A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3311 Popular Man Chen Honggang

Everyone felt that something was wrong between Fatty and Lu Fei, but with Wang Xinyi here, it was difficult for anyone to ask. After a while, the finance of the archaeological team arrived at the foundation. Wang Xinyi and Kong Panqing left at the same time. The opportunity finally came, and the old guys rushed in like swarms. Lu Fei and Fatty gathered around, eager to know the answer.

Lu Fei always smiled and said nothing, and Fatty Wang was even more shameless to tell the truth. Even if the old guys tried their best, they still couldn't get what they wanted. They were all scratching their heads and scratching their hearts in anxiety.

Who says gossip is just for women?

Men are equally gossipy, especially old men, who are more gossipy. To put it bluntly, they are all because they are full.

After asking for a while and not getting an answer, everyone had no choice but to give up. Then, Zhang Yanhe and others asked Lu Fei what items he was going to prepare tomorrow. This was more attractive than the fat man's recipe.

Zhang Yanhe, Gong Xiuliang and others all witnessed how powerful Zhao Jinzhou's instrument was. They really couldn't imagine what Lu Fei could make to defeat that sophisticated instrument. However, Lu Fei insisted not to spoil it, which made them so anxious that they wanted to curse in the street. There is no way.

They understood Lu Fei's character. If Lu Fei didn't want to talk, it would be useless for anyone to come. In the end, Lu Fei promised them to stay with him tomorrow, and the old guys' depressed mood was relieved a little.

After the joke, Guan Haishan cleared his throat and became serious. Xiangxiang told Lu Fei in detail everything he knew about Zhao Jinzhou's instrument and the attitude of the leaders above.

In fact, Lu Fei understood almost all these, but he still listened carefully to Guan Haishan's explanation. Regardless of Lu Fei's strong personality, in fact, he was more careful than anyone else. Of course I won't refuse.

After Guan Haishan finished speaking, Fatty Wang and others added more. By the time Wang Xinyi came back from finishing his work, it was already two hours later. Guan Haishan invited Lu Fei to have dinner at home. Lu Fei said he had something to refuse and decided to set the departure time for tomorrow. Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi left first.

Lu Fei indeed has something to do. Fatty Wang has solved it, but there is also Bai Zirui. Last night, that guy came out to cause trouble, and then the phone was turned off directly. It has not been turned on until now. Lu Fei and the two went straight to Lao Bai's company. But he didn't see anyone. Lu Fei didn't give up and went directly to Bai's house. He still didn't see anyone. However, he learned from his cousin Lao Bai that Bai Zirui went to Spain with Kong Jiaqi to travel early this morning. The phone was turned off. , estimated to be flying in the sky right now.

Lu Fei snorted coldly: "I'll see how long you can avoid me."

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