then said: "Good morning, everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

I would like to apologize to everyone here. My husband was originally planning to come out to meet with you, but something suddenly happened and he needed to handle it personally. Time was tight and he really didn’t have time to be interviewed by you. That’s why I came out to meet you. Everyone apologizes for keeping everyone waiting for so long. I'm sorry to everyone. "

Chen Xiang confessed a few words to Zhang Jianguo, promised to distribute red envelopes to the media later, and chatted with everyone for a while, before saying goodbye and leaving on the grounds of taking care of the children.

The reporters, who were originally angry, dissipated their grievances and anger when Chen Xiang came out to apologize and explain in person.

Regardless of whether what Chen Xiang said is true or not, at the very least, his attitude shows that he is not deliberately teasing everyone. There should be a reason for the incident. What's more, he also gave a red envelope, which is interesting enough. The reporters who were full of grievances, Then he felt relieved.

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