A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3304 What a good person

Lu Fei and his wife walked down the hanging ladder, and the people who were waiting for them below immediately greeted them.

"Brother Fei, sister-in-law."

Wang Hailong smiled and said hello, while Lu Fei locked his eyes on Hailong's protruding belly and marveled.

"Brother Xian, I haven't seen you for a few months. Have you taken hormones?"


Wang Xinyi laughed out loud, thinking to herself, her husband's words must have been a bit embarrassing!

Hai Long shrank his neck and could only smile.

Lu Fei patted Hai Long's shoulder lightly: "You have been following me for the past six months, and I couldn't stop working for half a year. I went to Chang'an to visit the construction site.

Zheng Xiaomei is my sister, and you are his man. I have to be responsible for your health to prevent my little sister from becoming a widow in the future. "

"Pfft, cough!!"

Hai Long's nose was almost crooked with anger. If he were in Bianliang, who would dare to talk to him like this? But the person in front of him was Brother Fei. He could only listen with his face flushed, and he would never dare to talk to Lu Feijuan. Mouth.

"Boss, madam, good afternoon." Luan Yaoguang also came up to express his greetings.

Wang Xinyi had never met Luan Yaoguang, so Lu Fei encouraged him and introduced him to Wang Xinyi. After a few words of greeting, he let the other two "self-acquainted" out.

"Brother Fei, this is Mr. Zhao from "West China News Agency"." Hai Long introduced.

Lu Fei pretended to be surprised and reached out his hand: "Mr. Zhao, hello, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Lu." Seeing Lu Fei take the initiative to shake hands with him, Zhao Likun was inexplicably excited and stretched out his hands to hold Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Zhao, your company has spent so much money this time, don't you blame me, Lu Fei, for speaking out?"

Zhao Likun waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, as Mr. Lu, this amount of money is already a very good deal."

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, you are too polite. Actually, I didn't mean to embarrass anyone this time. The situation is actually a bit special.

In front of Mr. Zhao, I will not be pretentious. You know, my status is somewhat special. There are too many people who want to interview me. If reporters from your company have been to my manor on Hong Kong Island, they should You can understand that there is a large group of paparazzi guarding my door all year round, which makes me tire of it.

This time when I return to Tiandu, the situation is even more special. Countless media are watching me when I come here. If I don't set some rules, I may not be able to move forward. I hope Mr. Zhao can understand. "

Lu Fei's words were not arrogant, but when they came out of Lu Fei's mouth, they were not unreasonable at all, because what they said were all facts and there was no exaggeration at all.

"I understand, we can completely understand." Zhao Likun nodded repeatedly.

"As long as you understand, then I would like to thank Mr. Zhao first!

By the way, I have a request. The airport is a public place, so we don’t need to do interviews here. You can start again while I’m making something, okay? Lu Fei asked.

Lu Fei's attitude towards Zhao Likun was quite casual, even amiable. This was beyond Zhao Likun's expectation. He originally thought that Lu Fei would be difficult to get along with, so he was prepared to be cautious around Lu Fei, walking on thin ice, but he didn't. Zhao Likun was very moved when he thought that the meeting was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Of course, no problem. I will listen to you, Mr. Lu. Our company is just cooperating with the interview. Everything is centered on you."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "You can't say that. You have spent so much money, so I can't let you lose money, right? In this way, when you get to the place, you can take pictures of whatever you want. If you need my cooperation, I will try my best to cooperate, okay?" !”

Zhao Likun was so excited. He was also worried that Lu Fei would hinder him and set up obstacles for him. It seemed that he was overthinking. Not only did he give him the green light, but he also offered to cooperate with him. With such convenient conditions, the company could make money no matter what. It's impossible. Everyone says that Lu Fei has an arrogant personality and is hard to get in touch with. Zhao Likun thinks that people who talk like this must have bad intentions. Look at how easy-going he is and has no airs at all. Such a good person is really a good person in today's society. Not seen much anymore.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your support. I also assure you that we will never affect your work. If we do something wrong, please don't be polite and point it out directly and we will make corrections."

Lu Fei smiled and stretched out his hand: "In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Zhao Likun quickly cooperated with a smile on his face.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I want to remind Mr. Zhao. After all, it is our first time to cooperate. Some things should be settled first and not messed up later.

You have spent so much money, I will definitely cooperate with you and will never set up obstacles for you. However, if it is due to your company's own reasons that it cannot keep up with my pace, I, Lu Fei, will not be responsible for any series of losses caused by this. Yo. "

Lu Fei smiled the whole time when he said this, as if he was joking. Zhao Likun didn't take it seriously at all. Things have come to this point, what else could happen?

Now, Lu Fei is right in front of me. From now on, I will never leave Lu Fei. Our team is all professional and has rich practical experience. If I can’t keep up with your pace, it’s just me. All these years have been in vain.

In this way, the two happily reached a verbal agreement, and both parties expressed "everyone is happy" and expressed great satisfaction. Lu Fei and his wife walked down the hanging ladder, and the people who were waiting for them below immediately greeted them.

"Brother Fei, sister-in-law."

Wang Hailong smiled and said hello, while Lu Fei locked his eyes on Hailong's protruding belly and marveled.

"Brother Xian, I haven't seen you for a few months. Have you taken hormones?"


Wang Xinyi laughed out loud, thinking to herself, her husband's words must have been a bit embarrassing!

Hai Long shrank his neck and could only smile.

Lu Fei patted Hai Long's shoulder lightly: "You have been following me for the past six months, and I couldn't stop working for half a year. I went to Chang'an to visit the construction site.

Zheng Xiaomei is my sister, and you are his man. I have to be responsible for your health to prevent my little sister from becoming a widow in the future. "

"Pfft, cough cough!!"

Hai Long's nose was almost crooked with anger. If he were in Bianliang, who would dare to talk to him like this? But the person in front of him was Brother Fei. He could only listen with his face flushed, and he would never dare to talk to Lu Feijuan. Mouth.

"Boss, madam, good afternoon." Luan Yaoguang also came up to express his greetings.

Wang Xinyi had never met Luan Yaoguang, so Lu Fei encouraged him and introduced him to Wang Xinyi. After a few words of greeting, he let the other two "self-acquainted" out.

"Brother Fei, this is Mr. Zhao from "West China News Agency"." Hai Long introduced.

Lu Fei pretended to be surprised and reached out his hand: "Mr. Zhao, hello, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Lu." Seeing Lu Fei take the initiative to shake hands with him, Zhao Likun was inexplicably excited and stretched out his hands to hold Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Zhao, your company has spent so much money this time, don't you blame me, Lu Fei, for speaking out?"

Zhao Likun waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, as Mr. Lu, this amount of money is already a very good deal."

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, you are too polite. Actually, I didn't mean to embarrass anyone this time. The situation is actually a bit special.

In front of Mr. Zhao, I will not be pretentious. You know, my status is somewhat special. There are too many people who want to interview me. If reporters from your company have been to my manor on Hong Kong Island, they should You can understand that there is a large group of paparazzi guarding my door all year round, which makes me tire of it.

This time when I return to Tiandu, the situation is even more special. Countless media are watching me when I come here. If I don't set some rules, I may not be able to move forward. I hope Mr. Zhao can understand. "

Lu Fei's words were not arrogant, but when they came out of Lu Fei's mouth, they were not unreasonable at all, because what they said were all facts and there was no exaggeration at all.

"I understand, we can completely understand." Zhao Likun nodded repeatedly.

"As long as you understand, then I would like to thank Mr. Zhao first!

By the way, I have a request. The airport is a public place, so we don’t need to do interviews here. You can start again while I’m making something, okay? Lu Fei asked.

Lu Fei's attitude towards Zhao Likun was quite casual, even amiable. This was beyond Zhao Likun's expectation. He originally thought that Lu Fei would be difficult to get along with, so he was prepared to be cautious around Lu Fei, walking on thin ice, but he didn't. Zhao Likun was very moved when he thought that the meeting was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Of course, no problem. I will listen to you, Mr. Lu. Our company is just cooperating with the interview. Everything is centered on you."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "You can't say that. You have spent so much money, so I can't let you lose money, right? In this way, when you get to the place, you can take pictures of whatever you want. If you need my cooperation, I will try my best to cooperate, okay?" !”

Zhao Likun was so excited. He was also worried that Lu Fei would hinder him and set up obstacles for him. It seemed that he was overthinking it. Not only did he give him the green light, but he also offered to cooperate with him. With such convenient conditions, the company could make money no matter what. It's impossible. Everyone says that Lu Fei has an arrogant personality and is hard to get in touch with. Zhao Likun feels that people who talk like this must have bad intentions. Look at how easy-going he is and has no airs at all. Such a good person is really a real person in today's society. Not seen much anymore.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your support. I also assure you that we will never affect your work. If we do something wrong, please don't be polite and point it out directly and we will make corrections."

Lu Fei smiled and stretched out his hand: "In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Zhao Likun quickly cooperated with a smile on his face.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I want to remind Mr. Zhao. After all, it is our first time to cooperate. Some things should be settled first and not messed up later.

You have spent so much money, I will definitely cooperate with you and will never set up obstacles for you. However, if it is due to your company's own reasons that it cannot keep up with my pace, I, Lu Fei, will not be responsible for any series of losses caused by this. Yo. "

Lu Fei smiled the whole time when he said this, as if he was joking. Zhao Likun didn't take it seriously at all. Things have come to this point, what else could happen?

Now, Lu Fei is right in front of me. From now on, I will never leave Lu Fei. Our team is all professional and has rich practical experience. If I can’t keep up with your pace, it’s just me. All these years have been in vain.

In this way, the two happily reached a verbal agreement, and both parties expressed "everyone is happy" and expressed great satisfaction.

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