Zhang Yanhe was almost going crazy from the torture of the half bucket of water and the various states of the branches. His old face turned red from holding it back and his saliva sprayed everywhere.

Guan Haishan held his forehead, his old face also felt a little hot. He felt that Zhang Yanhe had lost his mind and was hopeless.

Guan Haishan pulled Zhang Yanhe, picked up a dark branch with his other hand and knocked it lightly on the cement floor. The branch made a metallic sound. When they heard this sound, everyone in the archaeological team immediately understood what was going on. Suddenly, Zhang Yanhe also stopped going crazy and stared straight at the branches.

"Mr. Guan, this thing has become..."

Guan Haishan glared at him fiercely, and Zhang Yanhe swallowed back the second half of his words.

"I'll go, it can still be like this, Baolan Fei, how did you do it, you are simply amazing!"

Zhang Yanhe, who had been angrily scolding Lu Fei just now, suddenly looked at Lu Fei again, his eyes full of admiration. However, Lu Fei ignored him. He felt that Zhang Yanhe was too noisy today, so he should just calm down! ??

The other veterans swarmed around Lu Fei and asked in a low voice: "Bao Bao Fei, what are the ingredients of your potion, can you tell me?"


"Can you tell me what the principle is?"


"Hey, it's boring to be like this, Baoshaifei. It's easy to have no friends, let me tell you."



Everyone in the archaeological team gathered around Lu Fei and tried every means to make excuses. Not far away, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were collectively confused. The people in the archaeological team understood what was going on, but they didn't understand.

A good jujube branch was dyed black after soaking for more than a day. They could accept this, but the branch actually made a metallic sound. This was beyond their knowledge and understanding. Because they didn't understand it, they were more curious. , seeing that Zhang Yanhe was about to reveal the answer to the mystery, they all pricked up their ears, but at the critical moment, Zhang Yanhe stopped talking in the middle of the sentence. It would be too uncomfortable to be neither good nor bad.

What was even more uncomfortable was that they found that the people in the archaeological team seemed to be deliberately avoiding the answer, obviously to guard against them. It was so abominable.

The students all looked at their teacher Zhao Jinzhou, hoping to get answers from the teacher, but the teacher they saw looked even more confused than they did.

Zhao Jinzhou is indeed knowledgeable, but no matter how rich the knowledge is, it must have a scope, and archeology

The knowledge of treasure appraisal is exactly his blind spot. In the past eight years or so, in order to study the appraisal instrument set, he has dabbled in some knowledge of archaeological appraisal. However, what he has learned is only superficial, and the knowledge of this special industry The essence is precisely experience. The archaeological team in front of us are all experienced experts. Compared with them, Zhao Jinzhou, who has become a monk halfway, is completely inadequate. Moreover, the little he has learned cannot explain the current state of the branches.

Similarly, Zhao Jinzhou also wanted to know the answer, because seeing the current state of the branches, his bad premonition became stronger. But obviously, it is impossible to know the answer from the archaeological team. After thinking about it, Zhao Jinzhou Gritting his teeth, he came to Lu Fei shamelessly: "Mr. Lu, why did this branch become like this? I just heard that the branch made a sound like metal. What is the principle of this?"

Zhang Yanhe and everyone rolled their eyes without hesitation, despising Zhao Jinzhou in their hearts: "This old guy is also sick, and we can't figure it out. You still want to know what's going on? Isn't this a disease?"

Lu Fei also smiled: "Why did the branch become like this? Of course it was soaked. Wasn't the whole process completed under the supervision of your students?

As for the principle, what I said may not be accurate. Only after you go back and use your professional equipment to identify it can you be sure. "

"Pfft. Hahaha!!!"

The veterans laughed collectively.

Lu Fei's words were indeed a bit damaging, but they did not have such a strong effect. They were just deliberately exaggerating because the archaeological team wanted to see Zhao Jinzhou defeated.

Sure enough, Zhao Jinzhou's face turned ugly, he snorted and walked away.

"Academician Zhao, wait a moment."

Lu Fei stopped Zhao Jinzhou and took out a very ordinary tin box from his bag: "I won't handle this thing anymore. Let your people put the branches into this box, and I will put a lead seal on them. From now on, the branches will I’ll leave it to you for safekeeping. When we get back, we will unpack and pick up the goods on site, and then use the instruments for identification.”

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the veterans nodded in unison and said to themselves: "Bao Bao Fei did a great job. He didn't handle it himself and let Zhao Jinzhou's people take care of the whole process, so that Zhao Jinzhou would not find excuses to shirk when he loses. Lu Fei's approach is useless." It can be blamed, and all Zhao Jinzhou's escape routes were blocked at once. This did not give Zhao Jinzhou any chance to turn around, Bao Bao Fei is still as ruthless as ever!"

However, the premise of everything must be to win the instrument. However, looking at what Lu Fei did, he was obviously very confident, and the veterans of the archaeological team were even more relieved. Zhang Yanhe was almost going crazy from the torture of the half bucket of water and the various states of the branches. His old face turned red from holding it back and his saliva sprayed everywhere.

Guan Haishan held his forehead, his old face also felt a little hot. He felt that Zhang Yanhe had lost his mind and was hopeless.

Guan Haishan pulled Zhang Yanhe, picked up a dark branch with his other hand and knocked it lightly on the cement floor. The branch made a metallic sound. When they heard this sound, everyone in the archaeological team immediately understood what was going on. Suddenly, Zhang Yanhe also stopped going crazy and stared straight at the branches.

"Mr. Guan, this thing has become..."

Guan Haishan glared at him fiercely, and Zhang Yanhe swallowed back the second half of his words.

"I'll go, it can still be like this, Baolan Fei, how did you do it, you are simply amazing!"

Zhang Yanhe, who had been angrily scolding Lu Fei just now, suddenly looked at Lu Fei again, his eyes full of admiration. However, Lu Fei ignored him. He felt that Zhang Yanhe was too noisy today, so he should just calm down!

The other veterans swarmed around Lu Fei and asked in a low voice: "Bao Bao Fei, what are the ingredients of your potion, can you tell me?"


"Can you tell me what the principle is?"


"Hey, it's boring to be like this, Baoshaifei. It's easy to have no friends, let me tell you."



Everyone in the archaeological team gathered around Lu Fei and tried every means to make excuses. Not far away, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were collectively confused. The people in the archaeological team understood what was going on, but they didn't understand.

A good jujube branch was dyed black after soaking for more than a day. They could accept this, but the branch actually made a metallic sound. This was beyond their knowledge and understanding. Because they didn't understand it, they were more curious. , seeing that Zhang Yanhe was about to reveal the answer to the mystery, they all pricked up their ears, but at the critical moment, Zhang Yanhe stopped talking in the middle of the sentence. It would be too uncomfortable to be neither good nor bad.

What was even more uncomfortable was that they found that the people in the archaeological team seemed to be deliberately avoiding the answer, obviously to guard against them. It was so abominable.

The students all looked at their teacher Zhao Jinzhou, hoping to get answers from the teacher, but the teacher they saw looked even more confused than they did.

Zhao Jinzhou is indeed knowledgeable, but no matter how rich the knowledge is, it must have a scope, and archeology

The knowledge of treasure appraisal and treasure appraisal is exactly his blind spot. In the past eight years or so, in order to study the appraisal instrument set, he has dabbled in some knowledge of archaeological appraisal. However, what he has learned is only superficial, and the knowledge of this special industry The essence is precisely experience. The archaeological team in front of us are all experienced experts. Compared with them, Zhao Jinzhou, who has become a monk halfway, is completely inadequate. Moreover, the little he has learned cannot explain the current state of the branches.

Similarly, Zhao Jinzhou also wanted to know the answer, because seeing the current state of the branches, his bad premonition became stronger. But obviously, it is impossible to know the answer from the archaeological team. After thinking about it, Zhao Jinzhou Gritting his teeth, he came to Lu Fei shamelessly: "Mr. Lu, why did this branch become like this? I just heard that the branch made a sound like metal. What is the principle of this?"

Zhang Yanhe and everyone rolled their eyes without hesitation, despising Zhao Jinzhou in their hearts: "This old guy is also sick, and we can't figure it out. You still want to know what's going on? Isn't this a disease?"

Lu Fei also smiled: "Why did the branch become like this? Of course it was soaked. Wasn't the whole process completed under the supervision of your students?

As for the principle, what I said may not be accurate. Only after you go back and use your professional equipment to identify it can you be sure. "

"Pfft. Hahaha!!!"

The veterans laughed collectively.

Lu Fei's words were indeed a bit damaging, but they did not have such a strong effect. They were just deliberately exaggerating because the archaeological team wanted to see Zhao Jinzhou defeated.

Sure enough, Zhao Jinzhou's face turned ugly, he snorted and walked away.

"Academician Zhao, wait a moment."

Lu Fei stopped Zhao Jinzhou and took out a very ordinary tin box from his bag: "I won't handle this thing anymore. Let your people put the branches into this box, and I will put a lead seal on them. From now on, the branches will I’ll leave it to you for safekeeping. When we get back, we will unpack and pick up the goods on site, and then use the instruments for identification.”

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the veterans nodded in unison and said to themselves: "Bao Bao Fei did a great job. He didn't handle it himself and let Zhao Jinzhou's people take care of the whole process, so that if Zhao Jinzhou loses, he will find excuses to shirk. Lu Fei's approach is useless." It can be blamed, and all Zhao Jinzhou's escape routes were blocked at once. This did not give Zhao Jinzhou any chance to make a comeback, Bao Bao Fei is still as ruthless as ever!"

However, the premise of everything must be to win the instrument. However, looking at what Lu Fei did, he was obviously very confident, and the veterans of the archaeological team were even more relieved.

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