A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3303 I’m back

Seeing the change in everyone's expressions, Chen Xiang let out a sigh of relief. She knew that Lu Fei didn't care about the reporters' attitude. With Lu Fei's temper, if anyone dared to slander him for no reason, he would dare to let the company go bankrupt. Although he vented his anger, Chen Xiang thought it was too violent.

Today, Chen Xiang is no longer young. Especially after having children, Chen Xiang sees many things at a much higher level than before. Maybe this is maturity!

Chen Xiang believes that Lu Fei's reputation today has reached an unprecedented height and he also has a very high social status. However, in people's eyes, Lu Fei's reputation is not perfect.

The first thing that bears the brunt is Lu Fei's well-known bad temper. Besides his temper, everyone will recognize Lu Fei's arrogant and arrogant side.

In the eyes of many people, Lu Fei is like a devil. Anyone who offends Lu Fei will not have a good end. Lu Fei's anger will be repaid. Lu Fei's cruelty has left a psychological shadow on many people. Therefore, those who want to see behind the scenes will There are many people who make jokes about Lu Fei and even want to deal with Lu Fei. However, the strength of these people is not at the same level as Lu Fei, so it is difficult to achieve the effect.

However, it is not without special circumstances. The kidnapping of Lu Yong a while ago was a severe warning to Lu Fei and the Lu family. Lu Fei did not tell anyone in his family about this matter, but Chen Xiang still passed it through his own The channel understood some of the situation. At that moment, Chen Xiang was shocked. Even if the matter was resolved, Chen Xiang was still afraid.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet. This time it was targeted at Lu Yong, but next time it may be someone else in the Lu family. It may even not happen to my own daughter in the future.

Chen Xiang couldn't sleep at night when she thought that her children would be missed by caring people. After thinking about it, Chen Xiang felt that it was necessary to help her husband change his image. It was not that he wanted to change Lu Fei's character. She knew Lu Fei too well and wanted to change Lu Fei's image. No one in this world can achieve Fei's character, not even his mother Xiao Tingfang.

Since Lu Fei's character cannot be changed, the best way is to help Lu Fei resolve all kinds of hatred behind his back and find a way so that everyone will not be too embarrassed. In this way, even if others complain, it will not develop into hatred. Over time, it will always be effective.

This time Chen Xiang came out to apologize and explain in person, that’s what he thought. The media waited for Lu Fei for several hours, and some even waited all night. In the end, they didn’t even see Lu Fei. When have these uncrowned kings ever accepted such grievances? , it is inevitable that you will feel resentful.

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