Under the spotlight, two employees opened the rear door and jumped in.

"It's coming, it's finally coming."

Fatty Wang and the old guys kept rubbing their hands together in excitement, and Zhao Jinzhou couldn't help but take a few steps forward. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the trunk door, as if they were expecting a unique treasure, and their eyes were glowing blue.

Under everyone's expectations, two employees finally launched a huge object.

It was a steel shelf with a big red and white thing fixed on it. This thing was hung up and fixed on the shelf. It was one meter eight in height. It had four legs, two horns, and no skin. The biggest feature of this object was that The whole body exudes a strong aroma, which includes onions, peppers, peppercorns, lemons, celery, coriander and other mixed flavors, making people salivate.

There were many connoisseurs present. When everyone took a look at it, they couldn't help but gasp. This treasure turned out to be a whole marinated cow.


After seeing this thing clearly, all the saliva that the old guys had just brewed from the aroma spurted out. .??.??


"Depend on!!"

"His uncle."

"Why the hell was I expecting some earth-shattering porcelain blank, but in the end, I got a cow?"

"Damn, my neck is so stretched out that it's stiff. Is this what Ragged Flying Turtle Sun wants to show me?"

"Damn it, what the hell is this rag-tag Fei going to do!!"

The old guys were cursing, and Zhao Jinzhou and his students were all stunned on the spot. Guan Haishan held his head in his hands and was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He had just been "praising" this bastard Bao Baofei, but he didn't expect this. It's so embarrassing when the goods come out like this.

Guan Haishan covered his face, gritted his teeth and whispered in Lu Fei's ear: "You've been working on it for a long time, and you just gave us this thing?"

Lu Fei nodded: "Yeah, what's wrong, not satisfied?"

"Your uncle!" Guan Haishan finally cursed.

Lu Fei glared and was no longer happy: "Guan Laosan, don't be too harsh. In order to entertain you, I specially flew a whole wagyu beef from the island country. I personally set up an oven to roast the whole cow for you. What else do you want?" How is it?

Including freight, this cow cost me more than 600,000 yuan. You are not satisfied with this. Hey, let me say, are you too corrupt? "


Guan Haishan let go of his hands holding his head, stared at Lu Fei with disbelief, and said for a long time: "Is this an oven you built?"

"Yes, I used to learn it in Fengtian. This is called braised in the earth oven. It is roasted and then braised. The effect is amazing." Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan's eyes were filled with tears: "Well, I just asked you if it was too late."

"I told you, it's totally in time. The beef I brought here is two-year-old wagyu. The meat is tender and tender. It can be matured after two hours of roasting. It will definitely not delay the completion of the meal!"


Guan Haishan felt like he was going to vomit blood, split, completely split, and couldn't survive.

"It's broken, it's your uncle's. After working on it for a long time, you turned it into an oven instead of a porcelain kiln!"

Lu Fei looked stunned: "When did I say I wanted to build a porcelain kiln?

This place doesn't even have porcelain clay. What's the use of my porcelain kiln? "

Guan Haishan looked constipated: "We thought... Alas!"

Lu Fei sneered: "That's what you think, I never said that."

"Okay, maybe we got it wrong, but we've been working hard all day. When are you going to do that?"

Lu Fei curled his lips disdainfully: "That's easy, easy to do."

Lu Fei said and took action. He found an ax and climbed up the cannery wall under the watchful eyes of everyone. Outside the courtyard wall, many jujube trees were planted along the outer wall. These jujube trees were as thick as thighs. , each one was four or five meters high. Lu Fei stood on the wall of the courtyard, selected a branch as thick as an arm, swung the ax a few times to chop off the branch, and then skillfully trimmed the small branches. After a while, there was only a piece of jujube wood about twenty centimeters thick with the bark removed. This piece of jujube wood was round and straight, resembling a rolling pin.

Lu Fei came down, threw away his ax, carried the jujube branch and went straight to Zhao Jinzhou, gestured with a smile and said, "Do you know what kind of tree this is?"

Zhao Jinzhou grinned and thought to himself, who are you looking down on? If I couldn't even recognize the jujube tree, my decades of life would have been in vain. Lu Fei, this guy is really looking down on himself! Feeling despised by Lu Fei, Zhao Jinzhou wanted to fight back, but Lu Fei didn't give him a chance.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't know what kind of tree this is, you just need to remember what this branch looks like."

"I" Zhao Jinzhou almost suffered internal injuries from anger.

Lu Fei waved over an employee and whispered a few words. After a while, the employee returned with half a bucket of hot water.

No one knew what Lu Fei was going to do, but everyone couldn't help but join in.

Lu Fei smiled and handed a branch in his hand to Zhao Jinzhou: "Hold this piece of wood, look at it carefully, and remember its appearance carefully."

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost."

Zhao Jinzhou took the branch with a sullen face and snorted dissatisfiedly, but still followed Lu Fei's words and carefully looked at the branch. Under the spotlight, two employees opened the rear door and jumped in.

"It's coming, it's finally coming."

Fatty Wang and the old guys kept rubbing their hands together in excitement, and Zhao Jinzhou couldn't help but take a few steps forward. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the trunk door, as if they were expecting a unique treasure, and their eyes were glowing blue.

Under everyone's expectations, two employees finally launched a huge object.

It was a steel shelf with a big red and white thing fixed on it. This thing was hung up and fixed on the shelf. It was one meter eight in height. It had four legs, two horns, and no skin. The biggest feature of this object was that The whole body exudes a strong aroma, which includes onions, peppers, peppercorns, lemons, celery, coriander and other mixed flavors, making people salivate.

There were many connoisseurs present. When everyone took a look at it, they couldn't help but gasp. This treasure turned out to be a whole marinated cow.


After seeing this thing clearly, all the saliva that the old guys had just brewed from the aroma spurted out.


"Depend on!!"

"His uncle."

"Why the hell was I expecting some earth-shattering porcelain blank, but in the end, I got a cow?"

"Damn, my neck is so stretched out that it's stiff. Is this what Ragged Flying Turtle Sun wants to show me?"

"Damn it, what the hell is this rag-tag Fei going to do!!"

The old guys were cursing, and Zhao Jinzhou and his students were all stunned on the spot. Guan Haishan held his head in his hands and was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He had just been "praising" this bastard Bao Baofei, but he didn't expect this. It's so embarrassing when the goods come out like this.

Guan Haishan covered his face, gritted his teeth and whispered in Lu Fei's ear: "You've been working on it for a long time, and you just gave us this thing?"

Lu Fei nodded: "Yeah, what's wrong, not satisfied?"

"Your uncle!" Guan Haishan finally cursed.

Lu Fei glared and was no longer happy: "Guan Laosan, don't be too harsh. In order to entertain you, I specially flew a whole wagyu beef from the island country. I personally set up an oven to roast the whole cow for you. What else do you want?" How is it?

Including freight, this cow cost me more than 600,000 yuan. You are not satisfied with this. Hey, let me say, are you too corrupt? "


Guan Haishan let go of his hands holding his head, stared at Lu Fei with disbelief, and said for a long time: "Is this an oven you built?"

"Yes, I used to learn it in Fengtian. This is called braised in the earth oven. It is roasted and then braised. The effect is amazing." Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan's eyes were filled with tears: "Well, I just asked you if it was too late."

"I told you, it's totally in time. The beef I brought here is two-year-old wagyu. The meat is tender and tender. It can be matured after two hours of roasting. It will definitely not delay the completion of the meal!"


Guan Haishan felt like he was going to vomit blood, split, completely split, and couldn't survive.

"It's broken, it's your uncle's. After working on it for a long time, you turned it into an oven instead of a porcelain kiln!"

Lu Fei looked stunned: "When did I say I wanted to build a porcelain kiln?

This place doesn't even have porcelain clay. What's the use of my porcelain kiln? "

Guan Haishan looked constipated: "We thought... Alas!"

Lu Fei sneered: "That's what you think, I never said that."

"Okay, maybe we got it wrong, but we've been working hard all day. When are you going to do that?"

Lu Fei curled his lips disdainfully: "That's easy, easy to do."

Lu Fei said and took action. He found an ax and climbed up the cannery wall under the watchful eyes of everyone. Outside the courtyard wall, many jujube trees were planted along the outer wall. These jujube trees were as thick as thighs. , each one is four or five meters high. Lu Fei stood on the wall of the courtyard, selected a branch as thick as an arm, swung the ax a few times to chop off the branch, and then skillfully trimmed the small branches. After a while, there was only a 20 centimeter-thick section of jujube wood left in the hand, with the bark removed. This section of jujube wood was round and straight, resembling a rolling pin.

Lu Fei came down, threw away his ax, carried the jujube branch and went straight to Zhao Jinzhou, gestured with a smile and said, "Do you know what kind of tree this is?"

Zhao Jinzhou grinned and thought to himself, who are you looking down on? If I couldn't even recognize the jujube tree, my decades of life would have been in vain. Lu Fei, this guy is really looking down on himself! Feeling despised by Lu Fei, Zhao Jinzhou wanted to fight back, but Lu Fei didn't give him a chance.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't know what kind of tree this is, you just need to remember what this branch looks like."

"I" Zhao Jinzhou almost suffered internal injuries from anger.

Lu Fei waved over an employee and whispered a few words. After a while, the employee returned with half a bucket of hot water.

No one knew what Lu Fei was going to do, but everyone couldn't help but join in.

Lu Fei smiled and handed a branch in his hand to Zhao Jinzhou: "Hold this piece of wood, look at it carefully, and remember its appearance carefully."

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost."

Zhao Jinzhou took the branch with a sullen face and snorted dissatisfiedly, but still followed Lu Fei's words and carefully looked at the branch.

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