A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3310 Fang Zi

Fatty Wang rolled his eyes, and a very bad feeling arose spontaneously. He thought that with so many people present, Lu Fei could let him go. Unfortunately, he still underestimated Lu Fei's vengeful character.

Fatty Wang was in a trance. His left wrist had been firmly grasped by Lu Fei. Fatty's face changed drastically. Fu Yuliang's heart felt as if it had been pickled by ten tons of lemons for a whole year. Not to mention how sour it was, Ma Dan. How enviable is this fat guy that he can make Baohuafei take such initiative! !

After being caught by Lu Fei, Fatty's face turned pale in an instant and he was sweating profusely. In that state, he really looked like he was terminally ill and in agony. At least, others did not see that this was Fatty's guilty conscience.

Lu Fei pretended to squint his eyes and check his pulse carefully, and the office suddenly became quiet. I have to say that everyone's quality is still very high.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes and stared at Fatty for two seconds. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a malicious smile, but this smile made Fatty Wang shudder uncontrollably. Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body.

"Fat man, your illness is not serious, but fortunately you met me, I will give you a prescription, you take the medicine according to the prescription, and keep the medicine until your illness is cured."

Lu Fei was extremely serious when he said these words, and his aura of a miracle doctor made Fatty Wang wonder if he was really seriously ill, and his face turned a little pale.

Lu Fei casually picked up the printing paper on his desk, swiped a few dots, and then handed it back to Fatty Wang. The latter tremblingly picked up the "prescription" and took a look, and suddenly felt like countless alpacas were galloping past.

The "prescription" is very detailed, the handwriting is very clear, and the content is very concise. It is just a simple sentence: "You personally paint my house, and the things you scolded me will be ignored. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and kept cursing Lu Fei in his heart. He picked up a pen with a black face and wrote: "I have no money, so kill me!"

Fatty Wang is really anxious. Good guy, Lu Fei's house has several entrances and dozens of houses. All the houses and courtyard walls have to be painted, including all the processes of skinning, sanding, puttying, polishing and painting. All in all, even if a professional construction team is hired, it will take less than three months to complete the work. If you have to complete it by yourself, you will have to work until your hair is raised.

It's okay if you just work, but for such a big project, the money consumed is not enough even if you squeeze the oil out of your bones. This damn rag collector obviously wants to deliberately mess with himself, so special It's wicked.

The scene where the fat man finished writing and pushed it to Lu Fei made all the other old guys confused.

\u003e "What's going on?"

"It's normal for doctors to prescribe prescriptions to patients. What the hell is the patient scribbling on the prescriptions?"

"Could it be that this is the patient giving feedback to the doctor? But even if he gives a good review, it must be after he has recovered."

Several old men looked at each other, and they were all confused. They wanted to go up and have a look for themselves. Thinking of Lu Fei's bad temper, they felt something was wrong, but just looking at it, their curiosity was almost unquenchable!

Lu Fei smiled slightly, picked up the pen again and wrote: "I will pay for it and you will do the work. If you don't do it, don't expect to borrow anything from me in the future."


This sentence hit the fat man's weakness. He didn't care about anything, but he couldn't help Lu Fei's treasures if he didn't lend them to him. The fat man gnashed his teeth with hatred and gasped in anger. In the end, he had to compromise and ruthlessly He glared at Lu Fei and reluctantly put the "prescription" away.

The fat man cursed in his heart, this rag Feidu has become one of the top collectors in China's business world, why is he still so petty, and it's such a big deal, why don't you bully the old man, how can you bear it! !

At the same time, Fatty also understands the truth that in this life, you must never let others catch your weaknesses, otherwise, things will definitely be out of your control.

Lu Fei's treasures are his weakness. If damned Tao Fei hadn't used this to threaten him, I wouldn't have done it. What can you do to me? The worst is that I'll move out. What else can you do?

Not to mention that I won't compromise, I can't even apologize. I scolded you, but I scolded you for nothing. You turtle is so unethical in doing things. You deserve to be scolded, but now... ugh...! !

Seeing the aggrieved look on the plate, Lu Fei felt extremely happy. He stood up and patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder with a smile, and said in a strange tone: "Fat man, you must keep the prescription and treat the disease as soon as possible. The disease will be cured." After that, destroy the prescription immediately. This prescription is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by our Lu family. If it is leaked, you cannot afford to compensate for the loss of our Lu family!"


The fat man's nose was so angry that he couldn't express his emotions at the moment.

But these two people were writing back and forth on the paper, which had aroused the curiosity of the other old guys to the extreme. With the embellishment of Lu Fei's last sentence, they couldn't stand it even more. There were Kong Panqing and Wang Xinyi Now, they couldn't ask Lu Fei directly, but they had decided to ask Fatty what happened. Fatty Wang rolled his eyes, and a very bad feeling arose spontaneously. He thought that with so many people present, Lu Fei could let him go. Unfortunately, he still underestimated Lu Fei's vengeful character.

Fatty Wang was in a trance. His left wrist had been firmly grasped by Lu Fei. Fatty's face changed drastically. Fu Yuliang's heart felt as if it had been pickled by ten tons of lemons for a whole year. Not to mention how sour it was, Ma Dan. How enviable is this fat guy that he can make Baohuafei take such initiative! !

After being caught by Lu Fei, Fatty's face turned pale in an instant and he was sweating profusely. In that state, he really looked like he was terminally ill and in agony. At least, others did not see that this was Fatty's guilty conscience.

Lu Fei pretended to squint his eyes and check his pulse carefully, and the office suddenly became quiet. I have to say that everyone's quality is still very high.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes and stared at Fatty for two seconds. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a malicious smile, but this smile made Fatty Wang shudder uncontrollably. Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body.

"Fat man, your illness is not serious, but fortunately you met me, I will give you a prescription, you take the medicine according to the prescription, and keep the medicine until your illness is cured."

Lu Fei was extremely serious when he said these words, and his aura of a miracle doctor made Fatty Wang wonder if he was really seriously ill, and his face turned a little pale.

Lu Fei casually picked up the printing paper on his desk, swiped a few dots, and then handed it back to Fatty Wang. The latter tremblingly picked up the "prescription" and took a look, and suddenly felt like countless alpacas were galloping past.

The "prescription" is very detailed, the handwriting is very clear, and the content is very concise. It is just a simple sentence: "You personally paint my house, and the things you scolded me will be ignored. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences." ? ?

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and kept cursing Lu Fei in his heart. He picked up a pen with a black face and wrote: "I have no money, so kill me!"

Fatty Wang is really anxious. Good guy, Lu Fei's house has several entrances and dozens of houses. All the houses and courtyard walls have to be painted, including all the processes of skinning, sanding, puttying, polishing and painting. All in all, even if a professional construction team is hired, it will take less than three months to complete the work. If you have to complete it by yourself, you will have to work until your hair is raised.

It's okay if you just work, but for such a big project, the money consumed is not enough even if you squeeze the oil out of your bones. This damn rag collector obviously wants to deliberately mess with himself, so special It's wicked.

The scene where the fat man finished writing and pushed it to Lu Fei made all the other old guys confused.

\u003e "What's going on?"

"It's normal for doctors to prescribe prescriptions to patients. What the hell is the patient scribbling on the prescriptions?"

"Could it be that this is the patient giving feedback to the doctor? But even if he gives a good review, it must be after he has recovered."

Several old men looked at each other in confusion, and they were all confused. They wanted to go over and take a look for themselves. Thinking of Lu Fei's bad temper, they felt something was wrong, but just looking at it, their curiosity was almost unquenchable!

Lu Fei smiled slightly, picked up the pen again and wrote: "I will pay for it and you will do the work. If you don't do it, don't expect to borrow anything from me in the future."


This sentence hit the fat man's weakness. He didn't care about anything, but he couldn't help Lu Fei's treasures if he didn't lend them to him. The fat man gnashed his teeth with hatred and gasped in anger. In the end, he had to compromise and ruthlessly He glared at Lu Fei and reluctantly put the "prescription" away.

The fat man secretly cursed in his heart, this rag Feidu has become one of the top collectors in China's business world, why is he still so petty, and it's such a big deal, why don't you bully the old man, how can you bear it! !

At the same time, Fatty also understands the truth that in this life, you must never let others catch your weaknesses, otherwise, things will definitely be out of your control.

Lu Fei's treasures are his weakness. If damned Tao Fei hadn't used this to threaten him, I wouldn't have done it. What can you do to me? The worst is that I'll move out. What else can you do?

Not to mention that I won't compromise, I can't even apologize. I scolded you, but I scolded you for nothing. You turtle is so unethical in doing things. You deserve to be scolded, but now... ugh...! !

Seeing the aggrieved look on the plate, Lu Fei felt extremely happy. He stood up and patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder with a smile, and said in a strange tone: "Fat man, you must keep the prescription and treat the disease as soon as possible. The disease will be cured." After that, destroy the prescription immediately. This prescription is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by our Lu family. If it is leaked, you cannot afford to compensate for the loss of our Lu family!"


The fat man's nose was so angry that he couldn't express his millions of curses, so he could only express his emotions at this moment with a cold snort of extreme dissatisfaction.

But these two people were writing back and forth on the paper, which had aroused the curiosity of the other old guys to the extreme. With the embellishment of Lu Fei's last sentence, they couldn't stand it even more. There were Kong Panqing and Wang Xinyi Now, they couldn't ask Lu Fei directly, but they had decided to ask Fatty what happened.

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