A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3329 A branch

Although I don't know what Lu Fei is up to, in order to avoid being deceived by Lu Fei, it is better to be cautious at all times.

As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they are all top elites. Although he has been embarrassed by the media recently, he has to admit that Zhao Jinzhou is indeed outstanding. This jujube tree is not big individually, but it has various There were more than twenty spots, lines, and marks left by Lu Fei's ax when he peeled the skin. Zhao Jinzhou turned the branch in his hands. He knew almost all the marks on it. If someone tried to steal the tree, he would definitely escape. But his eyes.

At this time, Lu Fei took out a palm-sized newspaper bag that had been prepared in advance from his pocket, and slowly opened it. What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was fine orange-yellow powder. Under the witness of everyone, Lu Fei Pour the powder into the hot water bucket. Soon, the bucket turns into an orange-yellow liquid. Everyone sniffs hard, and a fruity aroma wafts out.

This kind of fruity aroma is very strange, like the smell of apples, orange juice, and even some people think it is like the aroma of peach. In addition to the fruity aroma, there is also a slight fishy smell. So many kinds of flavors are mixed together, and it is impossible to No one can tell the difference.

The old guys were full of curiosity, and their eyes were glowing green. They had seen similar scenes more than once. Lu Fei equipped them with rust removal, sizing, distressing, antioxidant protection agents, etc. One kind, the effect is amazing. Once, the archaeological team did not hesitate to get Lu Fei's protective agent at any cost, but in the end they failed to get it. But no one can deny that Lu Fei's product must be a super high-quality product. .

Today, a similar plot happened again. After smelling the smell and looking at the color of the water, all the old guys' eyes were fixed on the newspaper in Lu Fei's hand.

Although the orange-yellow powder has fallen down, there will definitely be residue on the newspaper. If you take that newspaper back and find someone to study it, you might get some unexpected surprises!

As for the function of these powders, it doesn't matter at the moment. The important thing is to get the newspaper first.

Guan Haishan cleared his throat and was about to ask Lu Fei for it, but saw Lu Fei take out a lighter and light the newspaper directly.


"Tatters fly, show mercy!!"


The destruction of corpses and traces of them with one hand made a group of old guys feel very distressed.

They understand Lu Fei, and Lu Fei also understands them. Lu Fei knows very well what they are thinking, so he might as well not give it to him if he is burned.

Let's leave a little chance.

"Hey, this thing belongs to me, I don't even feel bad about it, what are you calling for?"

Lu Fei felt very proud in his heart. In fact, his expression was even more arrogant at the moment. It had been a long time since he had teased these old guys. Once upon a time, when Lu Fei faced them, he liked to quarrel with the scholars and make them helpless. Lu Fei felt particularly happy after saying the right thing.

Later, after the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, there were fewer such opportunities, and he missed this very much.

"Bao Bao Fei, what are you doing with your face this time?"

"Is it distressed or starched?"

The old guys surrounded Lu Fei and kept asking questions. Although Zhao Jinzhou didn't know the skill, he still got a rough idea. It seemed that this willow branch should be what Lu Fei used to deal with him. However, it was necessary to let that piece of willow branch be used against him. Cutting willow branches became extraordinary. The key was the bucket of water prepared by Lu Fei's powder.

Distressing and starching are all professional terms, but they are not difficult to understand. Seeing how nervous Guan Haishan and the others are, it seems that Lu Fei is very good at this method. However, Zhao Jinzhou sneered.

The composition of trees is much simpler than that of porcelain and iron. No matter how hard Lu Fei tries, it cannot change the fact that it is still a tree in the end. It is a joke for Lu Fei to make a fuss about the appearance of branches. My instrument can analyze the internal components of trees. No matter how much you mess with the molecular structure, it will never change. There is absolutely no problem in handling it with your own instrument.

Thinking of this, the last bit of pressure in Zhao Jinzhou's heart was relieved. I will definitely win this competition. The only regret is...

Zhao Jinzhou looked around, but still didn't see the two media cars. He didn't care about the media before, and even hated it. Without the media following him, he felt more relaxed. But now that he is sure of victory, Zhao Jinzhou hopes that the media will be present. Now, some media witnessed the whole process of Lu Fei's failure, and reported and exaggerated it, making Lu Fei embarrassed, and he felt even more happy.

By the way, what was going on with those two cars? How could they be lost after following them? It was so amateurish!

On the other side, Lu Fei successfully aroused the interest of the veterans, but did not give them any substantive answers. They made them scream and curse in anger, but Lu Fei was extremely happy.

After squeezing out of the encirclement, Lu Fei came to Zhao Jinzhou, pointed at the bucket and said: "From now on, you'd better send someone to keep an eye on the bucket. With so many people watching, don't say that I, Lu Fei, slipped the bag. This pot I won't recite it." Although I don't know what Lu Fei is up to, in order to avoid being deceived by Lu Fei, it is better to be cautious at all times.

As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they are all top elites. Although he has been embarrassed by the media recently, he has to admit that Zhao Jinzhou is indeed outstanding. This jujube tree is not big individually, but it has various There were more than twenty spots, lines, and marks left by Lu Fei's ax when he peeled the skin. Zhao Jinzhou turned the branch in his hands. He knew almost all the marks on it. If someone tried to steal the tree, he would definitely escape. But his eyes.

At this time, Lu Fei took out a palm-sized newspaper bag that had been prepared in advance from his pocket, and slowly opened it. What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was fine orange-yellow powder. Under the witness of everyone, Lu Fei Pour the powder into the hot water bucket. Soon, the bucket turns into an orange-yellow liquid. Everyone sniffs hard, and a fruity aroma wafts out.

This kind of fruity aroma is very strange, like the smell of apples, orange juice, and even some people think it is like the aroma of peach. In addition to the fruity aroma, there is also a slight fishy smell. So many kinds of flavors are mixed together, and it is impossible to No one can tell the difference.

The old guys were full of curiosity, and their eyes were glowing green. They had seen similar scenes more than once. Lu Fei equipped them with rust removal, sizing, distressing, antioxidant protection agents, etc. One kind, the effect is amazing. Once, the archaeological team did not hesitate to get Lu Fei's protective agent at any cost, but in the end they failed to get it. But no one can deny that Lu Fei's product must be a super high-quality product. .

Today, a similar plot happened again. After smelling the smell and looking at the color of the water, all the old guys' eyes were fixed on the newspaper in Lu Fei's hand.

Although the orange-yellow powder has fallen down, there will definitely be residue on the newspaper. If you take that newspaper back and find someone to study it, you might get some unexpected surprises!

As for the function of these powders, it doesn't matter at the moment. The important thing is to get the newspaper first.

Guan Haishan cleared his throat and was about to ask Lu Fei for it, but saw Lu Fei take out a lighter and light the newspaper directly.


"Tatters fly, show mercy!!"


The destruction of corpses and traces of them with one hand made a group of old guys feel very distressed.

They understand Lu Fei, and Lu Fei also understands them. Lu Fei knows very well what they are thinking, so he might as well not give it to him if he is burned.

Let's leave a little chance.

"Hey, this thing belongs to me, I don't even feel bad about it, what are you calling for?"

Lu Fei felt very proud in his heart. In fact, his expression was even more arrogant at the moment. It had been a long time since he had teased these old guys. Once upon a time, when Lu Fei faced them, he liked to quarrel with the scholars and make them helpless. Lu Fei felt particularly happy after saying the right thing.

Later, after the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, there were fewer such opportunities, and he missed this very much.

"Bao Bao Fei, what are you doing with your face this time?"

"Is it distressed or starched?"

The old guys surrounded Lu Fei and kept asking questions. Although Zhao Jinzhou didn't know the skill, he still got a rough idea. It seemed that this willow branch should be what Lu Fei used to deal with him. However, it was necessary to let that piece of willow branch be used against him. Cutting willow branches became extraordinary. The key was the bucket of water prepared by Lu Fei's powder.

Distressing and starching are all professional terms, but they are not difficult to understand. Seeing how nervous Guan Haishan and the others are, it seems that Lu Fei is very good at this method. However, Zhao Jinzhou sneered.

The composition of trees is much simpler than that of porcelain and iron. No matter how hard Lu Fei tries, it cannot change the fact that it is still a tree in the end. It is a joke for Lu Fei to make a fuss about the appearance of branches. My instrument can analyze the internal components of trees. No matter how much you mess with the molecular structure, it will never change. There is absolutely no problem in handling it with your own instrument.

Thinking of this, the last bit of pressure in Zhao Jinzhou's heart was relieved. I will definitely win this competition. The only regret is...

Zhao Jinzhou looked around, but still didn't see the two media cars. He didn't care about the media before, and even hated it. Without the media following him, he felt more relaxed. But now that he is sure of victory, Zhao Jinzhou hopes that the media will be present. Now, some media witnessed the whole process of Lu Fei's failure, and reported and exaggerated it, making Lu Fei embarrassed, and he felt even more happy.

By the way, what was going on with those two cars? How could they be lost after following them? It was so amateurish!

On the other side, Lu Fei successfully aroused the interest of the veterans, but did not give them any substantive answers. They made them scream and curse in anger, but Lu Fei was extremely happy.

After squeezing out of the encirclement, Lu Fei came to Zhao Jinzhou, pointed at the bucket and said: "From now on, you'd better send someone to keep an eye on the bucket. With so many people watching, don't say that I, Lu Fei, slipped the bag. This pot I won’t recite it.”

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